
Hi guys! I'm back! sorry it took a while for me to upload our chapter 4!T.T

My files got destroyed when my phone decided to leave this life for good! Thankfully i was able to buy a new phone asap and OneDrive saved my ass.T.T

Anyway, I'd like to acknowledge the following friends for supporting this story:

Sara, Guest, Status Inflicted, Dippermabelashly, Heza-Chan24, Hikari0605, PawPawPower, Shika Valdez

THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME AND THIS STORY!T.T I'm actually brewing 2 new stories for you guys but I won't upload them yet since I'm planning to finish this story first before I give you our new babies!:)

Clue: One has got something to do about the Uchiha brothers and our little hinata..:) just thinking about its ending makes me wanna cry..T.T

The other one is about ShikaHina again since they are my fav..:D

Ok that's all!:D

WARNING: English is not my mother tongue. You will definitely encounter grammar errors ahead.

DISCLAIMER: Still not mine.

CHAPTER 4: The Date (Part 1 of 2)

"Like two stars in the depths of the sky
This gravity is just irresistible
We spin around each other, you and I
When I fell for you, I fell into your orbit."
― Justin Wetch, Bending The Universe

The heat from the sun was the thing that woke up Asuma from his deep sleep. He peeked through one half-closed eye that the windows were not only opened, the curtains was even fully parted. He groaned. He so wanted to crawl from the bed to the ground just to reach that damn curtains. He wasn't gonna do that though. It was Kurenai's way of waking him up. An Indication that there was someone who was waiting for him after he comes back from the happy land called rest. At first he was annoyed at her for always doing that every single day, they even faught over who was right. Kakashi heard their argument and sided with him. He even jokingly called Kurenai light-sucker ghoul. That didn't seat well with Kurenai of course. Both he and kakashi roamed around konoha that day with a severe bump on the head. Worst, Kurenai told him that if he could not stand her way of things, he could go a head and throw himself on the Konoha River along with his bag full of clothes. That night the third hokage made fun of him when he begged his Oyaji to let him stay at least for the night in their old house. He promised that he'll get his butt out as soon as the day breaks. That it was just a petty fight between partners. Nothing to worry about. The day came and after that, He stayed for 2 more weeks. He never questioned that damn windows and curtains again. On the more bright side of things, he knew as soon as he stirs from the bed that a delicious scent of food down stairs will coax him to get up. That was Kurenai's second wake up call. He was never a morning person except when he really has to due to missions. Kurenai insisted that since their job wouldn't permit them to always eat together three times a day, they should at least have a meal with each other once a day. That was the deal. What she didn't specify though, that "once a day" meant every breakfast. Asuma could only groan in frustration every morning since then.

A smell of eggs and bacon pervaded the air coming from their door that has been left ajar. Asuma unwillingly sat down on the bed with sheets covering half of his body. Slouching his back, he rubbed away the sleep in his eyes organizing his thoughts for a moment before going down. His brain was only able to put bits and pieces of his memory together. Maybe he had too much alcohol. Wait, was it last night? Or the night before? He was sure with one thing though, he was with Shikamaru. He smirked at the thought of his student and the events of that night.

The Hyuga and The Nara.

So unlikely couple. He and Kakashi talked a lot about their students like two old married couple to their children. They both think it was funny. From their back stories, naughtiness, flaws, weaknesses, strengths, down to their love life, they all dissected it with out shame. Not that the teenagers had a lot of experience on the last department. As a matter of fact they laughed at them behind their backs since none of them still had any encounter with the opposite sex. Having a crush cannot be considered as something special so that was out of the category. But really the shy hyuga and his anbu boy? He never saw that coming. What happened to the undying devotion of the hyuga to naruto? He thought Shikamaru was too lazy to even glance at his own shadow so what happened? Sure they had gotten close these past years to the point that they trained together even with out their teammates. Sometimes, Asuma would even find Hinata with Shikamaru while the lazy-ass was cloud gazing on the meadow or some random rooftop. They would laugh or just innocently sleep there. When Team Asuma and Team Kurenai go out for lunch or dinner, he would find the two of them seating side by side talking or just enjoying the loud mouths of their other teammates. When it was time to go, Shikamaru would excused himself to walk Hinata home. For any person who would see their interaction, it was nothing but a friendly gesture nothing much. That is if you knew them. Hell he would rather throw the accusation of having a relationship with the shadow user to Ino than to Hinata. Ino had the tendency to invade the room of the nara and throw herself all over him which Asuma assumed the two of them secretly had a thing for one another since Shikamaru doesn't seemed bother by Ino's actions. Then there was the case of the brute blond from Suna. Was she called Temari? They all knew her feelings for shikamaru like the back of their hands. Just like Hinata to Naruto BEFORE or Sakura to the Uchiha, Temari was forever in love with the shadow user. The Only difference now was, Shikamaru was with Hinata now. End of the line for those fangirls. Did Shikamaru told him anything? No. Not even when under the influence of booze. The Nara was a tough nut to crack. Unless he wants you to see through the curtains, good luck finding out what you seek. Then how did he know? Let's just say years of being with different women, before he finally got into a serious relationship with Kurenai, helped him find out the truth. He so wanted to laugh right now. Guess he should treat that spiky anbu with another visit to the pub soon. His boy was now dating. No buts there. He knew it. Though he wouldn't force them to come out clean. No. It's still their discretion if they want to share something personal to the people around them. He would respect their privacy by not telling a single soul not even with Kurenai.


Speak of the she-devil.

Kurenai was leaning on the door frame, each of her hands were holding their morning beverage. A hot mug of steaming coffee for Asuma and milk for herself.

"Hey." Asuma smiled at her. His eyes travelled down to her belly. She was wearing his old shirt that was concealing her growing tummy. Her curly hair was pulled into a bun. Even at their age, kurenai never failed to put Y to the word Sex. It only fueled his feelings for her as time goes by.

"I was about to wake you. Glad you had the conscience to do it yourself." She pushed herself from her position to walk to the bed. She handed him his coffee. How she envied Asuma. Tsunade advised her to replace her usual morning drink to milk for pregnant women since it will helped with the growth of the fetus in her womb. When asuma got a hold of this information, he almost bought all the milk she needed in the convenient store nearby. She had to threaten him just to stop him from buying too much.

"And what would you do if I'm still sleeping ha?" he took a long sip from his mug looking mischievously at kurenai. The hot liquid did its everyday job by jolting his insides to life. Now he was in the mood for some teasing.

Kurenai gave him a blank stare then a lopsided smile.

"I'll put you into deep genjutsu. Don't start with me Asuma." Kurenai cocked her brow at him, one hand on her hip. She had no time for his morning plays.

"Oh come on. You're being an old hag-!" A swat on the head shut him down completely.

"Seriously Asuma. What the hell did I tell you going back here drunk? You freakin left your dump all over the place!" Kurenai was now frowning. Saying things right off the bat.

It was her hormones again. Damn it.

Ever since the pregnancy, Kurenai suddenly turned from sunny bunny to raging bull. Asuma was like the red clothe that triggers her anger everyday. At times such as this, he could only concede. He sighed. Told himself to remind Shikamaru later to always use protection for his own good.

"What do you mean-"

"Don't play the ignorant fool. Thank Shikamaru later. He helped me clean up your mess though he was under the influence of alcohol too. Then you slept for more than 24 hours. I had to do all those chores on my own.." blah blah blah blah. Asuma listened like a good boy, drinking his coffee from time to time. He remembered kakashi joked about him being a lap dog of kurenai. That grayhead has never been more right.

Aaarrggg the things you do for love.

Irksome as she was Asuma loved to stare at her, blubbing her mouth like a crazy chicken in labor. Maybe this was why he had fell in love with her. For Asuma, Her flaws are what made her beautiful.

"Are you listening to me? Aaaaccckkkk!" Asuma grabbed her waist and kissed her lips, positioning her on his lap. Sensing that kurenai had somewhat mellowed down by encircling her arms around his neck, Asuma could feel the bottom of the mug she was holding on his nape, he deepen the kiss even more. He started slipping in his hands under her shirt. Even with now a slight bump, her curves was still nice to the touch. Asuma could feel his body heating up. His hands crawled to her bra exploring its hidden gems.

At this point, Kurenai decided to stop his advances. She knew where this is going. As much as she wanted him the way he craved for her, there was something she needed to do today. So she pushed herself away from asuma and got up from the bed. The man was clearly frustrated, murmuring that she was worst than any annoying girls combined. She laughed.

"You're so cute." Finishing up her milk, Kurenai concluded that she loved this side of him the most. She never regretted putting all the girls who tried to steal her man in their right place. He was worth it after all.

"And you are a devil. I was hoping to give the kid a sibling. Then you decided to be a wet blanket all of a sudden." He snatched his forgotten empty mug on the bed. Kurenai only giggled at his comment.

"Yeah laugh all you want. As soon as that kid grows up I'm going to tell him how his mom denied him a sibling."

"You just said "Him". How do you know it's a boy?" Kurenai suddenly in a good mood. Maybe this was her hormones playing bonkers again.

"Because I'll be damned if there will be another you." Glad he was a shinobi for he was abled to dodge the mug that Kurenai hurled at him. Now the dragon was back.

Kurenai wanted to lash at him. It was childish and immature but her hormones was like a whispering devil right now. She knew asuma was only joking but her sensitivity level was being abnormal at the moment. Different emotions clashing inside her, attacking mercilessly her more rational side. So before any of this got out of hand, Kurenai had to get out of the house.

"I got a job to do today." She then stormed out of the room.

Asuma blinked a few times before his brain absorbed her words.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" He grabbed her mug from the bed before he jumped out of it to follow Kurenai. How convenient it must have for the men of the nara clan to have a shadow jutsu at their disposal to be use anytime their women decided to be pain in the ass. He almost jumped from the second floor to 1st when he heard movement in the kitchen. He found her seating on one of the chairs of their dining table putting food on her plate, completely ignoring him. He walked to the sink to dispose their mugs then sat on one of the chairs facing her.

"What do you mean you have a job?" Asuma doesn't know how to tread this thin line. He was actually on the verge of locking up Kurenai if he doesn't like her answer or go straight to the hokage tower. What the hell was tsunade thinking? Kurenai was pregnant!

"It's only for 2 days. Nothing much really." She took a bite of her bacon.

"Are you forgetting something? Just so you know, hello you're about to become a mother." Asuma doesn't liked how it was nothing to her.

"I'm only pregnant, Asuma. I'm not invalid. Tsunade told me that it was ok to take up jobs, mind you not missions, as long as it won't be harmful to the baby. Plus we could save up the money for future needs."

A few more minutes of silence before kurenai sighed.

"Asuma, look, it's nothing dangerous ok? I'll be helping Hinata in the Academy to demonstrate how to use genjutsu and to give assessment to the children. You could visit me later if you want. Bring something delicious for me and hina-chan." She ate up the rest of her food in silence. She knew she'd be hungry again later that's why she asked him to bring her meal plus Asuma needed some assurance from her. Asuma nodded but she could see in his eyes his protest. Kurenai stood up from her chair and brought her plate to the sink. She started washing up the dishes when a hand slid around her waist.

"If those brats give you a hard time, tell me. I'll tie them upside down on the tree." He kissed her cheek. She giggled.

"Their sensei won't like it if you do that. You know how much hina-chan loves kids." She reached for the foam and soap up the utensils.

"Yeah. And I think someone will stop me before i even do that to the brats just to avoid seeing Hinata upset."

"You mean Shino and Kiba? If they find out the reason behind your scheme, I think they will be more like the cheerleaders than to stop you. They are protective you know." She turned to face him. Arms on the sink on both side of her, Asuma was caging her so that she won't get away from him again. As if she would leave anything undone.

"Maybe. Or Maybe, Someone else."

Kurenai gave him a look.

"Who knows." Asuma tried to kiss her but kurenai leaned back.

"Wait a minute. Who are you talking about? Neji?" Kurenai was curious.

"I said who knows. Now get back here and let me kiss you." Asuma leaned in but kurenai just wouldn't budge. She stared at him accusingly.

"You know something. Don't you lie Sarutobi. I know you." She pointed one bubbled finger on him.

Why did he pick a smart woman over a dork again? Remind him please.

"Drop it ok? I know nothing. I'm stupid. I'm a fool. As a matter of fact who am I again? Why are you calling me sarutobi? Who's that?" Kurenai gave him a smack on his bicep before turning around to continue her chore.

"Don't bother. Somehow I'll find it out myself."

"Oh really? Then-" the sound of a paper turning and manly giggled behind them made Kurenai and Asuma froze. There was just one person they knew who had the audacity to invade their private life.

When the hell did he get in their house?

Asuma was the first who turned, followed by Kurenai. There standing near the entry way was no other than the second most perverted person in Konoha. Hatake Kakashi. One hand was holding his ika-ika book to his face, the other one in his pocket. Sensing that the couple was staring daggers at him, Kakashi looked over his book at them.

"Yo. You left your door unlocked again. Please continue your love making. I won't mind." His only visible eye was closed, smiling.

"The hell kakashi! What are you doing here?" Shielding kurenai from the pervert. Since Asuma was tall enough to block the view, Kurenai took a peek on his side.

"Don't you want to finish-"

"Hatake." A warning from Asuma. Kakashi sighed.

"Fine. Tsunade wants us in the Hokage tower. But before I take my leave, Kurenai-" He waited for her to acknowledge. When she did, a hint of dirty looked was obvious in his eye, "Nice Ass." A puff of smoke then he was gone.

Asuma knew Kakashi wasn't joking when he said that. The hatake, for years now, has been complimenting kurenai even in front of Him. He was never jealous of kakashi because the guy was obviously just loved admiring women and doesn't want to be tide down. The cherry on top of the ice cream was that Kurenai never liked kakashi more than just a brother. Their frienship was way stronger than lust. If it were any other person than Kakashi though, Asuma would have gut him before he could even open his mouth.

"One of these days, I would put that man in genjutsu to teach him how to respect women." Kurenai said while they were still staring at the place where the hatake disappeared into thin air.

"Don't forget the torture." Asuma seconded.

"Hai." Kurenai confirmed.

Tsunade furrowed her eyebrows at the head anbu who was reporting about his underlings who haven't returned from their latest mission. It was supposed to be an investigation regarding an alleged hideout of Orochimaru near the border of the leaf village but they never heard from them again.

"They were supposed to be here 3 days ago Hokage-sama. We couldn't even reach them via the secret jutsu only the anbu members knew. Hokage-sama, I have a bad feeling about this. Those three are good at their job. They wouldn't just disappear with out a trace. Unless-"

"Unless, they faced a formidable foe." Tsunade finished for him. Over her entwined fingers she could see, even with his mask on, that her anbu was tensed. She'd been waiting for them to report to her for days now but no anbu of hers appeared yet. Just in time when she was about to call for their supervisor, the man himself asked for her audience.

"Hokage-sama, Can i ask that you deploy another team to investigate this incident? Another thing, here-" He moved forward to handover a folder. "2 rogue shinobis were spotted within the sand boarder. We need to take care of them. But since it's within the suna, we need their permission before we take some action." He returned to his position, hands clasped behind him.

Seriously, her workload keeps on filling up every given second. As soon as she was done with one job, ten will be added on its place. Most of the time she blamed herself for accepting the hokage title then the blame game will be directed to that cheeky Naruto. It was because of that brat that she was in this forsaken place. Him and that loud mouth of his. When was that brat going home anyway? She received a message from Jeriah that the brat was almost ready to return to the village but he never mentioned any specific day. So she tried to savor the remaining peaceful days while naruto was still out. Tsunade knew once that fool was back, chaos will erupt once again.

So much for peaceful days.

She was sure that the first thing Naruto will be asking was about the Uchiha. Tried as her anbu might, but orochimaru was good at hiding his toys. Her latest hope crashed to the ground when her anbus didn't return to her. She wanted to pummel something or someone. Anything actually will do just to release her stress. Maybe when Jeriah comes back with naruto, she'll invite him to spar. It's been a while since the last time she felt his bones on her fists. She missed its crunchiness.

"I'll let you choose who you want to deploy to that hideout just make sure that there's a special tracker with them. Also, I need you to update me from time to time. Understood?" Tsunade wanted to end this as soon as possible to make room for.. More soothing companion.

(*coughs* Alcohol *coughs*)

"Hai Hokage-sama."

She opened her drawer and retrieved a paper with an official konoha symbol on top. She took a pen on its stand thinking what good way to greet their new Kage. She still couldn't quite believe that Gaara was the new leader of Suna though she had to admit that the young redhead was the strongest in that land. He was more than capable to protect his country from any danger than anybody else. It seemed just yesterday when the Jinjuriki and his country tried to concur Konoha under the order of their Kage which happened to be a fake one. Look at Gaara now, He was as miserable as she was. She hoped. She couldn't be the only Kage who was experiencing this hell right now. That wouldn't be fair. Instead of using words, tsunade was tempted to draw her message to at least give Gaara a little headache but passing on her misery to others won't be fit for her title. She gritted her teeth while writing in a hurry. She fucking needs her Sake since she realized that her train of thoughts were turning for a worst. She folded the paper haphazardly, stumped it and extended her hand to give it to the anbu who moved from his place to accept the letter.

"Send that to Suna. As soon as we get their approval, you're ready to go." Her eyes drifted down to the mess on her table.

She remembered that, other than the anbu incident, she also planned to give the result of her "meticulous work" of choosing the newest members of her black ops. Her demons couldn't kept at bay any longer. It really wanted to lash out on someone and she had the perfect first victim in mind.

"And here-" She handed over a folder she got on top of the scattered papers on her table. "New recruits. About time you give our anbu genius a team of his own." The anbu head smirked inside his mask. He bowed to her before finally disappeared from her sight.

If she's going to torment others, might as well start in her own backyard.

Good luck you lazy Nara.

Hinata had a blinding smile plastered on her face while her blush was as intense as ever.

She woke up that morning like any other day in her life and went through the same routine since she was a child.

Rising up, taking a hot shower, prepare something for breakfast if the cook was still in the market which a rare occurrence pack a meal for herself, hanabi and for Neji, then finally go to where she was needed.

You may wondering if She just did what she usually does, what the hell made her so happy? We all knew Hinata was never used to special kind of attention. Most of the time she tried to take away the spot light away from her since attention means shaming her in front of anyone available. She grew up in such a dark time in her clan that made the ex heiress shy away from any unwanted eyes even now when she finally regain her confidence. Bottom line, that's the only kind of attention Hinata knew.

This morning though a few steps away from the gates as she exited her home, she found a person who was not a big fan of mornings, casually leaning on the wall while his head was tilted up to the sky watching the clouds as he usually does. She was stunned to see him there at the same time her heart was doing its erratic beating every time now she sees him.

"Shikamaru-kun, what are you doing here?" She asked. Feeling the eyes of the guard on her back as she walked to shikamaru.

Shikamaru turned his head to her when she stopped on his side and gave her the lopsided smile she was beginning to love. "Good morning too, Troublesome."

Hinata blushed. Was Shikamaru aware of the things his presence alone does to her? Not to mention how charming he was even with out trying.

"Gomen. Good morning Shika-kun. Ahm.. What.. I me-mean were you wa-waiting for someone?" This time her face was on fire. Why was she so suddenly shy around him? Ever since they became close, shikamaru was like her confidence-booster. She was never awkward around him. So what happened? Oh gods! She was like back in the academy again.

"What made you think I'm waiting for someone?" Shikamaru gave her a curious look.


Hinata felt.. a little disappointed. She knew there were so many reasons why the shadow user was there given the nature of his job but there was a tiny voice in her heart that was hoping the reason why her uhm.. bo-boyfriend was there was because of her. She was fidgeting under his stare waiting for her answer. Her old habit unconsciously made her do the finger pointing again. A minute of uneasiness before she decided that she couldn't take it anymore.

"W-Well.. Never mind. Anyway, I ha-have to go to the academy now. See you a-around." She forced a smile and turned her back on him. She briskly walked away from him afraid that her heart might explode. If this wasn't yet a heart attack, she was quite sure she doesn't want to experience the real deal. Biting her lips, she wanted to cry for being lame. Why can't she be more like Ino and sakura when it comes to the person they liked? They were not afraid to face Sasuke and declared their affection for the Uchiha. While She, Hinata, was nothing but a stuttering mess. She wanted to be more close to him than ever; wanted to know the side of shikamaru that he has been keeping from anyone; make memories with him; tell him that she felt the same way towards him by doing sweet things for him like any woman in love. But how will she do that if every time he was around she would be like this? Uhhhrrghhh!

She turned her head from side to side. From a stranger's perspective Hinata looked like she was just enjoying the view but she was just really, in a subtle way, checking out if Shikamaru was still stuck where she left him. A sighed escaped from her lips when she found out that Shikamaru was no longer there. She chose the long road inside the woods going to the academy instead of the main street because she could not just face her students in her state of mind right now. Hinata inhaled the fresh scent of the grass around her as well as the sweet smell of the flowers. The trees are standing tall and proud on their roots. She stared for a moment. She wondered how many strong storms tried to take down these trees yet they held their ground proudly. Sometimes they got uprooted but one of them will always replace the other. They just refused to give up on life. Something stirred inside Hinata. She wanted to be like these magnificent gift from nature. Her anxiety was replaced by determination. She faced a lot worst things in the past, she knew she could handle this just fine. If she really wanted to move forward with Shikamaru, she too had to work for it. She won't promise that she's not going to be weird around him again because deep inside Hinata knew it will take some getting used to but she'd do her best for him. Besides, getting the usually lazy anbu to move just for her was something to be flattered about.

She finally felt good for the first time that morning. She was actually looking forward to see him again. Maybe after her class she could ask him out for some ramen? No. Shikamaru was more into meat. Hmm.. Alright barbeque it is. But how will she ask him?

Shikamaru-kun, Ano.. Ano.. eeeekkk!

Geez! Even inside her head she could not form the right words to ask him out without dying in embarrassment!

No! She shook her head. She was a grown up woman now. She could handle this. She tried once again this time she vocally said it imagining that the spiky anbu was right in front of her.

"Shikamaru-kun," she paused for a moment. Took a deep breath before continuing her little act. "Do you want to eat some barbeque with me?"

She said it without stuttering! Hinata almost danced right there in the middle of the woods. She was happy although she was not quite sure if she still could pull the same confidence when the time comes. It doesn't matter to her really. She just hoped that Shikamaru would accept her invitation.

Her momentary bliss was cut short when a kunai flew past her grazing her forearm in the process. Hinata was moving on instinct. She quickly jumped to the nearest tree to hide herself, activating her byakugan to check her surroundings. Her brain was analyzing what just happened. Was the village under attack? No that would be impossible. A signal would go off if it ever happens. It was also possible that somewhere in the woods there was a training going on and it was a stray kunai but no her byakugan could not detect any-.. Wait.. Hinata's eyes narrowed. There was a person standing on one of the branches of the tree nearby flipping a kunai casually. She knew who this was.


She once again checked the chakra pattern. Not all Byakugan users could see the unique chakra pattern of each individual. It was hidden under the façade of what usually see of the person with a dojutsu like hers. It takes a lot of time and training before a user could unlocked that particular secret of byakugan. Hinata was one of the few. She accidentally unlocked it during one of her hard trainings with the nara along with the ability to see more than the normal distance the byakugan could reach. It was very effective if you want to check if the person was truly the original. Shadows clones don't have them. Even a capable Shinobi could not just replicate it to fool the enemies. So when she confirmed that it was really Shikamaru, Hinata knew what was happening. He was training her. But why now?

Not now, Hinata. You need to focus.

She checked her watch. An hour before the start of the class. They need to finish this fast. Hinata performed the hand signs to produce two clones. When they appeared, she gave two simple instructions. Keep an eye on the enemy. Sharpen your battle instincts. She doesn't have time for more elaborate plan so for now, that would do. Her clones dispersed in different direction while she went straight to the clearing. She would be the bait. Something's telling her that this was not the old Shikamaru when it comes to battle. He would know the original from not. Shikamaru still wasn't moving. She observed that he was careful not to slip out his chakra to avoid giving out what was about to go down. Actually, she couldn't feel anything from him. He was like part of the tree except he was the dead part. There's nothing scarier than an unpredictable enemy. All of a sudden her breathing was labored. She was sweating than normal. She gulped only to find out that her mouth was dry. Her mind was becoming fuzzy. She couldn't move properly. It was like her system was slowly shutting down.

What was happening?

Instead of panicking, she directed her eyes from the nara to her body. She immediately saw the problem. It lies within the damaged vain of the wound made by the kunai a while ago. It was shallow so she just dismissed it like it was nothing. Wrong move on her part. For the first time, Hinata felt really threatened by Shikamaru. She forced her eyes on his direction again. To her shocked, Shikamaru disappeared so fast from her line of vision. She tried to keep up but her eyes were becoming unfocused. If this was a real battle, is this it for her? She remembered Shikamaru's words.

Hinata, if somehow you found yourself unable to use your dojutsu properly, it's very important that you won't let yourself feel helpless. Because you are not. Your eyes are not just your weapon. Remember, a blind man can leave without them. So can you.

No. This was not it for her. Hinata decided to dismiss her clones to save her chakra for later. Though she was striving, Hinata was able to pull out a kunai from the pouch fastened on her leg then positioned herself defensively. As soon as she closed her eyes, everything came in simultaneously. The rough ground beneath her. The sound of the birds while flying away in the distance. The mild blowing of the air from different direction. It all penetrated her. She concentrated even more till her ears were beginning to ring. Her Legs were wobbly. Whatever it was on that kunai that Shikamaru used against her was not only intended to immobilize but to also drain the chakra of the enemy. Yet she still refused to give in. She was not the old Hinata anymore. She will not back down. Her resolve came to fruition. It was a fleeting sound but it was enough.

Found You.

Everything happened so fast the moment she opened her eyes. A strong arm was around her neck giving her windpipe a pressure making her gasped for air, while his other hand was pointing a kunai on her side. On the other hand, second before he reached her, Hinata was able to make a clone. She threw her own kunai to the clone just in time when Shikamaru locked her in a choking grip. Her clone didn't waist the opportunity. She straightway pointed the kunai on his exposed neck giving him a scratch to make her message clearer.

"Good. If you're going to die, make sure to bring down the enemy with you." He said against her temple. Moving his arms from her neck to her waist to give her support. At the corner of her eyes, she saw him pocketed his kunai then it was replaced by a syringe. She was almost drain to ask him anything. The nara, using his mouth, uncapped the offensive object then quickly gave her a shot on her wounded forearm.

By then, Hinata was losing what little strength she had. Her clone vanished due to low supply of chakra. Her legs were very weak. She was just thankful that shikamaru was holding her or else she would collapse. She was still having a hard time getting air into her lungs even if shikamaru already released her neck. She felt sick. Despite though the outcome of their impromptu training, Hinata was grateful. Unlike before, shikamaru didn't hold back this time to test her. It only meant one thing, he trusts her ability to defend herself. She was no longer the weakling that needed care. It made her heart swell knowing what Shikamaru was getting at without saying a word.

"You'll be fine in a few minutes but you need rest." She made a surprise sound when the anbu swept her off the ground to be carried bridal style.

"Academy?" He asked. He was still impassive when he looked at her. Still weak to speak, Hinata just nodded at him. Shikamaru started walking to the direction of the school without saying a word. Even at her state, it didn't miss to her how Shikamaru was holding her firmly against his body. His gesture of course made Hinata blushed profusely. Whatever it was he injected into her system made her senses return to normal, making her aware how solid his built was. Hinata moved her arm, the one in-between her and shikamaru, pretending she was uncomfortable but in truth, she was curious at what she could find. His strong chest and firm abs made her almost gasped at her own discovery.

"Did you like what you felt?" asked Shikamaru. Hinata looked at him for a moment before his question finally dawned on her. Her eyes went big as saucer.

She weakly waved her hand trying to explain, "Shika-kun, ano.. ano.. i-it's n-not that.. watashi.. wa-watashi-"

"Don't worry. We're the same. I like what I'm feeling too." Shikamaru squeezed her a little. Hinata took a sharp intake of breath. Though his eyes were on the road, Shikamaru smirked at her reaction. Every time she discovers something new about Shikamaru, it made herself conscious. How different she was from him. Fortunately, unlike what happened to her before, instead being insecure, she took everything as a challenge to be better. She only had Shikamaru to thank for that. He always made sure to make her feel that she was fine the way she was, that she was enough. Despite how shy she was, Hinata felt like that she deserved this man. She leaned more close to his body to feel his warmth. She knew this is where she belong. Shikamaru brought back that feeling of having a real home. She thought it was lost forever since her mother died until Shikamaru resurrected what was dead. She was feeling alive again thanks to him.

"Hey," She heard him say while engulfed in her own thoughts.


"You do realized why I had to do that to you right?" Hinata blinked at his words. Shikamaru didn't wait for her answer.

"Hinata, always be on guard. You might never know when the enemy would strike." Shikamaru said it as if he was reprimanding a child.

"Hai. Sensei." Her health was returning to normal somehow along with it was her playful side.

Shikamaru stopped from walking to look at her. She was looking back at him, smiling.

"Is that your new term of endearment for me? So not adorable." He wrinkled his nose before moving his feet again. Hinata giggled.

"but you are adorable shika-kun." Words were out of her mouth against her own volition. She slowly sinked in his arms afraid that he might see how red she was.

"Is this the side effect of that antidote? Think I should give you more. It has a good side effect on you." Shikamaru did that lopsided smile again. Hinata had the urge to pull him down, then what? Hinata bit her lip. There were a lot of things she wanted him to know but where to start? Maybe she should start with the simple things. She knew even with out him telling her that shikamaru was waiting for her to move. He was not the kind of person that would force someone to do anything even if it was her. Hinata wanted to show him that she too could offer something on the table for him. She would not waste this chance of having finally call someone her own.

Yes. He was hers.

"We're here." Hinata once again just stared at him.

"Unless, you wanted me to carry you inside the academy. I don't mind." His words finally made her snap out of her reverie though instead jumping out of his arms, hinata stayed.

"D-do you.. w-want to?" Hinata thanked the heavens for not letting her faint right there and then.

Shikamaru couldn't believe what he just heard. Was she serious? He gave Hinata a look that almost made her squirm. He tightened his hold on her.

"Let's go." He started walking to the building.

Hinata understood why shikamaru looked at her as if her mind was still cloudy. She herself couldn't believe what she just said to him though she was proud of how brave she was for saying that to him with out succumbing to death. In factuality, Hinata was just stalling. She wanted to savor this moment with him since she knew how busy both of them are. Once this day was over, he'd go back to his hectic job again. While she, will be busy in the academy as usual. Besides she still doesn't know how to ask him out. She couldn't just let him go with out informing him her plans.

"Wow. This room didn't change much." Shikamaru placed her down. She blinked for the second time that day. How did they get there fast? How did he know this was the right room? She remembered that only a dweeb like her would get lost inside not to mention that every room had the name of the assigned sensei posted just outside the classroom door. She should stop zoning out so much when it comes to this spiky anbu. She sighed.

Since the classroom was still empty, Shikamaru decided to linger a little bit. Memories of his academy days flooded his mind. He approached the table where he and choji used to seat. He touched their names still engraved on the table. They made it the day their gang decided to ditch Iruka sensei which pushed his troublesome mother to her limits. He went to school with a hand printed on both his cheeks the following day. His friends made fun of him especially naruto though instead thanking the heaven for not having a troublesome mother like his, naruto said that he would do anything just to experience the slap coming from a woman who gave birth to you. They laughed at his joke. Shikamaru, however, pitied his friend for the first time. Maybe when naruto gets back he should ask his okasan to hit naruto so that shikamaru could tell him that he's got nothing to worry about since he's not really missing something.

A light tap on his shoulder made him turn his head but didn't see anyone until she spoke.

"Down here." He chuckled at her own joke. He was used to people the same height as he was or taller than him that was why sometimes he forgot how small hinata was which added to her charm.

"Shika-kun, May I?" She was just observing the spiky anbu a moment ago when she remembered that during training she had cut him on his neck. Hinata abruptly went to her table to get her first aid. There were number of things inside her first aid bag just in case her students needed immediate attention since you'll never know when an accident may occurred. She rummaged through the items until she saw what she was looking for.

Shikamaru just nodded his head at her request. He was tall enough that hinata had to stood on her toes just to reach his neck area. She concentrated on applying the band aid on his neck though she could feel his eyes on her. It was really hard especially when his face was just too closed to her own.

"There." She said after she applied the plaster on his skin. Hinata was about to put distance between them when shikamaru boldly grabbed her on her waist towards him. A favorite gesture of his it seemed. Their eyes met.

"You're not done yet." He stated.

"W-what d-do you mean?" She wanted to gulp but that would only show how nervous she was right now. How would she take over when he was doing this to her?!

"You tell me." Very slowly Shikamaru was closing the gap between them.

Hinata was screaming inside her head. She's telling herself not to let shikamaru control everything. She should also do something for him.

He's done enough for you hinata! Now it's your turn!

His face was just an inches away from her. She was now panicking.

Oh kami! What to do! What to do!

Then the timing that she was looking for awhile ago presented itself. "Let's have a date!" She squealed.

Time stood still for them. Shikamaru was leaning down, an inch gap between their faces, looking intimately at her. If it wasn't for the fact that he was really really tempting, hinata wanted to scurry away from him. Hinata was stuck. She was only admiring how luscious his lips are. How pink it was. How his brown eyes twinkled at this moment. He was like a kid that has been presented with the gift he was longing for so long. Hinata was touched at the message his eyes were conveying.

"Can I take you on a date?" She asked properly this time. With out stuttering mind you.

Shikamaru couldn't believe what was happening. Hinata was actually asking him on a date? Did she plan this? When he woke up this morning he didn't expect anything such as this would happened today. Like any other time when he came from a dangerous mission, nightmares about what happened would arouse him from his bed and put him on edge. Usually it lasts the entire day. As troublesome as it was, he knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep that time so he dragged himself out of his room and decided to take a walk bringing with him his training pouch. Somehow during his alone time, unconsciously his feet brought him to one place they all considered as "gates to hell" until he felt her chakra inside the compound. It was instantaneous what happened to him. The moment he felt her, his nerves considerably calmed down. He stayed there for quite awhile just feeling her chakra ignoring the fact that the hyuga guard was eyeing him suspiciously then she came out wearing her gear. He knew right then that she had work. Nothing was planned. Even their training was just a spur of the moment. So what's this? It seemed she finally had the backbone to do this kind of thing. Another reason to be proud of her.

Shikamaru returned to his full height looking down at hinata who was waiting patiently for him.

"I'm not easy you know. You should ask for my parent's permission first." Hinata gave him a playful punched. Her face was redder than a tomato. Shikamaru laughed.

Hinata wanted to take back her offer. Why does he always had to tease her at the moment she was most vulnerable? Shikamaru had no idea how hard it was on her part to say those words with out crossing the after life.

"I-if y-you don't want to then-" Shikamaru cut her off mid sentence.

"When is this?"

Hinata looked at him hesitantly before she answered. "Later. I hope. After my class." She looked down. If he decided to turn her down, at least she would hide her face from him to save what little pride left in her. Time passed by slowly still he didn't answer her. Hinata was beginning to regret-

He released her. The sound of the opening of the window made her looked at its direction. Shikamaru looked outside towards the sky, eyes narrowed then it returned to its usual calm state.

The bell rung signaling that the kids are about to fill up the classroom any moment now. They looked at each other. Hinata opened her mouth first to tell him that he needed to go however shikamaru bit her into it.

"Pick me up around 6. Don't be late." He planted his left foot on the window edge before he spoke again, "and don't forget the flowers." He winked at her before he jumped out of the window.

Hinata left dumbfounded at his hurried exit. Maybe it got something to do with his anbu responsibilities hinata thought. Still, his answer brought smile and extreme blush on Hinata the moment she regained herself from that little episode.

Her students one by one entered the classroom, greeting their sensei a good morning. The once silent classroom was filled again with excited chattering and laughter.

Hinata made an effort to focus on the task at hand acknowledging each of her students as they settled themselves on their seats. Half of her was doing her function as a sensei, the other half, well.. Let's just say, was jumping for joy and restless at the same time. She already had several ideas in her head but had to set aside in the meantime since her class was about to start.

She only hope that her first date wouldn't be, as shikamaru would like to put it, troublesome.


I hope you enjoyed our latest chapter..:)

I'll be uploading the second part next week or earlier so wait for that!:)