Author note: none of the characters are mine, all of these are from their respective owners and creators

Chapter 5

Every Jedi looked concerned after this proposal

"excuse, galactic dance off?" Obi Wan asked

"yep" the girl said

"so, this means that we, dance?" Mace asked

"well of course, you boring mother*ckers that follow one of the reasons the prequels are hated, of course it's because of that

"HOW DO YOU CALLED US?!" Windu got up his seat

"um, Windu, she's kinda right" Mundi said


"well, we are kinda hated by the public" Fisto said, suddenly a car crashed through the window of the room, but fell to the ground "very hated"

"what are you talking about, everyone loves us" Windu said

"F*CK THE JEDI" many voices said from down, or fa little far, considering the flying cars and the height of the Jedi Council

"no, they don't" Anakin said

"we are hated by both our enemies and allies" Obi Wan said

"well then, who goes first?2 the girl said, everyone looked at each other, and decided through rock paper scissors, the loser was Obi Wan "ok, Mr. High Ground goes first"

The Kinect was already inserted, everyone realized that the case of the game said "Star Wars Kinect" which at first made very little sense, until they realized it kinda did since they fought the clone wars in space, since Obi Wan looked very confused as the entire room, since they saw the library of the Jedi temple alongside C3PO and R2D2

"hey, isn't that the Library?" Anakin asked

"yeah, why is it there, ow, yeah I remembered, things related to us, I guess" Ahsoka said

"but I'm more concerned about C3PO, as far as I know, he's always with Pad, I mean senator Amidala, he has rarely appeared in the Jedi temple" Anakin said

Obi Wan was surprised that he could change the settings using his hands, which remember him to The Force way of using and being, he found the option of Galatic dance off, and found various songs, the only one he had was I'm Han solo, which confused him

"is really that the only one, what a downer" Anakin said

"at least we can see Obi Wan move those hips" master Aayla secura said

"prepared for your humiliation?" Grievous said

"oh dear general, more than ready" Obi Wan said with a smirk, following the instructions of selecting the song

They saw a place that for some was a little similar

"hey, that's cloud city" Fisto said

"yeah, apparently so" Obi Wan said

"maybe that's one of the places that hasn't been majorly affected by the war, I think" Mundi said

They saw what it seemed the carbonite chamber (I don't really know how they called it in Empire Strikes Back), where there was many people dancing, including R2 and C3PO, until a man in his Thirties appeared from the ground

"alright, stuff is happening" Fisto said

"no kidding" Secura said

"hey, my commentaries is why you love me"

"ahah" Aayla said

"im sorry, I have to record this" Anakin took a camera and started not only recording, but streaming, the song Im Han Solo started, Obi Wan begun to move, making many of the presents having to hold laughter, especially Anakin and Ahsoka, however, at first Kenobi moved a little awkwardly, since he had to follow the instructions he had in the left side of the screen, but then started to catch the rythim, making everyone burst in laugther

"AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!" Anakin was laughing like a madman, including Ahsoka, Mace thried his best to contain his laughter, Yoda constantly shaked while looking down, Mundi was laughing like a maniac, Fisto couldn't belive the cheesiness of the song, while many Padaws appeared to look since the songs could be heard through the entire Jedi Temple, Dooku questioned his life decisions, Grievous was laughing, Maul as well, Ventress looked interested in Obi Wan hipps, Visla was jelaous of those moves, however, Plo Koon started to fell more concerned about the lyrics, while stile smiling a little bit

I'm feelin' like a star

You can't stop shine

I'm lovin' Cloud City

My head's in the sky

I'm Solo, I'm Han Solo

I'm Han Solo

I'm Han Solo, Solo

Yeah, I'm feelin' good tonight

Finally feelin' free and it feels so right, oh

Time to do the things I like

Gonna see a princess everything's alright, oh

No Jabba to answer to

Ain't a fixture in the palace zoo, no

And since that carbonite's off me

I'm livin' life now that I'm free, yeah

Told me get myself together

Now I got myself together

Now I made it through the weather

Better days are gonna get better

I'm so happy the carbonite is gone

I'm movin' on

I'm so happy that it's over now

The pain is gone

I'm puttin' on my shades

To cover up my eyes

I'm jumpin' in my ride

I'm headin' out tonight

I'm Solo, I'm Han Solo

I'm Han Solo

I'm Han Solo, Solo

I'm pickin' up my blaster

Put it on my side

I'm jumpin' in my Falcon

Wookie at my side

I'm Solo, I'm Han Solo

I'm Han Solo

I'm Han Solo, Solo

"why do I have the feeling this Han Solo is going to be important?" Plo koon asked himself

Now I'm feelin' how I should

Join the Alliance it feels so good, oh

Stop feelin' misunderstood

Back in the game

Who knew I would, oh

So flat

Time I spread my wings

Lovin' myself makes me want to sing, oh

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Told me get my act together

Now I got my act together

Now I made it through the weather

Better days are gonna get better

I'm so happy the carbonite is gone

I'm movin' on

I'm so happy that it's over now

The pain is gone

I'm puttin' on my shades

To cover up my eyes

I'm jumpin' in my ride

I'm headin' out tonight

The mention of an alliance confused many presents in the room

"an alliance?" Plo Koon asked

"as far as I'm concerned, there's only The Republic, the separatist, the trade federation, the Banking clan maybe, but never heard anything of an "Alliance"" Mundi said

"THIS IS SO FUN!" Obi Wan said




"HOLY SH***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************TTTTTTTTTTTT!" Jontron yelled, appearing there for some reason

"AND WHO'S HE?!" Mundi yelled

"HOW DID HE ENTER HERE!" Windu took out his lightsaber

"I'm a very big deal, don't dare challenge me" Jontron said

"yeah right" The girl said

"and you, young girl, you made a very big mistake, now the protectors are gonna come after you and your newly made friends" said Jontron before disappearing

You now, I was thinking about making these the council play the Super Star Wars games, so that they would be in the context of the original trilogy, and then react to the content related to it, as well as Legends novels but the problem is that I don't have them Physically, like Choices of one, that I can't find in the internet

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter and to the next one :D