Author note: none of the characters utilized in this story are mine, all of these are from their respective owners and creators

Chapter one

Anakin an Obi Wan, as usual, where in the middle of a mission to capture General Grievous, alongside was Ahsoka, the trio managed to corner him in one of his separatist ships

"alright Grievous, one last chance to give in to the Republic forces, or else" Obi Wan said, pointing his light saber at the droid general

"hohoho, you really make my sense of humor burn with fire" Grievous said, confusing the Jedi Knights

"ok now, ¿what the hell did you just said?" Anakin asked with a grin

"Ani, please, have some patience with the dear general, as you can see, he's in a very good mood, you know" Obi Wan said

"the motives of both my laughter and happiness aren't exactly for your victory, being more exactly, for your demise" Griveous said with a very small laughter

"¿huh?" the three Jedi Knights were confused, but suddenly a Lightsaber appeared in Grievous foot, he started attacking the group, until Obi Wan had enough and cut his right leg

"alright Grievous, play time is more than over for you, your cause and your so called might and strength" Obi Wan looked at him with a very serious look in his eyes, but the general still looked at him very despreocupied for his state

"ohoho, ¿just because you cut my leg?, please, I thought the Jedi where smarter than this" Grievous said constantly jumping with his one leg

"now what are you talking about?" Anakin said

"you may now that I'm not an individual of easy defeat, you should know by experience, GENERAL KENOBI!" grievous took his lightsaber and attacked Kenobi with hit, several cuts didn't manage to hit him, but then Obi Wan cut his other leg, making the general fall to the ground

"you know what, screw this, we will capture you right away" Obi Wan said, however Grievous started jumping towards an escape pod and escaped the ship flying "WHA THE, ANAKIN, YOU WERE SUPOSSED TO CAPTURE HIM, AHSOKA AS WELL HAD THE SAME OBJECTIVE, SO WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOU TWO?!"


"and it starts" Ahsoka said crossed his arms


"DON'T ORDER ME!" Anakin yelled furiously, suddenly both heard a music that was the Imperial March, but both didn't know what it was "wait, what was that?"

"¡HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" a girl appeared out of knowhere, making Anakin squeak like a 5-year-old girl and jump to Obi Wan arms "IM HERE TO TAKE YOU THREE TO AN ADVENTURE!"

"Please don't kill us or throw us into sand" Anakin said, Obi Wan rolled his eyes

"and this is supposed to be the future Darth Vader, but then again is not like Lucas handled him well either" the girl said

"who's Lucas?" Obi Wan asked

"just come with me please, through this portal" The girl said, a portal appeared out of knowhere, the four went through it