Disclaimers: I own nothing. This is fanfic - no profit, just experience.

Main Characters: The main action follows Jayne and River, but nearly each character has a chapter from their POV.

A/N: Thank you, Pink-Pencil-Girl303! I am new and appreciate your advice on posting.

Chapter 1

Jayne was in a foul mood by the time he broke through the underbrush into the clearing where Serenity waited. It hadn't rained since early morning, but the grey clouds scudding across the sky had kept the sun from drying anything out. He'd spent a couple hours lying in the cold mud, staring through a spotting scope while Mal and Zoe conducted their exchange. Then he'd had a ten-mile hike back to the ship through the damp foliage.

He was cold, wet, and tired. A quick shower, pot of black coffee while he cleaned Vera, and call it a night.

As Jayne thudded into the cargo bay, heavy boots leaving clots of mud in his wake, he could hear the ticking of the mule's cooling engine. He must have made decent time if Mal and Zoe had just gotten back too.

He started up the metal stairs to the dining area when he heard Mal swear down in the infirmary. Foot raised, the urge to turn around and check on his captain flitted through his mind before he slammed his foot onto the grating and continued stomping up the stairs. "Ain't none of my bus'ness," he muttered. Whatever had happened to Mal hadn't happened on his watch. The transaction had gone down smoothly and Zoe and Mal had walked away in one piece.

Just as he was rounding the landing to continue his climb he heard Kaylee's voice before Mal cut her off and shouted her down. That wouldn't stand.

Jayne stormed down the stairs and into the infirmary. "Juh shi suh mo go dohng shee?"

Five faces turned to him and for a moment no one said anything.

"This chwen joo," Mal finally ground out, "let his sister get lost instead of keeping an eye on her." Mal rounded back on the ship's doctor. "I made it clear to you when I let you stay- "

"Captain." As always, Zoe was able to stop him with one word.

Kaylee took up the explanation, saying, "It weren't no one's fault. We were all workin' on stuff and she must have just decided to go for a walk. No one knew she was gone until a little before y'all got back."

"Don't explain what all the yellin's about."

"Well, Jayne," Mal's voice took on a familiar snarky edge, "seems we're expected to go right back out into the cold and find the girl."

"Shiny," Jayne sneered back, eyes locked on the doctor.

Simon, however, had his eyes riveted to the floor. It wasn't out of shame. Jayne could see the man's clenched fists and tightened jaw. He was working out his response.

Normally, Jayne would dig in and fight the inevitable but today had been a long one and the weather was getting worse as the afternoon wore on. The only thing less enticing than going out in a storm to search for that moon-headed sah gwa was going out in a storm to search for her in the dark.

"Captain, we gotta go look for her," Kaylee begged.

Zoe tightened her lips but nodded in agreement. "She's part of the crew, Captain."

Jayne snorted a laugh. The girl was little more than perpetual cargo. Living, irritating cargo they never were able to off-load. Still…. "Wind's pickin' up out there. Be raining again 'fore long. Might as well get it done before the sun goes down."

"Fine. If that's how you all feel." Mal surveyed the faces in front of him and nodded. "We go in pairs. Zoe and Kaylee, you take upriver. Jayne, you and Shepherd go down river." He locked eyes with Simon, "You and I are going into the woods. Wash, stay onboard in case we need a pick up."

With that, it was done. The crew scattered in a hurry to gear up. Jayne hadn't even gotten his coat off since coming back on board, so he wasn't in need of much. He dropped his sniper rifle on his bed and refilled his canteen in the kitchen before going back down to the cargo hold.

Serenity was nestled in a clearing beside a river. That worked to their advantage, Jayne reasoned, eyeing the swollen, raging waters. The girl might be crazy, and she might be able to do some weird stuff, but no one could get across that mess. It still left three directions she could have gone, the search area expanding in an ever-widening hemisphere.

Once all six members of the search party were outside and ready, Zoe handed out radios and flashlights. There were enough of the large electric lanterns to go around, but only one radio per group.

"Keep up," Jayne growled, stalking off. The tall pines were starting to creak in the wind, and in the sky, clouds had begun to bunch up against the distant hills. It was late afternoon, but up ahead it was black as night. "Shiny."

Juh shi suh mo go dohng shee? – What the hell is this crap?

Chwen joo – Idiot/moron

Sah gwa – Fool