A/N: well hello to everyone out there!!! I got this idea while reading a story, an original one, that my friend made. BUT, and that's a very strong but, I didn't take anything from her story, and my story isn't even based on hers.


Cherry(me!): *ahem* I would like to say that from this day forward all anime fans legitimately own any and all anime.

Sakura: what are you saying?!

Syaoran: yah! What the heck are you doing?! Did you even think of what you're doing?! You're giving all the crazzies out there the power to do whatever they want with us!!!

Kero: shut up gaki! I like Cherry 'cause she always gives me the good parts.

Cherry: *sweatdrops* ano, well Kero, you see. . . I sorta DIDN'T give you a big part. . .

Kero: what?! OK! I agree with the gaki. You can't do that to us!!!

Cherry: *sighs* alright, I take back what I said earlier. No one owns any anime unless of course if they really do own that anime.either way, I don't own CCS. There, happy?!*sobs and runs off to find her sister Aya*

Eriol: tsk, tsk, tsk. Now see what you did my cute little descendant.

Syaoran: Don't call me that! and why the hell are you here?!

Eriol: to warn you that now that you've upset the author, she has plans on how to torture you.

Aoki: Know what? Cherry told me to tell you guys that the fics starting.

Everyone: who the hell are YOU?!

Aoki: *sweatdrops* can't tell ya. Now hurry, the audience is waiting.

Legends of Phoenix and Dragon

A small girl was playing in a garden. She chased after a little golden puppy, her short brown hair fluttering in the wind.


The girl turned around and grinned. Before her was a woman with smoky black hair and purple eyes. Her beige dress reached the floor, hiding her feet. The sleeves were non-existent, just scraps of cloth tied to a ring on each of her middle fingers. They flared out like wings as she held out her arms to the child.

Giggling, the little girl ran into the woman's arms.

"I whuf you, Money!" she whispered.

"I love you too, my precious cherry blossom."




A girl cursed. She'd fallen out of bed, AGAIN! A bark beside her told her what caused it.

"KERO! You little creep! Wha'd you do THAT for?!" she screamed.

The big golden retriever growled and snatched a clock from the bedside table. When the girl saw the time she screamed before hurrying up and getting dressed.

Finally dressed in tight black pants and a blue sleeveless top, she hopped out of the room while trying to put on her shoes.

She was so absorbed in getting her shoes on, she didn't see the first step and fell down the whole flight of stairs.

A black haired girl stepped out of a room to the left and screamed when she saw the other girl on the floor.

"Oh my GOD Sakura!!!" the girl screamed, rushing over to help her friend.

"Are you okay?"

Sakura's eyes were swirls and she put a hand to her head to try and stop the world from spinning.

"UGH! Fine, Tomoyo, but help me get up. We're late enough as it is!" Sakura said, not succeeding in getting the spinning to stop.

Tomoyo helped Sakura up and brought her to the dining room. She made Sakura sit down on a chair before searching all of the cupboards. [and secret drawers too!]

"Sakura! Smelling salts! Where are they?!" she asked frantically.

"GOD! Calm down Tomoyo. In the third cupboard's drawer E," she replied.


A while later. . .

Sakura and Tomoyo were eating breakfast when a very angry golden retriever named Kero marched down the stairs. He was toting a clock in his mouth which he left on Sakura's lap.

She rubbed his ears while chewing on some toast and glanced at the clock on her lap. She bolted right out of the chair when she saw the time.

"Holy shit Tomoyo! It's 9:30!" she screamed, grabbing her bag before rushing out the front door.

She jumped into her black convertible and started the engine. Just then, Tomoyo and Kero burst out the door, Tomoyo locking it after her. Kero took the opportunity to get into the front seat. Tomoyo glared at the dog before getting in the back.

Sakura smirked and gased the car, grinning as the tires squealed when they pulled out of the driveway.

They sped onto the highway, weaving in and out trying to get to their new school as fast as possible.

People looked at them when they screeched to a stop in the parking lot. Sakura grinned as she killed the engine and hopped out of the car. Topmoyo sighed and got out of the car. Trust Sakura to make a scene on the first day of classes. . .

"Yo, Tomoyo! Wha's taking you so long?" Sakura yelled. She was standing at the door. Kero was already beside his mistress.

Tomoyo shrugged and walked over to Sakura and Kero. She noticed that they looked. . .well, normal. As normal as you could get with those two anyway. . .

Sakura noticed her confused look and smiled.

"Magic school," she said. Tomoyo nodded, getting the hidden meaning. Quickly, she hid her aura.

"Principal's office?" Tomoyo asked.

"Yup! Sakura replied, stepping into the school.

A little later. . .

In the Principal's office.

The Principal handed a sheet of paper each to Tomoyo and Sakura. It had their schedules on it but both actually had the same classes.

The principal looked nervously at Kero who was laying on the floor beside Sakura.

"I'm sorry Miss Kinomoto, but dogs aren't allowed in the school."

"He's my bodyguard," Sakura replied.

"Yes but. . ."

He was cut off by Kero, who growled, making him gulp. Great.

'And I thought that golden retrievers were supposed to be friendly. Only one other exception has been made to that rule. . .' he thought.

"Eh-hehe. . .of course, since you put it that way. . ."

"Thank you sir. Excuse us," Tomoyo said sweetly before getting up and walking to the door. Sakura and Kero followed and the principal sighed with relief. At least until Sakura popped her head back into his office and, grinning, waved goodbye.

In the hallway.

Tomoyo and Sakura giggled. They loved doing that to principals. . .

But then Sakura bumped into something hard and it sent her flying back onto her butt.

"Ow!" Sakura said, standing up and rubbing her now sore behind.

"Watch it bitch!" a voice said. She looked up and saw what she bumped into. Actually, it was more like WHO but anyway. . .

"You just got my shirt dirty!" a black-haired and blue-eyed guy said.

"Geez, chill! I'm sorry alright? I didn't see you, that's all."

"Well, why don't I make it so you can't see anymore?" the guy taunted. "You weakling!"

Sakura just laughed.

"What's so funny?" the guy asked.

"YOU!" Sakura said and she started laughing harder when Kero bit the guy's ass.

The guy yelped in pain and started shooting energy balls at Kero, who managed to dodge every single one with out letting go.

Everyone in the corridor started laughing at the funny scene.

"What the HELL is going on?" a deep voice asked.


well, everyone.how'd you guys like that? I tried as hard as I could to make this a nice and long first chapter but the best laid plans.

okay, now I want you all to review and I don't really care if you just say something stupid like.oh I don't know! Just REVIEW!!! Please! Pretty please! With sugar on top!


anyway, to those who actually do review.

be nice.this is my first card captor sakura. I don't mind if you bawl me out about some things that I got wrong and how I rated this thing cause I would gladly change it. except for the fact that this is most likely and A/U and I don't know what else.

So see ya!

Ohh!!! I want reviews for the next chappie to come up!!!

Ja Matta Ne!!!