Sunlight streamed through the blinds, Connor having pulled them open slightly. He glanced at Hank with a smile, going into the kitchen to cook.

He always wanted to give gratitude for Hank after everything he's done for him, but how, he wasn't sure. Until now.


He coined the term in his head every now and then. Now, finally finding the right word, he started to plot on a way to give back to Hank, as a way of saying thank you.

Turning on the stove, he glanced around for a pan of some kind. Going through the cupboards (and making quite a racket while doing so) he found the pan he needed. With a clatter, he opened up the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs and a package of bacon. Connor never cooked before, only ever tagging along with Hank when they go out to eat (which was almost always). He observed Hank cook once in a while, however, he was somewhat clumsy with his cooking.

Cracking open an egg, the egg sizzling as it came in contact with the hot pan. Connor smiled to himself, already pleased. His heart fluttered as he worked, wondering if Hank would like it or if he was cooking it right. Androids were built in with these features, cooking is no exception. Their database was like a cookbook, storing many ingredients and recipes. Connor may have been a part of the DPD, but he was built the same as any other android was.

Rolling up his sleeves, Connor began to stir the eggs, while glancing at the bacon every now and then. His meal in mind was scrambled eggs with a side of bacon, a very simple dish. Connor really wasn't an expert cook (yet) so starting with a simple recipe such as this is a start. Stirring the eggs to a liquid form, Connor dug around for another pan and plopped the thin slabs of bacon onto it, the bacon beginning to sizzle and pop from the heat.

Scents of eggs and bacon filled the air. Sumo came over, his tongue lolling out, and sat next to Connor, watching as the android cook for the lieutenant. Connor glanced at Sumo and with a smile, patted the dog on the head. With the timer in his head going off, the food was done. Pulling a plate out, Connor dipped the now scrambled eggs on top with the bacon ever so neatly on the side (without trying to burn himself).

He was proud of his work, if he was ever human, he would be eating this proud meal himself. But… He wasn't, which he didn't mind at all. He was human in his own way, which Hank showed him. Another reason he was grateful to have him.

Connor began to set up the table, Sumo still staring at the plate in his hand. Affection… He was fond of Hank. Was this love? No… It couldn't have been. Can androids even feel love? More importantly, can HE feel love? Will he be able to find a partner in his life he would love for now and forever more? Moving the condiments around, he heard the tired footsteps of the lieutenant. Connor glanced over his shoulder and smiled shyly as his presentation was done.

"Good morning, Lieutenant." He said and stepped back, intertwining his hands together. He tried not to look nervous.

Hank blinked away sleep and glanced at the table. "What the fuck is all this?"

Connor blushed. "I made breakfast for you…"

Hank raised an eyebrow and sat at the table, staring at his dish. Then, he glanced up at Connor with a smile. "Scrambled eggs with bacon?"

Connor nodded shyly. "I-I… I just wanted to say thank you, lieutenant…"

Hank slipped a clump of eggs in his mouth and he chuckled lightly. "For what?"

Connor smiled. There it was, Hank's familiar attitude. He made his way to the other side of the table and sat down, eyeing Hank as he ate. He noticed Hank was quite pleased with his meal, which made Connor's smile grow.

"How is it, Lieutenant?" He asked.

Hank nodded. "It's good… Have you ever made food before?"

Connor shook his head. "No… First time. I started with a simple recipe since it's one of the easiest to start with. I'm no cook."

"Well, this tastes like something my wife would have made…" Hank's smile vanished then. "She was a wonderful cook."

Connor's smile vanished also. He stared at Hank, watching as he forked up clumps of egg and chewed. He began to ponder how he could change this all around, anything to keep his Lieutenant in high spirits. He could try and spill what was on his mind, telling Hank how thankful he was to have him, but would Hank really appreciate that? Connor fumbled with his hands now, thinking of a solution.

"You know Connor… I'm glad I met you…"

Connor looked up then, noticing Hank smile again.

"You surprise me every chance you get. Every day, you're showing me more and more that your human. That means something to me. I always hated your kind but… I've been coming to understand and accept you all for who you are."

Now, it was Connor's turn to speak.

"I-I'm grateful I met you, Hank. I'm glad that you accepted me for who I am. I'm grateful you've let me stay with you. I'm grateful that you're helping me along the way with finding myself... " Connor sighed. "I'm glad that I'm still your partner."

"Oh stop… I didn't do anything."

"But you did."

"Not at all."

Hank chomped on the last of his bacon and rubbed his chin with his arm. He sighed and leaned back. His plate was cleaned out, much to Connor's happiness. The Android got up and took his plate, now putting it in the sink.

"...Do androids even eat?" He heard Hank ask as Connor turned on the facet.

"No. We don't have the capabilities of eating. Not yet, anyway." He answered.

"...What happens if you do eat?"

Connor looked over his shoulder at him. "There will be a system error and we shut down."

Hank made a face and sat up. "Like food gets stuck in you?"


Hank sighed. "Well, that sucks… I would have done you the same thing you did for me!"

Connor looked back at his plate, grabbing the dish soap. "You don't have to, Lieutenant. I know how grateful you are to have me…"

Hank chuckled then, getting up. "Without you, I would be dead."

Connor paused his cleaning, watching him walk away to his room. He remembered that day, the day where he found Hank unconscious and that he broke in to save him. When he looked around after Hank woke up, he realized he had suicidal tendencies. He kept this information stored in the back of his mind but sometimes on days like this, he forgot he even had suicidal thoughts.

"Where are you going, Lieutenant?" Connor called to him, turning off the warm water and grabbing a rag.

"Getting dressed, the fuck you think I'm doing?" Hank replied back.

Connor internally sighed in relief and begun to focus on getting the dish clean. Over and under and all around, he placed the dish on the drying rack and gently folded the rag next to the sink. Sumo tilted his head at him, Connor smiling and began to pet him once more, waiting for Hank.

Soon enough, Hank stepped out in his familiar attire and ran a hand through his thick white hair. "All right, you ready?"

Connor looked up at him and stood. "Yes."

And with those words, the two set off towards Hank's car. Light rain fell, sprinkling Connor's coat with little dots. Climbing in, Hank's car rumbled to life and pulled out the driveway.

The two chatted up a storm all the way there.