by Gunman

Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion or its characters.

Summary: Shinji continues to help his teacher, Miss Misato.


Chapter 2

(A week later. Friday afternoon)

Misato finished up with her lesson right before the bell rung. A first for her.

The students filed out one-by-one, leaving the beautiful Miss Katsuragi alone to herself.

It was the end of the day and Misato didn't have any more classes to teach. Which had been a relief for her, since she was anxious to leave and... and what? Go back to her empty apartment where she didn't even have a pet fish waiting for her?

It had been a week since she found out about Kaji cheating on her. (She promptly broke up with him on Monday) But her thoughts were not on her cheating ex. No. They were on the boy she had had revenge sex with.

Really great revenge sex.

All weekend long.

Misato and Shinji hadn't really talked about what happened that Friday night. She admitted that she was a little drunk and that she was upset about how her boyfriend had cheated on her with another woman. (Actually, she was loathe to find out it was a much younger woman than herself, but that was not really the point as she saw it) She wasn't even sure where they (she and Shinji) stood. She could have told him that she wasn't as drunk as she pretended to be, and was only using him for revenge sex, but there was something about that idea that made her feel like some kind of slut. The idea that she would have slept with anyone, made her feel cheap.

(Despite that she had done it before.)

But she would have, out of sheer revenge. She was fortunate that the one who had 'approached her' was someone who seemed to care a great deal for her.

Shinji was something special. She had admitted that even before she had put the moves on him.

He cared for her, had made their night together something truly memorable and took her to heights of pleasure she hadn't known before with other lovers.

She had taken his virginity, and he gave her a night (technically weekend) she would remember for years to come.

Of course, that was the problem.

She didn't want to remember that one time. She wanted to have it over and over again until it was a collection of experiences she could boast about.

(Course, she couldn't, since it would expose her having sex with one of her students)

What Misato wanted was a regular lover, a relationship with someone who valued her and cared for her. Cared for her as a person, and not a pair of breasts with a pussy they could use whenever they wanted. Someone who would pamper her, cheer her up when she was blue, make her feel like she was the queen of her own world.

Shinji was that someone.

Misato hadn't stopped thinking about him and the weekend they had spent together. Her loins moistened every time she did.

But what could she say to him? How could she go about pursuing a relationship with him?

Where would she even start?

"Miss Misato?" a voice boke her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? What? Shinji!" she gasped when she saw the person she had been thinking about standing before her.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Uh... yes! I'm fine. Why?" she replied.

"Because I've been calling your name for the last 60 seconds and you haven't responded. I was about to shake you." he said.

"Oh, sorry. I was... just thinking." she said, distantly.

"Oh. About...?" he asked.

"Something private." she said, not looking at him.

"Oh. Okay. Well, then I'll see you on Monday then." he said as he turned to walk out.

Shinji wasn't sure where they stood. Even after having sex last week, but he also knew that Misato was in a bad way. She probably needed time to figure things out.

Misato watched him leave, the sad expression on his face. Her heart went out to him. She couldn't stand it anymore.

"Shinji! Wait!" she called out.

She rose up out of her seat as Shinji turned around, the older woman moving passed him to close and lock the door to the classroom. She spun around, capturing his face between her hands and kissing him passionately on the lips.

She threw her arms around his neck, leaning in and kissing him more fiercely as she held him close.

Shinji was stunned at first, but quickly returned the kiss as he wrapped his own arms around her shapely body.

Misato suddenly pulled away from Shinji and rushed over to the classroom door, pulling the blinds down so that no one would peak inside. The classroom window shutters were all blurry when closed, and they were already closed. Misato spun around to look at Shinji, who seemed like he was waiting for her to make a move. It was a little comical to see her rush around the room, and close everything up, before leaning against the desk to catch her breath.

Misato pushed off from the desk, moving to Shinji, her hands running over his chest as she stared at him intently. His own hands rested on her shapely hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I need you, Shinji-kun. Please." she whispered to him as she held him tight and close.

Shinji wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. His left hand went down to her backside, caressing it gently, as his right hand rubbed her back soothingly.

"I'm right here, Miss Misato." he said to her.

She stared at him intently, her hand caressing the side of his face as her breathing seemed to get deeper.

"Make me scream!" she said with a panting breath.

Shinji paused as a memory flashed in his head.

(Flashback, yesterday)

Shinji looked on in curiosity as basketball pointman Toji Suzuhara took Student Council President Hikari Horaki on the teachers desk of their math class.

Hikaris panties were already on the floor and Toji's tracksuit was down around his ankles. The jock was just thrusting into the Prez from behind, and she wasn't putting up any kind of resistance. Though her moans were pretty erotic sounding.

"Fuck me, Toji-kun! Make me scream!" Hikari gasped.

Shinji just shook his head, knowing the pair were going to get caught.

But... he had to admire the fact they were so open about their relationship.

(End Flashback)

Shinji pushed Misato up against the desk, his arms around her body as he rubbed up against her, kissing her passionately as she moaned at his actions. He reached down and caressed her legs, bringing his hands up while lifting her skirt up as well. Misato gasped at feeling his aroused manhood rub up intently against her panties, his pants and her silky undergarments separating their bare bodies, causing her to moisten rather quickly.

His hands quickly worked the buttons on her blouse open, flapping it open and snaking his arms inside her shirt, to wrap behind her shapely physique and hold her close. He was intensely kissing her as he pulled her up against him, her bra-clad breasts pushing against his shirt. Not that she minded, but she really did want more than this.

"I need this, Shinji. I need you badly." she gasped in between kisses.

"It's nice to be needed." he whispered back to her.

Misato had, of course, told Shinji about her boyfriend Kaji sleeping with another woman and thus her feelings of betrayal, over the weekend they spent together. Despite that they were making out while both of them were naked and lounging around her apartment, Shinji listened intently to the problems of his beautiful teacher.

He didn't mind being used for revenge sex, though he probably wondered if Misato would tell Kaji about it being with him. That kind of thing would backfire, if it was revealed that she had slept with one of her own students.

But now he had much more important things to focus on.

Shinji suddenly spun her around as he pushed up behind her, his hands working at her clothing, pulling her blouse off and snaking his hands up her body to cup her generous right breast underneath her black bra with his right hand, then sliding his left hand into her skirt and right into her panties. Misato gasped as Shinjis fingers played with her wet womanhood as he continued to grind up against her. He gripped her bra and pulled it up, exposing both of her mammaries to the air.

Misato was enjoying his touch, his hands on her body, his breathing in her ears, his very presence, as well as the growing sensations within her body. She barely realized that her skirt had fallen to the ground until Shinji pulled down her panties and thrust into her from behind.

Misato was shocked, gasping and moaning intently as he drove into her. She actually enjoyed his intense need and desire for her.

Shinji pulled Misatos panties from her legs and stuffed them into her mouth.

"Don't make so much noise, Miss Misato. We'll get caught." he said hotly into her ear.

Misato didn't argue with that fact, even as she continued to scream at Shinjis pounding her.

She bit down on her panties even as her bare breasts were massaged by Shinjis hands. The taste was slightly unfamiliar to her, since she had never tried eating her own silk underwear with her own juices in it before.

Shinji continued to pound her from behind, causing the older woman to cry out in sheer joy. He threw himself in with as much enthusiasm as he could, wanting to please the sexy woman. But he wanted this as well.

Ever since he had had sex with Misato in her apartment, he had been thinking about little else than her. Misato was so passionate, and all he could do was match that passion with his own athleticism. Like he was doing now.

Several intense minutes of pleasure passed before Misato cried out in orgasm, spitting her panties out of her mouth. The underwear bounced off her desk and onto her chair before diving under her desk.

Shinji spun Misato around, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up onto the desk. He spread her legs open as he dove down between them. Misato was panting with excitement at what she knew was coming.

"AAAHHH! YES! YES! OH, GOD!" Misato moaned/screamed as Shinji ate her out.

His tongue was driving her mad with each passing second. He really knew how to treat her.

Her hands grabbed his head, running her fingers through his hair wildly as she wrapped her legs around his head and shoulders.

Time seemed to stop as Misato was wrapped up in the joys of their love making. Her heart beat hard and fast as Shinji touched her with a skill even Kaji never bothered demonstrating. He never went down on her, never pleased her like this.

Why was she thinking of him now, as he clearly wasn't a true lover?

Misato fell back onto her desk as she came again, Shinji feeling the pressure around his head as the womans thighs crushed him tightly. Shinji was able to pry himself from her smooth thighs before he crawled up on the desk and over the panting woman.

The pair were a tangled mess of limbs and loose clothing as Shinji thrust into his beautiful teacher, holding her close as stared intently into her eyes. Misato pulled his shirt off body, all but tearing at it as she caressed his chest, pulling him down onto her and began racking her nails over his back.

"Sh-Shinji! I'm... I'm going to come!" she gasped, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Me too! It's so good! I can't..." he said, unable to pull out of her.

"Yes! Do it! Inside Me!" she cried out as she held him tightly.

"Are you..."

"Please, hurry! I Need It!"

'Greedy little minx.' he thought as he held her tightly, the pair coming together in a rather joyous orgasm.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Misato and Shinji cried out in near perfect unison.

Shinji and Misato just held each other tightly for several minutes, the pair on their sides on the rather hard desk, papers and other stationary scattered on the floor.

Misato hadn't felt so good in so long, especially with Shinji cuddling her so close. Another thing she loved about him.

Shinji brushed a stray lock of her hair out of her face, kissing her lips softly as he stared into her eyes.

"Are you alright, Miss Misato?" he said softly to her.

"I missed this." Misato moaned, her head resting against his. "I need this."

Suddenly, the sound of stampeding feet was heard outside, catching their attention.

Curious, Misato all but jumped off the desk, fearing that someone might burst into her classroom. She motioned for Shinji to get dressed as she hurriedly put on her own clothes, as much as she could, motioning for Shinji to stay quiet, and carefully poked her head out the door.

"Hey! What's going on?" Misato asked one student who paused to respond to her.

"It's Hikari Hokari and Toji Suzuhara! They're having sex in the math room right now!" Kensuke Aida said as he and several other students ran down the hallway.

Obviously these were the teens from the afternoon clubs that the school hosted.

Misato and Shinji, who had been standing behind the woman, looked at each other in shock.

Shinji knew about the pair, but he was surprised they were doing it again. And in the same place!

Misato looked at Shinji as she grabbed her bag.

"Get your stuff! Hurry!" Misato said in a whisper.

Misato and Shinji managed to slip out amidst the chaos of Toji and Hikari getting caught.

Shinji thought maybe he owed them one for this.

They made it outside and got to Misato's car, quickly getting inside.

"So, what now?" Shinji asked from the passenger seat.

"Well... it's Friday night. How about some dinner at my place and...we continue where we left off?" Misato suggested.

"Sounds good." he said with a smile.

However, before Misato could start the car, her eyes went wide in realization.

"Oh no!" Misato gasped, her hand on the key.

"What's wrong?" Shinji asked.

"I think I left my panties back in the classroom." she said.

"You think?"

Misato patted her hips and blushed.

"Yeah. I did." she said, slightly embarrassed.

"Uh..." he started to say... before he started laughing.

Misato quickly realized why he was laughing, started laughing too. She started the car and drove off with her comfort boy sitting next to her.


Misato was lying face down on her bed, completely naked, while Shinji, also naked, was slowly kissing his way up her spine from her shapely rear end to her shoulders. His hands were caressing her body, sending pleasant shivers through her body.

"Uh... yes!" Misato moaned as her lover tenderly touched her.

"How are you feeling, Misato-chan?" he whispered into her ear, his body covering her own.

There were so many words Misato could have used at that point. But she choose to forgo all that as she turned around, her arm reaching up and wrapping around Shinjis neck, and bringing him into a smouldering kiss.

Shinji returned the kiss as his body melded with her own, his manhood sliding neatly into Misato's body, his arms reaching around to caress her ample breasts.

Misato felt so good right now. She never wanted this to end. Having sex with a hot younger man, who clearly adored her, was sending warm feelings and surges of joy all throughout her body. And especially into her heart.

She didn't care if this was wrong, she didn't care how they were going to make this work. All she cared about... was the comfort that he offered her right here and now.

Shinji pulled away from his teacher and carefully turned her over. Misato spread her legs as Shinji laid himself down on her, sliding into her body and causing her to gasp in joy. She wrapped her arms behind his neck as he kissed her lips happily. He wrapped his arms around her shapely form and continued his enthusiastic love-making.

Misato moaned happily as her lover took her again and again and again, arms and legs wrapping around him tightly as he held her close.

"Ah! Shinji! Don't... don't leave me." she moaned to him.

"I won't. I promise." he said as he came inside her.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" she cried out as she came with him.

It was going to be a very long weekend for the pair, once again.