A/N: im just rifhting this on the side in mostly working on my other fanfic pls read its called Spira, Spera

L was at wammy house a ofanage in wincester. Then watery walk in.

"L there a leter for you" espwatery watery

L took the leter and open it. It said he's excepted into a scool called Hogwarts wich is for wizards. L didnt kno he was a wizard but he was happy. It said to on a train to hogwarts. Next day he went to the train stashun and get on. He look around and see: a hot blond lesbian, the lesbians bf, a guy sitting on the grounD, a dumb guy with a blue mazda, a guy with big glasses, a guy with white hair, a blond girl with pigtaiks, a girl who look like she named hermine, and a relly boring guy crying with his dad who wasn't crying. There were others tats just who he saw. He walk up to hot blond lesbian and her bf. He stand there silent becase he has 1/10 social skills.

"Hi" said got blond lesbian "I'm mello and this my bf matt"

"Hi hello and math" say L "my name L"

"That's a dumb name" said melloMel

"So is milk" L ran away sad and went to the guy crying

"Hi" he say and his social skill went to 2/10

Then the guy who naned light ran away crying and it went bavk to 1/10

"What his nane" L asked lights dad

"Who?" He said

"I thot that was your son" say L

"I dont have a son" say lights dad

L go to white hair boy

"Hi I'm L" say L

"I'm draco in a dead eater" say draco then he punched L bc he was mean

L was sad he dudnt have any fruebds. Then another guy with white hair scoot up to him.

"Hi my names smear" he said "do you want a juice,sample"

He held out a sugar cube

"No" said L and kicked him in the face

Then they get to higwarts