Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Young Justice.

Pairing: Kagome and Wally West

Chapter One:

Kagome sighed as she sat with her friends as they tried to figure out what had happened earlier that day. It had been three years since she was first dragged into the feudal era and a month since they defeated Naraku.

Sango and Miroku were now happily married. The wedding was magnificent, and Miroku only got slapped once. All of their friends, including Sesshomaru, was able to make it to the special occasion.

Kohaku, Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoshi, and the remaining band of seven, which consisted of Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Suikotsu, and Renkotsu; was now free. Kohaku traveled with Kilala exterminating demons; he visited Sango and Miroku now and then. Kagura was now mated to Sesshomaru and Kanna, and Hakudoshi was living with them in the western castle. They were able to find her in the future. Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Suikotsu, and Renkotsu were now immortal and resided in Kaede's village where they helped protect it from demons. Suikotsu could now control his alter ego thanks to Kaede.

After a long talk from Kagome, Koga realized that she did not love him the same way he loved her but as a brother. She, Ginta, and Hakkaku were happy when he had taken the news calmly. He was now mated to a pleased Ayame.

Thanks to Midoriko Kagome was given a chance to be able to live in the future but also still be able to visit the past whenever she wanted to so now she visited them every weekend and during the summer. They also figured out a way for everyone to be able to pass through the well.

Which leads us to now - Kagome, Shippo who now lived with Kagome after she adopted him as her son, Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha, Souta and future Koga, Sesshomaru, Kagura, Ayame, Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Suikotsu, and Renkotsu were sitting in the Higurashi living room discussing what happened while they waited for Kunlun, who Kagome called early after the incident, to come home from the grocery store so that she could explain to them what was happening. Kagome wondered why her mom sounded nervous but figured she would say everything when they saw her.

"Let's go over what we know so far," Miroku suggested. "So far Kagome has been developing superhero powers," Souta said with a grin, he was excited that one of his heroes could become a superhero.

"She can fly." He said. "She has the sight, hearing, strength, and smell of like a demon," Shippo said. "The wench can see through walls." Inuyasha piped in. "What I would do to have a power like that," Miroku said with a lecherous grin, which went ignored by everyone except for Sango who promptly hit him. "She can freeze things with her breath," Koga said.

"OOOH!" Souta exclaimed loudly, causing the humans to jump and the demons plus Kagome to wince at how loud he was. "What is it?" Kagome asked him as she rubbed her ears. "I finally remembered why all these powers sounded so familiar! Superman! He has all of those powers!" Souta said excitedly.

"Superman? How could I have the same powers as Superman?" Kagome wondered. "I can answer that," Kunlun said from the front door causing everyone to look at her. She ignored them all and walked over to Kagome. "Mama, what's happening to me?" Kagome asked her.

"It's time I told you about your dad, your real dad."