Lotor could almost feel Ayiko's tension from within the Cyan Serpent. He wore his ceremonial clothing, and while it did show his title as Galra emperor and bore the colors of his usual armor, it felt far too garish for him. He had little doubt that his fellow Warriors - besides Ezor - were in agreement about the outfits they were given. Unfortunately, at her orders, he wasn't allowed to see any one of them in their formal clothing, nor were they allowed to see him in his ceremonial attire. She also said they were to change within their Serpents as "extra coverage."

Understandable, but an odd request - in his personal opinion. Unfortunately, Ezor never explained the point of it to any of them.

Flying in formation above the Castle of Lions, the Serpents descended toward the dark planet of Mierome. The silver palace and the expansive courtyard surrounding it appeared below them as they pierced the atmosphere. The glowing lights of the Serpents formed a blazing blend of colors across the dusty gray blanket of ground. They made the Serpents let out a screaming hiss upon landing just at the edges of the courtyard, the castle touching down not far behind them.

Two noble-looking pureblood Miero stepped out from the crowd of guests already present. One was a man with bright yellow-green eyes and darker-colored tendrils waving like a cape around his gold-embroidered black suit. The other, a woman with crimson orbs and carmine tendrils floating around her carnelian, gold-laced gown.

"That must be the King and Queen," Allura assumed. "Is everyone ready?"

"As we'll ever be," Shiro replied. "Alright team, let's head out."

"I can't believe you boys all have formal armor that Allura found literally right after she went to the swap moon with us," Ezor remarked. "And that Pidge already got a dress from before we got to you. You missed out on an awesome shopping trip!"

"I wouldn't call it 'missing out' on anything," quipped Acxa. "Making Ayiko and me try on things we aren't comfortable with."

"Let's proceed, everyone," Lotor reminded them. "I will meet the King and Queen first. Then, the other Warriors will come out individually at my call. Then Allura and the Paladins can follow us."

The Cerise Serpent lowered its head to the ground and opened its mouth. Lotor strode down the ramp to Hagesh and Seisa.

"I am Emperor Lotor of the Galra Empire," he introduced himself. "And also, the Champion of Essence and Warrior of the Cerise Serpent."

The two royal Miero exchanged a few words in Mieran before the woman turned to him. "You must be the successor of Zarkon the resident Galra have been speaking of. I am Queen Seisa of planet Mierome."

"We are pleased that you had received our invitation," Hagesh added. "Your fellow Warriors are in the remaining Serpents, I presume."

"Indeed, good sir," Lotor confirmed. "I shall introduce you. To begin, the Champion of Heart and Warrior of the Scarlet Serpent: Ezor of the Chameléae."

The Scarlet Serpent lowered as Ezor walked out proudly, her Picar over her glove. She bore a confident smile as she stepped up to Lotor's left side; her black, heeled shoes barely showing under the skirt of her dress.

"The Champion of Body, Warrior of the Citrine Serpent: Zethrid of the Amäzhonés."

Zethrid left her Serpent in an embroidered, amber-colored tunic shirt, with dark brown trousers and near-black shoes. She had her arms crossed once she took her place by Ezor.

"The Champion of Mind and Warrior of the Sage Serpent: Acxa of the Azurians."

Acxa came out wearing the dress the girls saw before, but with thin white tights and black flats. She maintained a stiff composure as she stood a few steps from Lotor's right.

"And last but not least, the Champion of Soul, Warrior of the Cyan Serpent and former supervisor of their creation: Ayiko of the Miero."

Ayiko made very little sound as she left the Cyan Serpent, keeping her head down. Her dress fluttered over the ground as she swept up to Lotor's right side. Lotor glanced at her, smiling at how beautiful she looked. Seisa's eyes widened as she said something in Mieran to her husband. Ayiko's eyes donned a faint light of shock at what she said.

"It seems that our best commander has changed quite a bit since our last meeting," Hagesh commented. "And it seems you have the famed Castle of Lions with you. Does that mean Voltron is also here?"

"Yes, Voltron is indeed present," Allura replied, approaching the King and Queen with the Paladins behind her. She was wearing one of her usual royal dresses, with Coran at her side in an Altean formal suit. The Paladins wore what looked like their usual armor, but much more angular, and the areas of white and their respective colors were reversed. Pidge, however, wore a lime green gown with translucent fabric along the sleeves and shoulders, along with brown sandals and a silver headband. "I am Princess Allura of Altea, this is my adviser Coran, and these are the Paladins of Voltron."

"It's a pleasure," Coran bowed.

Hagesh hummed. "We are already aware of the Lions' existence. Many a Galra ship of Zarkon's empire found its way to our soil with marks that could only be described as teeth and claws. We are glad that he has been replaced by his better-natured son. But of course, this is more than simply a meeting of royalty, it is the Corüs Convérsi Cordès! Come in, all of you. The dance is beginning."

The Mieran royals turned to the nobles. The Queen called to them something in Mieran as they led the visitors to the dance.

"Our guests have arrived," Ayiko translated in a hushed voice as they followed. "We expect treating them as you would each other, especially the hybrids. Former Commander Ayiko is a Clär'iéra, so we expect you all to treat her as such."

"What?" Ezor deadpanned. "Clare-ee-air-what now?"

Ayiko managed a look of amusement. "Literally, it means 'burning bright eyes'. It's a term given to a Miero with eyes that are brighter than normal, which results from having a stronger connection to their ancestry, or control over their energy."

"And since you've been in contact with the rift creatures, your connection is very deep indeed," Acxa concurred. "While your control over Decessence may not be of that itself, you can consciously influence the actions of the creatures."

Ayiko only looked down at her feet. Lotor wrapped his arm around her shoulders, his fingers soon finding the scars on her arm. "Smile, my love. Show them your true beauty, as I have seen it all along."

The Miero hybrid looked up at him. She smiled, her eyes shining through their own glow, as Lotor led her further towards the music.

Ezor watched as Pidge grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him away. Acxa shook her head in amusement as she and Zethrid wandered off their own separate ways. Salen even approached Allura, saying he and his brothers came early as he led the princess to the dance. The Scarlet Warrior turned as she heard Lance walk up to her. "Shall we dance, milady?" he asked, holding a hand out.

She giggled and took his hand. "But of course, kind sir." She leaned close to him and said, "But you should first know, I never learned how to dance."

Lance smirked and led her to the dance. "No need to worry your pretty little head. Just follow my lead."

Ayiko never felt the way she did as she and Lotor drew close to the music. The Mieran nobles spoke to each other in hushed tones as the two passed.

"Her eyes are so bright... I've never seen anything like it, even in other Clär'iérae..."

"Look at those scars... They weren't joking when they said the cults were brutal..."

"I thought the cults' torture ceremonies were merely staged..."

"I never knew the Galran Druids could leave marks like that... Just looking at her wrists is enough to make one sick..."

Lotor gave a reassuring squeeze as the nobles started to pair up and dance. The music was instrumental, and almost lulling in some parts. It gave off a calming atmosphere, but also had an underlying energy to it. Lotor found it a perfect combination, just like the two of them. His arm drifted down to her waist as he stepped in front of her, taking her hand. Just by a look, the female hybrid knew what he was doing and put her other hand on his shoulder.

The pair began a slow turn, swaying to the music. The emperor noticed how nervous Ayiko still was, looking down at their feet. His hand left her waist to tilt her chin so she would meet his eyes. "There's no need to fear what they might do, love. Just let the music carry you, like what we did in the arena." A small, warm smile crept up Ayiko's face as she nodded. The two paused for a spin before they resumed swaying to the music.

Around them, their friends were also enjoying the dance. Allura was leading Salen in an Altean ballroom dance of synchronized steps. Pidge was gleefully spinning with a very confused Keith. Lance was teaching Ezor how to tango, which she seemed to have a lot of fun in doing. Along the outskirts, Hunk and Shiro were talking with Sepplon and Tarren by the buffet table while Coran was losing a dance fight with Xorrem. Acxa was seemingly patrolling the area while Zethrid was eyeing the buffet.

"Our brother certainly seems to have an interest in Princess Allura, good Shiro," Tarren noted. "And our Kiko is doing quite well with Lotor, so she has told us."

"I'm surprised Coran hasn't come for your brother's head the second he showed any interest," Shiro remarked, petting the snake in Sepplon's arms.

"I suppose our time as his prison-mates in the Castle of Lions have earned us his respect," Sepplon replied. "Just like Lotor caring for Ayiko has earned him ours." He looked up at Hunk as the Yellow Paladin hovered over a bowl of clear liquid with pieces of white and green fruit inside. "No need to worry, good Hunk. Opsura and inlus fruit add good flavor to the water. Nothing like that sour liquid called nunvil."

Hunk smiled in thanks and ladled some of the liquid into a glass. He cautiously took a sip, then nodded in approval. "Just the right combination of sweetness and tang. You guys have pretty great taste."

Sepplon nodded as he used his tendrils to do the same thing Hunk did. "If you ever want to know anything about Mieran culinary culture, just ask."

"Oh yeah, that would definitely be great!" the Yellow Paladin agreed, following the youngest brother as they looked over the buffet.

Shiro rolled his eyes while Tarren shook his head, both smiling. "It's too bad Krolia decided to keep an eye on the castle," the Black Paladin remarked. "Then again, she's probably having as much fun watching Keith as Pidge is dancing with him."

"Speaking of, good Keith's sister should find a way to enjoy herself," Tarren pointed out. "We had come vargas before you did, and we saw quite a few elite cultists in chains and bandages being taken to the dungeons. There shouldn't be anything to worry about, especially with the castle, Lions, and Serpents that clearly state that they are not to be trifled with."

"Lotor and Ayiko said that's about as calm as she'll ever allow herself to be," Shiro shrugged. "Just be glad that Ayiko has relaxed enough even after all she's been through. I haven't seen her get any sour looks from those nobles yet."

"Everyone," the Mieran King called everyone in front of the palace, his and the Queen's tendrils fanned out above them as the music quieted. "Subjects, guests, purebloods and hybrids of all kinds. I am sure you all know the reason why this celebration was brought about. For centuries - no, millennia - we have lived upon the groundless hatred and prejudice that was the purebred tradition. A tradition that was interpreted radically by cults that have spanned such lengths of time. Good children and their parents, hybrid and pureblood alike, have been slaughtered mercilessly by these cults."

The Queen continued, "But now, a group of hybrids from our planet has risen above the cults that harmed them and their families, alongside fellow hybrids. They have proven themselves in their tolerance in the face of hate, and their persistence through all that was thrown at them. Even the demise of their family. Come to us, sons of Tenuas of the Miero and Shyera of the Lizalids."

"Narti was part-Lizalid," Ezor whispered to Lance as the brothers went up to the dais the royals were standing on, positioning themselves right at the foot of the platform.

"Now come," Seisa resumed, "Ayiko, daughter of Ajhura of the Miero, and Zerax of the Galra; along with all your fellow Galra hybrids."

The Warriors and Keith all came forward to the foot of the dais, standing in front of the towering brothers. Ezor went in front of Sepplon, first on the left. Zethrid went to Xorrem on the far left. Acxa stood before Tarren at the far right, with her brother in front of Salen beside her. Finally, Lotor and Ayiko stood between Salen and Sepplon, remaining at each other's side.

"Individuals like those you see here are the reason why the purebred tradition should have long-since changed," Hagesh declared. "In the name of our new allies in the new Galra Empire, and of the Legendary Defender itself, Voltron, we decree that hybrids shall no longer be held under the tradition of blood-purity. Instead, they will be treated with respect like any other being in the universe. May the mothers, fathers, and especially the children antagonized and killed by the cults smile down at this long awaited moment from among the stars."

The nobles snapped rhythms in the air with their tendrils in applause. Nine pairs of eyes were alight with joy, as were those of their friends among the crowd.

Lotor held onto Ayiko's hand the whole time.

After the celebration had ended, the Paladins, Warriors, and brothers were returning to their respective spacecraft to part ways. All of whom gave the promise to meet up again sometime in the near future. Salen gave his best wishes to Allura, Ezor tightly hugged Lance, Hunk gave Sepplon and Pytha one last goodbye, and Krolia hugged her daughter from being so proud of Acxa.

"After ten-thousand years of waiting, we have finally found peace," Allura sighed in relief. "Peace with the Galra, peace with the creatures of the rift..."

"And prosperity for all," Lotor finished.

"You will always be welcome at Central Command," Ayiko added, "as we can rest assured we will be welcome among the Coalition."

The Altean princess smiled as she led Coran, Krolia, and the Paladins into the castle. "Naturally."

After the Castle of Lions took off, Lotor looked back down at Ayiko, who was about to head to Cyan. He caught her arm and pulled her back to give her a short, sweet kiss on the lips, smirking at her shocked look as he pulled away. "A special gift from me, my Empress."

Ayiko's cheeks tinted gray in the darkness of the planet before she smiled softly. She stretched up for them to touch foreheads before she went to Cyan. "Consider that my accepting of your gift," she said simply.

Lotor smiled in satisfaction as he went into Cerise, and the five Serpents ascended back to the stars, to the Central Command System and a long-awaited age of peace.