Even though the boys felt with absolute certainty that none of them failed their exam, they still felt slightly anxious as they waited for their results.

Namjoon did his best to keep them all on track and focused. He made sure they did review work all through break, so that they would retain as much information as possible. He also signed himself and the three older hyungs up for a crash course for middle school reveiw, since they'd been out of the system for a few years.

The days crept by in a strange sort of way as they prepared mentally, and gathered the supplies they'd need for school, and filling out the appropriate paperwork for their company and (hopefully) future school. Each day seemed far too long, but at the end of each week they would all look back in bafflement, wondering where the time had gone to.

In the mean time they had fansignings, meet and greets, recording sessions, dance practice, meetings with their managers and interviews. Plans were made to visit their home country for a music video shoot before coming back to Japan in time to appear on a popular music award show.

They were kept busy, constantly running from one activity to the next. Vigilante work was kept on the backburner, and quirk training was shelved for the time being. Yoongi almost felt like a normal teen for once, if normal teens reguarily worked odd jobs for various producing/music/etc companies on top of their own music/producing/etc careers.

By now, award shows like this one were old hat. However, Yoongi still felt anxious butterflies every time. Waiting back stage for their turn was both the worst thing ever, and the best thing ever. His brothers all wore bright smiles with clenched fists. A lot of famous acts, world famous acts, would be going before and after them.

Entertainers that had been on the scene for nearly a decade or more had agreed to share the stage with them. Names that had been lit up in bright lights since before they could talk would be scrutinizing their performance, and be held against them in competition for the prize. To top it all off, the host for tonight was none other than the pro hero Present Mic himself.

Yoongi couldn't help but over analyze the performance they had been practicing obsessively for months now. Were the lyrics too juvenile? Was the topic too controversial? How many A.R.M.Y.s were out there in the audience waiting for them? Were there even any at all? His heart was pounding, and it took some effort to keep his distress off his face and to keep his legs steady.

What was the dance routine again? Oh god. He was literally going to die.

"Hyung?" Namjoon noticed. Of course he did. The leader walked over to him and slung an arm around his shoulder. "You need some air." It wasn't a question, so Yoongi just let the younger boy take charge.

"RM," one of the managers called when he noticed that the two of them were leaving the green room.

"Just a second!" Namjoon called over his shoulder, then waved nonchalantly at Jin when he noticed the oldest was looking at them in worry.

They left the room with Namjoon still guiding Yoongi with a heavy, warm arm around his neck. They found a quiet place in an empty room near a vending machine, a rare oasis from the bustling people around them. Yoongi stepped away from Namjoon and put his back against the wall, sliding down until he was crouched on the ground.

Namjoon sat beside him and reached for his brother's hand. Together they waited out Yoongi's panic, just sitting quietly, listening to the hum of the vending machine.

Yoongi could actually feel his heart rate slow, the roar in his ears ebb away. "This song you wrote," Namjoon broke the silence. "It's amazing, hyung."

"The words were all you," Yoongi let his head fall against Namjoon's shoulder. "That's the important part." Namjoon snorted.

"Most of our fans won't understand," he sighed.

"They translate for each other."

"I know. So sweet."

They fell back into silence, eyes shut just relishing in the quiet. The show wouldn't even start for a few more minutes, and then they would still have to wait back stage since they'd be performing relatively early. After that they'd be able to sit in their reserved seats and enjoy the atmosphere.

"You kids okay?" The two of them looked up. Above them stood a tall, looming blonde man with sunken eyes and gaunt cheeks. Namjoon stood and bowed.

"We're fine," he answered. "I apologize if we were in the way!" The man waved away their concerns.

"Not at all," the man gave them a crooked grin before sliding a card into the vending machine. "Just wanted to make sure you weren't feeling sick or something. You boys performing? You're backstage so I assume you're not just here to watch the show."

"Our group will be performing third," Namjoon confirmed confidently. Yoongi felt a little sick again. The man caught sight of his pale face and clicked his tongue sympathetically.

"Got the jitters, huh?" He asked softly. "Listen kid, it's okay to be nervous. There's a lot of people out there." Yoongi gulped. "But most of those people are either veterans of your art or pro heroes come to have a good time. Most of them will be rooting for ya. And even if you mess up a little, mess up with a smile. They'll think it's part of the act."

Namjoon grinned gratefully at the stranger and Yoongi nodded, rising to his feet. The man offered a hand to help him up. "And besides," the man gave them a thumbs up. "I'm sure you'll do great."

Yoongi scoffed. "You don't even know who we are." Namjoon elbowed him.

"Hyung!" He scolded, but the man just chuckled.

"No, you're right." The man agreed cheerfully. "Good luck anyway." The two boys bowed and made their way back to the green room where they were swarmed by their people putting finishin touches on their hair and makeup, and attaching microphones to their clothing and faces.

All too soon, they were being led down a dark hallway, and onto a platform. Yoongi flinched when a small hand wiggled its way into his own.

"Hwaiting!" Jimin cheered in a whisper.


"~~make some noise..." Present Mic's booming voice could barely be heard above the screams. The fans knew what was coming next. "For




The platform began to rise, and their music blasted from the speakers. The hot stagelights hit them first, momentarily blinding them.

And then they saw the bombs. Their A.R.M.Y. bombs, making a scattered constilation of bluish white light across the stadium. Hundreds of them.


The fear melted away in the light of their galaxy, and a smile fixed itself on Yoongi's face.

Toshinori watched the seven young men perform with no small degree of amazement. If more hero teams worked together with the level of mutual respect and coordination that these children were displaying, there wouldn't be nearly as large of a villain problem as they were currently dealing with.

Toshinori couldn't understand the Korean lyrics, but there was something about their passion and powerful movements that kept his attention.

His old friend, Tsukauchi, was running the security detail for the show, and had secured Toshinori an extra ticket. Toshinori had initially refused it, but his friend had pressed him, convinced a little break would do him some good.

"Have some fun!" The detective had insisted. "Remind yourself what you're fighting for! Man can't live for job alone!"

Toshinori was glad he had come. Not particuarily because of the music. But because the seven children currently dancing their hearts out on stage interested him.

If he hadn't met Young Midoriya, he might habe considered one of them for his heir.

The Principal had long since given Toshinori access to UA's files to aid the fading hero in finding a suitable successor. Despite the fact that he'd already given One For All to Young Midoriya, All Might still occasionally looked over the files of students out of curiousity.

To be sure, his actions were dubiously appropriate at best. But Toshinori had had a niggling fear that Midoriya would struggle in High School the same way he did in Middle School, as he would be among the most powerful people of his peerage with only the smallest modicome of control over his quirk.

His fear had only grown when he'd leared that Midoriya's chief tormenter, Katsuki Bakugou, had completely obliterated the physical exam.


So he looked through the files of prospective future students to compare scores, to see who his young protegé would be surrounding himself with in class.

Students from all over the world came every year to try their luck, so seeing a large number of foreign names wasn't so unusual.

But seeing any number of names who have each other in common is something to raise suspicions. The Principal had offhandedly mentioned that the seven Korean boys, who had made the final count, were close friends when Toshinori had last seen him.

Their scores were all relatively impressive, and their usuage of their quirks were creative. What Toshinori found most interesting, however, was the fact that the boys seemed to have planned it with a strange level of confidence. As was evidenced by the fact that more than half took years off of schooling to ensure they entered the same year of High School.

Kim Seokjin, the eldest if he remembered correctly, had the secons highest score out of everyone being narrowly beaten out only by Bakugou. He healed two students after destroying a fair amount of drones. He had over 40 points in both categories. Something not even the most conceited pro could scoff at.

In fact, their confidence, relationships with each other and the high scores of every last one of them is what prompted Toshinori to accept his friend's ticket. It was Midnight who informed him that they'd be there. He hadn't ever heard of their little group before that.

He asked his heir, Young Midoriya, if the boy had ever heard of BTS to which the boy replied by rattling off a series of facts about the group including awards won and charity projects.

Apparently Toshinori was getting old, because BTS was so famous that even his shut in nerd of a protegé had heard of them.

The audience around Toshinori went crazy even before BTS had taken the stage, and during their song they had shouted back various chants in a mixture of English and Korean. Present Mic, was letting loose, joining in with the crowd, waving around one of those circular lightsticks.

The music ended, bringing All Might out of his thoughts. The seven boys lined up, then bowed as one while the crowd screamed their approval. With waves and blowed kisses, the boys lefts the stage.

During the next act, the boys reappeared a few rows in front of him, escorted to their seats by two members of security he vaguely recognized. All seven of them were beaming and exited. One of them was literally glowing in his happiness. Toshinori smiled despite himself. If he hadn't seen it himself, he wouldn't have thought that any of them had been nervous for the evening.

The small one who he had encountered earlier was smiling along with the rest of them, hands entertwined with two of his bamd members. At one point, he caught Toshinori's eyes and gave him a gummy grin with two thumbs up. Toshinori returned the gesture and watched as the child went back to enjoying the concert.

The night went smoothly, and he was glad he had come.

At least, until the award ceremony. Present Mic held up a golden trophy, and loudly announced that the winner of that year's Best Artist award went to "BANGTAN SONYANDAN!" All seven boys leaped to their feet, but no sooner had they reached the stage, than did a powerful guiser erupt from the audience, pinning Present Mic to the far wall. The water current froze on contact, completely encasing the Pro Hero.

Other Pros lept to their feet to assess the danger, but one by one they were taken out by the same method. Toshinori tried to slip out, so that he could find a place to transform where he wouldn't be seen, but the panicking public made it impossible.

He was trapped. And the villain had shown herself, making her way to the stage where the seven young boys were currently frozen in shock, fear, and ice around their ankles.

This couldn't be happening.

This couldn't be happening.

This couldn't be happening.

Yoongi tried to step in between his brothers and the approaching woman, but he couldn't break the ice without giving away his quirk. Luckily JHope and Jin were on it, quietly melting the ice as the woman grew closer and closer.

Yoongi had never hated being on camera, broadcasted on international Television no less, more in his life. Their hands were tied and their options were limited. Thousands of people surrounded them, watching them. The crowds were rushing for the exists, and the security guards were trying to struggle through the crowd and get to the stage.

Pro Heroes decorated the walls like macabre statues, completely encased in ice. Yoongi was worried for them. How long could someone be in ice and not die?

They'd suffocate soon.

He had to help.

"My husband," the woman crooned. All seven boys winced. Oh no. She was young. Early twenties, maybe, and dressed in a pale blue gown. Her make up was done to the nines and her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders. She would have been really pretty.

If she didn't reek of crazy sasaeng, that is. The Sasaeng went straight for Jimin. The small vocalist tried to lean away from her when she reached out to caress his cheek. "You're so cute!" She gushed, her cheeks flushing red. "I just know we're going to be so happy together! I love you so much!!!"

"Uh huh..." Jimin leaned even further back until he felt onto his rear, feet still caught in the ice.

"You're so much better than them" her voice had taken on a pout. "Why lower yourself like this?"

"Uuhhh" Jimin looked to the others for help. Security still hadn't reached them, and Jin and JHope were still melting the ice that held them, slowly so as to not get the woman's attention.

"Shhhh" the sasaeng hushed him. "I know what you need." So saying, she melted the ice holding him, but before he could make a run for it she shot another turrent at him, lifting him high into the air and trapping him once again.

"Hyung!" Jimin cried, more in uncertainty than fear. What was he to do? What was he allowed to do? What even could he do without failing his brothers and releasing their secret?

Jin and JHope simultaneously lost control, both firing a stream of energy at the woman. Namjoon dug into his pocket pulling out his cell. "Jiminie!" Taehyung threw his right arm, extending it until it reached Jimin, wrapping around him. The sasaeng immediately froze the limb, but V held on valiently.

Yoongi ripped off his microphone, tossing it to the side. "Kill the cameras!"

"I'm trying!" Namjoon growled through gritted teeth.

Jungkook broke his ice with sheer muscle, though he was careful to not use so much that he could at all be compared to Barricade. When he became his vigilante alter ego, his quirk expanded his muscles to 1000% his normal size. As it was, he only expanded to about 125% his normal size.


e charged the woman and foorball tackled her. She momentarily lost her grip, and Taehyung began to real Jimin in, but she quickly regained focus and trapped Jimin in a sphere of ice. Taehyung groaned in pain as it closed around his arm. "You don't deserve him!" She shrieked.

"Neither do you!" Jungkook punched her, but she propelled herself away before his blow could land.

The security guards had finally come onto the stage, but the sasaeng simply blasted them back.

"Got it!" Namjoon yelled and Yoongi reached out his mind. As Jin and JHope attempted to thaw the frozen police, security and heroes, he gently put the villain to sleep.

She collapsed and the water supporting Jimin splashed to the stage. Taehyung pulled him to himself, and Jungkook caught the both of them when Jimin's momentum threatened to hurt both other boys. The three then just sat there, arms around each other, each unwilling to move.

Yoongi knew, mentally, that Jimin wasn't really in any danger. If push came to shove, they would have used their full abilities and, more than that, Jimin was powerful on his own.

Even still, he and Namjoon released matching sighs of relief when the villain had been subdued.

"Remind me again," Yoongi said wryly, "why we decided to do this professionally?" Namjoon exhaled deeply.

"Mildly insane," he eventually decided. Sirens began to wail in the distance. The security guards that Jin and JHope freed had reached them with chattering teeth and pale skin.

Jin helped to heal as many people the best he could, but as soon as other medics arrived on scene, he gladly let them take over.

Many civilians had been trampled in the mad rush, and a few had been caught in the sasaeng's icy crossfire. Thats not even counting the many heroes, guards and cops who were harmed.

The boys, and other celebrities, were escorted out as a priority after being briefly scanned by a medic. They were lead to an armored van and loaded up into the back. The ride to their appartment was quiet. The boys ignored their ringing cells, knowing it was probably their respective parents, but not wanting to get promises to go to their separate homes pulled from them.

As soon as the appartment door closed behind them, Jin took Jimin's face in his glowing pink hands. "I'm fine, hyung." Jimin offered a half hearted protest, but didn't even try to pull away, instead he leaned forward and let Jin hold him.

"Check Tae," Namjoon said suddenly, reaching for the younger boy. Yoongi pulled up his brother's sleeve and hissed when he saw the frost burn on his skin.

"Oh, Tae," Jungkook reached for him. Taehyung accepted the hug but only smiled sadly. "I'm sorry I couldn't pull you out, Jiminie."

Jin released Jimin and began to heal Taehyung, pausing halfway through to collect some more energy from Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Don't," Jimin said. "None of us knew what to do. I could have confused her and jumped free...but that would have shown what my true quirk is."

Namjoon sighed deeply and sat down on their squashy couch, head in hands. "We need to figure out some guidelines...or something. "

Jin sat down beside him, putting a comforting hand on his knee. " More things like this has been happening. And will keep happening. It just comes with being heroes while being us."

Unexpectedly, it was Jungkook who came up with a solution. "Hyung," everyone else in the room immediately looked up at him. "In shows amd movies, the weak person will sometimes show random bursts of strength in times of stress..."

Taehyung looked considering. "It is a widely accepted trope..."

Hoseok snorted. "It's so cliche, I doubt anyone would question it."

Jin didn't look so sure, even as Namjoon sank deeper into thought. "All seven of us? At once?" Jin shook his head. "It's too obvious."

"I'm not even sure how it would apply to me..." Jimin said. "I'm just cute. How does cuteness get a powerboost?"

Hoseok pinched his cheek. "I ask myself that every time I look at you."

Namjoon looked up. "It wouldn't have to be all seven. Jin you're already using much of the same powers, we were just trying to limit your blasts. Hobi as well. Taehyung shouldn't change too much either, and I already use my full quirk constantly."

"That leaves me, Jimin,and Kook" Yoongi counted off on his fingers. "So, Jungkook can use more of his power, and I can use more of mine...but what about Jimin?"

Namjoon nodded. "Right now he uses the bare minimum of his abilities to make himself more cute to people around him, and make them hesitant to attack. All he has to do is amp that up. Daze them completely."

"Paralyse them with his beautiful face," Hoseok grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

Jimin gave a weak smile. "I do that anyway."

"No!" Jin argued, "that's obviously my special ability!" Namjoon rolled his eyes and got up from the couch. He ambled into the kitchen, murmuring under his breath that he needed something to drink.

Moments later the sound of a glass shattering made Jin sigh and follow the leader.