Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach in any way, shape, or form. So don't try to say I said otherwise.

Author's Note: This goes out to my good friend Thedrunkenwerewolf for her birthday! She also puts up with me and pushes me to be a better writer.

In another life I would have met you first, and I would be the only person on your mind, in your heart

Your eyes would be set solely on me as I would be your focal point

Everything I did would be committed to your memory

You would easily recognize when I was upset,

Or how wide my smile truly is

You would know what my laughter sounds like if I feel something is honestly funny or truly ridiculous

Our flower language would be fully developed far beyond my novice stage

You would have already taught me all about it, and I wouldn't need this book

I would have already had it on a shelf collecting dust since the knowledge would be stored in my head

Just like where my place is

No exes could ever come near since they would not exist

That damn Urahara would have never even had a chance in his wildest dreams

You absolutely would have had no time for him whatsoever

He would not have gotten any closer to you than a colleague at best

That man would have been the third wheel and sat while we chatted and joked around while sipping tea

It would most certainly have not been me on the outside looking in wishing I held your attention, Sousuke

The need would not have risen as I would be on the other side of things

Urahara would be more than uncomfortable seeing the connection we clearly had

A million thoughts rooted in doubt and insecurity would have free reign

The pain of feeling inadequate would be monstrously unbearable

I would be his past, present, and forever more

There would be absolutely no room for another


Even if we were to part, I would always reclaim my place

No, not take it back at all

I can just slide beside him again where we left off

I can not feel jealousy, anger, or confusion when it comes to him

You, Urahara, on the other hand, would have thrown that tea in my face

In another life I would not be alone drinking my sorrow away questioning my place

Sousuke would not have let me leave like that

He would be here with me and no one else would matter

In another life Sousuke and I are inseparable

Unfortunately in this life- real life- I am dispensable and forgettable

His other lovers have a piece of him I do not

That's apparently made all the difference.