English isn't my native language, so I'm sorry for mistakes.
I hope you like it.
The Detective Conan universe belongs to Gosho Aoyama.
My characters belong to me. This is chapter isn't as long as the last one and the one before but in this chapter is only stuff from me, meaning no dialogue of the Manga.
Warning: death and murder will be in this chapter
Words 1998
Chapter 6
I'm dripping wet when I get home. The weather decided to do an unexpected down pour on me while driving home. And now I'm wet and cold to the bone. (I love Undertale^^)
"Why me?", I sigh in discontent. I take off my shoes and hang my jacket to dry. Then I go to the bathroom to take a hot shower, not to get ill. After I'm finished, I put a top and comfy pants on and then cook myself a meal. While eating I think about what happened during the day, slowly realizing that this is really real. And I should really think about what to do to not get killed, kidnapped or something along the lines.
I also should think about what to do the next few days. Saving Akemi would be really nice. Succeeding to do so would also answer my question if I'm able to alter the storyline. Because the dialogue would always sway back to the original one. No matter what I say or do.
As for my own safety, I could ask the professor to invent something for me. But what? Well, I have at least three days to think of something.
Anyway, back to planning to save Akemi Miyano… I have no idea how I'm going to do that without any help… and telling Conan or Agasa is out of the question.
I yawn. Man, today was tiring… I do the dishes, tidy up the kitchen, brush my teeth and then fall dead tired in my bed only to have a restless night.
I'm in a motel-room. How I know it is a motel-room… I don't know, I just do.
"Satomi!", a voice yells from beyond the door. "Would you please open the door, honey?"
"I'm coming Mom!", I yell back and go to the door.
"Thank you, honey", a woman with sandy blond hair and grey eyes, petite figure but with a really strong aura stands in front of the door. My mother. She carries two full shopping bags. I take one off her and let her in.
We put them on the table in the small kitchen: "What did you buy?"
"Well, you know. This and that. Some food for us for the next… I'd say month."
I look at her puzzled: "Mom? What's going on?"
"What do you mean? Nothing is going on", she replies but doesn't look me in the eyes.
"I don't believe you."
My mother practically freezes, stopping what she is doing.
I sigh frustrated: "Mom. Do you really think I'm that stupid? Don't you think I noticed? I mean, first you take me out of school, then we move and then we move again after not even a week!"
She doesn't answer me, still frozen and facing away from me.
"Mom! What's going on?! Has it to do with your work?! Did something go wrong?"
She sighs and turns to me with a grim expression: "Yes."
"What happened?"
She straitens up: "Do you remember the last time I was away?"
"Yeah, you were gone for more than a month."
"Yes. I was undercover in this organisation to find out what they are planning next… and… well… they found out… Someone told on me."
"And now they are after you?", I ask seriously.
"Yes… I even considered leaving you out of this, but they would have searched the house ultimately finding you. So I put your stuff and family photos in a container", she explains. "Wait a minute." She turns and gets something. She gives me a key and papers. "This is the container. I want you to have it because it's your stuff."
I take it and nod putting it in my pocket: "I understand why you didn't tell me… Do they know about me?"
"I don't think so as I use my maiden name for my work, not Tanaka…"
We are silently putting the food in the fridge. As we finished I turn to my mother: "What now?"
She sighs again: "I don't know."
"But you do know that we can't keep hiding the rest of our lives."
"Yes, I know but it is the best we can do for the time being. That or dying like your father…"
"So, that is the organisation that killed dad?"
"Not only him. Almost our whole family!", she laughs coldly. "Every one of them tried to stop this organisation and now they are dead."
After a short silence Mom says: "Let's talk about something else. How is school?"
"Good, now that you pulled me out of it", I give her a goofy grin.
She snorts: "And your friends?"
I shrug: "I don't know. 'Haven't heard from them for a while."
"Why don't you call them?", she looks at me with sad eyes and I realize that she wants to be left alone for the moment.
"Okay, Mom", I go to her and peek her on the cheek: "Love you."
She smiles slightly: "I love you too, honey."
I pull out my phone and dial my best friend's number. Her name is Sora. Sora and I met under really weird circumstances. It was the day of my grandmother's death. Grandma was such a strong person and she could sing too. I miss her.
Anyway, I dial Sora's number.
I grin: "Hi, gorgeous."
"Satomi! How are you, girl? 'Haven't heard from you for quite a while!", I can basically hear her grinning.
"I'm fine. My mother has a few problems though and now we are hiding…", I tell her.
"I know. I heard them talk about it… You need to be really careful", there is a tense silence.
"Sora… Do they know about me?"
She answers with a laugh: "Thanks to Olivia and me, no. I distracted them and Olivia deleted the information about you and your brother. Oops…"
I grin: "That are my girls, my sneaky, cunning, gorgeous girls!"
We giggle.
After we calm down she asks where I am and I answer her where exactly I am. We haven't secrets from each other besides what happened in our lives before we met. Let's just say that both of our pasts aren't pretty. But if we need and want to talk about it we usually go to each other.
Suddenly there is a bang from outside the room.
"What happened?", Sora asks concerned.
"I don't know…", I answer slightly worried myself. "Sounded like a gunshot…"
My mother is by my side immediately, rushing me to the bed.
"Hide! Now!", she whispers harshly. I comply but not without asking: "What about you?"
She smiles and answers silently: "I'm going to be fine. Don't worry."
Then she gives me a kiss on the head and gently shoves me under the bed. She stands up and leaves.
Everything is silent. I hear Sora breathing though the phone, but she doesn't say a thing, even though I know that she has a question on what is going on. Heck, even I want to know what is going on.
All of a sudden there is banging on the door. No… not banging… someone is trying to break it down.
I back away from the edge, trying to hide myself even more. My Mom meanwhile got her gun and stands beside the bed, giving me a perfect side profile on her shoes. Her eyes are trained on the door.
With one last bang the door busts open with a crash which nearly makes me jump. I concentrate on Sora's breathing trying to calm myself down and stay silent, not to get noticed.
"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? If that isn't Chardonnay or should I say Agent Marie Smith?", a male voice taunts. I hear Sora sharply breathe in.
"Gin", my mother greets the man calmly. "Where is your sidekick Vodka?"
"Who knows? I don't care", I hear him answer still in a taunting voice.
Something clicks in my mind. I know who this man is! He is one of Sora's biggest problems. Her oldest brother. And suddenly I'm afraid. Afraid for my mother's life since I know from what Sora told me what this man is capable of. I desperately try not to panic because I'm confident that if he finds me, I'm dead.
"You are here to kill me, aren't you?", my mother's voice is deadly calm. "Well, I'll let you know that I won't go down without a fight."
She points the gun at him but Gin begins to laugh like a maniac.
"I wouldn't have expected anything else of you!"
He calms down and sighs: "But sadly I don't have time for this right now. Be grateful, your death will be quick."
My mother is puzzled: "What do you…"
She is interrupted by a finger snap. Then there is glass shattering and my mother goes down. I can see her face, frozen in eternal shock. A headshot through the window. She is dead.
I feel numb, not realizing what just happened.
Though the ringing of my ears, I hear a snort: "What a shame. You should really have been careful picking your friends and what you tell them." Then there is the sound of a lighter and shortly after I smell cigarette smoke. "I don't even know why I tell you that since now you're dead."
He turns around: "Mission complete, pack up and meet me at the place", he orders someone and leaves.
I don't know how long I am here under the bed motionless just staring at my dead mother. Trying to warp my head around it.
Then it hits me. I'm never going to see her again. Never hear her voice, never hear her laugh, never going to see her again. The one person I had left of my family besides my brother is dead.
I begin to hyperventilate and panic while starting to cry without stopping it. I can't hear Sora trying to calm me down or hearing her say that she will come and get me. I can't hear anything.
In fact, I can't see anything either besides my mother's dead body.
I think I am down here for quite a while because suddenly there are hands pulling me out from under the bed. Terrified I fight against them until I find myself in a tight embrace. It is Sora, over her shoulder I see Olivia, another friend of mine. Olivia smiles sadly at me patting my head: "Shh, we're here, we're here. Calm down, calm down…"
I relax and burry my face in Sora's shoulder, bawling my eyes out.
After I calm down a little they take me to their place. Gorou, Sora's cousin is making me tea and Olivia is calling my brother. Sora doesn't leave my side.
End dream
I wake up soaked in cold sweat, breathing hard.
It takes a while for me to realize where I am but when I do I calm down. I bury my head in my hands. Why needs the first memory I remember to be the one of my mother's death? Is this something like a welcoming like: "Welcome to this world, enjoy the torture of remembering your shitty life here!"
Looking at my alarm clock I see it is 5 am. I groan and stand up since I know, I wouldn't get any more sleep. Great! Should I mention that today is going to be my first day of school? Perfect to go to tired. Fear the sarcasm!
My phone lights up with a new message. I open it and it reads:
Sora: 0081X-XXXX-XXXX
Olivia: 0081X-XXXX-XXXX
I had a feeling, you might want their new phone numbers.
H. D.
PS Save her!
I stare at it for a moment but then grin.
"I know what to do", I think while dialling Sora's number knowing that she should be awake.
"Hello?", I hear her response to her phone sleepy.
"Are you in Japan?", I ask.
"Olivia too?"
"… … Yes?"
"We need to meet."
"When and where?"