Hey guys and girls.

Here is a brand spanking new fanfic made by me.

This fanfic was made when I felt I had to make it. As all my other fanfics. Naruto's Flames was created because I wanted one like it. Same with Overlord Of All and Son Of Darkness and Night Raid's God Arc. Oh not to forget but I.S. Naruto.

As well, Naruto will be something extremely powerful, but not as strong as what he used to be.

As well, this all takes place in the Code Geass world.

So please, enjoy.

Disclaimers: I own nothing.

Chapter 1: The Tomb Of Death.

Cornelia. Some may consider her to be the most beautiful of the Britannian Empire. Her entire body was the envy of women, men found her extremely alluring and probably the most amazing bachelorette. But no one would ever approach her at all.

Despite being the most beautiful woman, she was labelled an Ice Queen. One who is cold to everyone. But that was about to change. Over the course of 4 weeks, she had been experiencing these weird vivid dreams. She was always seeing a man with a scythe. Smiting people who defied him as he howled in laughter as he took their lives in one fell swoop. The cries of people filled the air as he mercilessly took their lives. Then for some reason he would turn to her and hold out a hand for her. His platinum blonde hair blowing in the wind.

"Come my wife. Let us go and make the world whole again. Let the souls of the departed know that judgement has come." he said as he smiled to her.

He was cladded in a white outfit. White pants, white shirt and a white tie. The only thing not white was a black cloak that blew behind him as his scythe glowed an uneasy purple. Along with the two dead looking bat wings growing out his back. Along with the added touch of his shadow depicting that of a skeletal being had a hood covering its face along with what looked like horns growing out the skull along with that looked like people trying to break away and escape it from the cloak it had on. A strange looking lantern was held in the other hand.

Conrelia was seen slowly stirring awake as she looked about her room. She was called back to 11 and now she was getting reports that some dumb shit was now stirring up trouble in their peaceful island. Ever since her brother died in a skirmish with these guys was just the match lighting the fuse. And for some reasonn, she just couldn't shake this feeling. That dream was like nothing she had ever experienced in her entire life. But she couldn't help but wonder. Who was that man? And why did he called her, his wife?

But for some reason, she knew that they needed more firepower. No matter how many forces go in and try and get rid of them, they'd not even make a dent in the wall.

"How much longer much we be pushed back?" she said to herself as a knock was heard.

"Yes?" she asked as she sat up.

"My lady. There is something you must see." said the man on the other side.

"Has Suzaku gotten Lancelot busted again?" snarled Cornelia.

She was still getting that digested. A simple 11 piloting a Knightmare. It was pure stupidity. But then again, the Knightmare was not designed for a Britannian. But that was what the guys in the lab said.

Getting dressed and heading to the Command room, she stood there as one of the people working on the terminal turned to her.

"My Lady. This suddenly popped up on one of our heat sensors. Whatever it is, it's causing massive interferance with our systems. Even here it is causing a few power malfunctions. Last week, we checked the area, and found nothing only for this to show up now, a week later." said the woman.

"Okay. Let's go and find what the heck is there." said Cornelia.

"Heading to the mountain." said one of them as they moved out.

Mountain range. Area 11 (Japan). Tomb.

Deep inside a sealed area, rested a type of wall like stone painting. Various things were etched into it showing some people bowing while others were fleeing in terror. While a man stood over them all. Powerful and majestic.

In the centre looked to be a sort of small spire like structure while an urn rested on the top. A strange hum was heard in the room as a light was seen pulsing on and off.

"Soon." echoed a voice from no where.

Outside the tomb.

Coming to a halt, or more like their vehicles suddenly switched off for some reason as they came to a stop just by the mountain. Something very much felt wrong. And it was this feeling that sent shivers down Cornelia's spine. Getting out the cars they made their way to the mountain as a few scientists held onto some gear. Showing the spikes in power. And whatever it was. It was getting stronger. Their gear was not being able to hold up. And sure enough the gear failed as they finally made it to the mountain.

"What ever is beyond here. It must be powerful." said Cornelia as they readied weapons.

But where ever they looked they found nothing out of the ordinary. But as they were about to give up hope. Cornelia stiffened as she felt a hand that made her skin crawl placed on her shoulder.

"Open the tomb door." echoed a voice into her mind.

"Find my resting place. Set me free." it echoed again into her mind.

Looking around to find who said that, Cornelia found no one beside or behind her. What the hell was that? Was she hallucinating? Was she beginning to go mad?

Sighing as she rested a hand against the mountain she soon felt a jolf of energy pulse through her system. Bringing her hand back from the mountain she soon spotted a fissure. As if there was a doorway leading somewhere. Calling over her troops, they made their way there and soon stood stunned. It was nothing like they had ever seen before. It looked almost like magic. But that would be impossible.

Placing her hand on the flickering image, she found a doorway actually was revealed. As if there was no rock in the first place. Peering inside, Cornelia found quite the amount of offering bowls. As if whoever was in there. Was these people's god. From many years ago. Skeletons of what looked like priests were seen kneeling down as they prayed. Petrfied in eternal paryers.

Once again, they readied weapons and hooked flash lights to the weapons. Walking into the tomb they found the interior to be kept in brilliant condition. Not a spec of dust was seen. Pillars which looked to be more like statues held up the cave and showed one thing in common, no matter what stance they were in. They all had a slash across their torso.

"You finally came to me." said the voice booming within her mind.

"Now. Release me. And I will bestow the greatest power onto you." said the voice.

Finally making it down a set of stairs, they came to a sight that was completely breathtaking. Four pillars stood in a square formation as an urn rested in the middle while a stone painting was at the back of the room.

"This is amazing. Truly amazing." said one of the scientists as they made their way around the room, studying the architecture and whatnot.

But the urn very much caught Cornelia's attention. The urn looked to be very much like a royal urn for those high up in the peking order. Hell, she doubted her father would have an urn like this. This guy who was in the urn must've been higher than her father.

"Touch the urn. Release me." echoed the voice.

Doing as the voice told her, she reached to the urn and ran her hands over the smooth surface. Feeling something etched into the urn, she moved her hands furiously to try and rid the dust from the urn. But as she did that, her one finger was cut and she pulled it back in pain.

That was when an unholy laugh was heard as the cavern began to shake. Looking to the exit, they found it to be blocked as the urn slowly began to float into the air as what looked to be like 6 purple skulls began to spin around the urn. That was when the urn began to shake itself. As if it were mixing something inside. The stand began to rise up and showed a massive stone monolith. The urn soon gathered the skulls around it and floated to the monolith and went in. Once the urn was inside, a part of the monolith opened up and showed a man. His hands clasped over his chest. But what shocked Cornelia. Was that he was dressed in the same clothes as the ones in her dream. This was getting too weird. It couldn't be a coincidence.

The eyes of the man shot open as he moved. Stretching his limbs and looking about to those gathered before him. Smirking to the ones holding guns to his face, he meerly held out his hand and instantly the guns turned to sand. Cornelia was shocked beyond compare. This type of power should not even exist. That was when the man stepped infront of her. His blue eyes were so captivating yet felt so cold and dark.

"You're the one who awoke me." he stated.

His tone demanding and rich. It was like he was power incarnate.

"I don't understand." said Cornelia.

"You cut your hand on the urn didn't you." said the man with Cornelia looking down to her cut finger.

"I did." she replied.

"Then you shall be granted the greatest of power." said the man.

"What are you getting at?" asked Cornelia.

"Don't you know that by forming a contract with a deity is to be paid through blood?" said the man shocking Cornelia.

"You're a deity?" she said.

"I am. I'm the Shinigami. Grim Reaper in your tongue. And the contract has been formed between us." said the man.

"Contract?" said Cornelia now very much confused.

"Your hand. Look at it." said the man.

Looking to her hand, Cornelia found a skull resting in her palm while a few chains were seen tangled over the skull. Looking back to the grinning man, she arched an eyebrow.

"This is the power of death. The contract has been made." said the man.

"What does this mean?" asked Cornelia.

"You have the power to make those you know die. Enemies will tremble at your approach and you can even bring those you love back from the dead. You now have the power over life and death. But you have a serious price to pay." said the man.

"And that is?" asked Cornelia.

"You cannot pass over. You will be trapped in an endless Purgatory for all eternity. You are now immortal. A Purgatory of immortality. The greatest curse to ever exist." replied the man.

"I understand. May I have a name?" said Cornelia.

"Hm, I guess. I would get mad if you kept calling me Shinigami or Reaper. You may call me by my human name. Naruto, at your service." said the man giving a mocking bow.

"You were once human? How did you become like this?" asked one of the scientists.

And scene.

So yeah.

My first ever Code Geass and Naruto crossover.

Now, It is time for the harem list. Oh, that's right, I forgot to mention this as well. It will be a harem. Here is the list:

Cornelia (Main pairing)
C. C.

This will be the harem list and will stay as such.

No changes.

Chapter 2: Death Incarnate.

Coming soon.

Thank you for reading.

Please rate and review.

BlackSpirit101 out. ;)