Eraserhead knew exactly where the two children would be rooming in his home. His two guest rooms that were used for primarily any hero who needed to join him on one of his night patrols, but the kids would be better for them. While the rooms were bare, there was at least a bed in each one, along with a closet for clothes. He would look into more furniture for a longer stay, but it would do for the duo for now.

Isamu and Ayumu stuck close to one another as they cautiously searched the home. He knew it was logical for them to be curious, or even wary of their new environment, especially since they didn't seem to really know who they were, nor their quirks to an extent. Isamu casually kept his quirk up, obscuring his face. From what he heard from the officers who were called in to help collect the ten children, he did have a face under the smoke.

"Isamu, you need to turn your quirk off."

"My quirk?" Isamu asked appearing a little confused.

"The smoke around your face."

"Oh. I can try."

Eraserhead gave an unamused gaze at the response. He watched as the smoke began to move around the boy's face, moving towards his hair and revealing tanner skin than he expected, an androgenous young face with rounded eyes that seemed familiar in a way, and the lightest smattering of freckles on the bridge of his nose. His eyes were a soft blue color, making him stand out a bit more from the other recovered individuals whose eyes were primarily green. He nearly felt his breath catch seeing he smoke filled hair floating softly and curling through whatever existent hair was on top of his head. Despite the darker and greener color, he looked very much like someone he had known back in school. Skirakumo Oboro.

Logically, discovering that other heroes had clones, there was a possibility of others having clones as well. Logically, he would never have assumed there was one of a deceased hero student from when he was a boy. But there was a chance. In a world of quirks there was always a chance, no matter how illogical. He'd have to contact Nezu about it once the boys were asleep.

"There are certain laws in place on how your quirk is used. Since you can keep it off your face, you're going to need to do so in public."

"Okay," Isamu responded sounding a little confused. Ayumu looked to Aizawa.

"What about my quirk?"

Aizawa looked to the shaggy haired boy and bluntly asked, "Do you know what your quirk is?"

"Um... no. I don't know."

Aizawa used his quirk on Ayumu and saw his mouth twitching. Similar to eating something new that wasn't exactly pleasant, but not entirely hated either.

"My mouth feels funny. And I don't feel as thirsty."

Aizawa let his quirk drop, knowing that his quirk had something to do with his mouth or even perhaps his stomach. Thirst was tell-tale sign. He'd bring that up with Nezu as well.

"It's back to normal," he spoke aloud.

"You're quirk has something to do with your stomach most likely. You're mouth is craving something related to your quirk so we'll keep an eye out on what it could be," Aizawa answered the quirk inquiry.


The two boys jumped at the sudden sound as Aizawa gave a small grin to his cat who had startled the boys.

She was a sleek calico with one green, one blue eye and an impish expression.

"Boys, this is Fluffernutter. She thinks she owns this place."

Fluffernutter meowed indignantly at her owner.

"Yeah yeah. I know you're hungry," Aizawa responded to the feline. "You boys want anything?"

The two looked at one another, an unhealthy bond if not dealt with. He knew how crippling it could be to have to rely on a person for the entirety of their life. He would have to mention that to Nezu as well. Most likely separate them in their little trial run at UA.

Masahiko was surprised by the lack of jean fabric inside the jean based hero's house. He wasn't surprised by the sleek and modern styling the home boasted from one of the most "fashionable" heroes. It was certainly an upscale place that he could easily see was a benefit from being a high ranked hero.

"Hold still for a moment," Best Jeanist spoke as threads wrapped around his chest, thighs, hip, waist, and arms. They weren't there very long. He turned to see retreating thread and Best Jeanist taking notes, no doubt of his size.

It made sense since he had no clothes other than what he was wearing.

"You could have asked. Do you often use your powers on civilians who don't need saving?"

"No. But you hardly seem to like being touched longer than needed. And the sooner I get your clothes, the better."

Masahiko rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to seem so excited," Best Jeanist dryly commented. "You do get a say in your clothes-"

"No jeans."

"No- what do you have against jeans? They are the easiest fibers for our powers to use."

"So? I don't wanna wear jeans. I liked the material those straps at the station were."

"You like leather? That has no fibers whatsoever."

"I like how it feels," Masahiko responded, defiance in his voice.

"I'll keep that in mind. On a side note, your full name will be Hakamata Masahiko."

"Hakamata? Isn't that, a bit on the nose?"

"Regardless of being on the nose or not, it is my last name."

"So do I just keep calling you Jeanist or what?"

"You can if you wish. Or you may call me Tsunaga."

"I'm guessing that's your given name."

"It is."

"Well, it's better than you expecting me to call you dad."

Tsunaga bristled at the casual comment.

"Why don't you go shower? I'll get something to eat while we wait for one of my sidekicks to come by and drop off some clothes for you to wear."

Tsunaga gestured in the direction of the bathroom, silently praying that leather was just a phase.

Aoi was brought to UA alongside Principal Nezu, after acquiring an appropriate wardrobe and furniture for her new home. Her eyes were slightly puffy and red from crying. She tried to hide her tears, but it had been upsetting to be abandoned. It also was mortifying that she was... a little woman now. The visit to the hospital and the subsequent bleeding she wasn't prepared for at all. Nezu seemed to take it in stride, not once bothered in getting what she apparently needed, merely saying that he would be wise to stock up at the school as well for the upcoming year.

The campus was thankfully empty of younger people, but a few adults she recognized from the videos she had to watch as Mt Lady got more and more footage. She, for the most part, kept her head down. Her short stature towering over Nezu didn't help too much in the matter.

"You should keep your head up Aoi. There is nothing to fear here," Nezu assured her.

"If you say so sir."

Nezu walked her towards a familiar enough face. He knew that Recovery Girl wouldn't mind a visit from him and the other girl in the group of recovered individuals. Perhaps he would put them in the same recovery class if they got along. He was already looking at how to place the ten little happy accidents.

He knew Kenji would be in Aizawa's class to avoid any potential accusation of nepotism. He had received a message from Aizawa about wanting to try and have Isamu and Ayumu in separate classes. Also he wanted to have a blood test on Isamu to compare it to a dead classmate. He also messaged that he wanted a quirk test on Ayumu, that his quirk had seemed to have something to do with his mouth and stomach. So more than likely, if Aizawa was seeing his dead classmate in the kid, he would be best placing Isamu in with Ken to avoid the bias there. Ayumu would then be with Aizawa. The recommendation students were already placed, with Endeavor's son Todoroki Shoto already being in 1-A, so it was most likely a good idea to have him placed in 1-B with Kan. Naozumi was a sleepy individual that was better placed with a more awake individual to help him integrate. Kan would be better to teach him putting him in 1-B. Kan's teaching wouldn't be so welcome to someone like Aoi and her inherent apparent meekness. If he kept the girls together they would be with Aizawa's more unpredictable style. That left Yasu, Masahiko, and Shouhei.

The three didn't have much to them, but it seemed Yasu looked to Naozumi if being at the station was any indication. The potential loud boy could easily go with Kan in 1-B. Shouhei and Masahiko, he didn't have enough information on, but based on their parents, he figured that Masahiko would do well in 1-A where Shouhei could learn well in the more military style of 1-B. Perhaps it wasn't perfect, but he at least had a baseline on where the ten would go.

"Oh Nezu, you're here."

"It's nice seeing you again Recovery Girl."

He saw Chiyoko stand a little behind Recovery Girl. Her large eyes locked onto Aoi's slouched form and she ran forward.

"Are you hurt Aoi?"

Aoi flinched and looked at the smaller girl.

"Oh, you were at the station with me. Chiyoko right?"

"Uh huh. Are you okay? Your eyes are all red and swollen," Chiyoko asked in concern. Recovery Girl gave Nezu a knowing glance. Nezu merely kept his smile as Aoi was seemingly mothered by Chiyoko.

"I'm okay. Just a little... emotional right now."

"Can I help you feel better?"

"I don't know if you can."

"Hugs can help," Recovery Girl said.

The two girls looked at her a little confused. One not knowing why a hug would help, the other not familiar with the word.

"Why don't you two try? Just embrace each other."

Chiyoko didn't waste time, trying a hug for the first time. Chiyoko gave a squeeze and Aoi wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, squeezing back.

Nezu and Recovery Girl covertly nodded at each other.

Kan had worked with rebellious kids before. Heck, he had a stash of clothes available in case one of his students was in a bad situation at home.

But he had never had one quite as rebellious as Kenji.

Kenji seemed to be looking for any reason to pick a fight. More like a feral animal than a normal kid. He had his work cut out for him to help him become an upstanding citizen.

He made an executive decision to give him something to let his anger out on. From the back of his closet, there was a punching bag he hadn't used since he became a teacher. He installed the bag while Kenji had been eating.

While Kenji had said nothing in regards to the bag, he saw a slight curve of his lips and knew he had taken to punching his frustration on the punching bag. They didn't need words yet. They needed their own cool down for the unprecedented change in their lives.

Yasu adored the home Present Mic had. He may have been a loud hero, a bold personality, and an in your face individual, but his home was the epitome of cozy and comfortable. He was bundled in a warm blanket and Present Mic, Hizashi Yamada, was there with some delicious soup and tea to enjoy as they got to know each other. Well, more Yasu exploring his own ideas and Hizashi being the most encouraging person Yasu had ever met.

"So what kind of colors do you like?"

"Um... I like yellow. It's soft and warm and makes me feel safe. I also like green," he said in a soft, barely above a whisper voice. "Everybody had a little bit of green. It's so lively."

"Yellow and green are good colors little listener," Hizashi responded, a big smile on his face.

"What about your favorite colors?" Yasu asked.



"Yeup. It can be warm, it can be cool, and it's just a pretty color," he commented as he pulled up an imagine on his phone. He flipped it around to show a painting done in a variety of purples. Yasu couldn't help but think it looked pretty, but it still wasn't as good as yellow or green.

"It's nice."


There weren't any orders, no telling him what to think, how to prepare, just a warm and quiet place where he wasn't told to shut up.

Shouhei had not been ready for the wild party that had occurred with being with Hawks. He had not been ready to be dragged to his office site and introduced to his agency so quickly. It was exhausting and he wanted nothing more than to sleep. He felt like he needed a week of sleep.

He practically flopped onto the couch inside the house Hawks owned. His wings became his blanket as his eyelids grew heavy. Sleep overcame him rather quickly.

Hawks, otherwise known as Kiego Takami smiled at the sleeping teen. He remembered having used his wings as blankets during his late nights studying. It was a shame he wasn't strong enough to just walk and carry someone with large wings like he himself boasted.

Well, at least the couch was comfy. He made sure to grab a blanket to put over him so his feathers wouldn't puff up in his sleep.

Actually, when he was asleep, he was downright adorable.

His cheeks were fuller than his own, and like the other kids, there were a small amount of freckles on his face.

He wondered if there was something about how they were created that made them freckled.

It didn't matter truly. He was essentially his son, or perhaps even a younger brother. Either way, he was going to support his little boy through the awkwardness of growing up and being a teenage avian.

Naozumi stood awake while his donor slept. No doubt she went to bed thinking he would be out for the night. He loved to sleep, but one couldn't just sleep their existence away. He sat by the window, taking in the soft street lights and the quietness of night.

Statistically, he knew more crimes were committed at night. But the night just seemed so calm and cool, so beautifully inviting. So much nicer than the bright white and well lit housing area they were created in. He preferred the deeper blues. He also found himself relaxing to the soft breathing of Midnight sleeping in her room. He felt his stomach rumble slightly. He gave a quiet sigh and stood from his spot at the windowsill. Walking in a set of comfy green pajamas, he walked to the kitchen. He looked over what food may be available. He grabbed a package of tea, and read the instructions. It seemed simple enough to make and seemed to be liked by his... mother. Perhaps he would like it too.

He set up a kettle on the stove and began to heat it up. He waited near it to try and figure out when it would be hot enough for the tea. From what he read on the box, it shouldn't take terribly long.

He pulled up a chair and waited in the muted light for the water to be ready. He watched in curiosity for any indication the water was ready. More likely than not, steam would be the indicator. Patiently, he waited for the water. Minutes ticked by when the kettle screamed to life. He quickly moved this from the burner to silence the thing. His eyes were wide, wondering why exactly the kettle had whistled of all things. He'd ask later.

He placed one of the tea bags in a mug and poured the hot water into the mug. He watched as the water began to grow progressively darker.

He waited the allotted time on the container for the tea.

When it was deemed ready, he could smell a fruity smelling scent from the drink. He took a small sip of the steamy drink. He grimaced at the flavor. He kept on drinking the liquid but removed the tea bag. He wasn't going to waste it, but he didn't want it any stronger. He kept sipping the tea, but felt a level of appreciation for the flavor. It wasn't great per say, but it did relax him ever so slightly.

"One day down, and the rest of my life as a free man down to go," Naozumi hummed to himself.

He walked back to the windowsill and sat down with his tea in hand. Looking out into the city once more, he let himself relax into the night.

Shoto sat next to his sister Fuyumi in anticipation of their father returning home. It was already late, and he had been gone all day, only for them to be ordered to wait up for him. They knew better than to ignore a direct order even if they hated it.

It was only when the door opened that they sat in attention. The heavy and familiar footfalls of Endeavor coming towards them, along with a set of softer footfalls. Fuyumi and Shoto watched as their father walked in followed by a boy about his age. The boy looked at Endeavor with irritation in his eyes. Darker red hair with gentle curl and green eyes and a soft face.

"Fuyumi, Shoto, this is your new brother, Jun'ichi."

The room seemed to turn icy from the emotions in the room.

"You know I'm not going to call you dad right?" Jun'ichi casually pointed out. "Cause that would be weird all things considered."

Endeavor's icy gaze met Jun'ichi's defiant gaze. Jun'ichi stuck his tongue out at the number two hero.

"I will go set up a room for Jun'ichi," Fuyumi said, shock clear in her voice. She left the room, a vacant expression on her face. Shoto glared at his father with hatred. Jun'ichi turned his gaze over to the white and red haired boy.

"Is he a jerk here like he was at when he found out about me at the police station? Because he seems like a real delight."

Shoto hated his father, but he never had the bearing to speak as Jun'ichi did. Enji Todoroki glowered at Jun'ichi.

"Shoto, he will be in a rehabilitation program at UA."

"Hey! Privacy! Does it mean nothing to you?" Jun'ichi yelled.

"Shoto will be in the UA hero program. You, will also be representing me at UA. For different reasons."

"You mean that I was a tube baby you didn't consent to?" Jun'ichi stated dryly. "Because I didn't consent to being your tube baby either Endeavor."

Shoto wasn't sure he liked the Jun'ichi guy, but he did like that he seemed to have a an issue with Endeavor. But what did get his attention was the fact that his father did not cheat on his mother and instead that the person in front of him was created, possibly in a lab. It sounded like a lab.

"Shoto, show Jun'ichi to his room. You two will begin training in the morning."

With that, the two boys were left to themselves.

"Well, he's something," Jun'ichi muttered. He looked over at Shoto and gave a far friendly smile than Shoto had seen from anyone in the house since his mother. It was warm and welcoming, something that just seemed off on a face that looked as similar as it did to Endeavor.

"Follow me," Shoto simply responded. He would see just what the strange boy was made of the following morning. Despite not knowing the boy, knowing that he was a scion of Endeavor alone, he would prove his mother's quirk was superior and that Endeavor's was not needed.

Jun'ichi did follow Shoto who he was unsure of. The burn mark and the icy exterior was fairly unlike any of the others he had been created with. He didn't quite know what to make of him and was slightly excited for the training the next morning. He knew of Endeavor, but minimally on his family. He knew he had been married and had children, but he knew nothing else prior to being brought under Endeavor's care. He did figure out pretty much instantly that technically Shoto was older than him, having actually been born, but they appeared physically to be the same age. Would they have to say they were twins?

Writing again. Writing some more. Another chapter is here.