I'm in the writing mood, so i decided to do an OC fic where my character gets mixed up in this shit but still has fun. This will be a bit different from the original, enjoy!

Currently a brown haired, pale skinned boy with freckles wearing red and black glasses, a green zip up hoodie (despite it being summer) with a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and some black strap shoes was looking out the window on a bus. He remember's a couple of days ago when summer started when he was told that he was going to a summer camp.

?'s P.O.V (For the rest of this flashback)

"Okay, you decided what?" I ask

"We decided to send you to a summer camp." My mother told me

"And why exactly?" I ask again

"Because we feel like that you need to be more social." My step-father told me

I sigh, and looked at them.

"Hand me the pamphlet please." I ask

The hand me the pamphlet, it was for a camp that was multiple camps. I look up from the pamphlet, eyebrow raised.

"So it's a Camp Camp?" I ask

"Yep, i hope you enjoy it sport." My step-father told me

I sigh, a couple days later i was on this bus with my stuff and was going to other house's to pick up two other kids.

Flash back end, 3rd P.O.V

That's what happened before he got on that bus, he looked around to see another brown haired kid and a mint green haired girl.

"So what are you here for?" The young man asked

"I'm here for science camp." The brown haired boy said

"I'm here for adventure camp which should be here also." The mint green haired girl said

"I'm just here for a bunch of camps or something like that, name's Aaron Thompson. Your name?" The boy known as Aaron asked

"I'm Neil." The brown haired boy said

"My name is Nikki, i like your glasses." The girl said

Aaron took off his glasses and looked at them with a smile.

"I guess their cool, they just help me see farther." Aaron explained while putting on his glasses

"Really? So like cool binoculars?" She asked

"If by that you mean helping me see properly, then yes." Aaron said

Aaron looked at Neil for a moment.

"You must be a man of logic, right?" Neil asked

"Yeah, i'm mean logic is what dictate's actions right?" Aaron said

"Huh, so you must know a lot about science." Neil said

Aaron shrugged with a slight grin.

"I dabble, i do other things. I play D&D, i've played plenty of video games, learned a little about misdirection, plays, and i'm slightly experienced in the medical field." Aaron said counting off his fingers

"That's cool!" Nikki said

"I'm not that good, that's why i'm going to camp besides for social experience." Aaron said

"Social experience?" Neil asked

Aaron sighed slightly and bridged his nose.

"My parents thought it would work, i find that to be a bit of a shit idea but i agree with their views." Aaron explained

"How exactly?" Neil asked

"People are terrible sometimes Neil, history has shown that." Aaron said

The bus then stopped right as Neil was about to reply, it hit a person who was welcoming them.

"What the hell was that?" Aaron asked

Neil and Nikki shrugged while the man with grey hair opened the door, Aaron walked to the door along with Nikki and Neil. Aaron walked down the step with the others in tow and breathed out the air.

"Smell that fresh air, and other indescribable stuff." Aaron said slightly confused at the end

"Hello their, you must be Aaron Thompson." A man with a yellow bandanna tied around his neck

"Yes, pleasure to meet you sir." Aaron said with a slight wave

"No need to call me sir Aaron, call me David." The man said cheerfully

"Okay... David, the other two people nearby me are Nikki and Neil." Aaron said

Aaron presented them with Nikki looking around while Neil was slightly confused, Aaron had a small nervous look on his face.

"I barely know them, so show us around this camp camp?" Aaron said slightly confused on how to call it

Aaron noticed a boy wearing a blue hoodie was in the bus trying the escape using it.

"Stupid prepubescent legs!" The boy said

The man with grey hair picked him up with his hook.

"Not today child, the only one driving this is me." The man said

"Uh, thanks Quartermaster." David said

"Your own your own now, i'm going on break. I'll be back at the bus at noon." The Quartermaster said

He was about to walk away when Aaron decided to speak up.

"Well thanks for getting me here, Mr Quartermaster sir." Aaron said happily

The Quartermaster looked at a smiling Aaron, he smiled a little.

"Your welcome, i hope you have fun." The Quartermaster said

He then left while David looked at Aaron shock.

"Weird, never saw the Quartermaster really smile before." David said oddly impressed

"I try my best." Aaron said with a grin

The boy was about to walk away when David stopped him.

"Max, you are not leaving me side for the rest of the day." David said

"We'll see, David." The boy known as Max spat

He looked at Aaron.

"What's your deal?" Max asked

"I'm just here for the social EXP." Aaron said semi nervously

"Oh god, a fucking nerd." Max said

Aaron scowled at this and gave Max a serious look.

"Hey, i'm a badass nerd." Aaron said pointing a thumb at himself

Max looked at Aaron slightly surprised.

"Wow, i thought you were a goody two shoes like David over their." Max said pointing a thumb at said person

"I'm a nice guy but that doesn't mean i know things, got to admit. I'm gonna like it here." Aaron said walking towards David (Who was with Nikki and Neil giving them buttons which Aaron denied)

Max looked at him with a small smirk.

"I think i'm gonna like that kid, he's got potential for making David miserable." Max said

Aaron pulled out his phone and looked at it, he opened a camera.

"Ready to take some memories." Aaron said

The group arrived at the flagpole.

"The first part of any good tour is the camps flagpole!" David said happily

Aaron took a picture of the flagpole which David noticed.

"Why are you taking a picture?" David asked

"Gotta make memories somehow, plus i don't know why but i'm gonna like it here." Aaron said smiling

David looked at Aaron for a moment before shaking it off, he saluted to the flag.

"I can't help but salute everytime i see this flag, the flag of Camp Campbell." David said

David gestured to the mess hall, Aaron looked at it and took a picture.

"That's the mess hall, where meals are served and it's also the location of the Quartermaster Store. It's also the location of where announcements take place along with camp activities." David explained

Aaron raised his hand and David pointed at it.

"Do we buy things at the store in their?" Aaron asked

"Nope!" David said

Aaron nodded and looked at Max.

"Max, your opinion on it?" Aaron asked

"It's shit." Max said

Aaron looked at in thought.

"Could use some work but it does look a little shitty." Aaron said casually

Max smirked a little while David was slightly shocked at Aaron's language.

"It isn't that bad, right?" David said/asked

"Could use some work." Aaron said

"Well inside is our other counselour, Gwen. Your gonna love her, she's in the middle of a camp activity right now!" David said

Aaron looked at Neil, then Nikki, then Max, and then at the door.

"We'll lets see!" Aaron said

David opened the door to chaos and said hello to this.

"Motherfucker!" A woman said

Aaron was looking at the chaos inside, he took a selfie with wink and a peace sign as their were multiple kids in the background, one wearing headphones, another near the fan crank, one slightly dancing, one doing magic tricks, and two were just sitting.

"Crank it up to high, i can take the G's!" A kid wearing space suit said spinning around on a fan

"Nerf, you don't crank shit! Get down from their Space Kid!" The woman said

The fan then stops and Space Kid falls, Aaron looked around the hall.

"Neat." Aaron said taking another picture

"Oh dear!" David said later running over to the woman

"What's going on here?" Neil asked

"I don't know but i like it, i'm gonna love it here!" Aaron said with stars in his eye's

"Gwen, what the gosh darn heck happened here?" David asked

"Just Space Kid pushing me to my limit's again." Gwen said

Aaron walked over and looked up at Gwen, he smiled.

"You must be Gwen, gotta say. Nice job." Aaron said with a thumbs up

Gwen looked at Aaron, she smiled a little.

"Huh, thanks. I don't really get thanked by campers." Gwen said

"Well, i think you should." Aaron said

Gwen smiled a little more, she looked at David.

"I like this kid." Gwen said

"I will achieve space flight!" Space kid said

Aaron looked over at him and gave him a thumbs up.

"You can do it buddy!" Aaron said

Space Kid grinned at that, he looked at Gwen.

"So, we gonna continue this tour?" Aaron asked

"We have a video." Gwen said semi cheerful

"Well, let's see it then." Aaron said

"Actually i was thinking that i play that song i've been working on." David said pulling out a guitar

Aaron looked over and put his hand at the top part of the guitar.

"Maybe later at a campfire?" Aaron suggested

David put away the guitar while Aaron winked at Gwen, who grinned.

"I'll get the laser disk." Gwen said

Gwen walked away while David looked at everyone.

"Alright campers, head over to the activities field for your afternoon sessions!" David said excited

While everyone else complained, Aaron gave a clap and a thumbs up.

"Alright!" Aaron said

Max was trying to sneak away when Aaron stopped him.

"Come on Max, have a little fun while we're here." Aaron said gently elbowing his side

Max sighed and very reluctantly agreed to do it, just to get David off his back. While the other kids were sent to activities field, Aaron just stared while Neil and Nikki looked around confused.

"Where's the science camp?" Neil asked

Neil looked around before looking at Nikki.

"None of this looks to science-y." Neil said

"What about that astronaut kid?" Nikki asked while Aaron shrugged

"Astronauts, the wanna-be jocks of the science community? Please." Neil said crossing his arms

"I thinks it's pretty cool." Aaron said putting his hands into his hoodie pockets

David was given a giant disk by Gwen, he then looked at the campers.

"Don't worry, this video will explain everything!" David said while Gwen wheeled out a TV

"Oh, okay." Aaron agreed as he sat down

"This was put together by our founder, Cameron Campbell. I met him when i was an eager camper just like yourselves." David said while Gwen was messing with the TV

Aaron sat their ignoring the long speech while he saw what was going on in the background, Gwen was messing with the TV when a guy in a tanktop and blue striped underwear climbed down from the attic. Gwen, Aaron, and the other campers noticed this and looked at him. He climbed back up while Aaron smiled a little, Gwen looked up the attic after a few moments to which later the man wearing adventure's clothing climbed down and walked up to David causing Aaron to smile.

"Hey David, look behind you." Aaron said

David looked behind him in that moment and saw the man, he gasped and smiled while Aaron smiled a little more.

"So, who's the adventurer looking dude?" Aaron asked

"He's mister Campbell!" David said

Aaron got up and walked over and stuck out his hand.

"An honor to meet you sir, an hero of David is a guy i trust." Aaron said

Campbell smiled and shook his hand a little.

"Well it's nice to meet me too." Campbell said

Campbell than gave a Santa like laugh, Aaron then took out a camera and took a selfie was he was laughing with Aaron giving a thumbs up.

"So, your our new campers?" Campbell asked

"Yep/yeah/sure." Nikki/Neil/Aaron said at the same time

"Well it's nice to meet you then!" Campbell said

"Wait is this adventure camp?" Nikki asked

"I thought this was science camp?" Neil said

"I'm just here for whatever, whenever anyone asks a question. It raises more questions, so please answer them." Aaron explained/asked with a shrug

"Your starting to catch on kid." Max said

Aaron raised an eyebrow at Max while a car pulled up outside a window causing Campbell to look with wide eyes.

"We should go on that tour now as a matter of fact." Campbell said pushing the group outside

"Okay?" Aaron said confused at what just happened

Aaron looks at the area in wonder while the rest are either smiling, confused, or just plain disinterested.

"We pride ourselves in our wide curriculum!" David said cheerful

"Their's extreme sports camp, magic camp, space camp, theater camp, art camp, other magic camp, and so much more." Gwen said disinterested

The kids looked at each camp in order, seeing how bad some of them were. Aaron was smiling at each one, he looked at Gwen when she finished.

"Cool, so we learn all this stuff?" Aaron asked

"Yes." Gwen said

"How much more stuff?" Nikki asked

"Well i'm glad you asked, because i have a song for this." David said

Aaron slowly shook his head no.

"We just want to hear the rest, in non-song form preferably." Aaron said with a awkward grin

"Okay then." David said

Gwen then looked at Campbell with a list.

"By the way Mr Campbell, now that you're here. Maybe we can finally discuss, how we can operate at this scale-"

"Is that kid trying to escape?" Campbell asked

Max was running away leaving behind a fake, Aaron sighed and ran after him. He tackled him and dragged him back to the group.

"Got him!" Aaron said cheerfully

"Well Max, it looks like knitting camp wasn't as stupid as someone said, huh Max?" David said

Max glared at Aaron a little.

"You're a pretty stupid motherfucker aren't you?" Max asked

"Smarter than you at least." Aaron said with a shit eating smirk

Max smiled slightly at his response, it was pretty good as he pulled back up.

"Excuse me, what the hell is this?" Neil asked

Neil was gesturing at the 'science' camp, Aaron raised an eyebrow at this.

"No idea but it isn't science." Aaron said

"That's our science camp." Gwen said in the background

Aaron looked at her and blinked for a couple of moments.

"I stand wildly corrected." Aaron said

"But, but this isn't what i signed up for. I signed up for science camp and just that, not science camp and more!" Neil said

Aaron grabbed and looked at it closely.

"Actually is says that right below it, in fine print." Aaron said

Aaron grabbed a magnifying glass and put it over the fine print, showing that it does indeed say 'and more' under science camp.

"That's why you read the fine print sport!" Campbell said

Nikki pulled out hers and looked at it, she had the same thing. She looked at Aaron, who currently was looking at the camp area.

"What about yours?" Nikki asked

Aaron looked at her with a small hum, he pulled out his.

"Mine already said it." Aaron explained

It said Camp Camp on it, Nikki said 'Oh' at this and looked back Campbell.

"So it's a camp camp?" Nikki asked

"Not exactly but to put it simply, yes." Campbell said

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Neil yelled

Aaron looked at Neil, he just shrugged at the scene as he took pictures of the camp area while everyone looked at Neil.

"Looks like one of the other new kids has some balls on him." Max said

Nikki looked at Max.

"What about Aaron?" Nikki asked

Max shrugged at her question.

"Sort of, he's nice but not too objective." Max said

Neil looked at Campbell in anger.

"I don't know what kind of operation your running here, but this will NOT STAND!" Neil said

He then started to walk back in forth in his rant.

"I'm a man of science! You think you put some outdated gear, say it's good and call it a laboratory?!" Neil said gesturing to the camp

"Kid, we don't always get what we wa-"

"Stand down Gretchen, i'll speak to the children." Campbell said stopping Gwen

Campbell than became the center of attention.

"Kids, i'm not gonna lie. When i first opened this camp, i had one goal and one goal only. To create the most popular and successful summer camp ever, but times have changed and things like the internet, video games, and the Affordable Health Care act are ruining this once great country of ours. Kids today aren't interested in summer camps like in the past, America isn't a traditional country. So why settle for anything less!" Campbell said

Aaron looked with a smile while David was wiping away a tear.

"You've got two acceptable counsellors, one hell of a Quartermaster, and endless possibilities here at Camp Campbell." Campbell said

He then put a hand over his chest.

"And by God, as long as i'm here-"

He was then cut of by the car that was driving in earlier destroying a painting that someone made and started to shoot at Campbell, surprising Aaron.

"Woah!" Aaron said ducking behind cover

"Code Black, Code black." Campbell said while holding Space Kid up deflecting the bullets thanks to his helmet

A ladder from a helicopter came down and Campbell got on it while throwing Space Kid aside.

"Well would you look at the time, gotta go!" Campbell said

David then ran up to Campbell.

"Sir! Where are you going?" David asked

"The nearest ocean Davey, have a great summer!" Campbell said flying away

David looked onward sadly while Neil and Aaron were looking in shock while Max was confused and Nikki was in awe. The car then drived away while everyone looked at area where the car left.

"What a swell guy." Aaron said causing Max to glare at him

"Oh god it's coming back, the crippling anxiety and regret!" Gwen said holding her head and running away

"Uh Gwen!" David said running after her

That's when the Quartermaster walked by, he waved at Aaron while Aaron waved back.

"Well, time to be getting that there bus back to that there city." The Quartermaster said

"Neil, that's our only chance out of this hellhole. Do you want to stay here for the rest of the summer or taste freedom?" Max said/asked grabbing Neil by the arm

Neil looked over at Gwen on the ground mumbling about asking why she got a liberal arts degree. Neil then looked back at Max with a nod.

"Let's get the hell out of here!" Neil said

"Making a break for it?" Nikki asked

"Yeah, so what?" Max asked

"I can distract them for you." Nikki said

"Why would you help us?" Max asked

"I'm an agent of chaos." Nikki said with a shrug

Max then looked at Aaron to which Aaron looked back.

"You coming with?" Max asked

"Does David want to sing that song?" Aaron asked in response

"Yes?" Neil said

"Their's your answer." Aaron said

Nikki looked over David and put her hands over her mouth in a cup shape.

"Hey David, why don't you sing that song you won't shut up about?" Nikki asked

"Great idea!" David said as he pulled out the guitar

"Christ no!" Gwen said before falling back to the ground

David started to sing as Aaron, Max, Nikki, and Neil started to escape. Gwen later telling that they escaped leaving fakes behind, Aaron looked behind him and smirked.

"Good idea Nikki." Aaron said as they ran to the bus

"I try my best!" Nikki said in between panting

They ran past the Quartermaster which Aaron said hi as he ran by, the Quartermaster told them simply not to run. Gwen and David ran by him and he said the same thing to them also. The kids were running to the bus and Aaron looked behind him to see Gwen and David.

"Guys, their gaining on us!" Aaron said

"Max get back here, your a bad influence on our new campers!" David yelled

Aaron looked at David.

"Bad influence, more like rad influence!" Aaron said

He then clicked his tongue and made finger guns towards David with a wink, Aaron grabbed Max's sleeve and picked up the speed which started to outrun Gwen and David. They made it on the bus before they could arrived, Aaron looked out while Max started to hot wire the bus.

"Well sorry David, but we won't be getting far. So yeah, later!" Aaron said

The bus started to drive away as the door closed, everyone else thought they were in the clear until they crashed. The police fining David while Gwen looked at the campers angrily.

"We were so close!" Max said

"In retrospect, none of us know how to drive. I knew that but i didn't say anything, i just wanted to see how far we would get." Aaron said putting his hands into his hoodie pockets

"How far did you think you were gonna get?" Gwen asked

"About this distance if not a mile more." Aaron said

"I'm gonna be honest, i just wanted to drive a bus." Nikki said with a shrug

"And you did." Aaron said

Aaron then sighed in remembrance.

"Good times, good times." Aaron said with a small half smile

"Well i hope we learned something today." David said

"Nope, i hope you learned David. That before today, you just had me. Now you have four little bastards to deal with." Max said putting his arms around Aaron, Neil, and Nikki

"I'm just going with the flow here but okay." Aaron said taking a selfie with his phone with his new friends

"I'll show you to our tent." Max said

Aaron looked back at David and smiled a little, Aaron mouthed this.

'Loving it here.' Aaron mouthed

David smiled slightly along with Gwen.

"At least it won't be so bad, we have one kid that likes us." Gwen said

"On the bright side, Max made not one, not two but three new friends!" David said happily

David was about to pull out a guitar before Gwen grabbed it and hit him with it, she sighed and looked in the direction Aaron left in.

"That kid is gonna be a bit interesting to deal with." Gwen said

Later that night

Aaron woke up sleepily, he saw his other camp mates and smiled a little as he put on his glasses. He got out of the tent and walked to the docks, he sat down and looked at the lake in silence.

"I think this is gonna be a nice place to be in." Aaron said to himself after a couple of minutes

"Aaron?" A voice said behind him

Aaron looked behind him to see Gwen, Aaron smiled and patted the spot beside him.

"Room for two." Aaron said

Gwen shrugged and sat down near him, she looked at him for a moment.

"So why are you out here?" Gwen asked

"Just for the view and silence." Aaron answered

Gwen looked at the lake, the full moon shown brightly on the lake giving a calm feeling as the crickets quietly chirped.

"Nature is pretty cool sometimes but it can be calm." Aaron said

Gwen looked at Aaron again, he was smiling with his teeth slightly showing.

"Kid, why are you so cheerful?" Gwen asked after a couple of minutes

Aaron looked at Gwen, he sighed and looked back at the lake.

"Hope." Aaron said

"What?" Gwen asked

"The reason is hope." Aaron said

"Hope? As in a person?" Gwen asked

"Nope, hope in general. Hope for the future, hope for friendship, hope for anything to be honest." Aaron said

"You want to give people hope?" Gwen asked

"Yeah, i mean look at the world. Despite the tragedies that occur, the world keeps on spinning." Aaron said

"Huh, so that means?" Gwen asked looking back at the lake

"It means that as long as the world lives, we still have hope. As long as we're alive, so is hope." Aaron said

Gwen looked at Aaron again, he looked lost in thought.

"Kid?" Gwen asked after a minute or two

Aaron then snapped back to reality and rubbed the back of his head with his eye's closed.

"Sorry, i get lost in thought sometimes with this stuff." Aaron said opening his eye's

"Why?" Gwen asked

"Because if i don't think about the things i'm given, i won't be able to truly live." Aaron said

Aaron pulled out his phone and looked at the pictures he took of today.

"I'm a nerd sure but i try to be a cool one for the sake of people being able to see me as a friend rather than some weirdo." Aaron explained

"So you want to be popular?" Gwen asked

"Nope, i just want to be friends with people." Aaron said

"Why is that?" Gwen asked

"Because friends can make things better, life can be shit sometimes but friends just make it better." Aaron said

Gwen looked at the lake for bit, she smiled a little and got back up.

"I'm gonna go, you should probably get some sleep." Gwen said after a couple of seconds

Aaron looked at her and smiled.

"Alright, but i just want to sit here for a couple more minutes." Aaron said

Gwen nodded and left, Aaron sat their as the tree's gently swayed in the wind. Aaron took of his glasses and closed his eye's, feeling the wind on his face.

"I can only hope that i succeed." Aaron whispered

He put his glasses back on, opened his eye's and left the docks after a bit. He was back at his tent, before going in, he looked back out and smiled a little. He then entered his tent, the tree's still gently swaying.

That's it for this chapter, i hope you enjoyed.

I'll see you guys in the Fandom.