Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any of its associated characters!

Summary: COMPLETE. In which Sasuke hates the weather (and himself), and Naruto still tastes like miso. SNS, Canonverse, Oneshot. Happy SNS day!

A/N: Hey guys! So I'm going to be uploading a bunch of content starting tomorrow (for Sasuke's birthday), but before I do that - here's the original version of Some Nights are a Storm. You can completely ignore it if you'd like to! But it's so different that it feels like a different fic to me, and it feels like a shame to have a completed version of a story sitting on my computer for no one to see. I'm really tempted to sit here and list all of the reasons why I felt the need to rewrite it, but I think I'll just let you all have your own opinion :)

Hope you guys are excited for tomorrow!

Original Draft (Rough): Some Nights are a Storm

The sun felt entirely overwhelming.

After being on a mission for two weeks—a stealth mission, of which the majority was conducted at night—it always tended to take a little while to adjust.

Still, Sasuke heaved a sigh of relief as he exited the doors. Reporting on a mission after it was finished was one of the more…tedious parts of being a ninja.

"Yo, Sasuke!"

Sasuke paused mid-step, waiting just long enough for the orange blur to catch up to him before he continued walking.

"Usuratonkachi," he greeted automatically.

"Teme." Naruto held his hands behind his head, tilted just so to face Sasuke with a brilliant grin. Sasuke swallowed and looked away—that smile was even worse than the sun.

"You're back," Naruto said needlessly.

"Hn." He tilted his head in acknowledgement.

"How was it?"

Boring. Easy. The same as usual.


For some reason, that made Naruto laugh. Sasuke didn't protest.

"Where're you headed now?"

Well, he had been headed home, but…

Out of the corner of his eye, he regarded Naruto.

"To train."

Naruto's eyes lit up.

"Wanna spar?"

It was just too easy.

What felt like hours in, the two of them were drenched in sweat, panting heavily, and—as usual—evenly matched. They had opted for taijutsu only; anything else tended to get a little…destructive.

"I'm gonna…kick your ass," Naruto threatened weakly, trying to hide his gasps for air. "You should just…give up—"

Sasuke didn't bother with a reply, only lashing out at Naruto. His technique was getting sloppy, but so was Naruto's, and if he could just catch him off guard—

Naruto caught his wrist and ducked, lurching forward—he was aiming for Sasuke's stomach, but Sasuke could tell—he just had to get his wrist loose—

He twisted away just enough to break free, but instead of following through, he paused.

Naruto did too.

Sasuke wiped at the strands of hair stuck to his face. Fuck. He was…well, he could keep going, but he had learned that lesson so many times by now, he really ought to—

"Let's call it," Naruto said, "we'll finish this later. It's getting dark."

It was. Sasuke hadn't even noticed when the sunset had started, but they were well into it now.

Sasuke forced himself to stand up straight.

"Besides," Naruto threw him a grin, "I smell awful."

Sasuke smirked.

"That you do."

They ended up going to Sasuke's place. It was closer, and Sasuke never really wanted to say no to Naruto anyways…

It was a good thing that the shower let him get some time away from the idiot. Nowadays, he could barely hold himself together around him.

He sighed, letting the water run down his face.

He hadn't been able to get Naruto out of his head since the day he left Konoha. Everywhere he'd went, his heart had gone still at the sight of blonde hair. Sometimes, in a crowd, he had sworn he could hear Naruto's voice—shouting something about ramen, or bastards, or...

And then, every time he closed his eyes, he'd fall into a dream where the sky had eyes and the sun smiled with whisker-marks on its cheeks.

A few years in, his dreams had changed—the bright eyes to half-lidded, the smile to a mouth wet and parted, and both were attached to a tanned, muscular, warm body that pulled him close and called him home.

And he had come home…eventually.

He hadn't killed Itachi, in the end. He hadn't been fast enough. He had killed the man who killed him, though.


Then he had wandered around, lost, for three years. Naruto had been a frequent visitor—both in person and in his dreams—until one day, he came alone, dropped his things and asked Sasuke to spar with him.

Sasuke didn't exactly say yes, but he did answer the following punch in kind.

Naruto had been relentless. They had barely stopped to breathe. At one point, every movement started to feel as if he was fighting against death itself—but even as his legs began to fail him, he kept fighting. They fell to their knees, together—Sasuke remembered digging his fist into Naruto's chest in an attempt to keep himself upright…but Naruto had stiffened, and he knew it was in recognition.

He didn't need Naruto to tell him who was coming for them.

He could have run. He could have; if he had the energy to stay alive, then he had the energy to leave. But Naruto's skin had pressed against his fist, his voice whispered Sasuke's name, and for the first time in a long while, Sasuke had let himself crumble.

He had awoken in Konoha. Naruto had still been unconscious. Apparently, the idiot hadn't stopped—not for food, not for sleep—lest someone catch up to him. From what Sasuke had picked up, Naruto's leaving the village had followed some large disagreement he had had with Tsunade or Kakashi or Sakura—or all of them. Probably about him.

Sasuke grimaced.

The days Naruto had been asleep had been terrible. He barely remembered them. He didn't want to remember them at all.

But then he had awoken, and it was like Sasuke could finally breathe again. The overwhelming terror and anguish and hatred that had dominated his life for so long…well, they weren't gone, but it was so much harder to focus on them when he had Naruto blocking his view.

It had been remarkably easy to fall back into the same dynamic with Naruto—the name-calling, the rivalry, the companionship…it set Sasuke at ease. Naruto just…felt like home.

He sighed, grabbing the shampoo bottle.

How pathetic was he?

Sasuke was already in the kitchen when Naruto got out of his own shower.

"Whatcha doing?" Naruto grinned, shuffling up to Sasuke's side.

"I'm going to make dinner."

"Jackpot," Naruto peered over his shoulder, "want help?"

Sasuke paused, shuffling away from the blonde. That proximity was…

"You're not going anywhere near the food."

Naruto was immediately offended.

"Oh come on!" He protested, "I'm not that bad!"

Sasuke eyed him doubtfully, and went back to gathering ingredients. Naruto—in the kitchen—was always one of two things: surprisingly delicious, or absolutely disastrous.

Sasuke didn't particularly feel like rolling that dice today.

"Fine," Naruto propped himself up, sitting on the counter with his legs swinging, "then I'll just sit here and distract you."

Sasuke snorted, opening the fridge.

"How is that any different than usual?"

"Teme!" Naruto attempted to kick him on his way by. Sasuke dodged with ease.

"What're you making? Ramen?" Naruto waggled his eyebrows.

"In your dreams." Sasuke set the heat a little higher.

"You're right," Naruto laughed, "you totally make me ramen in my dreams."

Sasuke studiously ignored the way his heart flip-flopped.

"What the fuck, Sasuke? Why do you have so much booze in here?"

Naruto was staring at the cabinet, open-mouthed.

Sasuke shrugged. He knew exactly why; liquor was the gift of choice for those whose personality you didn't know—or didn't care to find out. But the fact that Sasuke received gifts at all, on any occasion, he strongly suspected to be Naruto's doing.

"I don't really go through it," he said instead.

"Oh my god," Naruto pulled out a bottle, "can we have this?"

Sasuke blinked.


"Yeah," Naruto grinned at him, "you have tomorrow booked off as training, right?"

"And the next few days."

"Sweet." Naruto twisted the cap.

Sasuke only rolled his eyes.

In spite of the speed with which Naruto was eating, he still managed to eye Sasuke suspiciously.


"You haven't even touched your drink."

Sasuke frowned.

"I'm eating."

"So am I!" As if to emphasize his point, he stuffed another bite in his mouth. Sometimes Sasuke wondered if it was the beast inside Naruto that made the blonde eat like he did—there had to be some external explanation. He always ate as if he hadn't done so in days.

"I'll have it when I'm done."

"…I don't believe you."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. He was, actually, taking great care not to lower his inhibitions any more than they already were. Naruto was sitting casually, resting an arm on his propped-up knee, looking up at him with his head tilted just so...it was messing with Sasuke's head.

"Okay, okay—new idea," Naruto let out a breath as he leaned back, "we can do like…questions or something. And—if you don't answer, you have to finish your drink."

Sasuke eyed his glass with a grimace.


He made the mistake of glancing at Naruto's smile.

"Alright." Damn it. Damn it.

"You can start," Naruto offered, looking bright and cheerful and Sasuke's eyes darted down to Naruto's lips for just a moment…

"Ah…how was the food?" Sasuke forced himself to ask the first acceptable question on his mind.

"…You are so lame." Naruto laughed. "It was great. It's always great. I'm used to my own cooking, y'know."

Sasuke snorted. Naruto grinned and took another sip of his drink.

"Why d'you let me mooch off you so often?"

Sasuke blinked.

"When do you mooch off me?"

"Now. The day before you left. Two days before that. I know I suck at cooking, but I could at least buy dinner or something."

Sasuke frowned and looked down at the table. He liked cooking for Naruto. The idiot was nothing if not grateful, and it made Sasuke feel as if he…as if Naruto—

"The girls would go nuts if I told 'em you could cook." Naruto was still grinning.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"I don't have the squealing fan club that I used to, Naruto."

"Uh, Sasuke? Yes, you do."

Sasuke gave Naruto a skeptical look.

"They're just a lot subtler about it. But they're there—believe me."

Sasuke didn't, not really, but he let it slide.

"Oh—and Sasuke?" Naruto's grin widened. "Finish your drink. You didn't answer the question."

Well, shit.

Say what you would about Naruto, but he had devised an incredibly effective way to get Sasuke drunk. He didn't want to answer any questions. And Naruto knew it—he swore Naruto knew the answer to half of these already.

Naruto—on the other hand—was an incredibly open person. Especially, it seemed, when it came to Sasuke. Sasuke's only saving grace was that Naruto was naturally going through his drink, regardless of the 'game' he had devised.

That, and this particular question he just didn't seem to want to answer—

"I'm fairly sure your feelings for Sakura are returned," he pushed—he knew he shouldn't, nothing good could come out of this, but his lips kept moving nonetheless, "and I'm aware of—Hinata."

"Okay, okay," Naruto had apparently given on sitting up straight. They had moved to the couch long ago, and Naruto slouched back, one leg propped up on the seat with his elbow slung over it, and the other stretched out so that it was laid across Sasuke's lap. In Sasuke's vaguely drunken state, it was taking everything he had not to reach out and run his fingers along that skin—Naruto was so warm and comfortable and Sasuke just wanted to be closer

"I—uh," Naruto's eyes flickered between Sasuke and his drink, "okay—nope."

And in one—relatively—smooth motion, Naruto chugged his drink—the drink he had refilled not a moment ago. Sasuke watched him, eyes a little wide.

"'m gonna get another, hang on," Naruto stood up, swaying a little as he moved to the kitchen.

Sasuke waited until Naruto was fully out of the room, and then let his head sink into his hands. Why had he agreed to this? It was hard enough to keep his emotions under control around Naruto on a regular day, and this wasn't even a regular day. Two weeks without Naruto was two weeks too long, and Sasuke's heart was making sure he knew it—

"Hey," Sasuke jumped to attention as he felt something touch his arm. Naruto was leaning over him, looking worried—the other hand resting on the couch beside him, deliciously close to Sasuke's thigh, and Sasuke was going to have to tear his eyes away because Naruto was talking and he was going to notice soon—


"Hm?" Sasuke blinked up at him.

"Aw, shit," Naruto's face fell a little, "you had too much, didn't you?"

"No," Sasuke sat up, not looking at Naruto, "I'm alright. Sorry."

Sasuke heard a sudden intake of breath, and looked up to see Naruto staring at him with wide eyes. He quickly diverted them.

"O-oh, it's okay—"

"What?" Sasuke frowned.

"Hm?" Naruto looked back at him. He looked…nervous? Confused?

"Why are you making that face?"

"I—uh," Naruto's face broke into a little smile, "you—I don't think I've ever heard you say sorry before, heh."

He laughed nervously, squeezing in between Sasuke's legs to sit on the floor. There wasn't very much space between the coffee table and the couch, so he ended up pretty much sitting on Sasuke's feet. Neither of them complained.

"Did I not?" Sasuke frowned. In the warm haze of alcohol, that seemed awfully confusing to him. He was sorry. Had he never told Naruto? "Not even for leaving?"

"U-uh," if Naruto had looked surprised before, it was nothing compared to now, "no…"

"Hm." Sasuke leaned forwards, resting his forearms on his knees. "That's stupid. I'm sorry."

"…You," Naruto began, "must be so fucking hammered."

Sasuke frowned.

"S'your fault."

Naruto laughed. "Hang on—I'll get water."

He went to stand up.

Sasuke shoved him back down.

"No," he said. Was the room spinning? "Stay there."

"Uh—" Naruto looked a little hesitant, but didn't fight him.

"Good." Sasuke reached for his drink. Naruto nudged it out of the way.

"I haven't asked my question yet, teme." He grinned.

"Usuratonkachi," Sasuke sighed, "what is it?"

"Why aren't you dating anyone?"

"Because I'm not interested in anyone," Sasuke answered automatically.

"Oh." Naruto leaned back. Sasuke thought he saw his smile falter a little.

Damn it.

Sasuke reached for his drink and finished it.

"Sasuke—you answered the question, you didn't need to—"

"No, I didn't." He put the glass down with more force than he intended to. "I lied."

He very purposefully didn't look at Naruto. He didn't know what the blonde would be able to read in his face just then, and he wasn't willing to risk it.

"Wait—you're—you're interested in someone?" He felt Naruto's body lean against his legs for just a moment. "You're fucking with me, right? Who?"

Sasuke's heart pounded in his chest. He could have lied—why hadn't he lied—god damn it all—


Sasuke eyes flickered back to him—he regretted it immediately. Naruto was staring, eyes wide—something strange in them, something Sasuke didn't recognize—they were scanning Sasuke's face as his smile started to fade—Sasuke immediately felt the loss—

"Why aren't you smiling?" He scowled, grabbing at Naruto's face. "You're always smiling—"

"You're squishing my face, teme," Naruto muttered, hands up as if he was considering slapping Sasuke's away, "and I'm not always smiling—"

"You're always smiling around me," he appended. He felt so dizzy

Naruto's face broke into a small smile—one he was obviously fighting—and Sasuke took it as a personal victory. He let go of Naruto's face, leaning in close.

"Yeah, well," Naruto squinted at him, "don't think I can't tell you're avoiding the question."

"Me?" He leaned closer. "Never."

"Ass," Naruto let out a breathy laugh, before his smile flittered away.

Sasuke resisted the urge to grab his face again.

"You're interested in someone," Naruto said again—the strange look in his eye coming back.

Sasuke didn't reply.

"Is it Sakura? Is that why you were asking about her?"

"Idiot," he swatted at Naruto's forehead, amused in spite of himself, "obviously not."

"Then who?"

Sasuke avoided his gaze, eyeing his empty glass.

"It's my turn for a question." He turned back to Naruto, smirking.

"Fuck," Naruto muttered, leaning back. Sasuke very nearly followed him.

"Fine. What's the question?" Naruto tilted his head, watching him with serious eyes.

Sasuke frowned, feeling as if he was swaying on the spot.

"Why aren't you happy right now?"

Naruto sucked in a breath.

"That's not—I'm not—"

"Don't lie," Sasuke cut him off, resting his elbows on his thighs.

Naruto's mouth stayed open for a moment, eyes boring into Sasuke's—before he looked away, grabbing his drink.

Sasuke unabashedly watched his Adam's apple bob as he finished his drink, making a fist to rest his head on.

"You're not happy," he repeated, feeling, even in the numb haze of alcohol, pain expand in his chest.

"I'm—" Naruto swayed to the side, bumping into the table, "that's not—that's not really true—"


"Wh—" he let out a long breath, "that can be your next question. Who are you interested in?"

Sasuke swallowed, sitting up a little straighter. His eyes flickered to his empty cup.

"I don't have a drink to finish," he said quietly.

Naruto sighed.

"You've had enough anyways." He ran a hand through his hair, looking away.

Sasuke's chest felt incredibly tight.

"Will you at least tell me why you won't tell me?" Naruto looked back at him—his expression was nearly…upset?

"You didn't tell me why you wouldn't date Hinata," he countered.

"I'm not interested in Hinata—"

"Or Sakura—"

"I'm not interested in her either—"

"Well then who are you interested in?"

Naruto seemed to freeze. Sasuke felt his heart do the same.

"You're interested in someone." The realization pounded through his head like a migraine—in fact, it probably was—

"You're interested in someone," Naruto muttered back, not meeting his eye.

"Tell me who." Sasuke suddenly very much missed his full drink.

"You tell me who."

"I won't."

"Then I won't either!"

He scowled, glaring into Naruto's eyes. Naruto glared right back.

There was a pause.

Naruto snorted.

Against his will, Sasuke found himself fighting a smile—Naruto's laugh was just so infectious

"We're so stubborn," Naruto laughed, closing his eyes as he leaned against Sasuke's leg.

Sasuke couldn't disagree.

"Usuratonkachi," he muttered, brushing some of Naruto's hair out of his eyes. Naruto only watched him, eyes oddly serious. He swore he felt Naruto's thumb running along his knee, back and forth, as if he—



"Thanks for coming back."

Sasuke jerked in surprise, staring down at Naruto—

"I don't think I ever thanked you," he continued, softly—and now that was definitely his thumb—

"You brought me back," he said, "you don't need to—"

"No," Naruto interrupted, "you came with me. I know the difference."

Sasuke's voice stuck in his throat.

"So," he shifted, stretching his arms up towards Sasuke so he could rest his cheek against his knee, "thank you."

It was as if Sasuke's throat had closed up completely—he couldn't have forced out the words even if he had known what to say, and Naruto was still watching him with those eyes

His hand moved to rest on Naruto's. It took Naruto barely a moment to shift, interlacing their fingers as if without a second thought. Sasuke's throat remained closed.

Naruto made a contented noise.

"This is really comfy," he muttered, rolling his face against Sasuke leg.

"Are you going to fall asleep on my leg?"

Naruto grinned—Sasuke could feel his lips as they widened—



Sasuke couldn't bring himself to protest properly. Naruto was warm—his skin was soft…Sasuke was constantly catching himself leaning closer to the blonde—any closer and he'd fall off the couch…into Naruto's arms…oh…

He heaved in a breath, forcing himself to sit up. That had been close.

Naruto watched him with curious eyes.

"You're falling asleep, too."

Was he? Maybe a little…really, he just wanted to be closer to Naruto. He always wanted to be closer to Naruto…

"Not really."

Naruto tilted his head a little.

"No?" His eyes—those eyes—it was as if they glowed in this light... "You keep leaning like you're gonna fall."

"Mm," Sasuke had wondered if Naruto had noticed, "you're warm."

He heard Naruto inhale. Had that been too far? Sasuke felt so hazy—he couldn't tell if—

"I could come closer, if you want." Naruto's voice broke his thoughts.

Sasuke met his eyes—wanting nothing more, but unable to voice it—

Naruto seemed to understand.

He straightened, standing just high enough to reach the couch—Sasuke leaned back, pulling Naruto forward by his hand—and then he let go to catch Naruto by the waist—

Naruto fell forwards, straddling him.

Sasuke found himself unable to breathe.

"Was this what you had in mind?" Naruto laughed, pulling back just enough to throw Sasuke a grin—lopsided, the same way as his head tilted, looking down at Sasuke with those eyes

Sasuke didn't reply.

He couldn't.

"Sasuke," Sasuke was suddenly very aware of how close Naruto was, "was this what you had in mind…?"

Naruto's tongue darted out against his lips—Sasuke swore that his eyes flickered down, to Sasuke's mouth—one of Sasuke's hands moved up, without his permission, to the back of Naruto's neck—

He pulled him down.

Naruto made a breathy noise—as if of relief—as their lips met. Sasuke thought he might have done the same—Naruto's lips felt so—so incredible—they moved against his—moved with his—and he could feel—he could feel Naruto's tongue—he could feel his hands shaking against him—although it may have been him shaking, Sasuke couldn't be sure—

Naruto pulled back, panting slightly. Sasuke attempted to scan his dazed eyes—trying to clear his head of this fog—

Naruto pressed his fingers together.


Nothing happened. Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"Oh." Naruto exhaled a shuddering breath.

"You didn't think this was real?"

He shook his head.

"I still don't," he whispered, scanning Sasuke's face as if looking for any indication—any hint—that Sasuke was deceiving him, somehow—

"Usuratonkachi." Sasuke fought a losing battle against a smile. He felt as if his heart was going to burst out of his chest—he was brimming with emotion—with disbelief—with happiness

"Teme." Naruto let out a breathy laugh—and Sasuke suddenly couldn't be away from him a moment longer.

He crashed their lips together, Naruto's fingers scratching against Sasuke's neck—grabbing at his hair in an attempt to pull him closer—pull them closer—Sasuke couldn't blame him, he was doing the same—

"Hah—!" Sasuke broke the kiss—he hadn't meant to, but Naruto had started to move his hips—grinding them against Sasuke—the pleasure lashed through Sasuke like a whip—

"Sasuke," Naruto breathed—it was like a sigh—Sasuke opened his eyes, racing to take in every aspect of Naruto's lust filled gaze—the hooded eyes, the swollen lips, the blush that started to spread across his face as Sasuke stared for just a bit too long—

Sasuke moved his hands up Naruto's body to push up at his shirt, gripping at the fabric until Naruto obediently raised his arms—he tossed it away—somewhere, he didn't care—Naruto was pulling at Sasuke's shirt, too—and then his lips were on him, on Sasuke's body—his hips grinding faster—harder—


The pleasure spiked—it gave Sasuke the momentum to twist, pushing Naruto until his back hit the couch—Sasuke pressed in between his legs, relishing in the feeling of Naruto wrapping around him—his arms—his legs—oh

Sasuke broke the kiss to lean into Naruto's neck as they began to move—alternating between gasping for air and nipping at his skin—it felt so—so strong—Sasuke was—

He felt Naruto's hands on his shoulders—softly pushing him back. He sat up, stifling a shiver as Naruto's fingers ran down his chest—down—to his waistband—

He paused, eyes looking up at Sasuke in question.

There was no need to ask.

The only reason it took him so long to get his pants off was the fact that Sasuke kept continually getting distracted with getting Naruto's pants off—who was in a far more challenging position to successfully do so—but then—

He had seen Naruto naked before—sure—but never like this—never—underneath him, biting his lip as he leaned up to pull Sasuke back down—pressing them together—Sasuke couldn't have stifled the moan if he tried—

"Nngh—fuck, Naruto—"


Naruto threw his head back, eyebrows furrowed—Sasuke took a moment to appreciate the view—

"Teme," Naruto gasped, half-lidded eyes meeting his, "I—give me your hand—"

Naruto grabbed the hand as Sasuke raised it, pulling it to his face—he opened his mouth—

Sasuke watched, eyes wide, as Naruto sucked on his fingers—no, not just sucked—he was—he wanted—

He let go of Sasuke's hand and raised his knee.

"Sasuke," he breathed—as if calling him—beckoning him forward—Sasuke shuddered with desire—as if he could do anything but obey—

He pressed a finger into Naruto as he kissed him—a thrill lashing through him at the way Naruto moaned into his mouth—the way his hips began to grind, as if moving with Sasuke hands—Naruto really—he really wanted this—

Naruto's hips bucked—breaking the kiss as the blonde gasped for air. Sasuke stared at him, mesmerized by the sight of Naruto with his head thrown back, brow furrowed, eyes barely open as they stared at Sasuke—he would never get over this sight—

"Naruto," he pressed another finger forwards—Naruto gave a shuddering nod, one hand reaching up to grab—to scratch at Sasuke's skin—Sasuke bent his head down so that the blonde could run a hand through his hair properly—and then he continued to move—down—

A sharp inhale of breath was his reward as he ran his tongue up Naruto's cock—maybe it was the alcohol that gave him the confidence to do so, but he paused—eyes flickering up to Naruto's—he couldn't stop the smirk if he tried—

"You—tease—" Naruto hissed—breathless with lust, there was no anger in his eyes, only desire—only need

Sasuke was rapidly running out of patience.

He took Naruto into his mouth—fully—as he pressed a third finger into him—


Naruto's legs kicked against the couch, feet scraping along the surface as if he couldn't keep still—his hands gripped at Sasuke's hair as if he was trying to stop himself from pulling him closer—Sasuke redoubled his efforts—

"Fuck—Sasuke—I can't—I'm gonna—"

Sasuke pulled up—Naruto's cock fell out of his mouth—feeling as if he was staring at Naruto through a cloud of lust—like he could barely see straight—

He pulled his fingers out, pulling Naruto up, onto his lap—he felt Naruto's hand grip him—gods, how good that felt—positioning his cock—

And then he lowered himself—and Sasuke's mind was ground into dust in the face of the rushing wave of pleasure, as if he was engulfed by heat—Naruto felt so warm—so perfect—Sasuke could barely think—barely see, barely hear, even as Naruto voice trembled past his ear—

"Ha—ah," Naruto's breath shuddered along his neck, hands clawing at his back as they wrapped around him—he wanted to move so badly, but Naruto had paused, shaking in place—

He pulled Naruto closer, pressing his lips to his shoulder, his neck, his collarbone, his chest as he whispered his name—as Naruto sank down, closer to him—it was almost like a sigh—like a mantra, echoing through him—Naruto, Naruto, Naruto—

"—s'ke," Naruto's breath brushed his ear, "hah—ah—"

Naruto's eyes were shut, his eyebrows furrowed—Sasuke pushed him back just enough to let his hands fall to Naruto's hips, wrestling with the urge to pull them forwards—wrestling with the urge to push his hips up—to push Naruto back, throw his legs on his shoulders and—

Naruto's eyes fluttered open.

The smile was soft—it grew slowly, tenderly, accentuated only by the glittering happiness in Naruto's eyes—Sasuke had never felt so raw, so laid bare underneath that gaze—

Naruto pressed their foreheads together, one hand on either side of Sasuke's face.

"Move, teme."

It was the only permission Sasuke needed.


He pushed his hips up—slowly, he told himself—but Naruto met him so easily, it was barely a moment before they began to move together—began to rock together—and the tremble in Naruto's grip was back, but it was accompanied by small noises, now—soft moans, hidden under his breath, but Sasuke heard them—Sasuke heard them

Naruto's head fell onto his shoulder and Sasuke wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer—closer—as he had always wanted—oh god, how he had wanted this—

"Sasuke—o-oh—f—ngh," Naruto seemed to collapse even further into his arms—his hands scratching at Sasuke's back, gripping at his hair, as if they couldn't commit to a place to stay—as if they didn't have the strength at all—Sasuke could empathize with the feeling—


His hand found its way between them—Naruto's cock felt sosmooth, so soft—he desperately tried to focus enough to move in time with their thrusts, but it was so hard—his mind felt so—so full of Naruto—god—Naruto—Naruto—


Naruto's back arched—pulling away just enough that Sasuke could see his face—his expression—Naruto's cock pulsed in his hand—oh

"Sasuke—oh, fuck—Sas—ah!"

Sasuke watched—eyes wide—as Naruto came. He had never seen anything so—so—


Sasuke clung to Naruto as if he was the only thing keeping him alive as he rode out his orgasm—as if he was the only thing keeping him sane, because he was sure his mind was lost, swallowed by this ecstasy

His vision came back to him first—followed by the hazy pieces of his mind, the sensation of Naruto's weight, still on him, and Naruto's breath, still harsh and shaking—

Still, he couldn't bring himself to let go.

"Sasuke," his voice was so quiet, Sasuke wasn't sure he would have heard it without feeling Naruto's lips move against his neck.

"Mm?" It was about the only response he could muster.

"…My ass hurts."

Sasuke couldn't have stopped the chuckle if he tried.

"Usuratonkachi," he pulled back, "come on."

Gently, slowly, he helped Naruto off of him—Naruto made a small noise as Sasuke's cock exited him, before he collapsed onto the couch.

"You can't sleep here." He leaned over Naruto, arms reaching out. Naruto's hands rose to clasp his, but the blonde only gave him a lazy, tired grin.

"Wanna bet?"

Sasuke snorted.

"If you don't move, I'm going to pick you up."

"Mm, whatever…"

Sasuke moved off of Naruto and promptly slipped his hands underneath him.


Naruto wasn't that heavy, and it wasn't as if Sasuke had never carried him—although the blonde tended to be unconscious, usually—

"Sas—ah, fuck—ow—" Naruto froze mid-flail, his eyes squeezed shut.

Sasuke paused, frowning at him.

"Put your arms around my neck," he said, lifting a leg onto the couch so some of Naruto's weight could rest on his knee. Really, the couch made for a terrible sleep—Sasuke knew it better than anyone. And if Naruto was already hurting…

Naruto—surprisingly—obeyed. Sasuke took it as a signal to pick him up properly, shuffling towards the bedroom.

"Next time," Naruto's eyes closed—more softly, this time, "we use lube."

Sasuke clutched him closer—his throat suddenly feeling very thick.


Sasuke's eyes sprang open—someone was here—who was—

"Sasuke!" The knocks echoed through the house. Sasuke let out a breath, his body relaxing. It was just Sakura.

He kicked his legs out of the bed—and then froze.

He was naked.

He was naked—and—

Last night's events came flooding back to him all at once—he spun around, eyes wide—

Where Naruto lay, eyes open, watching him.

"Morning, teme." Naruto gave him a small attempt at a grin—but his voice was quiet, and his eyes were wary.

Sasuke swallowed. Did Naruto regret what they had done?

"Usuratonkachi," he replied—voice just as quiet. He tried to mask the emotion, but from the way Naruto's eyes continued to scan him, he must not have been very successful.

"Naruto? Sasuke?"

Sasuke felt his shoulders sag as he teared his gaze away from Naruto. He wanted the blonde to say something—anything—but he could hear the impatience in Sakura's voice—

"Shit," Naruto gave a breathy laugh, "we were all gonna meet today, weren't we?"

Sasuke blinked.

"I forgot," he grimaced at the doorway. He really didn't want to go…

"Me too."

Sasuke looked back at Naruto—he was sitting up, now. The blankets pooled on his lap, riding dangerously low—Sasuke's gaze paused around Naruto's hip bones—if only the blonde would sit up a little higher—

"I can feel your chakra, boys! Don't make me come in there!"

Naruto bit his lip, waving a hand at Sasuke.

"Go—stall her—I gotta find my clothes—" He laughed again, looking around himself as if they would magically appear—

"They're in the living room," Sasuke stopped him, "just grab some of mine—anything is fine—"

He scrambled out of the bed, grabbing clothes for himself—distantly, he realized he really needed a shower—Naruto did too—

"Coming, Sakura!" He called, grabbing the clothes scattered around the living room—he had to hide them—ah, there, in the cupboard—

Letting out a small breath, he opened the door.

Sakura crossed her arms, smiling at him.

"It's almost ten. Did you guys forget?"

"We—overslept." He twitched a little—willing the idiot to get down here soon—

"Ah, good, Naruto is actually here. I checked his apartment first, but I figured he'd be here."

"Ahh—sorry, Sakura-chan!" Naruto called, jogging up to the door. "We can go now."

"Have you two just woken up? If you need to," she paused, blinking at Naruto's clothes for a moment, "change or something—"

"His clothes smell," Sasuke interrupted.

"Uh—yeah!" Naruto nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "We sparred yesterday, so…"

"Oh," she eyed them for a moment longer, "well, alright. Shall we?"

"We should have taken the time for breakfast," Naruto muttered. "I'm so hungry…"

Sasuke snorted, lagging behind further to lend more space between them and Sakura. The back of Naruto's hand brushed against his as they walked, but he made no attempt to move away.

Neither did Naruto.

"Usuratonkachi," he said quietly. "It will be time for lunch, soon."

"I dunno if I'll make it," Naruto eyed him, smiling in spite of his despondent tone. Sasuke found himself in a similar situation…

"Keep up, you two! You're worse than Kakashi," Sakura called back.

"Ah—sorry, Sakura-chan!" Naruto trotted up, laughing—Sasuke made to do the same, but—

Naruto's back…he hadn't realized…

Face flushing, Sasuke forced himself to keep walking at the same pace—his heart was doing something entirely questionable—

He hadn't realized Naruto was wearing the Uchiha symbol.

Sasuke was awfully distracted. His mind—and his eyes—kept drifting to Naruto…it was much worse than usual, and it was usually pretty bad.

But, somehow…

Seeing Naruto—wearing his family's symbol, in his clothes, so soon after what they had done…it had Sasuke's mind in an uproar.

Not to mention what it was doing to his heart.

"A couple more clones over here, Naruto!"

Sakura called back at them, waving an arm.

"Oh, yeah!" Naruto summoned a veritable army. "That good?"

"Yup! Come on, guys." She smiled as they began to grumble. Sparring without chakra worked well for him and Naruto, whose taijutsu always seemed to leave something to be desired, but honing Sakura's taijutsu style required optimizing her chakra use.

Since Sakura's chakra tended to match Naruto's and Sasuke's in terms of sheer destruction, training dummies were a no-go.

"Sakura-chan is so mean to us…"

"Can't we just rebuild the dummies again?"

"I don't wanna go first. No, wait, I do—"

"Let's go to the next area," the real Naruto appeared by Sasuke's side, pulling at him, "these guys are too slow."

"These guys are you," Sasuke responded, following Naruto nonetheless.

Naruto laughed, tilting his head back to eye Sasuke.

"Yup," he grinned, "but if I knew Sakura-chan was gonna beat me up, I'd be slow too."

Sasuke smirked, conceding the point.

But it faded quickly as they paused in the middle of the clearing. Sasuke was suddenly very aware of his heartbeat—aware of the way Naruto's fingers brushed against his—aware that they were about as alone as they could get at this point—

"Mm, Sasuke," Naruto turned to face him, "about yesterday."

Sasuke's heart stopped.

"...I hope you don't expect," Naruto mouth spread into a small, teasing smile, "that I'm gonna bottom every time."

The warmth spread through Sasuke's body so rapidly that he nearly stumbled—it was a wonder that the noise that escaped him was a laugh, instead of a gasp for air against the intensity of this—

"Usuratonkachi," the word escaped him like a sigh—

"Teme." Naruto grinned, body easily sliding into the ready position that Sasuke knew like the back of his hand. "Winner's pick?"

Sasuke matched him.

"Bring it on."

A/N: The biggest thank yous to everyone who reviewed, and everyone who was interested in seeing this draft. Let me know what you thought! And get excited for tomorrow - lots of fun stuff starting then :)

Until then,

- Kinomi