Waking up for her birthday had Lucy excited than ever. In less than 11 hours her MateTattoo would change color. She jumped out of bed to get ready not just for her birthday but also the annual Halloween ball that the kingdom threw every year, this time it was going to be Fairy Tail would be the host for the ball. She went into the shower hoping she made it before her team barged into her house. Luckily for her none of them were there.

She turned on the shower and waited for the hot water to come on. She washed her hair then quickly cleaned herself. After the shower she stepped out, wiped the fog from the mirror and stared at herself.

She looked at the tattoo that laid right above her right breast and gave a huge smile. She couldn't wait to see the color or who her soulmate would be. Ever since she came to Fairy Tail she started falling in love with Natsu Dragneel, but as soon as she found out that Natsu was Erza's soulmate she lost all hope in finding her soulmate after hearing that.

She shook her head from the silly memory and brushed her teeth then summoned cancer for a hairstyle. Once her hair was done she walked back into her bedroom.

"Ahhhh. There's my Lu!" yelled Levy as she placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder.

"Finally we were waiting a millennium! I never understand why you girls always take so loooong." Natsu retorted.

"30 minutes is hardly a millennium Natsu and besides today is Lucy's birthday so I suggest you don't blow anything up." Erza replied.

"Well anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY LU-CHAN!" Wendy and Levy yelled throwing up there arms to hug Lucy.

"Thank you guys for being such good friends and waiting for me." Lucy said sarcastically.

"We went to get our costumes for the ball tonight" Gray commented.

"WITHOUT ME?!" Lucy screeched feeling a bit left out.

"Don't worry Lu we picked out your costume too" Levy smiled.

"It's not a bunny again is it?" Lucy said in dread.

"No, it's a assassin costume" Carla replied pulling out the costume from her bag. And handed it to Lucy.

"Well I'm famished, anyone care to join me for breakfast?" Natsu asked while walking out of the apartment.

" Yeah we'll join you" Lucy said for the rest of the team as she followed Natsu.

Once they got to the guild Levy's soulmate Gajeel walked over to her and gave her a small box. Then she handed it over to Lucy and walked with her to the bar

"Gajeel made this for you. He wanted to give you something special since your like his little sister." Levy smiled. Lucy stared at the wrapped box and questioned who wrapped it since it looked perfectly neat. She shrugged and unwrapped the gift and inside she saw a beautiful iron necklace with a diamond celestial key. She saw that there was no symbol on it and asked whose key it belonged to. Suddenly her spirits came out and wished Lucy a happy birthday.

"Princess this key that you have is the celestial spirit kings. He wanted you and only YOU to have it." Loke said cheerfully. Lucy's eyes widened at bolted outside to summon the king.

"Hello old friend. I see that Leo has told you about my key." The king said

"Yes, thank you so much for the key but why would you give it to someone like me?" Lucy asked innocently.

"What ever do yo mean? I gave you this key because I trust you, You Lucy Heartfilia are a kind soul that will have my key throughout generations." the king said full of kindness.

Lucy smiled happily and thanked the king. She closed his gate and went back inside to thank Gajeel for the beautiful gift.

4 Hours Later

After summoning the king, Lucy summoned all of her spirits to help out with the party. While her and Mira passed out lemonade to everyone. After putting up the decorations the guild doors opened. Lucy looked at the doors and dropped everything.

"Heather? E?" Lucy said softly.

"Hey Lulu. H-how have you been?" E asked

Lucy couldn't find her words to speak anymore she sank to the ground and cried. She missed them for so long that she couldn't even recognize them anymore. All of the memories flooded back like a tsunami. Everything that happened before her mom died and what she thought happened to them. She saw them die she knew they were dead.

Their dead they can't be here they died a long time ago they-

We're here Lucy and we're never leaving you again I promise.


Hey Lulu it's been a while.

Lucy stood up and walked to Heather with tears streaming down her face Heather grabbed her arm and hugged her. E joined the hug and cried with them. After a joyful reunion Lucy slapped both of them and started screaming at them.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE DEAD. DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS LIKE SEEING SOMEONE YOU CARE ABOUT JUST DIE IN FRONT OF YOU? WELL DO YOU? I searched for you for a long time but I never found you I saw your bodies dematerialize." Lucy cried even more now it left a twist in Heather and E gut. They both promised her that they would never leave each other because they were best friends they were family but family doesn't leave and then come back like nothing ever happened.

Heather got on her feet and walked on stage. E went to get his guitar from the car and plugged it into a speaker. Heather grabbed the mic and introduced herself.

"Hi guys my name is Heather and this is my twin brother E. I would like to sing you a song its called The Triumph. I hope yo like it."

Back to the fairytale

Back to the show

Backed to the wall

And there's nowhere to go

Hopeless and desperate

All paths adverse

Things looking bleak

And they're bound to get worse

Heather looked at Lucy trying to get get her on stage but Lucy didn't budge.

Helpless and doomed

And there's no way to win

Goals unachievable

Faith running thin

Lost and forlorn

Impossible odds

That's when you'll learn

You've been messing with gods

Send in your Grimm

Tear off my limb

Strike me with bolts of lightning

I won't die

The battle seems unwinnable

But all we need's a miracle

We're going up

We'll never be denied

Lucy turned around and looked at her friends. The guild was on fire she felt wrong for holding a grudge on them and looked at Heather.

Can't wish away the dismal days

Can't bring back what is gone

Won't waste more tears on yesteryears

Instead we'll carry on

We'll win we're sure we will endure

And though our goal is far

We'll be the ones to touch the sun

The triumph will be ours

Heather looked back at Lucy and watched her walk on stage. She smiled and saw her walking towards the drums.

Nowhere to run now

No time to grieve

No other choices

It's die or believe

Not backing down

We're standing at last

Cuz beat and dejected

Are things of the past

Lucy grabbed the sticks and started playing letting her heart pour into the music. She played the beat hard and felt tears stream down her face again.

This is the moment

This is the day

This is the place

And we came here to slay

Aquarius also came on stage and played the bass.

Yeah I'm a girl

But I'm also a gun

Fast and I'm deadly

You'll never outrun

Strike down my friends

I'll never bend

Right to the end I'm fighting


And though it's unpredictable

We're heading for the pinnacle

We'll never stop

We're heading towards the sky

Can't wish away the dismal days

Can't bring back what is gone

Won't waste more tears on yesteryears

Instead we'll carry on

We'll win we're sure we will endure

And though our goal is far

We'll be the ones to touch the sun

The triumph will be ours

It's not destiny

It would be a

Grave mistake to think so

Every choice is our and ours alone

This hasn't all been mapped by fate

This is the future we create

And we're powered by

Every tear that's dried

Aquarius may look like she didn't care but inside her heart she was just as happy as Lucy. Playing with her family again.

Can't wish away the dismal days

Can't bring back what is gone

Won't waste more tears on yesteryears

Instead we'll carry on

We'll win we're sure we will endure

And though our goal is far

We'll be the ones to touch the sun

The triumph will be ours

The triumph will be ours

They song ended with E ending the guitar and smiled towards Aquarius. She floated towards E and kissed his cheek blushing. The band bowed and left the stage. The guild loved the band and thought that they should have a battle of the bands for this Halloween ball. The Master came to the bar and sat next to the young group.

"Excuse me but that was a lovely song you just played and I was wondering if you would mind playing some songs for the ball tonight if you don't mind?" Makarov asked

"It would be my pleasure." Heather said

"GREAT. How much do you need-"

Heather interrupted" Sir if this is a ball for the whole kingdom then you don't need to pay me it is an honor to be singing for the number one guild of all of Fiore. Actually me and my brother were thinking of joining Fairy Tail." Heather said and everything stopped. Lucy walked up to the master and had pleading eyes begging him to let them stay. Makarov sighed and told Mira to get the guild stamp. Heather got a blood red while E got a dark purple.