The Devil Queen

Chapter 6: You're Next


January 12, 1937

Kingdom of Fire

Sharingan Palace

Hinata bit her lip feeling afraid on what will happen to her sister and father if she did not take on the role as Queen. The fear of losing her kingdom because of people in the congress trying to ruin it, thoughts running through her head she didn't noticed Sasuke entered her bedroom.

Suddenly a crash of plates and tea cups ended her thoughts, Prince Sasuke Uchiha stood in the middle of the room staring at Hinata like he has seen a ghost.

His voice crocked slightly and he said

"You…You look exactly like her."

Hinata tilted her head and asked "Like who?"

Sasuke whispered

"Like my mother."

January 12, 1937

Kingdom of Fire

Sharingan Palace - Prince Sasuke's Bedroom

It was like seeing an exact replica of his dead mother, former Queen Mikoto of the Kingdom of Fire.

Sasuke never felt this aching part of his chest, the thought of his mother physically gone only replaced with pictures and paintings of her all over the kingdom. And the moment he will get married, people will forget about Queen Mikoto and all they see is the 'purity' and 'gentleness' of Queen Hinata of the Winter Kingdom.

Sasuke slammed his crystal cup full of whiskey on the oak wood table, screaming his guts out until he throat feel raw. He never had time to grieve of his parents death when he was young, he and his brother Itachi was quickly thrown into practice and training to be future kings. But now that he is alone with his thoughts, he spiraled down into missing his parents and how life used to be so simple and how naive he was.

The curtains of his bedroom are drawn down casting the world away from this impending sorrow, he refuse to have dinner with the Queen and put out another fake show, putting up with the bullshit the people expected him to do so. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts when the butler entered and said

"You're dinner has been served Prince Sasuke."

Sasuke stood up and there is saw his butlers and the Queen Hinata from the Winter Kingdom, not wearing a fancy gown or covered in diamonds or wearing her dainty gloves. But dressed in a simple chiffon dress and a cream coloured jacket, her hair loose and pin straight, not even wearing a single drop of makeup adorned in her pretty face. Sasuke sneered in detest and said

"What the hell are you doing here, your majesty?" He said with sarcasm.

Hinata shakes her head as the butlers left the room, she walk towards him and sat down on the chair across his and said

"Having dinner with you Sasuke, no formalities please. I'm sick and tired of everyone being overly polite when I'm around."

Sasuke huffed and crossed his arms like a child, he can't believe the Queen came here to pity him. Then he said "If you're here to play this little charade once more, we can do this play pretend tomorrow in the lacrosse game. I'm sure you love the attention of the press."

Hinata furrowed her brows and remain silent, busy placing food on the plate and pouring tea into the cups. She understood his pain of losing someone dear but she can never understand why he is so full of hatred to himself and directed it towards her.

Hinata placed a plate filled with tomatoes and savory fish next to Sasuke and she said

"Eat up, I'm sure you're hungry. I don't want to be walking next to a sluggish prince on the event tomorrow."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow and looked at his plate, then he looks towards Hinata and slowly grabbed his fork and knife and whispered

"Did you poison this?"

Hinata snorted in an unladylike manner and laughed "You really did not trust me?" Hinata's cheeks are flushed from her laughter as she grabbed a spare fork and snatched a plump tomato from Sasuke's plate and ate it with gusto.

Sasuke slowly nodded and ate his food, Hinata leaned back on the chair and opened her book reading it while sipping her tea. Sasuke never understood why she did this or even bothered staying with him, during his tantrums and rage screaming no one, not even Madara bother to check if he's okay. Everyone was fearful of him, no one bothered to check if he eaten dinner or even stayed to keep him company.

He doesn't understand why Hinata did all of this, is there something she needs? Something she wants? He kept on pondering on that thought and he looked at her with such concentration and asked

"Why are you doing this for me?"

Hinata closed her book and sighed, she looked down in a reminiscing manner and whispered

"When I was younger I used to cry a lot, my mother always come to my bed room and gave me my favorite food and keep me in company. She doesn't have to say anything, she just sat there in silence and read a book or braid my hair. I-I thought that maybe all you need is company, you don't need someone to pity you or grieve with you. All you need is someone to make you feel assured that you're not alone."

Sasuke stared at her in shell shocked manner and he said

"Do you feel alone?"

Hinata touched the engagement ring Sasuke gave to her and she whispered "Being Queen is such a lonely job, no one understands you and they only stick around when they need something. People come and go just like what will happen between this marriage."

Hinata stood up and walk towards the door then Sasuke exclaimed

"You don't have to go, I promised to have tea with you."

Hinata turned around and smiled sincerely, "Did you poison the tea?"

Sasuke smirked and took a sip of his cup and replied "You really not trust me?" Hinata shrugged and walk back towards Sasuke, maybe there is a hope for them after all.

January 13, 1937

Kingdom of Fire

Annual Lacrosse Game

The teams lined up as the crowd buzzed in excitement, the press are fiddling with their camera's eager to see the Queen Hinata and Prince Sasuke arrive. Even the lacrosse players are distracted with the numerous crowds and how they will finally play for royalties. A sleek black car stopped as the crowd stare of the arrival, the chauffeur opened the door as Prince Sasuke stepped out where a dashing black and navy blue suit, extends his hand Queen Hinata stepped out holding Sasuke's hand.

They truly stole people's hearts as they flashed a smile towards the crowd, Queen Hinata dressed in a matching navy blue and black dress similar to Sasuke and her diamond and gold encrusted crown perched on top of her head. The crowd bowed down in respect of the two great royalties, as they walk hand in hand towards the players.

There is something magnetic with the way she enthralled the crowd, the people and the press. The lacrosse players bowed their heads and Prince Sasuke whispered on her ear

"Lacrosse is a national sport here in Kingdom of Fire, every boy is required to learn it by heart."

Hinata smiled and murmured "Are you good at this game?"

Sasuke snorted "Hardly, I prefer shooting over playing ball with plastic sticks."

Hinata flashed a perfected and formal smile towards the crowd and the team players as she and Sasuke sat on the VIP area next to the politicians. The referee blew the whistle to gather the players, the crowd starts cheering once more and placing their bets on the teams. The crowd goes wild including the politicians and businessmen in the VIP area, Hinata turned to her right and saw a familiar gray hair tied into a ponytail and round circle glasses furrowing her brows in concentration trying to remember who that man was and where she met him.

Prince Sasuke next to her stood up and walk towards the betting area placed a bet on the opposing team and exclaimed "The men from Tsukuyomi will surely lose in this game, pathetic did you see how they swung the stick and miss the damned ball? The team Chidori however is getting better, I'll place my bets on Chidori!" He sat next to his adviser Madara and took a glass full of whiskey and chuckled, he turned around and saw Hinata sitting down in the VIP area staring absentmindedly at something or someone. Sasuke called one of his bodyguards and whispered in a very hushed tone

"Get Kabuto out of the fucking building, force him out and make sure he shuts his mouth. Dispose him if necessary."

The body guard nodded and replied "Yes, your majesty."

Sasuke turned around and murmured to Madara "You fucking invited Kabuto, it's your job to get rid of him. Do it now before I'll be the one who will personally shut his damned mouth." Madara nodded swiftly and replied "Yes, Prince Sasuke." Madara turned around and left the area.

Hinata looked back at the lacrosse game and fiddles on her engagement ring, there is a strange feeling in her gut but she refuses to look bother especially when the people of her future kingdom is observing her like a hawk. Sasuke sat down next to her and leaned close and whispered

"Have you placed your bets for the game?"

Hinata shakes her head and replied "No, I'm not quite familiar with it. In the Winter Kingdom our national sport is horse back riding, this is entirely new for me."

Sasuke leaned closer towards her and explained the game with familiarity, he remembered the time his father bought him his first lacrosse game when he was only 6 years old. That day he also realized he hated the game but tolerate it long enough to be good at it. Hinata smiled and nodded at his explanations, she didn't say a snide remark or nasty comment for he knows the cameras aren't focused on the game but on them, the fairy tale romance - the royal couple. In the corner of his eye, he saw Kabuto being dragged away by the body guards.

Sasuke refuse to speak to that man especially when Hinata is around, especially when Hinata is looking at Sasuke with suspicion. Nevertheless, she mastered the art of pretend - pretending to be interested in a game in which she doesn't even care.

January 13, 1937

Kingdom of Fire

Location Unknown

"What the fuck?!"

Kabuto screamed even louder while he was being dragged away from the royal guards, on his back is a gun pressed. The guards seemed to be waiting just to pull the trigger, Kabuto tried to lash out towards them and protest even louder. The shackles on his wrist start to rub his skin and his breathing become rapid and hallow, a needle filled with heavy sedate pricked on his arm.

He looked up and saw Uchiha Madara staring into Kabuto's eyes and it seems like penetrating through Kabuto's soul. Madara sneered "You have the audacity to show up now, I told you to come after the Queen's royal tour."

Kabuto's body felt sluggish and heavy, his eyelids are slowly closing and he replied "I-I need to tell you something…"

Madara gripped Kabuto's hair so tightly it will almost rip off and he growled

"What is it?"

Kabuto replied slowly, in a dazed and drugged manner

"H-Hinata… Hinata has all of the c-confidential files.. even the recording of S-Sasuke admitting to his betrayal and being the m-master mind of I-Itachi's disappearance."

Kabuto plopped down on the metal floor with a loud thud, the man is drugged and asleep ready to be shipped back to Winter Kingdom or whatever hell hole Sasuke decided to throw him away.

Madara stood there unsure how to process this information, he can't tell if Kabuto is bluffing him just to get his deal as Prime Minister done quickly or everything he said was true. Madara clenched his fist and his body feels like shaking, all of his hard work is making the Kingdom of Fire rise back to the ashes, the plotting of the marriage of Sasuke and Hinata, the alluring of Sasuke to become King, advising him and controlling him like a puppet will be gone to waste if Hinata dares to leak the information about Sasuke being a mastermind of Itachi Uchiha the true heir to the crown disappear or worse, how people will interpret and ruin the image of Sasuke and the Kingdom of Fire.

Madara walked out of the prison cell with fury and grabbed a pistol from the wooden box, walking back inside the prison cell and dismissed the guards. The guards scrambled away from the raging Uchiha adviser, Madara raised the gun pointing towards the sleeping form of Kabuto.

Pulls the trigger and a shot that echoed the entire place.

Death is the only answer to keep the secrets hidden, Madara can't kill the Queen she is untouchable, she is someone that no one can be in the same level with but he can certainly kill anyone who will dare to spread this information. Madara never felt this deep hatred with a woman dressed as a Queen with a crown perched on her head and a smile that can fool the world, fool him and fool Sasuke.

For Queen Hinata Hyuga is always two steps ahead of them and this time Madara is empty, he has nothing to fight against her.

January 13, 1937

Kingdom of Fire

Sharingan Palace


"A feast for Team Tsukuyomi!"

The team members cheered in delight as the Prince Sasuke offered to host their party in the palace, the prince seemed to be over joyed as well since the bets he placed earned him a crates full of money. Music played in the background and drinks are served, food are displayed in a buffet style and people even commoners enjoyed the party.

He walk towards Queen Hinata who was busy talking to politicians and business tycoons, Sasuke gave them a smile and said

"I need to borrow my future wife for a short while," the men nodded and raised their glass in respect. Hinata smiled beautifully dressed in a tea length lavender chiffon dress and a shawl wrapped on her shoulders to keep her warm from this breezy evening. Sasuke and Hinata walk towards a secluded area as he placed his hand on her shoulder and Hinata pulled away from him slightly once no one can see them and said

"Is there anything you need? I was enjoying myself talking to them."

Sasuke snorted and replied "Them? Those idiot politicians and greedy tycoon are just kissing your ass so that they will be assured they can visit Winter Kingdom without any issues, some of them aren't even doing legal stuff."

Hinata tilted her head and frowned "And you didn't do anything? Just stand there and play with their charade?"

Sasuke stepped forward and look deep into her eyes and whispered "Is that what we're doing right now? Entertaining people to keep them happy and loyal? Talking to guests and spreading more bullshit?" Sasuke used to be so confused when people talk about the Queen like she's some sort of goddess but now he understood. The fairy lights in the background made her alabaster skin look more glowing and ethereal, her lavender eyes are framed by long thick lashes giving her a doe-eyed innocent appeal. Her naturally flushed cheeks and her glossy pink lips. Sasuke never thought of being attracted to her but some reason she kept on pushing herself back into his life.

This time he needs her approval more than anything, in order to be King.

A soft gasp and whisper escaped on her lips as she said "A-Are you going to kiss me?"

Sasuke smirked and pulled her closer, their nose are brushing against each other as he gently placed his hand on her neck touching the soft milky skin then he whispered

"Just one kiss won't hurt anybody."

Inching slowly towards each other, Hinata's gentle fingers touched his jawline and it seemed to be eternity the two of them staring soul deep. Sasuke moved forward attempting to kiss her but a sudden gasped as Hinata pulled away from him and walking back to the party and gave him a playful wink and said

"I don't give my kisses to a man like you."

Sasuke shakes his head and look at her leave the secluded area, he won't admit it but he is slowly warming up towards her.

January 14, 1937

Kingdom of Fire

Sharingan Palace

Uchiha Sasuke walk towards the entrance preparing to give Hinata the royal tour of the kingdom, when he saw his loyal adviser Madara entered inside the palace in a sneaky manner. Sasuke's deep baritone voice filled the room and he said

"You didn't show up to the party, Madara."

Uchiha Madara's startled reaction as he turned around and saw Sasuke standing in the arch way, Madara quickly cleared his throat and gave a practiced and formal bow and replied

"Oh, I was busy attending other matters."

Sasuke stepped forward with his posture straight and his eyes piercing and asked

"Such as?"

Madara looked at Sasuke's eyes and shakes his head "I was at the gentleman's club drinking my blues away, that sort of stuff." Sasuke scoff and placed his hand on Madara's shoulder and whispered in a low tone

"You don't have to lie straight into my face I know you hate strip clubs, but I do know that you are bothered by something. Did you dispose Kabuto already?"

Madara gulped and feeling fearful more than ever and replied

"Yes, your majesty. I-I told the guards to ship him back to Winter Kingdom."

Sasuke nodded with a smirk on his lips and pulled away from Madara and said "Good, then you should join Hinata and I for the royal tour, I'm sure she will be delighted to have you with us." Madara almost has no words to speak, Sasuke turned around and left the room, but somewhere deep down Madara felt a sense of relief that Sasuke isn't aware of Hinata's knowledge of his sins, for Madara knows there is something wrong and twisted in this game of King and Queen.

Sasuke and Hinata spent their entire day visiting industrial businesses, interacting with commoners and visiting children from the orphanage. Hinata smiled with utmost sincerity when the children sang and danced a song for her, Sasuke doesn't understand who Queen Hinata Hyuga truly is - is she a woman with a softness of an angel or a ruthless killer who pretends to be the prey but ends up becoming the predator.

They arrived in the Sharingan Palace during sunset, as Hinata stepped out of the car and stare at the sky. Kaleidoscope of orange, yellow, red and a hint of pink painting the skies, Hinata whispered

"Kingdom of Fire is truly a beautiful place."

Prince Sasuke stood next to her unsure what to say, he can't see their place beautiful for people used to spite him and hate him for his sins. He replied

"It is - I think that's why I keep on coming back here despite the things I've done."

The crown perched on top of her head glitter in the sun's rays and she asked "If Kingdom of Fire won't accept you, where will you go?"

Sasuke smirked and shakes his head "To hell, if my home doesn't accept me then it means life isn't worth living anymore." He turned around and walk towards the palace's entrance, his head hung low and his shoulders hunched. He carries his sins wherever he goes, he is fully aware of what he did and how it changed the world. Sasuke's deep pools of onyx eyes shows the sorrow of his youth and the fragility of his life. Even if he acts with grandeur and cunning words, deep down his arrogant act is a boy begging to be helped.

Hinata bit her lower lip knowing that once she spread the information of him being the mastermind of Itachi's disappearance, there is a possibility Sasuke will face something greater than before.

A possible death.

January 15, 1937

Winter Kingdom

Western Division

General Uzumaki rush towards the docks of the place, a metal cage was shipped towards the Winter Kingdom. The military men position their guns preparing to shoot once the signal has been given, no one knows what's inside the metal cage. It could be a bomb or a death threat for the kingdom.

General Uzumaki and his team slowly hacked the cage open, the metal doors creaked and a whiff of a horrible stench filled the air. A stench of death, blood and a body bleeding on the metal floor rusting the area.

The men stepped backwards with their eyes widen, what a horrible sight. Gray hair scattered all over the floor, cracked round glasses and a shot on the man's forehead.

Naruto stepped forward and grabbed a blood stained letter on the man's dead hands. A note that said

'You're next Queen Hinata Hyuga.'

General Uzumaki gulped and said with a commanding voice and a brave face

"Call Shikamaru Nara and informed him to bring Queen Hinata back to the Winter Kingdom immediately, this is an emergency."

The man salute and sprinted towards the headquarters, Naruto turned around and whispered

"Someone wants Queen Hinata dead."

AN: Hello plot twists we met again. Initially I was planning to make this a steamy lemon filled chapter but I impulsively decide to make it filled with more dramatic and more plot twists, Sasuke and Hinata are finally warming up to each other. Also Hinata is now aware that if she spreads the confidential information it's ripple effect will be so grave and dangerous. This is the longest chapter I've written so far, (8 pages my fingers are aching :/ the reason why I'm constantly updating because I'll be away for 2 months for an internship in Singapore, I worked so hard for this internship (literally crying when I saw the acceptance letter!) my Singaporean readers please tell me delicious & affordable dining areas and places to visit!) most likely I'll update this on December this year or January next year.

This is so random but I'm sincerely thankful for everyone who read this story and for those who review and send me private messages. I wish all of you the best and may you prosper and grow :)

Thank you so much for reading, my heart is so full 3