Chapter 1: Life challenges

When one lives, one must work, when one works, one expects results. The same can be said to any one with a life to lead regardless their status as organic or robot. This of course meant that none can live on the support and subsistence of others forever. The stage was set for he who tries, but success goes to he who dares and the one who tries on this day was not the one who dares.

The young arctic wolf in his mid 20s was in a restroom for male, washing his face and struggled to control his emotion. The last thing the lupine want was to have his face being revealed to the interviewer and his possible employer. The arctic wolf wore a rather expensive three piece suits on him, with a crimson red tie on his neck and white polo shirt underneath, he sighed out in heavy breaths and looked at himself in the mirror, despite feeling the cold tap water on his face, his fur didn't seem to be heavy by the water let alone wet by it.

" goes nothing." Said Charlie as he sighed out in front of the mirror before fixing his ties and went inside to attend the interview for his job. "Ah so you're finally here, good let us begin." Said the mare interviewer to Charlie as she watched him sitting down in front of her. He handed out a collection of files and papers regarding his previous achievements or lack thereof.

She opened the files to have a skim of his summary and the formal education he had and his social records. "Hmmm it seems that you have quite a record with your academic career there. But tell me do you have any experiences in IT and office desk works?" The mare asked in a friendly tone trying to keep her formal and professional attitude towards Charlie. The wolf however began to show signs of being ill-prepared and uncomfortable with social works. "Uhhh well I do have experiences with some administration works like filing reports." Said Charlie with a hesitant and stuttering tone that was less than impressive to the interviewer.

"Hmmm can you specify it?" the mare asked again noticing Charlie's failing fortitude and social skill before finally he caved in with his face slumped over with a sigh. "Well I don't have much to speak of myself." Said Charlie defeatedly. The mare of course stamped a red rejection seal on his file and handed it over to him. "I'm sorry to say but you really need to meet more people in your life Mr. Frost because we would love to have you in our office. Your skill with a keyboard and mouse, not our rodent colleagues, would be most valuable." Said the mare interviewer as Charlie left the office.

The process repeated itself for the next 20 or so employers, he went from office to office, enterprises to enterprises, all stamped "Rejection" on his papers as he whimpered home in defeat. In his apartment he laid down on his bed rubbing his temple with his liquid metal disguise switched off while he was in a bad mood. "Well it's such a sad thing that robotic augmentation on your body does not go with social skill augmentation. What on earth are you going to do with your life, dear boy?" Asked Alfred as the AI levitated around Charlie in his spherical body that shaped like a ball with an eye socket in the middle.

"Al...truth is social skills need to be learned not given. So I think having you teaching them to me is pretty awkward knowing that technically raped me. And somehow I like having you...ugh forget it." Charlie frowned and turned his back to Alfred. "What am I going to do with you? You seriously can't keep on working at that club, being a male stripper showing off your frame to others?" The AI frowned and scolded Charlie endlessly on his questionable employment for self sustainment.

This of course got Charlie to stand up and held Alfred's body tightly in his claws. "Know this Alfred! That I had no choice and now it seems I need it more than anything because I can't quit it without being in debt...I'll think of something...somehow." The robot sigh out and lied on his bed waiting for something to happen to him, not quite aware of what was going to happen next to his life.

Surely enough, a miracle was coming to Charlie's life. From beyond the suburbs of Zootopia the monorail train was coming into the city from the open plains of Bunnyburrows. The monorail itself was filled to the brim with various mammal species ranging from the largest Indian elephant to the smallest field mouse. But one stood out from the pack, a smartly dressed canine, a jackal from the looks of him, he was dark as night with his short fur being well groomed from top to bottom. His ears stood straight up bearing triangular appearance, his eyes had an amber gold tint to it that made others find him strange and otherworldly.

The jackal himself was easily as tall as an ordinary wolf with a well toned muscular and athletic body that seemed to scream the idea of physical perfection, his appearance was hidden under the trappings of traditional Middle Eastern clothing, with a robe and belt on his abdomen section he seemed to be a social elite hailing from the conservative region of the world. The train he rode on soon came to a stop by the station of Savanna Central, where he exited the train and went out to see the city.

As far as the eyes can see, he saw a vibrant metropolis with skyscrapers and towering structures dotted the downtown area with a large square in the central and mammals of all species went about their daily businesses. He felt like an alien, an out of touch and out of time figure waking up from a long sleep to see a world no longer his. He took a cautious step out of the station and began his walk along the pavement towards the city's Museum of Natural History. It was strange for him to take a walk instead of a Giraffe Cab or Zuber. He still had a map and a compass on his paws while a briefcase was slung on his wrist by a handcuff.

As a result of his walking, he wasted 30 minutes to arrive at the museum while he could just use the cab for 10 to 15 minutes trip. He panted out feeling tired by the walking before pulling his strength to enter the museum with his briefcase in hand. He pushed the door of the structure open and entered the grand hall of the place, where barely a year ago, Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde were cornered by the malicious Dawn Bellwether, the memories was seen as distance to others, but to Anubis's eyes, he could see things of the past playing out before his eyes like holograms and phantoms going about their memories.

The jackal soon arrived at the director's office of the museum and knocked on its door several knocks, causing the hippo inside to flabbergasted in surprise nearly spilling his coffee on the table before looking at the entrance trying to keep his formal look. "Oh yes...uh come in please." Said the hippo in a timid and stuttering voice that sound too nerdy to be true. Entering the room was the Jackal standing intimidatingly in the doorway with his briefcase, "What can I do for you sir?" The hippo asked stuttering and shivering in fear looking at the jackal's looming silhouette as he came into the room and sat down in front of the hippo.

"Your job. I'm taking it." Said the jackal as he opened the briefcase and flipped it back to allow the director himself see for himself the documents of the Jackal's apparent skills and qualifications to be a museum curator. But as he began to browse through the files, he felt something was off about the Jackal, the qualifications seemed unreal, there was too much degrees and diplomas for one mammal to earn in a lifetime and there was no way he could have earned Ph.D, BA, Doctorate and much more.

"But...but...but sir, I haven't had any notifications of terminations from the City Council yet. Don't you're...going...too far?" He shivered in fear and slowly sunk down on his seat before Anubis grabbed his briefcase and flipped it upside down revealing wads of Zootopia Dollars on the table, all of them were of the Benjamin Furranklin types totalling around $500K.

"Then I'll buy it, cash." The Jackal replied coldly as the hippo seemed to be terrified by the jackal's intimidating body language. He picked up the cash and ran away as far as possible, leaving the jackal to take over the museum. "Easy to the hard part." Said the Jackal as he stood by the window staring out into the city as he contemplate his plans.


Sitting in his apartment, alone and bored Charlie flipped through the TV channels to see what was on the air today to keep his mind distracted from the lackluster existence he has. First he came to a documentary show about the land development in the African Savannah around a large lion den rock formation from the prehistoric age. Then he flipped to a Soap Opera channel broadcasting an overly steamy and edgy show.

"Oh Lance I think it's time for you to know the truth, the baby isn't yours!" The doe on screen raised her voice in an overly dramatic manner, prompting the male lead, a staag to make his melodramatic performance known. "What? How? Why? Who is the baby's father?" He asked her. "It's your evil twin brother Engelbert!" She replied causing him to gasp in shock at the apparent miscarriage all the while Charlie yawned. "But Janice, I am Engelbert! Now that you know the truth, promise me that you won't leave me ever again."

"I promise you I won't leave you! Nothing will ever tear the three of us apart! I love you both ever after!" Charlie watched the bizarrely written scene ended with the two leads kissing and smooching each other tenderly as the program came to an end before he turned off the TV. "My life sucks." Said Charlie in a drowsy manner as he lied down on the couch. "Oh come now dear boy, you can't just give up just yet! Think! There's gotta be a way out for your financial situation than just soaking up Telenovelas." Alfred sighed out to the robot wolf as the AI hovered down to his muzzle before changing his eye color from blue to pink.

"Now look I understand you're desperate in the gutter but please think about this. An robot mammal created from alien technology wasting potentials as a male stripper and a pole dancer no less!" He fired up his voice's volume to argue with Charlie in a sudden causing the robot wolf to fall over the sofa on the floor and grunted. "Yeah right. Like I could somehow change my life in a sudden...maybe I'll try again but first I need to take a walk somewhere. I don't know just that I need to go." Said Charlie with a groaned before he went out of the apartment and took a cab towards the downtown area of Zootopia to clear his mind of trouble.

Once he had arrived he went about among the crowds none the wiser, never knowing what was out there looking for him. Meanwhile, back at the museum Anubis, the Jackal deity of the dead was going about renovating the basement area of the place, a strange move he made was an early closure of the building to prevent the public from seeing what was going inside the building. The Jackal deity himself went down to the basement area, finding a sprawling archive and storage area filled to the brim with various crates and wooden boxes of antiques. "Well protected indeed...time to make some changes." He muttered.

The jackal deity went towards the middle of the archive and dropped dust and sand of Ewegypt on the floor, drawing out a pentagram in the middle of the place. In the pentagram there was a pyramid with an eye of Horus on it with various intricates hieroglyphs around the circle. Once the ritual ground was prepared and grasped his hands together and uttered in Ancient Ewegyptian tongue the spell and incantation of his Jackal Guards summoning.

"Gather your flesh and bones, renew your sinews and muscles. For your master of the Underworld calls. Your labor and struggle are demanded." With the spell chanted, the building's lights flickered rapidly before a gust of wind blew the skylight open pouring in the sand and dust of Ewegypt, they went down to the basement and reformed into various Jackal warriors, all dressed in traditional Ewegyptian trousers and garments with glowing pale eyes.

These Jackals were accompanied by their combat brethrens, all of whom wore Hellenic styled armor and helmets from Boeotian to Thracian helmets. "We have much work to do." Anubis stated to them as they bowed their heads to him. "Renovate this basement, it will be our hideout and base. I will need to acquire something." The jackal god instructed the warriors and workers he summoned before turning his back to them and walked away.

On the streets around the downtown area, the ZPD was still conducting patrols around the place for troublemakers and anyone stirring up the city. One of these patrols was the first ever fully roboticized wolf pack of Logan Lupis and Wolfard as they drove in their standard issued cruiser around the Savanna Square area of the city where the Town Hall, Precinct 1 and a number of other famous landmarks were.

Wolfard sat next to Logan in the driver seat expertly controlled the cruiser around the streets in a steady speed while seemingly chill. Physically he was similar to Logan as a robot wolf, albeit with a different color scheme and he didn't seem to mind the fact that his appearance was rather...risque with a bulge on his crotch. Nevertheless, his navy blue armor with the ZPD badge mounted on his chest seemed to be all that he needed.

Logan himself continued to use the robot form he had for now. The windows of the police cruiser were tinted well enough to the point outsiders would not be able to see inside of the cruiser so easily. He himself was mostly red in his appearance. Rather well built, but not overly muscular.

Due to the nanites though his robotic form was modified to be more athletic than he previously was. After toying around with his robot form over time he swapped out the metal bulging black thong for a regular red plate to match the rest of his armor as well as applying some black striping patterns over his mostly red armor. First thing he had done though was to make his appearance less sexually modified due to his own comfort, and his current relationship. Down side for him was his attractive nature he reserved for another.

His body sporting mostly a slightly dark red color to it. His lower legs were a black color with some red stripes going up the back of the calf as well as the front. The red transitioned to a black stripe going up red colored thighs. Large and sleek in their appearance all the way to his crotch plate he desperately hated still despite it being the equivalent of underwear. It as a red color he begged Alfred previously to fix so it didn't make him feel so exposed.

Next the mid part of his torso was a red color with some robotic muscular indents showing off some pecs, and his beloved 6 pack abs. As much as they showed him off he still knew there was some appearance he didn't quite want yet. However, on the sides of his body were black colored plates of armor. This all led up to red colored upper arms and shoulders which then led to black colored biceps. His elbows were black colored at the bend of them while the round back was a red color. The red continued all the way down to his forearms.

As for his head he posses red colored optics with a more bright shade of red. His entire face was a black color from his metal brows all the way down to the tip of his muzzle. The top of his head however was a red coloration going from the back to the top of his head then up his pointed ears.

As the two patrolled the streets Logan tapped his foot in the car while radio played. So far a calm day for the two of them, and just enough of a calm day that put Logan in a better mood since the incident with his own robotization and odd vacation he had. Something that still made him get a chill. He looked over at Wolfard with a smile. "You know if nothing comes up i could really go for lunch. Breakfast today wasn't so large for me." Logan said. He still knew the robot body did not need food to operate, but nothing was going to remove his craving for food. "Maybe a donut. Coffee. Eclare. Donut holes." Logan remarked.

Wolfard chuckled hearing this as he drove the car towards an intersection that had red light on. He stopped the vehicle waiting for greenlight in a tightly packed traffic of Zootopia. "Maybe you can share some with Clawhauser who knows maybe get him to run and exercise a bit more." Said Wolfard as he scanned the areas ahead of him using his optics and its pulsating function for suspicious activities.

He saw before him a large crowd walking across the pavement, one of them was a stallion wearing expensive designer outfits, grey Tuxedo with a pink shirt underneath but he wore sunglasses of all things for a horse. As they waited for the green light however, Logan caught sight of what appeared to be Anubis of all person walking on the pavement towards the nearby square apparently being drawn towards something judging by the wide eyes he had and the hunched over pose.

Logan spotting Anubis suddenly and involuntarily activated his body's liquid metal disguise. In the blink of an eye from the panel lines of his red armor chrome grey colored liquid metal seeped out of his body, and onto the surface of his body. Quickly his flesh and fur appearance began to swell over his body fully showing him as a normal wolf with grey fur, amber eyes, an off-white face with a hint of tan, and a black nose. As this happened he gasped loudly watching Anubis clearly walk across the street in broad daylight. "No no NO! What is he doing?!" Logan stammered.

"What? What? Who? Where?" Wolfard remarked with a raised eyebrow or rather a zoomed out optic to help his still somewhat stiff robot face looking at Logan. The superior officer quickly raised his ears up as his HUD began to view Logan's POV and zoomed in on the highlighted Jackal silhouette who was walking about in the middle of Zootopia. "Who the hell is that? How come this guy's fur is like charcoal and ink rubbed together?" Wolfard asked tilting his head now looking at the direction Logan was focusing on. As the green light switched on Wolfard slowly drove the cruiser forward shadowing Anubis's movements in the Downtown square.

Logan then looked over to Wolfard, and realized he may have spoken out about the Jackal's appearance too soon, and too suddenly. Logan shook his head quickly and focused his optics away from Anubis knowing his identity was for the best and present best kept a secret. It was too much of a risk letting anyone know he was perhaps the most advanced form of alien life. An actual god. "Uh no one sarge! I mean Wolfard sir. I was looking at that uh…" Logan scanned the street again shifting his eyes slowly across the traffic spotting an easy target. A motorcycle enthusiast simply moving his bike between traffic. Not exactly a felony, but it was something. "Uhhh that guy weaving through big truck and stuff!" Logan blurted.

Wolfard panned his head to get a look at the motorcyclist riding through the streets before looking back at the Jackal that was walking along the pavement towards the central square of the city. "Listen here Logan I know that you know something about that Jackal so better let it out now!" Wolfard snarled lightly before slowing his cruiser to around the square's entrance, he and Logan saw the Jackal coming into the grassy square and what could be a park in the heart of the city to remind the populace of what they used to be. "Hey he looks like he's coming towards that arctic wolf over there." Wolfard pointed out to Logan as Anubis was seen walking towards Charlie who was sitting on a bench in the square.

Logan then leaned himself forwards and narrowed his eyes into a tight squint while Anubis approached Charlie. Nervous by Wolfard's snarl he shuddered and kept his eye on Anubis finding his position with Charlie too much of a coincidence to even ignore. "Okay maybe this guy is a bit… different. You can already see he's a bit dark. Uhhh…" Logan paused thinking of another excuse. "I kinda know him. His parents weren't the same… uh. Canine species?" Logan said awkwardly.

"You're not exactly helping me right now you know." Said Wolfard with a sigh as he stopped the cruiser and turned off the engine before retracting the key of the car. He put the key into his thigh compartment before letting the panels set themselves back into place before exiting the cruisers causing some pedestrians to be disturbed and shivered when they saw the robot wolf coming out from the vehicle. "Look Logan I need to know who is he if he's dangerous or not. Otherwise we might have a murder in our paws." Wolfard retorted before making a fast walk into the square towards the jackal.

The jackal in question however was in a much more calm, or rather surreal state of mind as he stood before Charlie looking down at the robot wolf in disguise. "Uhhh...what are you doing?" Charlie asked tilting his head back a bit seeing that the strange Jackal was standing before him. The jackal's facial expression was also a rather stiff and wide eyed curiosity and astonishment.

"I can see your curiosity. I know what you need and want but I don't know why." The jackal stated to Charlie in an oddly calm and stoic Middle Eastern accent. The thick raspy voice made Charlie tilted his head in curiosity. "Uhhhh...what are you saying? I don't just met and how come you know what I want?" Charlie replied to him feeling awkward by the conversation they were having.

The jackal would then sit down on the bench next to Charlie and cleared his throat out apparently he was mightily interested in the boy for some reasons. "You see, I have seen your types in my old country many years I can tell what you need. But not why you need it." The jackal stated to Charlie and sighed out much to the arctic wolf's minimal assurance. "Sooooo...what do you want with me? Because I know whatever you want me to do for you I can't do it or I'm not qualified enough for it." Said Charlie with self doubt fueled his tone while he slumped his head down.

Logan continued following Wolfard down the city sidewalks while stalking Anubis. Logan however felt less worried about what Anubis intended in the city due to his last encounter with the jackal god. However, he still had concern for what his intentions for Charlie were. He however still needed to talk to his superior officer. "He's not dangerous. Not a murderer, or a crime lord. Not a terrorist… Despite his accent-" Logan said before holding his breath, and staying awkwardly silent. His cheeks puffed up a bit, and he let out a long drawn out awkward sigh. "Okay that was a bit of a stereotype, but you get what I mean. He's a weird guy me and Angie met on a trip. The one I took after I said i don't like to take off on work. Maybe he followed us home?..." Logan said confused.

"What's that guy doing to the kid over there?" Wolfard muttered cautiously as he watched Anubis speaking to Charlie on something, a rather personal matter. "Listen, if you like an employment opportunity, come meet me at the museum of natural history. I am most interested in seeing you there." Said Anubis as he handed out an identity card to Charlie's paw before walking away, sighing out.

Charlie was left to view the information the card provided to him. "Imad Salahaddin Ahmad bin Osman. Ph.D Archaeologist and Paleontologist. Curator of Zootopia's Museum of Natural History." The phone number attached to it was apparently a landline to the museum itself. "Hey wait-where did he go?" Charlie blunk and looked around noticing that Anubis was gone, disappeared while he wasn't looking.

Anubis's odd disappearance wasn't noticed just by Charlie since even Logan watching found himself to lose sight of him. In fact it was as if he couldn't remember seeing him there. Disappearance was one thing, but suddenly unable to remember the last second she was there was even more bizarre. "Wait… What were we-" Logn shook his head out, and got out of cover. To Charlie's surprise he saw Logan running up to him before stopping looking like he'd seen some terrifying sight. "Charlie! What did that guy want? What did he say to you? What does the card say? And how is the job hunt going?" Logan asked with a string of questions.

Charlie panted out to see Logan flabbergasting again in front of him as he held up his hands to calm down the robot wolf police officer before proceeding to answer his questions one at a time. "Alright I don't know who that guy was but he just come to me and say he knows what I want and offer me his ID card then left. And job hunting isn't going so well lately." Said Charlie with a sigh as he calmed down from the nonstop string of questions Logan always have for just about anything. He then handed Logan the ID card before stroking his head out of confusion. "But how did he disappeared is beyond me."

Logan looked down seeing the card already knowing the ID was fake. Knowing Anubis this was some plan the jackal had. Logan knew already how Anubis could tell Charli was on job search, and how he disappeared. The only issue is if Charlie should know that the black jackal he saw was in fact a god. "Okay Charlie… That guy is…" Logan stopped and groaned to himself. "You're already looking at me like i'm insane. Okay I get it. I can be… Reactive. Its my dad's side of things. Uh. Okay that guy though. He's… Well. Do you think he's a normal jackal? His fur color and all that? His almost glowing eyes, the way he goes around?" Logan asked while hesitant to speak his mind out.

Wolfard tilted his head hearing this so did Charlie as he stroke his head trying to think of recall the abnormal features the Jackal had. "Mmm yeah he looks odd, he's a jackal but tall as a wolf and his fur is all black instead of black back and tannish brown or gold in the rest." Said Charlie as he stroke his head plate under the liquid metal disguise. Wolfard of course crossed his hand and came up to Logan's side clearing his throat at Logan. "Logan as your superior officer I need up to date info right now on that Jackal. Is he dangerous? Is he a killer or some guy with criminal record?" Wolfard asked in a more intense manner with his tone taking on a more demanding and commanding one.

Logan shuddered a bit, and looked back to Wolfard feeling himself dug into and questioned further. No, the first time this had happened after being roboticized, but still unnerving. Logan stood up straight again, and groaned under his breath while looking Wolfard in the eye. "Like I said. He's not a killer or criminal. Actually kinda of the opposite." Logan said turning the card to face Wolfard. "We met him in Ewegypt. Uhhh. Archeologist guy, annnnnnnd a- oh. Hey he does dinosaurs as well. He was in Ewegypt with me and Angie. She knows him the best i think? I don't know why he's here though, and it looks like he owns that old museum. Look he's weird, but he's fine. Charlie i don't know why he wants you. I need to ask Angie about this." Logan said. While looking at Wolfard with more confident look.

Wolfard however looked at Logan with increasingly distrustful eyes and perhaps some scornful gaze as well because of his strange mannerism when making the explanations to Wolfard. Charlie however felt compelled to follow the invitation out of curiosity and went out to the Museum first. "Look I think I should face him and make it known that I can't fit the bill of whatever he wanted to me to do." Said Charlie in a rather reluctance and pessimistic manner. "I'm coming with you just to make sure I can tap this guy to be safe." Said Woflard with a neck snap and followed Charlie towards the Museum, in fact, Wolfard pushed Charlie into the Cruiser's passenger seat to give him a ride to the Museum.

Logan didn't seem to objectify this either since he hopped into the passenger side to the right. Though his ears both were angled backwards in a confused distressed manner while he buckled himself in. "Buckle up Charlie. I need to know what he's doing here as well. I don't think he's the type to come all the way from Ewegypt, find you looking for a job, then give you a personal card just out of the blue. We are doing a stakeout." logan said while looking to the high tech police car. He hummed in thought for a brief moment. "While taking the most obvious stake out vehicle we could use. Whatever. This guy does anything weird don't hesitate to run. I mean say no calmly and reject the job offer since there are plenty of other jobs here in the city besides exotic dancing." Logan said.

"He does exotic dancing?" Wolfard asked perplexed by the revelation before starting to drive them off to the museum of natural history. Along the way Charlie felt increasingly confused, on one hand he wanted to hold off the meeting and interview with the jackal. On the other hand however, he felt a need to come to the museum regardless just to meet the jackal. Like a moth drawn to the light, the cruiser pulled up in front of the museum.

Charlie himself exited the vehicle and looked up at the structure before his eyes and began to make his way forward to see what was happening there. Anubis was looking at the wolf that was coming towards him from the second floor, standing behind the curtains of the window he observed the wolves coming to the front door and entered the place, finding the Museum to be completely vacant of visitors despite being in the opening hour.

Logan looked both ways using his eyes to swivel around. The museum with all of its various antique artifacts felt oddly creepy to him despite still being in good shape. Each step he took felt like much louder without the deafening murmur of a crowd of mammals. Each step made a loud crack against the hard floors creating a traveling echo through the halls. "Something isn't right here Wolfard. Was this place ever popular, or was it closing? I mean how and why would he bar this place if he was only going to interview Charlie?..." Logan said. His metallic shining teeth grit together nervously as he went ahead of wolfard going deeper into the museum.

"That's impossible, the museum has a daily 15K visitors from morning to afternoon. No way it can just close on a dime." Said Wolfard with a sniff of concern as he walked with Charlie and Logan up the stairs of the Museum towards the curator's office. But with each steps they took, they felt an increasingly ominous and foreboding atmosphere building up around them as they felt they were being stalked by someone, something. Once they were at the door of the curator's office, the trio heard something coming from inside the place, music from the sound of it, wondrous and melodious guitars from decades past, the song "Pawi Tu m'as pris dans tes bras" by Enrico Mousicas playing an old Gramophone.

The music as it sounded to Logan made the atmosphere around him and the others almost romantic in some strange way. A forceful romance since the last event creeping up on him were the empty foreboding halls. He shivered a bit looking around before holding Charlie's shoulder. "Okay… This got a lot more weird for us. Spooky weird." Logan said. He recalled Anubis being jackal over the dead. To him it felt like the place was suddenly haunted. Much like a horror film he watched too much of involving a hotel in the mountains. "Right… I don't want to know if there are two creepy little girls waiting for us to play down the next hallway. Charlie doesn't any of this weird you out?... Like more than what happened to us already? Because it's starting to really get my nerves going…" Logan said more confused about Anubis's intentions. Despite the jackal's help Logan still knows people can turn in an instant. He still remembers Angie's long time mentor still clear and fresh in his head.

"I'm not sure what to say but it's strange because I feel like...I need to see him." Said Charlie in a mixture of perplex and mesmerized tone to Logan as if the music itself was like a drawing him into the room. Charlie held the door knob with his paw, gulping in the process before opening it and stepped into the place. The music was still playing on the Gramophone the song of a French Rodent that still haunts the mind of all listeners including Charlie. He saw Anubis sitting at the curator table looking at him with a longing that was enigmatic, too enigmatic even to tell. The wolf sat down in front of Anubis and cleared his throat seeing the jackal turning down the volume apparently to give them ease of conversation. "You wish to see me?" He asked.

"I do, I would like to know you first such as your name and occupation and expertise...tell you have experiences in tracking?" The jackal asked in a deep baritone to Charlie that made him gulp and stuttered for a moment trying to give an answer. "Uh...Ummm yes I do. I know how to keep track of time and agendas but I don't know why would you bring me here." He replied to the jackal as he noticed Anubis was writing some notes on a paper in front of him.

"Simple, I know...what you can do and what you are capable of in the long run of your life. Therefore I have a reason for bringing you here." Said Anubis in an ominous tone to Charlie with a sigh coming out of the jackal's mouth as he stood up and walked to Charlie's side. "I know that you hide behind that exterior for the sake of incognito...but here...I know what you look like underneath so do me a favor and uncloak." Said Anubis as he looked down at Charlie with a testing gaze apparently to gauge the wolf's ability to take pressure from someone with greater social stature than him. Or anyone with authority. Logan can hear from behind the door Charlie himself was whimpering in fear and confusion.

"Wait what? How do you know? How could you have known? It's impossible! You can't be serious, can you?" it was almost like Logan himself was flabbergasting in the room with Anubis looking at him, but as he flabbergasted more, the liquid metal disguise of Charlie slipped away and revealing his robot appearance to Anubis. "Took you long enough but I appreciate it nonetheless." Said Anubis with a sigh looking at Charlie from top to bottom inspecting the shiny chrome metal armor Charlie has and his athletic stature along the pectoral and prized abs that he had. "What do you want with me?" Charlie asked now being much more alarmed as he back up from Anubis who took a step forward to where Charlie once stood.

The jackal himself began to have smoke and black plumes of mist around him as he began to molt, his clothes shed into oblivion as he revealed his true appearance to Charlie. The business suits burned into ashes before disappearing from sight leaving Anubis to morph into his godly appearance sporting his Egyptian trousers and purple headdress with two parallel tailcoats running down his back. "I am Inepu Anubis, Patron of the Dead, God of the Afterlife, Judge of the Duat." He stated to Charlie who still looked at him shivering and quaking in fear while his eyes were caught stunned by the Jackal God's physique and his otherworldly nature.

It was enough for Logan to raise his ears in an alarmed fashion. On his own impulse his fleshy and fur disguise lowered with his liquid metal seeping between his metal body armor. He barged into the small office and instantly saw what he thought of was Anubis blowing his own godly cover. So much confusion entered and messed with Logan's head seeing this. "Anubis?! What are you-" Logan however found himself to silence himself uttering Anubis's name out loud. Right next to Wolfard, but also intruding on a being who could easily erase him from existence. Both him and Wolfard. Logan stayed silent again looking over to Charlie even more alarmed his disguise was down. "Well… Everything just got fucked fast. Wolfard I can explain-" Logan tried to say. Only the situation clearly was too hostile for Wolfard as well to let go so easily.

"What the fuck? Anubis? As in the God of Death now? Stand back kiddo he could be dangerous!" Wolfard growled out as he leaped up at Anubis preparing to pounce and tackle him with his laser claws fired up at the ready. Just as he was going to crash on Anubis, he saw the deity held up his right palm aiming at Wolfard and fired off his Mummify Stun attack at Wolfard, ensnaring him in the process, Wolfard fell down to the floor with a loud and heavy thud all the while Anubis didn't flinch let alone bat an eye at Wolfard, he merely focused on the frightened Charlie. "What the hell? What the fuck is going on? I can't break out Logan help!" Wolfard snarled and wiggled around in the tight binding of the linen cocoon.

"His spirit is strong, I could use him." Said Anubis with a stone cold and impersonal tone as he knelt down to Wolfard and placed his left palm on Wolfard's forehead much to the robot wolf's apparent fear and concern. "What are you doing? Hey let go of me! What the-hell...are's so...nice and relaxing…" Wolfard's tone softened as he saw Anubis's palm glew a bright cyan light as he felt his mind submitting to Anubis, he slowly toned down his aggression and resistance as the linen wrapping unfold letting him kneel before Anubis while his eyes stare blankly at the jackal. Soon, the jackal lifted his hand from Wolfard's temple and he stood up to Anubis and slumped his head over to the jackal. "I am at your service my lord Anubis." Said Wolfard in a submissive and obedient tone.

The fast action quickly caused Logan to raise his own hands above his head. "O-okay! I give! Don't attack! I don't want to be mind warped like him!" Logan stammered clumsily while looking over to Charlie. Logan groaned and looked back at Anubis. "Let me guess though… You knew we were both here the whole time… of course you do. That was rhetorical." Logan said. Still with his hands up as he shuffled over to Wolfard's side. "Okay before you do anything. I would like to say- no sk just what the hell you are doing here right now. With Charlie. In Zootopia after that incident in Ewegypt. In this museum. At this time. And what you just did to my superior officer!" Logan said gesturing to Wolfard. He frowned and slumped over. "Come on man you're not one of the bad guys right?... I mean you're not going to use him like a zombie slave right?..." Logan said in a clear less demanding tone.

"No." He stated tersely to Logan leaving Charlie grit his teeth terrifyingly as he waved his paw in front of Wolfard's face to gain his attention only for the robot wolf to raise his head to face Charlie replied in a strangely aroused and oddly submissive manner. "Master Charlie, I am ready to serve your wishes." Said Wolfard much to Charlie's fear as he backed up to Logan's side seeing Anubis was coming close to them as he summoned his scepter in hand. "I came here for a reason, modernization. Knowing you, I tracked down Charlie rather easy." The jackal deity stated looking at Charlie with a strangely dedicated focus on him.

"What do you want from me? Why would you want me if no one else want to pick me up for a job?" The arctic wolf bot asked hesitantly to Anubis, the jackal however sighed out at the almost whiny tone the arctic wolf had as he cracked his neck and knuckles menacingly. "Look at yourself, you already have the answer." Said Anubis with a cold and almost impersonal statement as Charlie looked back down a his own torso and physique, it was growing increasingly clear why would Anubis want Charlie, or rather put Charlie under his employment.

"There's a reason for why I want you and there it is, but it's more than just skin deep Charlie as you'll know in due time." Said Anubis as he then handed Charlie a folder, a cardboard folder from the Bank of Zootopia that had the address from an unknown account that sent money to Charlie. It was labeled "478315" with the "To" field labeled as "Charlie P. Frost" of Zootopia. He gasped seeing this, his jaw fell open as he held the folder and opened it up seeing a wad of cash, $5000000 total in fact. "Wait a're telling're the one who sent me money my whole life?!" Charlie blurted out in a moment of confused revelation.

Logan looked over to Anubis as well with a confused frown on his face. He still clearly had trouble trusting him. "And why? Did you know any of this stuff would happen to him? Like what if he didn't get Nanited by a robot space squid?" Logan stammered looking back at the wad of cash. Despite his distrust was somewhat warming to know despite suffering massive losses as a child Charlie still had a secrete figure looking out for him. He however forced his stern look to return looking back at Anubis. "I don't know what's going on in your head, but… Whatever thank you for watching over him like some type of secret figure I guess. Now what about him?" Logan asked gesturing back to Wolfard.

"Yeah about that, how did you know me? If you do why didn't you adopt me or something when I was a pup?" Said Charlie with a frown and an apparent outrage directed to Anubis who kept his cold stoic expression to Charlie, making the wolf robot felt like his rage wouldn't be met with Anubis's own or even his plead for apologies.

"I would have come to you and adopt you or even raise you as my own, but Ewegypt at that time was having trouble, and I need to do something about it. Hence, I couldn't be there for you. How I know you? There will be a time and place for it Charlie, I can guarantee that." Said Anubis with a stern reply before clearing his throat and walked out of the curator office gesturing the trio of robot wolves to follow him. Charlie huffed out as he followed Anubis rather reluctantly. "Somedays...yeah right…" He sighed out as they were apparently going from the second floor of the museum down to the foyer again.

As he was shoved along Logan commenced his stuttering while pointing over to Wolfard. "Uh- well- Anu- Wolf- What about him?!" Logan shouted feeling guilt crawl up his spine while looking to his superior officer he respects despite the harsh tone Wolfard previously used. Logan stopped in place and crossed his arms firmly.

"You haven't explained much to us. So can i at least get a promise nothing embarrassing is going to happen to him? I can hear him talking in a…. Ahem. The bedroom tone… if I take him back to HQ like that and tell others 'Anubis god of the dead made him into a mindless drone.' that's not going to sound good…" Logan pouted before he swung his hands onto his hips. He lowered himself and made a deeper frown that before. "No in fact that' going to sound really bad, and i'm going to lose my job! Then I have to go home to Angie and tell her i just got fired because i got back with an errotic sex zombie!" Logan shouted.

"You should consider him lucky that the spell only lasted for a mere fifteen minutes, he should be back to normal by now." Said Anubis with a frown at Logan's shouting and panic stricken personality, as Anubis's statement pointed out Wolfard himself began to twitch his head as he groaned and rubbed his temple feeling the aching of his mind being lifted slowly. "Ugh...what just happened? I feel like I got on bed with some hunk but funny enough I couldn't't feel my ass sore at all." Said Wolfard before looking at Anubis with an intense glare. "You! What have you done to me? Some kind of malware or spy ware!?" He accused Anubis with his index finger pointed at the jackal, who so calmly descended the staircase. "If I did you would be on your knees begging for out of place sexual encounters." The jackal deity remarked.

"Enough, enough with it, I think it's already enough that I work as a male stripper in town to get by." Said Charlie with his tongue stuck out in disgust but this prompted Anubis to sigh out almost like a father disappointed in his son for something inappropriate. It was strange for Charlie why would Anubis want Charlie and how did he know Charlie and how much does he know. And yet he seemed to restrict information to himself and himself only.

"There's much explaining to do but time is short therefore I'll have to do it one at a time." The jackal soon arrived at the basement that was being renovated where Logan saw various mammals ranging from horses, oxens, bulls, goats, sheeps, canines, felines and rodents were working on expanding the basement and rearranging the antiques there into house decoration for Anubis's personal hideout. "You're building a hideout here?" Charlie asked, seeing the tigers hauling debris out and the lions bringing tools in to work on the walls and dugouts.

Logan himself moved in front of Charlie as he watched the construction of the basement go underway. What perplexed him was the labour force Anubis had hired for in such short time. In fact Logan crossed his arms while looking to Anubis finding as a deity there were still surprises coming from him constantly. "Yeah it looks like it. So a god, a multimillionaire, and now living the super hero dream?" Logn quipped before looking towards the workforce again. More questions just kept coming to him. "And where did you get all these guys from so quickly? I think you must have just bought this museum. Do they even know who… What you are?" Logan asked.

"You there, how much Drachma have you been paid?" Anubis asked one of the worker, a lion that was seen working on the wall of the basement to clear out debris to expand some living quarters for the various workers Anubis brought with him or rather, troops he had brought along. "500 Drachmas an hour my lord. More than enough to afford my farm in the Duat and my families well beings." The lion said as he held up a bag of gold Drachma coins with some silver coins mixed inside and bronze and copper ones. Logan himself would realize that these Drachma coins were ancient currency no longer in circulation but easily worth billions due to how old they were. "That would do. Keep working." Said Anubis, Charlie would then realize too that the out of use ancient currency meant something. "Wait they're all...dead? As in they're ghosts and spirits?" Charlie gasped out seeing the mammals walking in and out of the place, all of them had a pale colored fur and eyes. "They're souls, long dead workers hired by me straight from the Underworld to work. Others are recruited as soldiers." Said Anubis with a stern and unflinching gaze at the construction.

The amount of souls working seemed to have been a sight Logan was not yet prepared for as he to looked back and forth at each mammal working. He closed hiseys and breathed in and out trying to find anything to grasp onto so he could come back to grips with reality. "This is normal. He's a god. A god of the dead. This is something normal for him to do." Logan said to himself softly before letting off a long drawn out sigh. "Okay. I can't really complain I guess since you're paying them to work. Even though I thought the afterlife had everything payed… You know what i should just stop asking questions, and go along with this." Logan said in a defeated tone. To him it was all just going to spiral into stranger and weirder territories.

"So...if you have a hideout here I guess you want to modernize and equip it right?" Charlie asked him perplexed by the intentions of the Jackal as he nodded to the robot wolf before sighing out softening his tone to the robot wolf in a strangely fatherly manner. "Yes but first I have to apologize for the confusions back there. It's not easy making friends let alone acquaintances when you're a God." Anubis stated to Charlie with his hand rubbing his forehead.

"I promise you I'll explain to you how did I know you soon Charlie, but first...I just want to have us ease into each other's lives first." the remark was sincere with how Anubis kept a low baritone and a gaze at Charlie's face as he nodded to Anubis slowly.

"I think I can work with what do you need to know first?" He asked as Anubis then bent down to Charlie's shoulder and uttered gently to his ear, making him perking his robot ears up hearing what he wished.

"Wait what? You want Alfred? Uhh…okay that's reasonable. I think I can help you with that." Charlie nodded to Anubis before Anubis smiled softly to Charlie and stood up, patting his head gently as if Charlie was his son. "Oh sure he gets the special treatment while I have my mind warped into submissive sexbot." Wolfard groaned out with a hint of jealousy and confusion.

Logan however looked back at the group and made a nervous shudder. "Yeah well here's the thing about Alfred. I don't know him as well as Charlie, but he's… He's kind of weird. Helpful, and sometimes overly helpful." Logan said looking back to Wolfard. He then gulped in and looked around anxiously. "So how much trouble am I in for not telling you about my relation to god deities from other dimensions? That is if you even remember this." Logan said focusing back to Anubis. "And once that stuff wears off he's going to be normal again right? Like not lustful, or like what he is now. Right? Right? I'm so fired…" Logan muttered.

"Don't worry about it, Officer Wolfard won't feel anymore artificially induced lust on my part. Unless he desires it." Said Anubis with a sarcastic remark looking at Wolfard who in turn had a knee jerk reaction with covering himself with both hands trying to conceal any hints of lust from him due to Anubis's influence. "Nuh-uh! No way! You ain't getting on bed with me buddy! You hear! Also what's with the eyes man you're really disturbing me with your gaze and attention." Wolfard shuddered as he saw Anubis came up to Wolfard's side grabbing his arm to inspect it.

"What the heck?" Wolfard jerked his head back as he saw Anubis tracking his eyes along Wolfard's rather masculine arm, inspecting the rounded and toned muscles before pinning him into the wall gently to look down his back side from top to bottom. "What are you doing to him?" Charlie shielded his eyes before asking in an embarrassed manner trying his best not to think of the implications. "Inspection. Whatever this Nanite technology did to its host it seems to have a habit of sexual appeals and maximizing mating potentials." Said Anubis as he finally turned Wolfard around to inspect the robot wolf's front side from his pectoral torso to his prized six packs, even the bulge on his crotch which was covered by a dark navy blue plate.

Logan however rolled his eyes and huffed out feeling more proof that in fact he was sexualized purposefully, and now an increased sex symbol. "Yeah I get. The nanite really made us hunks. I haven't seen what they do to women, but I assume both of us would look like perfect samples for the next issue of Playbunny. Now would kindly stop weirding us out! I don't want to think about how many women… or men are trying to get in bed with me…" Logan said before he entered a state of visible discomfort again. He hunched over and crossed his arms nervously while muttering to himself.

"As you wish." As Anubis let go of Wolfard, the police wolf huffed out as he turned his back to Anubis and walked away embarrassed and to Logan's optics, blushing brightly red as if he for a moment enjoyed being inspected by Anubis. "Let's just go I think we're done here for now." Said Wolfard as he walked away feeling grossed out by the moment he had in the museum with Anubis going all over him. "As for you Charlie. Take your time and keep this with you, so I can call you any time." The jackal deity handed to Charlie a gemstone, an emerald stone with a carving of a pigeon inside of it that was white in color. The stone soon glew bright and morphed into a bracelet on Charlie's arm with a Jackal head mounted on it.

Logan then got behind Charlie and dragged him along feeling still uncomfortable about all that had occured in the time he had spent in the museum. He sighed out and pushed Charlie along slightly nudging his back between his shoulder plates. "Alright! Thank you jackal edge lord of the dead! Yes. He will be in contact with you. I can drive him. Everything is set." Logan said quickly as he lowered his mouth over to Charlie's ear. "Go hurry before he changes his mind…" Logan said in a grumpy tone.

Charlie of course made a rather creeped out expression before making his way out of the museum while Anubis looked on. Once the two wolves were out of sight, he sighed out and sat down by a stool rubbing his temple and slumped his head over, he was apparently in a perpetual state of depression, with the meeting that had taken place, Anubis was barely able to hold back tears streaming down from his eyes as he waited for the construction crew to be done with the hideout.