Chapter 1

"Akihito I am worried about you, you need to see a doctor" says a concerned Asami to his lover.

"I'm fine, just getting over the flu" Akihito says as he looks at the older man.

"I would still like for you to go to the doctor just to make sure it's nothing" Asami says not letting Akihito get his way in this argument.

"Fine if it will make you feel better then I will go this afternoon and then I will meet you at Sion for lunch"

"I have a short meeting before lunch, but it won't take long so you could stay in the bedroom in my office" Asami says as he leans over to give Akihito a kiss on the check loving the blush on the young blond.

"Tell me again why you have a bedroom in your office of all places" Akihito says from the bed where he is sitting on the edge.

"It's in case you came over" Asami says with a knowing smirk.

"Bastard" Akihito says with a blush on his cheeks as he watches his lover walk out of their room.

Akihito would never say it out loud, but he loved the site of his lover in his 3-piece suit. He loved the way it was made to fit his body. Especially the way it fit across his hard chest.

Akihito didn't think going to the doctor was necessary, but he will go to ease his lover. He had been throwing up almost everything that he would eat, and he ate a lot, but it mostly happened in the mornings and by the afternoon he felt better. He lied to Asami, he told him that it was going away when it really was getting worse.

He would never say it out loud, but he secretly liked the fact that Asami worried enough about him to force him to go to the doctor. Akihito also knew that Asami would never say how mush he worried about him out loud as well.

After throwing up last nights diner Akihito was on his way out. Every day without fail there would be a car waiting for him down stairs, and it would be up to him if he was going to go in or not. Asami was the one to arrange it to always be there, and this would be the first time that he would use it. Any other day he would take his vespa, but he was not feeling well so he was glad for the car that was waiting for him outside.

"Alright I need you to take me to Asami's doctor" Akihito tells the startled driver.

Akihito was glad that Asami didn't go overboard on the car, at least it wasn't a limo. The inside was all cream leather seats nothing to fancy but still not quite Akihito's style, but he would have to deal for now.

As Akihito waited outside of the Doctors office his mind was coming with different reasons why he was sick and none of them ended good. Well what ever he has he hopes that it was curable.

"Takaba Akihito" says the nurse as he is brought out of his thoughts.

"So, what seems to be the matter that Asami wanted me to take you as soon as you got here" says the elder Doctor.

"S-sorry about that he can be a bit much at times. But this time I'm glad he was" Akihito says as he looks as the Doctor.

"So, what seems to be the problem"

"For almost a week and a few days I haven't been able to keep any food down, I wake up every morning to feel nausea. There are times that my stomach hurts a bit" Akihito says as the Doctor listens to him.

"I think that I have a general idea of what is going on but let's take a few tests to make sure it's not something else" the Doctor says as he leaves to start getting the things he will need.

A few nurses came and went they took vials of his blood, he even peed in a cup. All of this was just making him even more nervous, just how bad could it be.

"Alright sorry for the wait" says the Doctor as he enters the room. "Now Akihito I think that congratulations are in order"

"What are you talking about how is me being sick anything to be glad about" says a confused Akihito.

"That's because all of our tests came back positive, you are pregnant" the Doctor says.

"No that is not possible, I mean I know it is, but I was told that I would never be able to conceive. Even if I was born able to have children, after an accident when I was younger I told that it would be impossible" says a frantic Akihito.

"I saw your file and I know about that, but I assure you that everything says that you are with child, so take this as a blessing because you never know if this is it for you" the Doctor says as he puts a hand on the young blonde's shoulder. "I will prescribe you some prenatal vitamins they will be good for the baby, and some anti-nausea medicine that will be safe for you to take."

"What am I going to tell Asami" that was Akihito's only worry.

"Well I am going to give you an ultrasound to see how far a long you are and then you can share the good news" says the Doctor as he leaves the room for a few minuets as he reenters with a machine. "I am going to need you to lay back and lift your shirt up"

By this point Akihito was just following what the Doctor was saying, because he was still trying to rap his head around the idea that he was pregnant.

"Alright let's see if this little one will let us see them" says the Doctor as he takes the wand onto his jelly covered lower belly. "And here is the little one, oh my I wasn't expecting this"

"What is something wrong" Akihito says getting out of his thoughts.

"No everything is good it's just that I figured that you would be about a month and a half along, but it seems that you are almost into your fourth month. And I could also tell you the gender if you would like"

What the Doctor said was not what Akihito was expecting how could he go so long without knowing. But then again, he was busy these past few months with all of the jobs he had been taking on. Then it hit him if he was almost four months a long then he was already pregnant when was running from roof top to roof top, after running away from thugs.

"I-is the baby alright" Akihito says with worry in his voice.

"Yes, the baby is extremely healthy and if I am correct you should start to show after this month. Although I am surprised that you are now having these symptoms into your second trimester"

"Is that bad" says a still worried Akihito.

"No everyone has it different, no two pregnancies are the same, but seeing how you're in almost your fourth month I am going to say that the morning sickness will be gone by the end of next week. I believe that this will be the worst of it, also when you said that you felt something in your stomach I believe that that was the baby moving" the Doctor reassures him.

"You said that I could know what I am having right" Akihito says becoming excited.

"Yes, if the little one is willing to let us see" says the Doctor as he moves the wand around Akihito's lower stomach to see. "And there it is, this little one has no shame in showing us that he is indeed a boy"

"A boy" Akihito whispers as his eyes become full with tears.

"I will print out a few pictures for you and the front desk will have all of your medicine ready by the time you are ready to leave" says the Doctor as he helps Akihito get cleaned up as the pictures are printing.

Akihito couldn't believe that he was having a child but not with just anyone but his lover of almost 3 years. Akihito kept looking at the picture as he was on his way to Asami's office. But before going up he took the medicine hoping that it would kick in by the time they begin to eat.

Akihito was glad that Asami didn't like to do things half way, like building an express elevator that leads straight to his office floor. Akihito practically ran out when the doors opened, he was glad that the floor was empty and that he could just go straight into his lover's office.

"Asami" Akihito says as he opens the doors forgetting that he had a meeting before they were supposed to eat lunch.

But who he saw made his mood turn fast, sitting there on Asami's couch was Ranmaru Oumi.

"Aki" says the Oumi-Kumi leader.

"Do you two know each other" Asami says as he looks from one to the other just realizing why the young leader looked familiar, they could be twins if they had the same hair color.

"No" "Yes" they both said at the same time as Akihito denies it while Ranmaru conforms it.

"What is going on here" Akihito says as he notices another person in the room besides Asami, Ranmaru, and himself.

"Akihito my dear nephew it has been a while since I have seen you" Akihito couldn't believe that he was seeing this man again.

"I wish it was uncle" Akihito says still not knowing what was going on. "Asami what is going on"

"We were discussing a potential marriage between our families" says the elder Oumi.

"W-what" Akihito whispers out as never takes his eyes off of Asami.

"It's simple both Asami and the Oumi-Kumi need an heir, so I thought that it would be a good idea to unite us with a marriage" the elder Oumi says as he doesn't try to hide his wicked grin.

"How" Akihito already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it out loud.

"Like I said by marriage, Ranmaru and Asami of course" as he heard this he kept his eyes on Asami to see if it was all a mistake.

By this point Akihito didn't know what to think, just a moment ago he was happy about the life growing inside of him but now he wanted to get away as soon as possible. Through out all of this Asami the man he thought loved him never tried to deny any of it. That was what hurt him the most, but fine if this is how he wanted things to end then he will leave and never show himself in front of the man. He will take himself and his child away from here and raise him himself.

"A-asami" Akihito says as he tries one more time and he fists his hand around the envelope that has their child's first picture with in it.

"Akihito let me explain" Asami starts as his uncle cuts off the crim lord.

"Don't kid yourself you know that you can't ever give Asami an heir, not after your accident. So Ranmaru is the only one that can" his uncle says as Akihito turns to his cousin.

"Are you alright with this" Akihito says as his eyes fill with unshed tears.

"I have to do what is right for the family" that was the final straw for Akihito as he backs towards the door.

"H-have Suoh or K-kirishima send my stuff over to Takato or Kou's place" Akihito says before he runs out of the office skiping the elevator and going to the stairs. He didn't stop running once he hit the side walk he ran until he remembered that it wasn't just him he had to worry about but also his son.

He stopped running once he got near a small park, he sat down on one of the benches as he tries to calm himself down a bit. Once he calms down a bit he looks over to the laughing kids as they play around the park. He knew that at that time that if he wanted his child to be happy like that then he would have to leave. After making his mind up he picked up his phone and called his dad.

At the moment he didn't know where his dad would be in the world, but he hopped that he had his phone on him this one time.

"I haven't heard from you in a while kid"

"D-dad, I really need you"

"What's wrong why do you sound like you have been crying"

"I will explain later but for now can I go live with you"

"Now you are scaring me, but you know that you can always come with me whenever you like"

"Thank you, dad I will be on the next flight over"

After Akihito ended his call he booked the first flight he could to Europe mainly Spain. Spain was his fathers home land, he met his mother while the Oumi-Kumi was there. His mom was the Oumi-Kumi groups princess, but once she saw his father she was in love. As for his father he was out taking pictures when he spotted her in his viewfinder. His grandfather didn't approve of them in the beginning because of his fathers mixed heritage. His father's mother was Spanish, while his father's father was Japanese.

But his grandfather soon came around as soon as he was born, his grandfather apologized to the both of them as he wanted to be apart of his second grandchild's life. Akihito grew up in Spain with his parents until he was 12 years old, at that time his mother passed away while giving birth to his stillborn sister. His father was unable to care for him, so his grandfather took him to Japan, Akihito and his father were never close after that, but they did keep in touch with each other.

He was happy as he grew up with his grandfather as he would hang out with his 4-year older cousin Ranmaru. But once again everything went bad for him around the time he turned 17 his beloved grandfather passed away. He knew that his uncle didn't like him much, but he had no idea to what degree that hatred ran. His accident was no accident he knew it was his uncle but had no way to prove it. So, after that he left his grandfathers house and took up the camera that his father had gifted him years before.

His father knew what his uncle had done, but he was powerless to help his son. Seeing how his wife's brother was now the leader of the Oumi-Kumi group. The only thing he could do was offer to take him back to Spain, but Akihito was stubborn and didn't want to leave. But know he would have to go back to his birth place and hopefully the birth place of his son as well.

Disclaimer-not mine

R&R this will not be updating every week like Always love in the end, but I will try to keep up with it as fast as I can. Let me know what you think about this.