School in Forks
Harry was sitting behind the wheel in the Tesla, with Dean riding shotgun this time and Blaise behind Harry. They were waiting on Terry who had forgotten that he wasn't going to Hogwarts. He had come down to breakfast this morning with his Ravenclaw attire on. It wasn't until he noticed that Blaise was smirking at him with one eyebrow raised, while Harry and Dean were trying not to laugh, and failing on Dean's part, that he was wearing his school robes. Terry had blushed till his face matched the color of Ronald Weasley's hair. He raced up stairs to change clothes while the others went out to Harry's car.
Six minutes later he came down the stairs wearing blue jeans, a white and light blue t-shirt and a navy blue hoodie. He grabbed his messenger bag from off the chair in the dining room, locked the doors and windows of the house with a wordless 'Colloportus maxima' and hurried to the car. Harry drove down the driveway after Terry shut the door, turned onto the road and accelerated. "So," started Dean "does this school have football team?"
Terry smiled and replied "Yes, when I registered us at the school the other day I asked the secretary, Ms. Nelson about any recreational activities they have. She said they have several sports teams including the basketball team, football team, chess and debate clubs as well as the swim team and the track and field team."
"Awesome," said Dean "At least it won't be completely boring here."
The rest of the drive to school was silent as the four boys got ready to make their first appearance to a good portion of the Forks population. As the car turned into the parking lot students stopped to look at the shiny green car with dark tinted windows that was pulling into a spot near the end of the lot. Blaise, Terry and Dean all got out the car first. Dean went to the front of the car and opened the hood to get his and Harry's backpacks and handed Blaise his messenger bag. Harry got out and took his bag from Dean and together the foursome walked together towards the building that had a sign over the door reading Main Office.
Whispers and rumors followed them from the car park to the building.
"I heard they were apart of a gang but are now under witness protection…"
"…..he told me that they are recruits for the FBI and they're scouting out…."
"…. swears she slept with the talk dark skinned one with the dimples! And he's got…"
"…. on the run from the police!"
But there were several things that's were glaringly obvious. There were rich, cute, lived together, sexy, and new to Forks.
In the office there was a counter and two desks behind it. The desk to the right had a woman sitting at it. She was a large woman with red hair with a few streaks of gray that was pulled into a tight bun on the back of her head. The woman looked up at the sound of the closing door. "Can I help you with something?"
Terry stepped forward "Hi, I'm Terry Boot. I was here a couple days ago and registered my brother and our friends for school here with Ms. Nelson."
"That's right she did mention four new students that would be starting today. Ms. Nelson isn't here today but I have your schedules, just give me one moment," she said as she began to dig through the files on her desk. "Here you are and I have given a map of the school to each of you. Since the four of you are 17, sorry 18 in Mr. Zambini's case, you will be seniors." "It's Zabini, not Zambini." sniffed Blaise quietly. "I'm terribly sorry," she apologized. She got up and came over to the counter and placed eight sheets of paper on the counter four schedules and four maps. The woman went down each schedule and circled the building on the map. She gave each of them a slip that their teachers are to sign and bring back at the end of the day.
"Well we all have the same first, lunch and fifth period together. English and Phy. Ed." said Harry as they headed over to building 3.
"Blaise and I have the same second period Chemistry, and then we meet Harry again in Trigonometry with Mr. Varner while you, Dean go to Art." said Terry.
"Fourth period I'm in Varner's class while Harry has Biology and you and Blaise have Government." Dean said.
First period was ok. Mr. Mason just signed the slips and told them to take seats in the back row of the room as all others were filled. The other students took quick glances back at them but no one said anything. Mr. Mason started class by telling the class that they had for new students and to make them fill welcome. Then he passed out his syllabus for the year and began to talk about materials and thing need for his class and other things. It reminded Harry of the History of Magic class at Hogwarts with the ghost of Professor Binns droning on except Mr. Mason wasn't talking about The Goblin Wars and The Great Goblin Rebellion of 1544. When the bell rang Blaise and Terry headed over to building 2 for Chemistry while Harry and Dean went off to building 6 for Government with Ms. Jefferson.
Morning classes sped by and before they knew it the four boys were meeting up in the lunch building. Dean arrived at the cafeteria first as Art was in building 4 which was next to building 5, the cafeteria. He sat in the corner of the café near the exit at a table. He was in the midst of finishing a picture he'd started on his Galaxy Note II when a female voice spoke to him. "Hi there!" He looked up. Directly in front of him was a girl with brunette curly hair, ample chest smiling at him and leaning almost entirely on the table. She had a light purple shirt on with a way too deep neck line and purple, white, and black plaid mini skirt and open toe pumps with a ribbon on them.
"Your one of the new boys right? Do you mind if I sit here with you?" Not wanting to be rude Dean just nodded his head. Terry, Harry and Blaise were entering the lunch room at the same time so at lease he wouldn't have to be alone with her. The girl was just about to speak when Blaise and the others arrived. Blaise sat down on Dean's left side, Terry sat on Dean's right and Harry sat next to Blaise. "Hey guys enjoy school so far?" asked Dean. "Chemistry was fine but Varner was being a right prick." replied Terry as if he didn't see the female sitting a the table with them.
"What happened?" question Dean. "We went to get our slip signed before class started. Mr. Varner says for us to introduce ourselves to the class. So we told them our names. Then as we go to sit down, mind you that he seats us alphabetically by our last names, he says to tell them a little about ourselves so that they may get to know us. Then Blaise happened." Dean looked puzzled and turned to Blaise.
Blaise just shrugged his shoulder and went on to explain "I told him that we where here to get an education not socialize like a bunch of old ninnies and since none of the other students were standing up to introduce themselves and tell us random things then I see no reason in sharing information about myself with a bunch of strangers." Dean and Terry started laughing while Harry giggled and went on to tell Dean what happened next.
"Then Varner told Blaise that he should take the first step and be more friendly. Blaise walked to Terry's desk and pulled the chair out and said 'Here you go Terry,' then did that same for me and then walked to his seat and sat down. When Varner went to get up from his chair he found himself glued to it." The three boys erupted into laughter while Blaise just sat with a self satisfied smirk on his face.
Blaise had just taken a sip of water when he saw them. Five beautiful teenagers sitting over on the other side of the cafeteria. There were three boys and two girls. The boy with honey blond hair was tall, maybe six feet. The second boy had dark curly hair, was muscular and he looked to be about 6'3. The last boy was a little shorter than the muscle-bound boy possibly 6'1 and had reddish bronze hair. The two girls were complete opposites. One was statuesque with golden blond hair and lips that shamed the red rose. The other was shorter than Harry's 5'8. She had a short military short cut styled hair that was black. Blaise knew what they were and inhaled sharply and asked "Who are they?". Dean, Harry and Terry looked at Blaise and followed his line of sight to the table with five beautiful teens.
Jessica decided to make her presence known again when she realized what or rather who they were looking at. "Those are the Cullens and the Hales. The girls are Alice, the short one and Rosalie, the tall one. Rosalie and Jasper, blond boy who looks constipated, are twins and are the Hales. The other boys are Emmett, the tall muscular one, and the last one is Edward. They all live with Dr. Cullen and his wife, their adoptive parents. Although Mrs. Cullen is the twins aunt. They've been with her since they were 8 or something like that. The twins are 18 and the other three are 17. They're all together though," Harry looked at Jessica when she whispered the last part like it was some scandalous secret. "Emmett's with Rosalie and Alice is with Jasper and Edward was dating the last new student who came here about two years ago. He dumped her though and she went back to live with her mother in Florida. They haven't interacted with any other students since she left. I think the reason they adopt so many kids though is because Mrs. Cullen can't have any children herself."
Harry looked at her with narrowed green eyes at the same moment that Terry started to rip into her verbally his blue eyes filled with fire. "Well I can see why they wouldn't interact with a chit like you. You gossip too much. Who cares if Mrs. Cullen can't have kids?! It's not her fault and it doesn't make her any less of a woman. In fact I commend her and all parents in the world who adopt children to take care of and love them! There are many people who adopt children just for money or to abuse them. You should think before you open your mouth!" With that Terry got up and stalked out of the cafeteria with Dean following him glaring at Jessica on his way out. Everyone in the cafeteria including the Cullens were now looking at them.
Harry spoke coldly to her "My brother is right. I was abused and taken in for my money so I know what its like. And you do gossip too much and that's saying something, as I've just met you just a few minutes ago. Nobody asked you for the inside scoop and we didn't need to know. If Mrs. Cullen wanted people to know she would have told them. Honestly its none of your business and you would do well to remember it. Don't come near us again." then he and Blaise left the cafeteria to go help Dean comfort Terry.