
December 8th, 5:20 AM

Gumball yelped at the sudden searing pain in his arm. Nicole continued to drag him away while screaming incoherently and crying. Gumball staggered to his feet, and bolted away with his mother, away from the camp, and into the woods nearby. Eventually, the spinning helicopter rotors and gunfire grew more and more silent, then the sounds of crunching leaves and heavy breathing overtook the noises entirely. They ran a little farther, then collapsed under a giant pine tree. Gumball tried taking a look at his arm, but it was almost pitch black, and he couldn't see it very well. He knew very well it was serious. He felt warm blood trickling down his arm, and the pain got worse and worse. He cupped his hand around the wound, only to be met with crippling pain. He started to let out a scream, but he felt a cold hand go over his mouth. He turned to see the dark mass resembling his mother beside him. He hit his head back against the tree and began to silently sob. He didn't know, but Nicole did the same time right beside him. He then realized she was not aware of his injury…

He turned to her while still sobbing. "Um...m-mom…" he stuttered.

Nicole tried to compose herself as best she could before responding back with a monotone "yes honey?"

"Um… I've… been…" he cried aloud at the pain, which was now completely unbearable.

Nicole looked over at him and saw what had happened, and a million thoughts raced through her mind all at once. She sat there for a moment, taking it all in. The sounds of Gumball's suffering killed her. She had no idea what to say or do.

"W-what?' she responded in a serious tone.

"I've been shot" he struggled to say.

She got up and turned so she was facing him. She couldn't see him very well under the almost nonexistent light, but she tried her best to take a look at his arm.

"Oh my...oh...oh no…" she began to cry again, this time out loud. Why? She thought to herself. Why?! I've lost Richard, maybe Anais, and now….

Suddenly, from way behind her, she heard shouting. She listened closer, and her heart sank. It was not in English…it sounded Russian, and It was getting closer. She scooped up her son and ran as fast as she could, tears in her eyes.

"We're going to make it, were going to make it, were going to make it," Nicole wheezed as she ran through the forest as fast as she could. She started to feel a warm substance on her arm. She knew what it was, and she shivered at the feeling. The shouting seemed to be following her, much to her horror. She started to cry aloud in terror. She was getting more and more tired by the minute.

Then, up ahead she saw a cabin. She barely noticed it, but she could make out a slight outline of it. She ran up to it and immediately started looking for a door.

By now, the sun was starting to rise, so it was a little easier to see around.

She found an entrance and dove for the doorknob and twisted it.

It opened up.

Her face rose as she was about to dive inside, but her delight didn't last long.

"HEY!" She heard from behind her. It was quite a ways away, around a quarter of a mile behind.

They had spotted her.

"Shit." She said, diving inside.

She set a muzzy Gumball down on the ground and quickly looked around. The cabin looked new and freshly abandoned. It was fully furnished, with a modern kitchen set and living room. The interior had been drywalled and carpeted.

Nicole wasn't paying attention to any of that stuff though, she was looking around frantically for some medical supplies. She ripped apart every cabinet in the kitchen looking for any bandages or gauze. Then, to her luck, she found a giant box with a red cross on it.

"YES!" She yelled in delight, holding the box tightly.

Gumball at this point looked like he was about to fall asleep.

She ran over to him and ripped open the box, and pulled out some gauze, disinfectant, and medical tape.

She disinfected the wound, and wrapped it up tightly, and taped it up.

"There! All better" she said, laughing nervously.

Then she heard footsteps outside, and her heart sank. She dove to the door and locked it.

She scooped Gumball up and ran throughout the house looking for a place to hide.

From outside she heard a man yelling out in Russian. Nicole sobbed in terror as she desperately looked around for somewhere to hide. Then, she found a small hall closet with a door.

"Yes!" She said quietly opening up the door. She opened it, and her heart once again sank. It was way too tight of a space for her to get in. "No…," she said in a defeated voice.


The man had begun to kick in the door.

Nicole cried aloud. She looked down at her son, who at this point was asleep in her arms. He looked adorable. She smiled as a tear ran down her face.

"goodbye gummy..." she said in a calm, low voice.


"I don't know if I'll ever again…" tears had flooded her eyes at this point. She blinked to get rid of the tears because she couldn't see her son, and right now that's all she wanted to see. She kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly.

CRASH! The door broke down.

She placed him down in the closet and closed the door. She turned to the hallway entrance, where the man came into view. He was tall and was covered in special ops gear. He walked down the hallway towards her.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!" she yelled through the tears while backing away from him.

He grabbed her arm and yanked her down the hallway back to the entrance.

"LET ME GO DAMN IT!" She screamed while thrashing about. Usually she would be in "rage mode", where she could tear him apart limb from limb, but unfortunately, she was too tired to do anything that debilitating. He dragged her out to meet up with his group. With them, they had another was Principal Brown. He looked dazed and confused, and he was both shocked and glad to see someone he knew. Nicole felt the same way.

The group started walking back to the camp, forcing Nicole and Brown to follow.

Nicole looked back at the cabin and sighed quietly. She truly didn't know if she would ever see Gumball ever again or the rest of her family for that matter.


I apologize for this taking so long to make, and for it being so short. life has thrown me a lot of curveballs these last few months. I can't guarantee a new chapter in the near future, but I'll do my best to make a new one. Thank you for reading! I hope you liked this chapter