A/N This is my first story, so it probably won't be all that great. This was inspired by a video I watched on YouTube. It was a simulation of how a Russian invasion would be like in the first 20-30 minutes.

(Added later)

Some background before reading:

Russia in this world is much stronger than in ours. They have an extremely well funded military, rivaling that of the United States. Tensions between the two have reached a breaking point due to the bombing and subsequent death of a Russian army division in the middle east. Which many, including the Russian government, believe the Americans did. Russia had reached its breaking point. With that, they launch a full scale invasion on the west and east coast of the U.S. With context out of the way (which my friend suggested I'd do) I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 1: The Invasion

November 27, 7:25 PM

Gumball and Darwin were sitting on the couch watching TV. The sun was low in the sky, and the sky was slowly starting to become cloudy. Nicole came into the living room.

"Kids, make sure you go to bed early tonight, you have school tomorrow" she warned.

"We don't want to repeat what happened last Monday, right?". Gumball and Darwin sighed.

"No," they both said in unison, slightly annoyed.

"Good. Be in bed by eight-thirty, okay?"

"Alright," They said, rolling their eyes.

Gumball turned to Darwin with an annoyed look on his face. "Great. We've only got thirty minutes!" Gumball said in annoyance, crossing his arms. "Oh well, there's always tomorrow right?" Darwin said optimistically. "Dude, tomorrow is just going to be: go to school, come home, do homework for 5 hours or something, eat dinner, and then we can do whatever we want. For like 10 minutes, he explained." Said Gumball. Darwin just sat back, and raised his hands, not wanting to argue.

8:00 PM

Gumball lied down onto his bed, frustrated by the fact that the time went by so quickly. Darwin got into his fishbowl and quickly fell asleep. Ansis had already gone to bed twenty minutes earlier. Gumball was the only one awake.

It began to rain outside. It was a calming and relaxing sound to Gumball's ears as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Across the Pacific ocean, a storm was gathering. Unlike the one over Elmore, it was a deadly, fierce, and mighty storm.

It started to cross the ocean.

9:17 PM

Nicole was in the living room watching TV with Richard.

"Richard, could you pick a channel already for Christ's sake? We've been sitting here for almost1 half an hour now," said Nicole in annoyance.

"Sorry honey, I cant find anything good on," Richard said.

Nicole rolled her eyes.

"You know what, I'm just going to go to bed." She said.

"Oh, okay I'll come with then," Richard said, turning off the TV.

Nicole and Richard got up from the couch and went over to there room, which was only about fifteen or so feet behind the couch. As she reached for the doorknob, she stopped dead in her tracks. They heard the sirens.

Gumball, Darwin, and Anais were sleeping soundly when out of the blue, they were awoken by sirens coming from outside.

They sounded like tornado sirens.

"What the?" Gumball said. Darwin started to panic.

Anais got down from her bunk, ran out of the room, and downstairs.

"Maybe it's a tornado warning or something?" Said Gumball.

"In California?" Anais said. "I don't think so".

Nicole ran over to the TV and turned it back on. Richard started to panic.

"Mom, what's going on?" Anais asked from behind Nicole. She was no doubt terrified by the loud, ominous sirens outside.

"I don't know," Nicole said.

Then Gumball and Darwin came downstairs, well more like flew downstairs. They were panicking, screaming and yelling,

"WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!". Anais started to scream as well, and along with her, Richard started to as well.

"QUIET!" Nicole yelled. Everyone fell silent. Just then, the TV screen turned black. An eerie tone played.

The storm was not far away now. Multiple missiles were headed for the U.S. west coast, and were detected by NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), the missile defense systems had not activated yet. but it was so fast, and sudden that the missile defense systems hadnt been activated yet.

The EAS system sound started to play, as a message scrolled across the screen.

Everyone stared at the screen anxiously

We interrupt our programming.

This is a national emergency.

Important instructions will follow.

Everyone looked terrified now.

This is an emergency action notification.

All stations will broadcast this emergency notification.

Do not use the telephone line. The telephone lines should be kept open in case of an emergency.

At 9:07 PM, Pacific Standard Time, NORAD detected the launch of multiple missiles thought to have origi-

Then there was a flash outside. Then, everything shut off. The lights, the T.V, the A/C, everything. There was a low rumble sound, then silence. The only sound heard was the rain hitting the roof, and the ground outside.

"W-what happened? Gumball asked, breaking the deafening silence.

The family walked over to the big window in the living room and looked out cautiously. They couldnt see anything but slight yellow shimmer through the dark clouds that covered the sky.

They didnt know it, but a missile equipped with an EMP had detonated not too far away. Many more like this had detonated across the west coast as well. The west coast was in the dark.

"What the-what is going on?!" Nicole exclaimed.

Darwin had begun to cry. Gumball went over to comfort him.

"We're going to be okay buddy. We'll make it through this." Gumball reassured him.

Anais joined in their embrace.

The storm was not too far away 2 million Russian troops in transport planes 500 miles from the shores of the U.S. were heading their way.

"Richard, check the phone line" Nicole ordered urgently while heading towards the basement door.

He went over and picked up.

"Nothing, the line is dead!" he called out to her, now inside the basement.

Then electronic voice played from the basement, so everyone went down to see what it was.

Nicole sat at an old desk, looking at a vintage radio.

"Holy shit, it works," Nicole said in astonishment.

The voice was garbled and hard to hear, but they could occasionally make out what was being said.



An ear-splitting tone played, (the EAS tone) then the voice started back up.


The voice faded out, then went to static.

Everyone looked at each other in fear and confusion.

Suddenly, what sounded like thumps started outside in the distance. They happened one after the other consecutively, and they were getting closer.

"What- what is that noise?" Richard asked.

But no one had an answer. No one knew that actual bombs were dropping just outside of Elmore.

Then, the unmistakable sound of jet engines roared loudly overhead back at the Watterson household. Everyone jumped at the loud noises.

BOOM! An explosion had struck not too far away. Everyone jumped at the sudden noise.

BOOM! An explosion hit so close that dust fell from the ceiling, things knocked over, and the basement windows cracked slightly. Everyone screamed.

BOOM! Another bomb hit a mere 100 yards away, breaking the windows in the basement altogether.

Rain started flying into the basement since It had gotten windy, and gunfire had begun in the distance. The family all cowered in fear More jet engines roared overhead. The basement wall opposite to the window glowed an ominous red. Gumball got up and walked to the window. Everyone stared in absolute disbelief.

"G-Gumball, get back here!" Nicole yelled through the noise.

Gumball was curious as to just what the hell was going on outside. He climbed up a box underneath the window and peeked over and out the window, shielding his eyes with his hand from the rain.

The red and yellow sky made an ominous silhouette of the houses opposite to theirs. Huge planes were overhead, dropping paratroopers over the city. A few jets flew overhead. One dropped a bomb, and it exploded a few miles away. Smoke plumes rose from where the inner city was. Elmore was on fire. He noticed that the gunfire was getting louder. He couldnt tell if it was because there was more of it, it was getting closer, or if it was because he was closer to the window. He hoped for the latter to be true.

"Oh-oh my god" Gumball stumbled down off the box and onto the floor, then ran back to his family.

"what was it?" Nicole asked him.

"there were people jumping out planes, and…"

Just then, the ground rumbled. Gumball ran back over and looked out the window to see what was causing it, again to the disbelief of his family. An Abrams tank rolled down the street toward the gunfire.

BOOM! Gumball ducked down beneath the window. Although trembling in terror, after about 15 seconds he peeked back over. The tank was a smoldering mess. A few Armata tanks rolled down the street in the opposite direction.

"Gumball, Get down!" Nicole hissed at him.

Gumball wasn't paying attention to her though. He was focused on the Russian troops marching down the street.