Chapter One:

As he looked around his small cupboard he realised that it was about time things changed in his life. He had put up with so much, firstly the physical and mental abuse that was given to him daily by the people that were meant to love, cherish and protect him, but it had been a very long time ago that he realised that these people were not his so called family. His family were the ones that he chose himself, the friends that he had made at Hogwarts, they were his true family. Little did he know that on the other side of the country two men sat on opposite sides of a roaring fireplace as they watched a crystal ball in the middle with the face of a teenage boy stuck inside a cupboard. One man looked up at the other and said "when shall we finally be able to see him, touch him feel him close to us, you must see its killing me to be parted from him". The other man stood and went closer to him and bent down so his knees were on the floor and his head was at eye lever, "come now love don't be like that you know we shall see him soon, I do know how much it has pained you being away from him, but we must wait, we must time it perfectly or our son will be lost to us forever". When the man sitting looked up into his husbands eyes he saw the glimmer of a tear in them and stood quickly he couldn't stand seeing the man he loved in pain, he leant up and kissed the tear off his husbands cheek, then he took his face in his hands and leant very close to his ears," don't cry sevvy you know I hate to see you cry we will get him back I swear on it". The man nodded and looked into his beautiful husbands face, which, had not changed in all these years "I know Siri, I know"