Author's note: Here it is, the final update for A Loving Sacrifice. I should have had this story wrapped up last year, but with one shot ideas taking over, I couldn't find the will to work on it. I am very confident on this chapter, I think it's much much better than the previous one. And I am going through a rough patch currently, so this thing was literally written with my sweat and tears. Also, keep in mind, I would recommend familiarizing yourself with Urine Trouble and Nocturnal Feast if some of you haven't, I think it's rather important. Anyways, thank you all for reading, supporting, reviewing and everything. I like creating content, and it means a lot to me especially if people enjoy what I do.

The following afternoon.

Lori had to prepare herself for this special talk. Her chat with Lincoln had some bumps, and there was no telling how this next one would go. She could see Leni fighting back, but also caving in. She couldn't predict the outcome, yet she had secretly hoped to work this out.

Even though Leni did have sex with Lincoln first, Lori was now home again, and she had no plans to leave. Being in charge again, she could surely turn things around, keep things from falling apart, and eliminate any suspicions. It's all she needed to do... for now, at least.

However, as she thought about her little sister, she became worried. The notion of Lincoln actually getting her pregnant, and the fallout that might spawn from it plagued her mind. There would be no excuses, and knowing her, she wouldn't be able contain her excitement. She would embrace finally getting a baby, something she's always desired so dearly.

Lori sighed, getting ready to make her move.

She headed over to her room. Time to confront, and test Leni. She had to know everything, despite what the boy told her. Both sides of the story needed to fall on her very ears.

Lori stepped inside, only to see the girl humming softly while brushing her hair. It was a daily routine for her, so there's nothing out of the norm currently.

Funnily enough, Leni immediately sensed her presence and turned around.

"Oh, hey, Lori." She greeted casually.

"How are you doing, Leni?" Lori asked.

"I'm great!" She responded, her tone being more joyous than usual.

"Glad to hear that, but there's something we really need to talk about..." Lori gestured her to come forth.

Leni ceased brushing and focused on her sister. She looked so worried, so exhausted. Judging from that, it had to be something pretty serious.

And not wanting to disobey, she approached her.

Lori sat down at the end of her bed, awaiting for Leni to join her so they can get down to business.

The younger girl popped a squat, scooting next to her sister. She sensed her mood shifted in a negative way.

She could only wonder if she did something wrong. "Is Lori mad at me?" She wished it wasn't true, but had to wait for the answer. Whatever it is, she'll get through it. They both will.

"Leni..." Lori began softly. "I know what's been going on with you and Lincoln. I know what you two have been doing together."

"How did you find out?" She asked.

"I asked Lincoln, he told me... everything." Lori mentioned as she grabbed Leni's hand, squeezing it. Her presence intimidated the girl, not that she really intended it to.

"Are you mad at me?" She questioned, trembling. If there was one thing she and Lincoln had in common, it was there fear of angering their big sister. Then again, pretty much all of their siblings felt the same in that regard.

Lori sighed. After thinking about it, Lincoln technically did do what she told him to. Leni was actually happy and he made it possible, though not just by pleasing her sexually either. He went above and beyond, even if the obligation quickly transformed into a new, lustful beast altogether.

"No, it's okay. I'm not mad at you. If anything, I've been worried about you. But it seems Lincoln has been more than a brother to both of us." She mentioned, nearly chuckling.

"Yeah, he has..." Leni agreed, recalling everything he did for her, from small to large while she was in charge. Hardly a dull moment came to her when they truly hit it off. It was wonderful, but with her sister back she wasn't certain of what comes next... yet.

Then something hit the girl like a ton of cement.

"Wait, he has?"

Lori swallowed hard. "He never told you about him and I, did he?"

She shook her head in disapproval.

Feeling the weight of guilt topple her, Lori rubbed her temple. She understood why he didn't tell Leni, but sorta wished he did. Then again, that could have also made the situation more complicated than it already is. Either way, she had to get it out to her and felt faithful that this wouldn't end on a sour note.

"I've had deep feelings for Lincoln since last year and I just..." Lori breathed in, seeking to get this off her chest here and now.

As she struggled to catch her voice, the visions of everything they did together piled up in her mind. Explaining in thorough detail wasn't crucial in her opinion, she only needed to get to her point.

"Look, you and I love him in the exact same way. And I won't allow anyone to take him away from us."

Us. That word caught her attention specifically, aside from all the facts Lori spat.

"So, that means we can share him, right?" Leni asked. It was something she never imagined before, sharing her Lincy. Although, if she had to with someone, it would definitely be Lori. There was simply no better choice.

"Of course, but we have to keep it low key. Luna, Luan, Lynn and Lucy have already been suspicious of you two. If we want this to work between the three of us, we can't be affectionate to him outside of this room, got it?"

Leni fixated on Lori, absorbing her words and feeling eager for her to continue saying more on the matter.

"That means we can't kiss Lincoln, hug him, hold his hand or have sex with him unless we're in here. Understand?" The idea of the latter managed to worry her. Being caught kissing is one thing, but she was grateful those two weren't dumb or horny enough to try screwing in the living room that one night. Thankfully, they knew better.

"You don't mind that if he and I do those kind of things in here?" She asked, finally managing a smile.

"Just as long as you let me join in." Lori laughed, blushing from the fantasy itself, and adding it to her mental to do list.

"That totes can work!" Leni exclaimed. Any fear of losing him became calmed. It was a win win really, a great compromise. The only job they have to do is keep their affairs behind closed doors. With Lori here, that wasn't going to be hard accomplish. Especially seeing how the other girls went to her about the situation first instead of their parents.

As she sat there alongside her pretty, younger sister, another thing came to mind.

"But... Lincoln has to move back into his old room." She uttered as she thought about keeping things in line.

"Oh..." Leni pouted. That was one thing she was hoping to avoid. She enjoyed the boy's company more than a new wardrobe. She could snuggle to him close to death if she couldn't contain herself, and just being around him in the dead of night, where most eyes rest, he was a struggle to resist. She loved him as much as her big sister did. Nonetheless, this decision is for the best.

"That doesn't mean he can't sleep in here. He can, but we can't be too obvious about it." Lori mentioned.

She nodded, completely understanding the deal.

"Also, there's something else..." Lori said, her voice trailing off. It seemed like once one thing got addressed, another needed to be as well. Too many unspoken words, plus undone deeds needed to be said and done.

"What is it?" Leni questioned.

"I have something for you." She said, scratching her shoulder nervously. It's not easy, yet she had to give her this to find the truth.

"Oooh, is it a present?" Leni asked excitedly.

"Well, no, it's... hang on." The girl murmured, walking to the side of the bed to grab her bag.

She fiddled through it until she found what she needed.

Her stomach turned when she pulled it out. It was a spare pregnancy test she kept in case something happened between her and Bobby. Despite taking the pill, she didn't want to take any risks. Bearing a child is no matter to take lightly.

Fearful that Leni might be doing just that, she confronted the girl while holding the device.

She squinted at the item. "What's that?"

"A pregnancy test. I need you to take it, alright?" Lori said, handing it over to her.

As Leni held in it her hands, worry invaded her face.

"How do I use it?" She questioned anxiously.

Lori gulped.

"You have to pee on it." She mentioned, her voice both nervous and serious.

Leni's eyes widened. "I'm scared..."

"Don't be. Just do it now, get it over with so we both know, okay? And don't let anyone see you." Lori said stiffly.

The girl nodded, her hands already shaking from distress. They both needed the answer, though their reactions may vary.

As discreetly as she could, Leni left and hurried to the bathroom.

After getting there, she locked the door and dropped her undies to the floor.

Then she sat on the toilet and began peeing in a rushed manner.

Leni slipped the test under her stream, coating it in her urine.

Her chest heaved from anxiety taking over while she glared at her crotch. She felt like she was gonna completely lose it, the deciding factor being too much to handle, and her personal dream now potentially hanging by a thread.

However, she kept on going.

Right when Leni finished peeing, she lost her grip and dropped the test in the toilet.

"Dang it!" She cried, witnessing it soaking in her mess.

Securing herself, she dipped her hand in and grabbed it.

"Gross..." She muttered as pee dripped on her hands.

Leni looked at the symbol, confused as to what the answer was.

"Am I pregnant?" She thought.

The truth lied with Lori. Shortly realizing that, the girl flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and then paced back into her room.

Leni soon faced her sister as she held the pregnancy test anxiously.

"You did it? Let me see it." She demanded.

Leni handed it over to her hesitantly.

"Ew, this whole thing is drench in your pee. What happened?" Lori asked, frowning as she wiped the liquid on her shorts. She could always wash her hands and change later, but more important issues must be dealt with presently. Even then, she doesn't have the right to feel troubled by urine seeing the favor she once had Lincoln do for her.

"I dropped it." Leni answered, her face flustering in embarrassment.

Lori shrugged that off and read the test, ignoring the stench of urine now lingering on her fingers.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips. "Leni, you're not pregnant."

"I'm... not?"

"No." Lori smiled, feeling her heart relax upon realizing how close that call was.

Leni became speechless, and turned white as a ghost.

She looked down while feeling her stomach, knowing that no beautiful, pure child was growing inside her womb.

As she kept her gaze averted, Lori grew concerned.

"Hey, look at me." She ordered.

Leni picked her head up as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm not pregnant. I'm not having the beautiful baby I've dreamed about."

"Leni..." She spoke, softening her tone as she witnessed her dismay.

In a split second, the girl began bawling her pretty blue eyes out.

"Stop crying." Lori demanded as anger and frustration suddenly started to meld inside her.

"Why!?" Leni questioned in a fury of heartache with a quivering lip.

"Hey!" Lori shouted, grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Listen to me, you having a baby with Lincoln would only complicate things for us. You're too young, and you wouldn't be capable of hiding it from the others." She stated, trying to contain her irritability as well as show some minimal tough love.

Leni's vision blurred from excess tears dripping out, and the combination of a damaged heart. She tried to get it together, but needed assistance now more than ever.

Feeling a clash of contradicting emotions, Lori held her close. "I care about you. I love you, just as much as Lincoln does."

Hearing that hit Leni hard as she stared deeply into her sister's eyes. Yet, she couldn't find any words worth speaking.

"Do you understand? I'm here now, I have to protect you, I love you." Lori said, feeling on the verge of crying herself. The pain of seeing a loved one saddened always hurt her.

"I'm sorry..." Leni broke the embrace, plopping down on her bed and covering her face in shame.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." She croaked.

Lori sighed, fighting her own distress as she knelt next to her. "Oh, Leni, you didn't hurt me."

"You love Lincoln, like I do, and you know what we did together."

"I told you that was okay. I got it, you know? And honestly, maybe in some strange way, things turned out better because of it." Lori said in a heartwarming tone. She understood Lincoln didn't want to refuse Leni of anything, and she got her own piece of the pie herself regardless. Any disdain, or envy of yesterday officially became water under the bridge the moment that boy flooded her with love.

Lori rubbed her back and whispered. "You don't have to be sorry, you did what your heart thought was right."

This time, Leni slithered her hand over and held onto her sister's.

"I'm so happy you're back." She assured, still teary eyed realizing how even though she felt wrong about her actions, Lori didn't hold it against her.

As they snagged a moment to recollect themselves, Leni sought guidance and gathered the courage to ask something significant. "Where do we go from here?"

"Well, I've got some plans to make because I'm home for good." Lori mentioned.

"You are?" She asked, quirking her brow, having failed to realize that her big sister's mutual adoration for Lincoln meant she had no place for a boyfriend nor living with the Casagrandes anymore.

"Yeah, I am. I broke up with Bobby, and I'm never going to show my face in that city again. I'll have to go to college in town now, and so will you, we'll just be... together." The girl stated, smiling.

"Oh, that sounds great!" She exclaimed joyfully.

Then curiosity got the best of Leni once she realized she actually hasn't heard a lick about Lori's ex lover in quite some time.

"But... when did you break up with Bobby?"

"Just yesterday. It's a really long story and I don't wanna get into it right now. Things didn't work out as planned, I wasn't happy being with him and away from here. But now, here I am with you, our family, I'm back where I truly belong." She insisted. As far as she's concerned, that tale no longer mattered. It's in the past.

Leni grinned. "You are."

Lori stared at her younger sister. Christ, she is so cute and adorable.

Her mind wandered until she thought of something else, it felt like everything's been about herself lately. Time to change that.

"Leni, what's the one thing you want the most in the world?" Lori asked, yet she had a pretty good guess on how she would answer.

"To love Lincoln forever and have babies with him." Leni confessed.

"How about you?" She asked.

"I actually want the same thing for myself." She said honestly.

Leni found her happiness reforming. She wasn't all that different from Lori, they both had similar goals here, and mutual everlasting love to give.

"So, we really both can share Lincoln, can't we?"

Lori beamed in approval. The idea itself is grand, and she sought to make sure it got executed properly. Come to think of it, despite her previous rage about Leni having sex with Lincoln, she knew the intention was harmless. She couldn't handle the separation from her boy for a year, yet she hated the idea of tearing him from her sister's arms.

She cupped the girl's hands and looked into her eyes. "Yes, we can. Just you, me and him."

"Oh!" Leni squeaked, hugging her. She isn't having a baby, though the best case scenario now played out in her mind, only with the addition of another loved one. It felt like a dream come true, even if it's not the exact one she had before. Only time will tell what happens next. One thing is known for her, she saw a lot of babies in her future.

Suddenly, Lori heard a faint sniffle.

"Hey, you literally finished crying. Don't you dare start again." She chuckled.

The girl ended the hug to wipe her wet eyes, then she replied. "Sorry, I'm just totes happy."

"Me, too, Leni."

Hours later, Lincoln met his two oldest sisters in their room.

Lori spoke first. "You know what you have to do, right?"

"Yeah, I do." Lincoln responded. Moving back into his original room is hardly a negative thing, though. However, he sure is gonna miss sleeping in there on a nightly basis.

The boy started off right away as he went for the main item first, his bedding.

He snagged his pillow and sheet off the mattress, balling them up into his arms.

Lincoln carried them out of the girl's room and back into his own.

When he got there, he took a few seconds to set everything up how it was before Lori moved out. A tiny wave of nostalgia affected him during this.

Soon, piece by piece of his puzzle shifted into place, and everything became accounted for as he surveyed his room.

"Perfect." He thought contently.

Cone to think of it, maybe he didn't have to sleep in here tonight?

With that on his mind, Lincoln left his room and to check on the girls.

He got there, peeking his head into the door.

"Hey..." He drawled.

"What's up?" Lori asked.

Lincoln felt a slight nervousness, but decided to get straight to the point. "Can I sleep with you two tonight?"

"Of course!" Leni said happily while glancing over at Lori, seeking her approval.

There was no way she would turn him down. Especially not after all she's been through.

"Sure, little bro." She replied casually. "But we can't make this a nightly thing."

Lincoln nodded, remembering the deal they had.

As of now, Lori and Leni decided to push their beds together to accommodate him joining them.

After some brief shoving and grunting, they got it sorted out. The beds were adjacent and lined up perfectly near the wall.

"Alright, it's all set. You ready, Lincoln?" Lori questioned, smiling. She now had something else in mind after getting him in bed. But the right time was far from reached. Although, good things come to those who wait, which is a concept she's grown very fond of lately.

"Yeah!" He spoke gaily.

Lori and Leni laid down on their respective beds as they watched Lincoln crawl towards them.

He adjusted himself, resting down on his back directly between them.

The girls couldn't help but snuggle in closer to him the minute he got relaxed. They saw no harm in smothering him with their love.

Content, Lincoln let out a relaxed sigh. He loved the lingering warmth he felt heating them up. His nights sleeping with Leni were so comfy, and Lori added into the mix made this even better.

"Good night, girls." He said.

"Good night, Lincy." Lori and Leni cooed, scooting as close as possible to him.

The three of them achieved total happiness being reunited in one bed, it was perfect.

And then... they all fell asleep peacefully in each other's company.

As minutes of rest went by, Lincoln tossed and turned in bed. He felt blocked on both ends, seeing how Lori and Leni surrounded him.

But when time kept ticking down, they became pretty eager in their slumber.

One second, he would be shoved between Leni's breasts. The next, he somehow ended up near Lori's crotch. The sleeping beauties were using him like a tug of war rope.

Their delicate hands made their way around his body. And before he knew it, his firm chest was getting caressed by both girls.

Throughout this, Lincoln struggled to see. The room was too dark and no light shined through for him to make anything out. He could only really feel them touching him.

"Are they awake?" He wondered.

Leni turned over, spooning him and squishing him between Lori.

The boy countered, pushing himself straight on top of her to try and get some room.

He squinted as he brought a hand up to brace himself, only to end up rubbing the girl's boob through her silky green nightgown.

"Lincoln..." She whispered.

His eyes widened in response. "Leni?"

"Are you thirsty?" She asked drowsily.

"I..." He couldn't get out a response. Lori is literally right there next to them, and he didn't want to begin playing the game of favorites.

Leni brought a finger up to shush him, though accidentally poked him in the eye.

"Shhh... it's totes okay." She said, her voice reaching seductive heights. "Just drink."

Lincoln rubbed his eye as he glanced over at Lori. He knew things were all set, but the girl was prone to jealously often. Something told him her remaining passed out might be for the better.

Shifting his focus back to his bustier sister, he lifted her gown up and attempted to inspect her chest.

Feeling blind as a bat, he rubbed his face on her breasts awkwardly until finding one of her hardened nipples.

The boy popped her right tit in his mouth, slurping on it.

"Mmm..." Leni moaned.

With her eyes closed, the girl used her hands to support his head resting between her boobs.

While Lincoln drank Leni's milk, Lori heard the sounds of him sucking.

She rolled around to get closer to them.

She tossed a leg over, kicking the boy in the back roughly.

He grunted. "Ow, what the...?"

Cutting his feeding short, he released Leni's milky tit from his mouth and looked behind.

Lori pulled him over aggressively, scaring the blazes out of him.

"I'm not a deep sleeper, remember?" She said huskily while she held him by the collar of his pajama top.

"I think I forgot." He mumbled, unsure if she's actually mad or just horny.

Seeing Lincoln at her sister's mercy, Leni made her move, sitting up and hugging him from the back, reminding him that he capitalized on her first.

Lori smirked. "Thought you could get away with it, did you?"

"Well, no, I-" He stammered.

"Shh, relax, baby bro. I'm just messing with you." She said, grinning in the night.

"Oh, right..." Lincoln murmured. He fell for it again.

"Now, where were we?"

"Wait." He said, understanding what they both desired.

"What's wrong?" Lori asked, frowning at his apparent hesitation.

"Can I at least turn on the lamp? I can barely see you girls." He complained. Unfortunately, the moon wasn't shining so bright to be his guide, contrary to the other past nights of romantic play.

"Got it." Leni said quickly as she let go of him and lit the room up.

The light being a bit dim itself, yet good enough to really spot the important things here. He can see Lori, Leni, and their bodies clearly now. Although, he was unsure of the specifics of where things would go from here. A move needed to be made, and the one to do it wouldn't be shocking.

"Happy now?" Lori questioned impatiently. She's finally gonna share him with Leni, and felt zealous to see how this goes as opposed to jealous.

He nodded.

"Good." Lori said as she commenced undressing, thus removing her top and boxers.

Leni followed her lead, dragging her night gown off completely but leaving her panties on.

Completely nude and ready, Lori then continued the action she literally kick started by hauling Lincoln into a kiss.

He let out a muffled moan as his older sister nearly ate his face.

While keeping their lips connected, she ran her hands down his chest, soon meeting his groin.

Acting on lust alone, Leni began dragging his pants down. She wanted to see that boyhood of his again. It's been a few weeks since her last encounter with it. Her means of love making wasn't quite as wild as Lori's, yet taking a few different turns here probably wouldn't hurt. If anything, her sister influenced her.

Soon enough, Lincoln ended up on his back with his clothes stripped off and scattered towards the foot of the bed.

Lori pushed her weight onto him, keeping him right where she wanted as her tongue jammed deep into his mouth.

He felt the rushing of blood down there as he made out with her.

Leni spectated as Lori broke the kiss and nibbled playfully at the boy's bottom lip.

As she stopped, she could swear she tasted Leni's milk. The taste itself being perplexing, yet not necessarily in a bad way. She knew Lincoln sure liked it enough, hell, he might have even substituted it from the store bought kind.

Lori rolled her tongue around in her mouth curiously while staring at her sister's chest.

"Gosh, her tits are so big..." She realized that she ultimately saw them bare. A partial envy affected her, she wished she could breastfeed Lincoln to, but couldn't imagine how much it would hurt her back to carry boobs that large.

While nearly hypnotized by Leni's breasts, Lori moved aside and encouraged her to make her move. Any kind she wanted to. There were no bounds or restrictions, they're together and it's all that's important here.

Taking the offer, she faced the boy, smiling sincerely.

"Hey, Lincy." She mewled, gazing at his penis towering before her.

The girl crouched down, hovering her face right above his goods. Her curiosity overwhelmed her in this moment. She did a lot with Lincoln in these recent months, though she never got an actual taste of his thingy.

Leni felt confident that it would be delicious. She admired it, knowing it is the key to her little love lock and Lori's as well. But still, what DID it taste like?

Lincoln observed her eyeing his rod, noticing she didn't seem to capitalize on it as she should.

"Don't be shy." Lori encouraged.

Proceeding, Leni grabbed his cock, caressing it rather gently.

She kissed the tip a little.

Her tongue dragged around its head tentatively, like she was nervous or trying savor the moment.

Her movements seemed too slow and lacking confidence for Lori's taste.

"Leni..." She spoke, her voice leaning on a particular hunch.

The girl glared back at her, eyes wide and intrigued by her tone.

"You've never done that before, have you?"

Leni nodded in agreement.

Lori smiled, realizing that Lincoln's story checked out. He never went into details, though her sister's innocent way of handling oral sex said otherwise. Of course, he wasn't one to lie to her, he knew the possible outcome of doing something like that.

"Let me show you how it's done, little sis." She said serenely.

Leni scooted away on her knees, watching her sister crawl over to the boy's lower half.

Lori didn't falter as she snagged his cock and consoled the tip in her mouth, sucking on it with great fervor.

Lincoln squirmed at the rough pressure, and pleasure that ultimately felt out of his control. The girl definitely wasn't fooling around. Her fatigue didn't amount to last night's at all, seeing how hands on she is right now.

Lori pulled the head of the rod out and smacked her lips. She couldn't stop there.

Feeling eager, she gave it another smooch.

Then she lowered herself a bit, bombarding it with additional affection while beginning from the head, then the shaft, and eventually down to Lincoln's sack.

Lowering her mouth down, she began swallowing his entire piece. Every single inch of it. She needed it.

Her eyes bugged out beyond belief and her throat bulged considerably.

Leni and Lincoln ogled in amazement. The latter clenched his entire body, tilting his head back from the extreme rapture. Lori was completely otherworldly.

The girl stared at him, her blue watery eyes open wide and saying much more than any words could ever say.

He jolted his hips upward awkwardly, the feeling having become way too much to handle, yet not so for her to swallow.

Leni couldn't do anything but gawk at this point. The fiery will of her sister remained stronger than ever in the midst of pleasure.

Eventually, Lori had enough and released the boy's penis from her mouth, ultimately easing her throat.

"Ta-da." She said amusingly while wiping the saliva that slathered around her lips.

Leni clapped and praised. "Wow, Lori!" Her approval and enthusiasm was a bit loud, but she couldn't be knocked for it.

Instead, Lori found it amusing.

"Okay, Leni, it's your turn now. Try to do what I did." She responded encouragingly.

Obeying, the girl laid down, facing the erect cock once more.

While resting on her stomach and kicking her legs so casual like, Leni invited Lincoln's member inside her mouth again.

She tasted Lori's bold effort mixing with her spit as she endured each inch carefully.

"Relax, take it slow..." The girl uttered calmly.

Leni choked when she ended up getting his rod halfway into her throat.

"Easy, easy." Lori said, growing concerned. "Don't push yourself too hard. If that's all you can take then just work with it."

Leni heard her clearly and decided to ease up a bit. Pleasing Lincoln is what comes first, and she didn't have to deep throat him like her sister in order to do so. She can put her own spin on things, only as long as she did it more assertively.

Realizing that fact, she bobbed her head up and down at a snail's pace, taking as much as she could of his member.

She closed her eyes as she tenderly nursed her brother's cock.

Lincoln hummed while he noticed Lori grinning voyeuristically at them both.

He then lowered his reach and held Leni's hand as she put in her best effort to please him. She had to go all out for her little Lincy, knowing that he would do the same for her.

The boy raised his knees up, trying to brace himself. He almost felt confined to his bed as his sister gave him head. It's not like he wanted to get up, though he surely would be getting off.

Leni moaned sensually throughout sucking him off. She familiarized herself with his taste, and sought to make him cum. He's gonna have to eventually.

Lori grinned, edging her face closer and making eye contact with her sister.

During the sensation of being sucked off, Lincoln's length started pulsating thoroughly, showing signs of getting ready to unload.

Still clutching Leni's hand, he then gripped onto her head to prepare for the big moment. For once, they each knew what was coming next.

The sucking went on until...

"Ahh..." The boy groaned upon feeling the sweet release of his seed.

The shots made it into Leni's mouth, dripping on her tongue and sailing down her throat.

She smacked her lips. She couldn't really peg what it tasted like, but appreciated the smooth and honey like texture sliding into her gullet. She wanted more.

And just like that, she opened up her jaws wide, intending on devouring extra amounts of his hot, gooey load.

Leni giggled when she felt Lincoln's semen burst onto her flustered cheeks and wet lips. If it made him happy, she would gladly take everything he had to give.

Lori witnessed the whole scene.

But when Leni started licking up the mess, she became absolutely inundated by hunger.

Craving, she used her tongue to scoop the boy's cum right off of the girl's blushed face, consuming it.

The taste wasn't much, though it pleased her regardless. If their new relationship meant anything, it's that sharing is caring.

Lori then glanced his member, seeing tiny bits of semen still seeping from his tip.

She went in for the kill, licking whatever she could manage up and gulping it down.

After getting more of his seed, she had to admit the taste had already grown on her.

Continuing, Lori sucked the rest of his cum out, purposely letting it cake on her tongue.

"Open your mouth." The girl demanded in a sultry tone as she maintained the load in her hole.

Leni obeyed.

She kissed her in a heartbeat, swapping the cum inside her mouth.

Leni felt stunned as she nearly melted in Lori's arms.

She went limp upon receiving the unexpected kiss. She wasn't much of a fighter, and had no reason to even do so in this moment of lust.

Lincoln stayed speechless while he watched his sisters find so many ways to share him.

Almost going crazy from lust, Lori toppled her the girl down and continued kissing her intensely.

Leni moaned as her whole body convulsed, ultimately feeling helpless in a positive way.

Lori licked, kissed, sucked and swapped every single thing they could between their mouths. Saliva and what remained of Lincoln's load got exchanged, shared by both young ladies.

Feeling the need to back off, she released Leni from the oral clutch.

The girls stared at each other breathlessly. Lusting, though unsure of what can be said now.

In the mood for more fun, Lori circled around, meeting Lincoln, who rested right in the center of the bed.

The boy felt the fatigue and warmth after having gotten off. Yet, judging from the looks given by the blondes, he could tell they weren't done.

Lori glanced at Leni's crotch, noticing her panties looking pretty damp. Her bottom lips practically tried to press straight through them.

She moved over, whispering in her ear while she gestured to her crotch. "I think Lincoln's hungry."

"Hmmm..." Leni stripped off her panties, then waddled towards her brother and perched on his bare chest.

"Hi, Lincy." She said as if they weren't already acquainted for current moment.

"Hey..." He replied, facing those soaking lips dripping on his warm flesh.

His body started heating up again, and feeling funny in places that those girls were pretty familiar with.

Lori looked at Leni, she didn't move an inch off of Lincoln's chest, yet noticed she wasn't close enough for him to really capitalize on without straining his neck.

She grabbed her younger sister's arm, guiding her over him until reaching his neck, trapping him.

"Eat up, Lincy." Lori said, pointing at Leni's wet womanhood breathing on his reddened face.

Spotting that sweet treat presented before him, Lincoln cranked his head up, burying his face and tongue between the her wet lower lips.

"Ohh..." She whined at the sensation.

In a jolt, Leni moved closer, ensuring he got in deeper, and that escaping wouldn't be possible. Not that he even wanted to.

With a mouthful of his sister, the boy raised his hands up, letting them find sanctuary on her soft butt.

Leni squeaked in enjoyment, involuntarily bucking her hips, doing what she could to take his tongue even deeper into her hot core.

Meanwhile, Lori slithered around them, her eyes on the prize once again.

She stared at the boy's cock like a hungry wolf. It was as hard as rock again, despite unloading only moments ago.

"One more go shouldn't hurt." She pondered, smirking devilishly.

During this, Leni turned her head back and saw what her sister was doing. They have their brother here, and the possibilities of showing their love for him appeared rather endless.

Lori focused on Lincoln's length throbbing as he squirmed like a worm during the love making. It's so vulnerable, and it would be just the thing she needs to satisfy her further.

Feeling the utmost form of primal lust, she grinned when she straddled his hips, intentionally hovering her vagina above his piece.

Lincoln sensed her there, but couldn't do anything to prepare for the drop as he became too occupied with Leni.

Slowly, the older girl penetrated herself onto his hard member, ensuring that it came inside her. It looked so lonely, and surely she couldn't leave it in such a state.

Currently, Leni's movements became more torrid while she rode Lincoln's face.

The bed creaked and squeaked feasibly, yet not loudly enough to arouse any suspicions. The only arousal necessary was between these three siblings and no others.

As she powered through, Lori held her shoulders, keeping herself steady for her ride that resembled a tandem.

She buried his penis inside her slit as she rocked her body at a sloth's pace.

Regardless of her desperation from yesterday, the girl wanted to take it slow, and enjoy it all. Her sexual bonding with Leni and Lincoln was her picture of perfection. In her mind, it's totally something that shouldn't be rushed.

So, Lori gyrated her lips gently, even shutting her eyes as a means of meditating. In a way, she found peace on his piece.

While she drifted on Lincoln's ocean, Leni perpetuated the feeling of him eating her out.

The boy's face started becoming almost drenched in her juices, but he trooped on, not even taking a moment to catch his breath.

His hands rubbed Leni's backside as his tongue tasted the tang of her pussy.

Lincoln pulled his weight as he swallowed whatever leaked into his mouth. He will take every single thread of love they throw at him.

As he panted, he ogled up at Leni.

Her face burned passionately while her boobs jiggled haphazardly, having never imagined that receiving oral sex could be so good. And lucky for her, he had a knack for it. Then again, his night spent with Lori may have helped somewhat in that regard.

She gazed down at him with half lidded eyes, the kind that simply yearned for more.

Lincoln maintained his duty, sinking his tongue deep inside her soaking folds consistently.

Shaking at the intensity, Leni sent her hands down to his head, pushing him closer.

Lincoln released muffled moans as she smiled contently. The dual pleasure was becoming almost too much to endure.

Lori didn't want to stop. Not yet. She continued, moving her hips gently on his penis and nuzzling it between her lower lips. Keeping it all warm and cozy as she awaits the inevitable burst of cum it had to offer. Last night, while satisfying, didn't discourage her from getting seconds whenever possible. She's addicted to him now, as is Leni. Love that couldn't be fought or triumphed, for the better and forever.

The grinding, licking and penetrating intensified by each second that flew by. The siblings were close to reaching nirvana a second time in one night. Had to be a new record for them, yet at this point, given what may happen in the future, it could easily be broken.

Lori, Leni and Lincoln's bodies spasmed around the same time.

"Yes, yes, yes, give it to me, Lincy." Lori moaned sexually. Her breath became hot and voice contained, she remembered her whole talk about keeping things low key with Leni, even if she didn't attempt to suppress any of their volumes currently. Regardless, what now goes on behind their closed door stays there. And it will never get out to anyone.

Her eyes almost rolled in the back of her head when she felt the boy's semen flowing again. Somehow, it even felt better than last night. But she could only deduce that it was due to her sister being here to experience this moment with them.

Lincoln's squeezed Leni's buttocks tighter as his rod pumped everything it had that wasn't already swallowed by those two.

All the portions of sticky goodness made their way deep into Lori's vaginal walls.

Overwhelmed, the boy pried his tongue out of Leni's slit.

His lips and chin were immersed in her natural juices while he looked over at Lori.

She stopped moving, and savored the sensation of his cock reposing inside her.

Leni's core became a sticky masterpiece of love. She spread legs wide as she recovered from the major action. Her body virtually burned from ardor as did all of theirs.

When she cooled down, Lori sighed in relief upon seeing his second load not falling too shy from the first when it poured out of her womb.

She dipped her digit inside her pussy and took some stringy strands of seed.

As she viewed it glinting on her finger, she sucked it off while her eyes met Leni's.

She saw her panting, though she also looked VERY intrigued.

Lori couldn't resist. And once again, sharing is caring.

"You want some of this?" She asked, her eyes half lidded and prurient.

Leni crawled to her on command, leaving a small trail of fluids on the bed as she did.

She scooped out more semen on her finger and presented it to her apparently hungry sister.

Leni stuck Lori's digit in her mouth, slurping the cum right off it, thus satisfying her newfound craving. Realistically, she could see this as a waste with how important the dream of having a baby is. But... she understood she would have to wait quite a while for that. In the meantime, being together, loving one another, and having some fun is fine enough.

Lincoln then raised his head up as he felt somewhat disoriented. Then again, reaching an orgasm twice will do that to you.

Through the haze of the afterglow, he witnessed Leni licking Lori's finger as the latter giggled.

He smiled. He wasn't sure what to expect of tonight, it seemed to have taken many turns in general. But seeing his two favorite sisters getting along so well made him beyond happy. No matter what these acts would be deemed as is, he knew those girls were truly special, and wouldn't give them up for anyone or anything else.

Just when he thought things settled, they got crazier.

Lincoln gawked at Leni, who suddenly buried her face between her big sister's thighs.

Lori covered her mouth, using her fingers to stifle any unwanted cries.

She spread her legs wider and watched as Leni helped herself to her cream filled core.

The girl's tongue dashed around the walls, absorbing every single teeny strand of semen possible and digesting it.

Leni licked... and she wanted it all just like Lori did earlier. The latter, for once, submitted without a problem. The feeling of getting eaten out was too amazing to pass up. Even if it wasn't Lincoln doing it.

So, she held tight, viewing her sister slurp out the white fluid smothered in her slit.

Lincoln's eyes open widely to the noises he currently heard. It sounded like a straw sucking out the last drops of a soda.

When done eating, Leni faced Lori with a pin up glamour smile and cum stains on her lips.

Ending this wild night, she gulped, taking the last of the boy's seed... for now.

When the action ceased, they all gazed at each other.

The room became completely silent as it clouded in the smell of sweat and sex while the lovers caught their breaths. With the company consisting of three as opposed to two, things got quite intense, and kinkier than before. Nonetheless, their spirits ended up even more vibrant than ever.

Lori, Leni and Lincoln had each other.

Seconds passed as the three siblings reached a calmer state.

Calling it a night, Lincoln returned his original sleeping position.

Looking to do likewise, Lori then turned off the light and followed Leni, who beat her to the sweet cuddling.

The two girls laid next and snuggled joyously alongside Lincoln, not even bothering putting their clothes back on while they did. The feeling of their skins colliding with each other felt delightful. They would rather get that taken care of come morning.

They dragged their fingers across his chest, feeling his heart beating like a hammer.

Having came twice, his body ended up overworked, and could surely use some rest. Then again, they were all pretty tired.

As much as Lori and Leni relished the notion of milking him again, they decided not to for his sake. If anything, that can always wait until tomorrow night.

After having sexual desires and passion met, the trio fell asleep once again. They were reunited together in one bed and wouldn't have it any other way. Each day that passes from here on will only consist of unbreakable love.

A week elapsed.

Deciding to get in some more bonding time, Lori went to her little brother's room.

She tapped on his door upon arriving, and straightened up her top for the sake of a good presentation. Since they're officially together now, she always desired to look her very best for him.

After putting his new comic in his drawer, Lincoln got up to answer it. He had a pretty good feeling on whom it might be.

He opened the door, finding Lori standing and crossing her arms with a happy look on her face.

"Can I come in?" The girl asked.

"Of course." Lincoln replied, inviting her inside.

He walked idly behind her while she surveyed his room as if she was unfamiliar with it.

"You doing alright, little bro?" She asked, facing him and smiling.

"Yup." He said giddily.

"Just checking. You haven't visited Leni and I in a few nights." She mentioned, virtually pouting.

"You told me I shouldn't sleep with you so often." Lincoln chuckled.

"Well..." Lori began, purposely making her voice extra sultry. "I won't complain if you happen to visit us tonight."

The boy smiled, taking the hint.

Afterwards, Lori and him sat on his bed together, which he then realized he hasn't had this kind of intimacy with her in a week now.

And other thoughts currently roamed in his mind. The outcome of their situation was incredibly favorable, yet he found himself wondering about a certain person.

"Can I talk to you about someone?" He felt he was about to dip in his feet into some pretty hot water.

"Who?" Lori questioned.

"Bobby." Lincoln gazed up at her nervously, seeing her face twitch in annoyance. That's not a name she is particularly fond of hearing anymore.

"Go on..." Lori said, both curious yet somewhat dreading Lincoln's response.

"I just wanted to know if you missed him."

She sighed, wrapping her arm around him, nudging him close to her chest.

Lori then looked him straight in the eyes and spoke blatantly. "I don't, but I do hope he's okay."

Lincoln nodded, content with her blunt honesty.

"Me, too." He uttered.

Unwilling to completely avoid this subject, Lori started thinking about her ex boyfriend.

"Bobby is... stubborn, but I'm no saint myself. I really don't think I handled things the right way, but I couldn't face him with the entire truth. I felt so devastated just living there. And I needed to see you again no matter what." She said, pouring her heart out.

"Well, I'm so glad you're back, Lori. Heck, all of us are." He added.

"I should have never left you, Lincoln." Lori regretted, her mind fixated on how she basically wasted a year of her whole life. It still bothered her, yet she felt very content with where she is now. Never again would she have to suffer from an unstable relationship or separation anxiety. She's home.

"I wish you never left either. But I didn't want to stop you from... you know, living your life." He said.

"I'm sorry." Lori apologized, hugging him tightly. "I'll never make that same mistake again, I promise."

The boy strengthened his own grip in the embrace, ensuring her that it's okay.

As he let go of her, something else dawned on him. The main reason she moved out in the first place.

"And what about college? Wasn't going to one out of a state a pretty big deal to you?" Lincoln asked.

"It was at first, then things changed. I mean, I can deal with dreading work and school. But when I come home, I wanna see people I love. ...And sleep with someone I love." She grabbed his hand, intertwining her fingers beside his and cementing the grasp.

While holding on to him, Lori mentioned. "Leni and I are enrolling into a community college here in town. It's a plan b for me, but I have no other choice. I'll figure out where to go from there on. It's gonna take some time, though."

"Everything's gonna be okay, little bro." She assured, rubbing his hand lovingly.

"I'm happy to hear that." Lincoln responded, his skin practically chilling from relief knowing that Lori had everything under control. As always, and forevermore.

However, hearing her literally spill her guts did something deeper for him. When she returned she was about to clobber him, yet now... this felt much different.

Feeling extra affection wouldn't hurt, Lincoln kissed her, refusing to let go of her hand as he did.

Lori pushed forward, slipping her tongue in while preparing to win the loving war forming inside their mouths.

The boy slithered his hand to the back of her head, holding onto her as long as he could.

Lori had to restrain herself from pushing him down and riding him like a cowgirl. She really wanted to, yet preferred waiting until nighttime for that.

Instead, the girl ended the kiss by slipping her tongue out, and leaving a bridge of saliva between their mouths that fell apart in a second.

Lori panted while staring at him lustfully. The urge felt very strong, but so did she.

Coping, she gave a gentle smile as she squeezed his hand.

Knowing her way out of carnal lust taking over remained inches before her, Lori let go of him and stood up, fluffing her hair before walking to the door.

Right as she touched the knob, she suddenly remembered one last thing. "Hey, Lincoln..."

"Yeah?" He responded, eager to know what else is on her mind.

"That little comic book thing you were working on, did you ever finish it?" Lori questioned as she turned around. She recalled the first time he showed it to her. He was so passionate, so cute.

"I haven't yet. But I've been adding more to it here and there." Lincoln admitted, partially self conscious about his work.

The girl beamed brightly and asked. "Can I see it?"

Lincoln wasn't surprised by her curiosity. He remembered Leni's reaction to it being decent, though Lori had some prior knowledge and exposure to it.

"Sure." He said, altering his voice to sound confident despite feeling tense.

He opened up his closet and pulled out a stack of papers. All of which were sightly crumpled, yet in chronological order. He isn't the neatest kid, yet organization here and there did matter to him occasionally.

"Here it is." Lincoln said, handing the comic over as he felt himself beginning to sweat. He can only hope she still likes it.

Once accepting it, Lori scanned the first few sections.

Her eyes met the introduction, and then much more following each turn of a page.

She saw multiple doodles, lines with character, characters with lines, everything. His art had improved moderately over the year, and it didn't take an artist to know that. However, he definitely had quite a ways to go before reaching Moebius' level.

While going through the pages, Lori got a good laugh when she came across something she didn't expect.

"Wh-what's funny?" Lincoln asked anxiously.

The girl smirked at him, flipping the comic towards him and pointing at a certain panel, one consisting of a very familiar looking person. "Is this suppose to be me?"

"Well..." Lincoln paused, hesitant on admitting it. "Yeah, it is."

"It's super cute, little bro." Lori said, keen on the idea that she may have influenced him in a positive way.

"Thanks." Lincoln chuckled while his face became as red as a beet. Despite her approval, his nerves were atwitter.

"Although, I don't think my butt is THAT big. Is it?" Lori questioned, peeking her head at her backside.

Lincoln spoke up. "It's definitely not small."

Lori stifled a giggle as she realized he really knew her body well, and she definitely wouldn't have it any other way.

Then she continued flipping through the other pages, spotting some original characters and a few rather action packed sequences.

She soon discovered a familiar face, and chest.

"And that's Leni, right?" Lori questioned.

"Yeah, I also put her in there." He mentioned nervously, knowing that he drew her in a somewhat risque manner like Lori.

"Hmph, looks like you did more than that. Her boobs are gigantic." She added.

"Well, they're pretty big in real life, so I thought it would make sense to draw her that way." He said honestly, remaining a tad flustered.

The girl noted his consistency and found how shamelessly he drew their bodies to be adorable. And seeing that, she could only deduce that her influence on him had been positive, from her perspective. Even without her being around for a while, he remained very fond of her figure as well as Leni's and even managed a way to insert them into his comic. Regardless, she felt grateful that her old fetish related nightmare didn't turn into reality.

From there on, Lori went through the comic, viewing the rest of his art until reaching blank pages that were destined for potential.

"Well, I guess that's it for now." She said, placing the collection of drawings down on his bed.

"Nice work, Lincy." Lori praised.

"Thanks, Lori." He said, relieved that he didn't fail her, which is a fear he became accustomed to over the year.

"So, what comes next?"

"To be honest, I still need to figure that out." Lincoln admitted, scratching his chin while he thought of how to proceed on it.

"When you do, come get me, okay? I wanna see this to the end." Lori stated with a wide grin.

"Oh, of course!" Lincoln promised, smiling back. He already established months ago that she would get the first serve of his comic.

"Anyways, Leni and I will see you later tonight, Lincy." Lori winked.

Afterwards, she left the room, leaving the boy alone to look over his material.

Lincoln flipped from the final page he drew on to all the blank ones, thinking more deeply about what their future will be.

"It'll probably take a long time, but I'll eventually make something of this. Something that Lori and Leni will both love."

The End.