In the year nine-hundred-fifty-four, when humans were still inventing things, there was a boy called Eren Jaeger. But before his story is told, another must be told.In this time period, there lived a race called Titans. Titans were abnormally tall, humanoid creatures. But one thing made humans fear this race... they craved for human flesh.The human race tried for hundreds of years to fight back, trying to survive. It never worked.So mankind retreated behind the three walls. Walls Maria, Rose, and Sina were the only barrier between us and them. Until the walls were breached. This is where our young Eren comes in.

Eren, was a very spirited child. If he didn't agree with you, he would let you know, and make sure the knowledge stuck. The day the walls were breached, Eren saw his mother devoured before his eyes. He vowed to kill every. Last. Titan. And he did.

Eren trained rigourously and diligently. His friend Armin, and sister figure Mikasa, were the ones always by Erens side. They are the ones who brought the downfall of the Titan race.

One day, an idea came. Eren told his friends, who then in turn passed it on to the higher ups. The higher ups, Commander Erwin, and Scout Leader Levi, set everyone in position. All they had to do was wait, wait to release the secret weapon.The plan worked! The race of Titans became extinct, and humans advanced to what we are today. But the story ends on a tragic note.

Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were all found dead after all of the Titans were killed off. The authorities deemed it as an assisted suicide. Also becuse of the note that was found next to their corpses.PidgeI shut the text book, and mutter, "stupid sassy textbook. I just wanted to know about mankinds past."

"Uh, Pidge, you're needed on the bridge, we need you to make sure some calculations are correct before we make the next wormhole jump. Heh, pidge on the bridge." Hunk says.

"Yeah, sure thing." I reply. I move my textbook and walk out of the room.

On the bridge, I check the calculations, see that they are all in order. Thumbs up from me. Allura nods and activates the teledove.

"Wormholing in 5 ticks." Coran calls out.







Paladins welcome to the Quora region...this isn't the Quora region." Coran exclaims.

"What are you talking about Coran? My calculations were correct, I triple checked it!"

"I-I don't think it was you." Coran says, looking outside.

A giant face is looking at us, through the window.