When I said a short epilogue, I meant a short epilogue. Most of it is because pretty much every Transformers fan already knows the story, so there's no point in explaining much more.

By the way, if any of you have seen Bumblebee, it is an amazing movie that I saw in theaters the other day! It is so much better than the other live-action Transformers movies and definitely stays true to each characters' personality. It's definitely one of my favorite movies!

This is the final post for this story, so hope you like it!


She woke up, but everything was different after that. Orion wasn't Orion anymore—he was Optimus Prime, and she wasn't Ariel anymore. From what she'd been told, Megatron had fired and killed her, but Optimus was able to save her with part of the Matrix. She had been rebuilt by Alpha Trion, and now she was Elita One, and everyone expected her to be a leader.

The Decepticons were countered by a group known as the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime. It was in those few moments with Orion Pax that she suddenly realized how much she cared for him—and for Optimus Prime. While she wasn't the same anymore, she could still recognize her own feelings and realized that Optimus Prime and Elita One were meant to be, as much as Ariel and Orion Pax were.

Elita One led her own, small group of femmes, Chromia by her side. Arcee went off with Bumblebee, who sadly encountered a terrible tragedy as the war raged on. The poor, young mech had his voice box torn out in front of him by the terrible Megatron, who continued to battle. He had miraculously recovered, though, and fought close to Arcee, becoming one of Optimus' most trusted advisors.

Ironhide joined a group called the Wreckers, although he and Chromia managed to still find time together, despite the growing war.

The planet was growing weaker, and the destruction of Cybertron was coming soon. Alpha Trion had forged a ship—the Ark—that he planned to send all Autobots on when the planet reached its final days.

Elita One wouldn't make it onto that ship, nor would most of her followers. Yet she would continue to fight the battle on Cybertron and eventually be reunited with her long-lost love, even if only briefly. The two were able to have a short spark-bonding ceremon, along with Ironhide and Chromia. Now, they could share each other's hope for a new life after the war. Hopefully it would be a better one. But from the moments following, they wouldn't stop fighting for peace. The war would rage on for billions of years, and bots would be scattered to the stars.

But even as stars were born and stars fell, hope remained for the Autobot resistance. They would win the war. They would bring back the peace. And one day, Cybertron would be reborn.

Thank you to everyone who has followed, favorited, reviewed, or just read this story! I do appreciate the feedback!

I am working on other fanfictions that may not be up for a very long time, so I hope you read those when I get a chance to write them!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed "The Stars Are Falling!"

Signing off, theautobotprincess.