In Her Eyes
SasuSaku Month 2018
Day 1: Heroes
Onyx eyes observed two figures huddled together in the kitchen.
"Mama, papa, what are you two doing?"
Immediately two heads looked up from the book they were reading to look at their daughter. Sakura smiled and motioned for Sarada to come closer to them.
"Would you like to help, Sarada? We're deciding what to cook for dinner tonight, something new from the cookbook that papa bought," the medic answered. The young Uchiha eyed it, noting it was the same one her papa presented to them when he came home last night from his travels.
"There's this sweet meat dish that we tried in our travels at Kumo which is really good," Sakura continued. "And also this rice dish we also had at Suna."
"That was really delicious," Sasuke commented. His wife nodded in agreement.
"So what's the final verdict, anata? Sarada?"
Their daughter smiled and pointed at the picture of Suna's cuisine. "I vote for this one!" Husband and wife shared one quick look and Sakura handed out aprons for the three of them.
"Yosh! Let's start making it then!"
Sasuke proceeded to take out the necessary pots and pans, while Sakura went to the refrigerator to get the ingredients. While cutting the onions, the only pink-haired shinobi of the family shared her day at the hospital, noting an increase of patients with the flu.
"I just hope it won't be an outbreak. Which reminds me, you two need to have your flu shots as soon as possible. Maybe tomorrow? Or within this week?" she gave her husband and daughter a questioning look, to which the two gave a simultaneous, "Hai."
The smell of fresh herbs filled the room and Sarada inhaled deeply. "It smells really good, mama!" She went towards her mother's left side as her papa took the other. The genin took it upon herself to read the instructions on what to put in the pan next as the man of the house handed it to his wife.
As the last ingredient was placed, Sakura covered the pan and set the stove to low fire. She took a small piece of the dish and placed it on a small plate for the three of them to judge.
"Uwaah, it's delicious!" Sarada and Sakura exclaimed and the mother and daughter looked too much alike, Sasuke mused. He himself allowed a small smile in agreement.
"And now we wait for five minutes. Sarada dear, can you please set the table?"
"Hai, mama," she replied as she took three plates.
"I'll make tea," Sasuke offered, and was rewarded with a bright smile from his wife. "Arigatou, anata," she replied as she helped him remove his apron.
Time passed by quickly and the three sat at the dining table, Sasuke and Sakura at one side with their daughter facing them. Sarada told them about her day, training with her team and meeting up with their friends for lunch.
"Chouchou then dragged me to her house to watch a movie. It was funny, and it was about a duo of drop-outs who saved their country and became heroes."
"Did they train hard?" Her father asked, and Sarada immediately shook her head.
"Not at all. They found this strange rock from the sky and when they touched it, they got their powers."
"Ah! The title is 'Rockman and Waterman' right?" Sakura asked. Her daughter nodded and swallowed her food before answering. "Did you watch it already, mama?"
A giggled escaped from her as her husband had a questioning face. She knew the gears in his head were working and trying to find it in his memory, and after one pointed look from her, Sasuke remembered.
"That weird movie?"
Sakura nodded. "That weird movie."
Sasuke sighed and Sakura couldn't help but laugh at his exasperation. Sarada tilted her head to the side in question. Understanding her gesture, Sakura explained it to her.
"During our travels, your papa and I helped an orphanage once. The kids liked that movie and idolized the two actors so much they wanted your papa to dress up like Rockman."
An image of her papa in that hero's weird costume flashed in her mind and it was too funny for her to take. She tried to stop a fit of laughter and failed horribly. The tips of Sasuke's ears started to turn red and it didn't help that his wife joined their daughter's glee.
"It's not funny," he grumbled. He noticed a stray grain of rice on Sakura's cheek and removed it with his thumb. She held his hand in place on her face and leaned on it, still laughing.
After a few minutes, the laughter of the two most important people in his life started to die down. They resumed eating, and after filling their stomachs with the dish that they all helped to create, Sasuke grabbed the tea he prepared while Sakura took out the dango she bought before coming home for dessert.
"Rockman and Waterman are great and all that but I still think that mama and papa are really better than those heroes," Sarada proclaimed.
Sasuke handed a cup of tea to her. "Why is that?"
"Because mama and papa don't wear undies outside your pants," their little girl announced proudly, a wide smile on her face. Jade and obsidian shared one quick look before laughter was shared between the happy family of three. Bright onyx eyes looked at her parents, a feeling of contentment and happiness filling her heart. She will forever treasure the little moments like this with the three of them complete, may it be training or doing mundane, domestic things like cooking dinner.
She listened to her papa voicing out his lack of knowledge about the new trend of movies, and her mama teased him that they'll spend an entire day or two just watching it for him to understand. And since they're all free tomorrow, they sealed the deal.
And as she laid down to sleep that night, Sarada closed her eyes with a smile. She's excited to spend an entire day with her parents just watching movies of heroes and their superpowers. Though of course, no fictional superhero can match them.
To the world, Uchiha Sasuke and Sakura are two feared, respected, and legendary heroes of the shinobi nations.
To Uchiha Sarada, they would always be her papa and mama.
Author's Note: I'm baaaack for SasuSaku Month 2018! I had a lot of fun writing the prompts last year, and decided might as well enter this year, since it's my last month of freedom before I enter medical school. I finally got that scholarship and I have to study even harder than my undergrad years~ So before I get sucked into the world of medicine, here is another round of 31 oneshots that my brain managed to write for the love of my OTP :D
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto :(