
Trust Is Key

Chapter 1


If human eyes worked the same way as dragon eyes, Hiccup's would be in slits.

Dragon Rider and Dragon Hunter circled each other each with weapons drawn. In the corner of his eye Hiccup could make his friends with weapons to their throats. They were each held tightly in Hunters' grasp. It was very clear that if Hiccup made a wrong move, it would be the end for them all.

"Let them go." Hiccup narrowed his eyes, his finger waiting for the right time to ignite Inferno.

A sly smile crept slowly up Viggo's cheeks. "Now why would I do that? I've put so much effort into bringing you here. What would be the point in putting all that effort to waste?"

Hiccup let out a notable growl of frustration. All the Riders had planned on doing was to explore an island about a day's flight from the edge. Johann had told them that the dragons from that island had been diminishing. The trader had suggested that the Dragon Hunters may have elected the island as a 'hunting hotspot'. Of course, the Riders immediately saddled up and went to go see what was happening.

In short, they were captured. As Johann had suspected, the Hunters did have a camp set up. As Hiccup had also expected, the Twins unknowingly alerted the men of their whereabouts due to their constant bickering. After a battle of 10 to 1-the Riders being the 1-everyone, including the dragons, but Hiccup was detained. Running into the forest the island possessed, Hiccup started to make a plan.

It would have gone well had Viggo not entered the scene. Just as Hiccup was about to free his friends-after spending way too much time to nab a key from a Hunter-Viggo showed and threatened his friend's life. Hiccup, playing his very predictable move, pushed his well-thought plan to the back of his mind and immediately jumped in.

And now they were here.

"Don't be such a spoilsport." Viggo looked Hiccup over. Despite his calm composure, Viggo could see the fury boiling behind his eyes. "I know being captured isn't the most enjoyable thing, but it's just a part of the game."

"What do you want?" Hiccup demanded ignoring Viggo's comment.

"To simply talk."

Hiccup stopped in his tracks.

"I've become quite fascinated with you, Hiccup Haddock." Viggo continued to circle the Dragon Riders loosely tossing his sword up and down by the hilt. "You're the first opponent I've ever had who plans ahead. While we can both agree you are always a step or two behind, the fact that you are not dead yet marvels me."

Viggo stopped staring at his sword. "So tell me, how do you do it?"

Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows. "Unlike you Viggo, I have friends to help me."

A spark lit in Viggo's eyes. "Ah, yes. And these friends are the Dragon Riders behind you?"

"No Viggo, they are the group of dragons slowly approaching from behind you."

The Twins and Snotlout chuckled when they caught Viggo almost turn his back at the sarcastic remark. Hiccup didn't hide his smile when Viggo's eyes met his.

"And these friends," the Dragon Hunter leader continued unfazed, "are the ones who tormented you for fifteen years."

Everyone saw Hiccup flinch. "How did you-"

"So you do not deny it?" Viggo didn't let Hiccup finish and scanned the Riders behind. They all looked to the ground shamefully.

"Are these also the 'friends' who only took note of you after you ended a war?" Viggo momentarily paused. "After you lost a leg?"

Hiccup had no words of retaliation. What Viggo was saying was true. How he knew, Hiccup didn't know. But it was all true, nonetheless.

"Would you also say that your father was a friend. Ally, perhaps."

Not knowing were Viggo was going, Hiccup slowly nodded.

"And this was after he disowned you and only apologised after you proved yourself worthy in battle? And can you really say anyone has apologised? From what I understand, all people thought that they did wrong was not see your potential. Did no one apologise for how they treated you? Even though we may have different views, Hiccup Haddock, no one deserves to be outcast due to their physical appearance."

Hiccup looked to the ground his fist clenched white. The other Riders, silenced by the shock of the situation, watched with uncertain expressions. No one could tell how Hiccup was taking all this.

"Has anyone ever told you that they regret the nicknames you earned," Viggo said with a smug smile. He was getting to the man. "'Hiccup the Useless' was quite a popular one I believe."

Finally having enough of Viggo's monologuing, Snotlout snapped. "That's not what happened at all! We did apologise, didn't we Hiccup?"

Snapping his head up, Hiccup glared at Viggo with a new found resolve. "I don't know where you've gotten all this from Viggo, but I can guarantee you that you've heard all wrong. Yes, a lot of things happened when we were younger, but that's all over now. I'm not going to deny it happened, no one does, but I trust the other Riders with my life. And nothing you say is going to make me think otherwise."

The other Riders relaxed. They were glad to know that Hiccup felt that way. Ever since he had defeated the Red Death, what happened before that was pushed to the side. While, as Hiccup said, no one denied what happened, no one really talked of it. From how Hiccup had reacted to being named 'The Pride of Berk', everyone had just assumed that he'd forgiven them. It was good to know that assumption wasn't a false one.

Unfazed by Hiccup's words, Viggo nodded to his men and turned on his heel. "I hope to see more of you soon Hiccup Haddock. I'd love to know so much more about you."

Hiccup stared with an obvious confusion as Viggo walked away. It wasn't until the sound of someone roughly falling to the ground from behind him did Hiccup remember about his friends. The men that had been once holding them captive were all on the ground unconscious. Quickly turning and running towards them he scanned to make sure they were all okay.

"You guys alright?" Hiccup asked ignoring how easily and how suddenly the Riders had taken out those men.

"We're good," Astrid replied with the nod of her head. "But we still need to get out dragons."

Nodding, the Riders started searching the now deserted camp.

"Does anyone think it's weird how quickly everyone left?" Asked Fishlegs. "They haven't even tried to stop us."

"It doesn't matter." Snotlout said as he lifted the sheet off another empty cage. "We're free, and once we find our dragons we'll be back on the Edge in no time."

"Exactly." Tuffnut agreed.

"And it better be quick. Tuff and I have to restock on boars after our last run in the Boar Pit."

Astrid rolled her eyes and a familiar squawk alerted her attention.

"Stormfly!" She called running towards a cage with a large sheet draped over it. Briskly pulling it off, the playful blue Nadder was revealed.

After pushing her hand against the dragon's snout through the bars, Astrid started searching for a key. It only took a few moments before she found one conveniently dropped on the ground. It was as if it had been left there on purpose. Unlocking the cage, Stormfly quickly helped find the other dragons.

After a quick reunion, the Riders were up in the air.

For a while, they continued in silence flying in V Formation. No one was really sure how to strike up a conversation, not after what Viggo had said. And their 'escape', it was too easy. Far too easy. The Hunters had suddenly let loose their grip giving the captive Riders a perfect chance to take them out. The camp-although it was small-had been almost completely deserted. The only men were a few hiding behind some barrels that the Twins easily took out. And how Viggo had suddenly left without a care in the world, it was uncharacteristic.

But of course, no one brought that up. They'd save the conversation for later.

With a deep sigh, Hiccup finally spoke. "If you guys are thinking about what Viggo said I'd like to know."

After another-though not as long-moment of silence, Astrid spoke. "How can we not?"

Turning in the saddle, Hiccup looked each of the Riders dead in the eye. "I meant what I said earlier. I trust you guys with my life."

"All of us?" Fishlegs asked gesturing towards the Twins and Snotlout. He was doing his best to loosen the tension that even the dragons could feel.

Letting out a laugh and shaking his head Hiccup replied. "Yes, all of you."

"Now that we have that settled," Snotlout flew forwards breaking the formation, "why don't we have a race back to the Edge."

"You're on." Astrid repositioned herself in the saddle.

"The last one back has to clean the stables!" The Twins yelled in unison as they flew off into the distance. Fishlegs, Astrid and Snotlout hurried on their dragons to catch up.

Laughing, Hiccup leaned down. "What do you say bud? Want to show them how fast you've gotten?"

With a croon that could only be an affirmative answer, Hiccup thrust down on Toothless' pedal and the duo shot off after the others.

If only the other Riders had taken the opportunity to really talk about what Viggo had said, then such devastation might not have followed.