Training Tony was ten times easier once the slave willingly accepted his place. Bucky spent many a happy night curled up in bed with Tony, buried in the slave's body. But nothing could compare to having Steve's warm, strong arms wrapped around him at night. He missed his husband terribly.

But luckily, Steve was due back from his mission soon. Bucky rushed through as much sexual training as he thought he could manage and then just focused on keeping Tony well-groomed and presentable.

By the time he heard Steve's key turning in the lock, Bucky was ready.

"Go on," he said, pushing Tony towards the stairs. "Just like I told you."

"Yes, Master," Tony said eagerly.

Bucky held his breath, listening carefully as the sound of Tony's hurried footsteps died down. There was silence for moment and then Steve's startled gasp of, "Who the hell are you?" and Tony's bright voice chirping, "Welcome home, Master. May I suck your cock?"

He muffled his laughter with the back of his hand. Ah, it had been better than he had hoped.

"Buck," Steve called up the stairs. "Get down here and explain yourself."

Bucky skipped down the stairs with a wide grin on his face. God, his husband was a sight for sore eyes, even with all the blood and dirt caked on him. "You've been gone a whole month and that's how you greet me? Can't even tell me how much you missed me?"

Steve sighed and pulled Bucky in for a warm hug. "I did miss you, jerk. But I can't believe you went and bought a slave without me."

"What was I supposed to do? You were gone for a whole month and I got lonely."

"I was lonely that whole month, too. And you don't see me coming home with a slave."

Bucky snorted derisively. "You were busy fighting your battles. You didn't have time to be lonely. I'm the one who was really suffering, therefore I got to pick the slave. I don't know why you're even complaining. I got us a good one." He gestured for Tony to get back to his feet so Steve could see him properly. "Isn't he a pretty one?"

Steve gave him an appraising once-over. "He's young," he said at last.

"Only eight years younger than you."

Steve gave him a look. "There's a big difference between 19 and 27."

"I wouldn't give him a house at his age, but he's old enough to fuck. And he's just so good at it." Bucky squeezed Tony's shoulder. "What do you think about your new master? You're probably the luckiest slave alive, having two hot men ready to fuck you."

"I still think you're hotter," Tony said. "But then again, he's uh…" He waved a hand at Steve's armor. "Maybe he's more attractive when he's not muddy?"

Bucky chuckled and pressed a kiss to Steve's cheek. "Go get cleaned up, babe. Then Tony's going to officially welcome you home."

"I'd rather have you," Steve grumbled. But he headed upstairs in the direction of the bathroom.

When Steve returned, looking delightfully sexy with wet hair and sweat pants slung low on his hips, Bucky had a very hard time not jumping his bones then and there. But he had something to prove before he could let himself indulge.

"Take a seat," Bucky said, practically pushing Steve down into one of the kitchen chairs. "It's been far too long since we've had a pleasure slave and I really want to show you what you've been missing. Tony, c'mere and let Steve have a look at that ass of yours."

Obediently, Tony draped himself over Steve's lap.

Bucky grinned as Steve's big hands cupped Tony's ass and gently squeezed. "It's a nice ass, isn't it?"

"It is," Steve admitted.

"He's got a butt made to fuck, that's for sure. He makes so many delicious noises when you play with him."

"Does he now?" Steve slipped a hand under the red thong and circled a finger around Tony's puckered hole.

Tony whimpered and rocked back into Steve's touch.

"Like that, don't you?" Bucky stroked a hand over Tony's back. "Bet you can't wait for Stevie to fuck you. You feel how big he is, don't you? Even bigger than me."

"Yes," Tony said breathlessly as he ground down against Steve's lap.

As hot a sight as it was, Bucky couldn't let them have all the fun. He pulled up another chair right beside them and directed Tony's head into his lap. "Why don't we show Stevie how good you've gotten sucking cock?"

"Yes, Master," Tony said eagerly.

Steve snorted. "If I recall, he offered me a blowjob when I first walked in."

"He's not quite ready for that. He still gags a little sometimes." Bucky bucked up into Tony's mouth and sighed as the slave sputtered and coughed. "You see?"

"That's too bad," Steve said. "He has a pretty mouth."

"We'll get there eventually. My dick was the first he's ever sucked so he's got a long way to go."

"He's made good progress in a month."

Tony hummed around Bucky's cock, his face pink with praise.

"Yeah, he has." Bucky stroked the back of Tony's neck. "Hey, Stevie, I've got a bottle of lube if you wanna play with his hole."

Steve's eyes lit up. "You've got the strawberry one. I was wondering where that went off to. It's my favorite."

"Yeah, I know. Figured it was a good coming home present." Bucky wasn't quite ready to admit that he'd been carrying it around in his pocket because it reminded him of his husband. That was just a little too sappy.

The moment Steve started fingering him, Tony's whole body shuddered and then all his muscles went lax, even his jaw.

Bucky gently tapped Tony's cheek with a finger. "Hey. Keep sucking. Don't let Stevie distract you."

Tony's eyes flicked upwards and then he hollowed his cheeks, taking in most of Bucky's cock.

Bucky sighed contentedly. "Isn't this great, Stevie? Just imagine when he's finally trained up. He could be sucking you off while I pound that tight little ass."

Tony whined around his mouthful and his hips swiveled. He was probably getting himself off rubbing against Steve's groin. Normally, Bucky was against Tony getting off any way other than getting fucked, but Steve was probably enjoying himself so he let it slide.

"We could pull out that old cock ring we never use anymore, take turns fucking his ass and his mouth until he's a sweaty, desperate mess, maybe use a vibrator on these perky little nipples. I bet they're sensitive." He pinched Tony's nipples between two fingers and rolled the little nubs. "I haven't tried clamps on you yet either.

Tony cried out and convulsed, bucking hard back into Steve's fingers and then his whole body went limp.

Steve frowned. "Is that normal for him?"

"I think we just overloaded him with pleasure," Bucky said. "For a sex slave, he hasn't actually had much sex. He was really underused by his old master. I don't think he's ever experienced a threesome before."

Steve's frown only deepened. "I think he passed out."

"So what? You've fallen asleep after sex before."

"This is different. You didn't choke him to death, did you? Make sure he's still breathing."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "He didn't pass out on my dick, idiot. He can breathe fine. He's just out for the moment." He patted Tony's cheek. "Come on, Tony. Wake up and tell Steve what a worrywart he is."

Tony didn't move. Bucky sucked in a breath, his heart dropping as the seconds ticked by. Maybe Steve was right. Maybe something had seriously gone wrong.

After what felt like an eternity, Tony's eyes fluttered open. "That was awesome. We should do it again."

Steve let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god. We were so worried we had hurt you."

Tony blinked and rolled over onto his back to gaze up at them. "Why would you be worried about me? I'm a slave. I'm just supposed to put up with anything you do to me."

"Bucky," Steve gasped. "Why would you tell him that?"

"Oh for fuck's sake, Steve. It was part of training. He just needed to push past a little discomfort. You know how it is."

"Yes, I know how it is," Steve said with a sigh. He patted Tony's hip. "We didn't mean to hurt you. No matter what Bucky said to scare you into behaving, that's not how we work."

"Oh, you didn't hurt me," Tony said cheerfully. "It felt amazing, actually. Just being touched all over everywhere, imagining all the touching to come. And then it was all just too much."

"See, Steve?" Bucky said smugly. "Just too much of a good thing."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Too much of a good thing is still a bad thing. We have to make sure this doesn't happen again."

"Oh, that's easy," Bucky said. "He just needs a little more training."

It was going to be the best training session yet. Bucky could hardly wait.