Hey y'all! So one of my friends gave me this idea a few months back (more than a few months but whatever) and anyway, here we go. Enjoy, you readers.

"Clarissa!" The boy with the famous black hair and blue eyes called out. He sprinted towards his red-headed friend almost slipping on the ice of the slick England streets. When he caught up, he slung an arm around her.

"Hey, Will," Clary grinned up at the boy. A scarf hung loosely around her neck and a large coat hugged her body. It was December and the wind was brisk.

"I was just headed to meet Tess and Jem for some coffee," he said.

Clary raised an eyebrow with a smile. "Really? That's so insane because I was also just headed to meet up with two people named Tessa and Jem for some coffee."

Will shook his head with a sarcastic smile. "Crazy, who knew there were so many 'Tessa's and 'Jem's in London."

"Well," Clary continued. "I guess since we're meeting two different pairs of people named Tessa and Jem we should probably part ways." As they continued walking in the same direction, both their smiles grew wider.

"Don't tell me that you're going to the same place I am," Will said as they approached the little shop.

"Insane," Clary said. "Next thing you know it's gonna turn out that we're meeting the same Tessa and Jem here." The door opened and the two immediately spotted their friends. As Tessa waved them over, Clary turned to Will with a mock look of shock on her face. "Well, Herondale, I suppose it really is a small, small world."

Will shook his head still with his arm of Clary's shoulders and they walked toward the table. "Too bad I'm stuck in it with you, Fairchild."

Clary harshly pushed Will off her and plopped down in the seat behind Tessa. The girl grinned as she wrapped her arms around Clary for a fast and strong hug.

"Right to business," Jem said as Tessa was releasing Clary. Everyone turned to the boy with dazzling silver hair as he continued. "Since today is December first we're doing secret Santa draws tonight at the Herondale manor. Now, I know you guys are opposed, but I say that we include Gabriel and Gideon to make this more fun."

"Ugh," Will groaned. "I don't want to wind up buying a present for the Lightworms. If we do include them can you make sure I don't draw one of their names?"

"No cheating," Tessa scolded. Will looked over at her with silent protest not willing himself to say a thing. For the past year, Clary had known about Will's secret crush on the girl- secret due to the fact that she and Jem were already a bit of a thing. It killed Will that he felt that way for Tessa, but he had told Clary he couldn't control how felt though he could control how he acted. So, he did absolutely nothing.

"Fine," he gave in with a toss of his hands. "But you'll be paying for it if I draw a Lightworm. You'll all be paying for it."

Jem rolled his eyes at his best friend. The two had been inseparable before and since Clary had first met them. "Anyway, I was thinking that we could include Magnus too. He always gives the most extravagant gifts."

Clary laughed. "Do you guys remember that one time when he bought two white ponies and four dozen red roses and sent them to the Lightwood manor with no context? Gabriel was so confused for the longest time."

Tessa nodded her head also laughing at the memory. "He's so much fun. Let's definitely include Magnus Bane!"

Jem wrote something down with a nod. "Alright, and I believe that's all for the business part of this meeting."

"Now on to the fun part," Will clapped his hands together. "It's supposed to snow all tonight and tomorrow. I say that we go over to the huge hill and sled."

"Only if the snow sticks," said Tessa.

"So that's a yes?" Will grinned.

"That's a maybe," Clary replied silently praying to herself that the snow would stick.

"Good enough for me," Will shrugged. "I should actually be heading out soon, though. I just wanted to stop by for a minute, but I'm meeting up with my little sis. Apparently, she has to tell me something and doesn't think I'm going to take it too well." Will stood up then.

"Good luck with that," said Jem. "You can tell me later who we need to beat the crap out of."

Will gave Jem two thumbs up before turning and leaving the shop. Tessa shook her head at Jem after Will was gone.

"Why do you automatically assume you're going to have to beat someone up?" She asked.

"It's Will and Cecily," Jem pointed out. "He's so overprotective of her that I would honestly be utterly shocked if he didn't kill the first guy that shows any sign of interest in her. Even if whatever she tells him doesn't have to do with some other person or is super mild, Will's gonna find someone or something to punch."

"You have a point," said Clary and Tessa furrowed her eyebrows.

"You guys are too understanding," she said.

Clary shrugged. "Who's going to tell Will what to do? He won't listen to us. As much as he may love you guys," Clary's eyes dwindled on Tessa during that statement. "He doesn't listen to anyone."

Tessa opened her mouth to reply but promptly closed it. There was something in her eyes that told Clary she was more so worried about Will than she was about the people he could potentially harm. It was obvious to Clary that the girl felt something for Will too, but she still liked Jem. The little love triangle between the three exhausted her since she always had to listen one of them talk about the other. It was sad how oblivious they all were and yet hilarious at the same time.

For the next hour, the three sat there talking about whatever. When Clary got back home, she was met by her mother and Magnus Bane. Apparently, the man had been there for ten or so minutes waiting for Clary to get back home.

"Biscuit," he said in a loving tone. He pulled Clary in for a hug. Magnus was several years older than the rest of the group, but everyone had to admit that he was their favorite. He was always so full of life.

"Hey, Magnus," Clary greeted. "What are you doing here?" She gave her mother a smile of acknowledgment as she spoke.

"Isn't it obvious?" Magnus said. "I'm here to see you."

Clary rolled her eyes. "Well yeah, but any particular reason?"

"Actually," Magnus glanced over at Jocelyn who then proceeded to exit the room leaving the two alone. As soon as she was gone, Magnus guided Clary over to a chair and they both sat. "I wanted to talk to you about something." Clary furrowed her eyebrows with worry but stayed quiet. "As we all know, William is leaving for America in a few months."

"We don't talk about that," Clary immediately rebutted. Will was going to be moving to America and it was a touchy subject amongst the entire group so they merely ignored it. They weren't going to deal with his being gone until the time came that he would actually leave.

"Right," Magnus glanced down at his hands. "Well, as it turns out, an old friend of mine is in New York and they want me to come down for a while. They said it was an emergency and so I'm going to be leaving a few days before Christmas."

Clary's mouth parted as her heart filled with sadness. Now, two of her friends would be gone and one was even going to miss their favorite holiday. She fidgeted in her seat as she pressed Magnus for answers. "How long will you be gone for?"

"I don't know," Magnus shook his head. "I just wanted to tell you now so that you were ready for it. I'm really sorry, biscuit."

"No, I understand." Clary took a deep breath. "I just wish you didn't have to go so soon. The others are going to be really disappointed you'll be missing out on secret Santa."

"I know," Magnus looked away from Clary almost as though he was hiding something. She narrowed her eyes at him, but when he looked back there was nothing in his gaze that indicated something was off. "I'll miss you, kiddo, but I'll be back someday. I just don't know when."

Clary nodded and stood up to pull Magnus in for a hug. He returned the hug tightly and didn't let go for a long moment even after Clary loosened her grip. When they finally did part, Clary looked up at the man and smiled.

"Don't worry," she said. "We won't forget about you and we won't forget about Will. You guys will always be a part of us."

Magnus grinned. "I love you, Clarissa."

"I love you too, Magnus." Clary beamed trying not to think about the fact that she was losing two of her closest friends. "You're like the brother I never had."

"You're more like a daughter to me," Magnus laughed. Clary rolled her eyes knowing what he meant by that, he was so overprotective of both her and Tessa that the two were hardly allowed anywhere unless Jem, Will, or Magnus was with them.

"Well, perhaps with you gone I'll finally get a little bit of freedom." Clary smiled widely as Magnus' glared at her.

"You are but a child, biscuit, do children things."

"It's 1878," Clary sighed. "I can handle myself."

Magnus shook his head looking for a clock to check the time. "Whatever you say. Just, keep what I told you a secret until I manage to tell the others. I don't want them all freaking out." Clary nodded. "Good, now why don't we head to Will's house, the secret Santa drawing should be starting in an hour."

"You won't be able to give anyone their present, though," Clary stated.

"I know that and you know that," said Magnus heading for the door. "But no one else knows that. I'll just leave the present for whoever I pick with you and you can give it to them on Christmas for me. Deal?"

Clary felt like protesting but could hardly bring herself to. She nodded her head as she pulled her coat back on and exited the house. "Deal."

Almost two hours later, Clary sat with her closest friends by a fireplace. They talked and laughed with a feeling of joy and carelessness in the air. It wasn't until Jem grabbed his hat and spoke that Clary even remembered the conversation she'd had with Magnus just a short while before.

"In this hat," announced Jem and the group fell silent. Clary sat between Tessa and Gideon with Will on the other side of Tessa and Gabriel on the other side of Gideon, Magnus stood leaning against a wall. Clary had noticed that Will was avoiding Gabriel more than usual tonight, she would have to ask him about that. "I have the names of everybody in this room in this hat. We will go in order, starting with myself, and blindly draw from said hat. Now, if you choose yourself please be honest and say it." Jem gave each person a pointed look before turning his head, closing his eyes, and sticking his hand into the hat. He dug around for a moment before finally pulling out a slip of paper. When he read it, he smiled widely. It was the smile that meant he had pulled Tessa. Of course.

"My turn," Will sat up excitedly and did the exact same thing as Jem. When he read his paper he also grinned. Clary narrowed her eyes trying to figure out who he got: likely Jem or herself, he wouldn't be smiling if he had gotten a Lightwood... or would he? Clary's eyes widened as she realized he was probably going to stick a pile of worms in Gabriel's bed.

When Clary got the hat, she pulled out the first slip of paper she touched. It was Magnus. Why was she not surprised by this turn of events? She smiled up at him, but he wasn't paying attention as he pulled out his own slip of paper. He grinned down at Clary immediately and she knew that he had her. She was suddenly anxious for the gift that he would give her. Magnus knew her too well, she thought.

By the end of the night, everybody had managed to keep secret who they got though Clary had her suspicions for just about everyone. She got home quickly and opened up her sketchbook. She had no idea what to get Magnus but figured that he would appreciate a drawing accompanying her present. She had already done a parting painting for Will that she would give to him the day he left for America. It was a simple painting of the London landscape but she hoped it would be enough that he wouldn't forget about them. Her signature was at the bottom and she ran her hand over it sighing deeply.

Clary set the painting aside and started drawing something for Magnus. She could hardly think so she let her hand do the work for her. It ended up looking like Tessa so Clary added Jem to one side and Will to the other. The three smiled broadly at her as her eyes began to drift closed with sleep. Clary set the sketch aside and readied herself for bed quickly. It wasn't long until she was under her covers falling fast asleep.

Little did she know that after that night nothing would ever be the same.

Let me know what you think so far. Obviously not much is going on here other than introduction of what was Clary's life before everything happened, but what is it going to be like after? I'm excited for this and I really hope y'all liked it. Please review!