Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership over the characters or other similar items in this story. All rights belong to 343 Industries and Rooster Teeth Studios. Also, the ideas and concepts portrayed in this Fanfic are not considered canon to either the Halo Universe or the RWBY Universe.
-Remnant, Beacon Academy-
Ruby Rose approached the place where she and her friend Jaune Arc had agreed to meet to watch the meteor shower, namely the cliffs where they had started their initiation test on their first day at Beacon. The fractured moon shimmered in the night sky and cast a solemn white glow upon the cliffs, giving the evening a calming feeling. After several minutes of walking, Ruby came upon Jaune, who was leaning against a rock and idly kicking at a large cluster of weeds that were growing nearby.
"Hey, Jaune," Ruby greeted, which caused the boy to jump in surprise, causing Ruby to chuckle at his skittishness.
Jaune took a few seconds to calm down, then smiled weakly and waved. "H-hey Ruby. What took you so long?"
"Lost track of time... Sorry."
Jaune shook his head and sat down on the grass. "It's alright, I was just starting to think you weren't coming..."
Ruby laid down on the grass a few feet away from him and folded her arms behind her head as she looked up and watched the meteor shower above. "And miss this awesome meteor shower, yeah right."
Jaune followed suite and laid down as well, and they both sat in silence for a long while. They watched the streaks of light shoot across the sky and enjoyed the cool night air as they laid there. It wasn't until Jaune saw a rather larger meteor shoot across the sky that he spoke.
"Hey, Ruby?"
"Yeah, Jaune?"
"You ever wonder what's up there?" He asked after a moment of silence.
"Like what?" Ruby said confused.
"Like, maybe somebody up there is wondering what it's like here..."
Ruby was quiet as she thought about the idea of life beyond Remnant; the whole idea was strange to think about, but the more she thought about it, the more it seemed likely. After all, the odds of Remnant being the only place with living people was very slim if she thought about it.
"I guess... Do you think we'll ever meet them?"
A few moments went by as Jaune thought about it, by now the meteors had all but stopped except for the occasional straggler, and Jaune stood up to head back to the school. He looked at Ruby and extended his hand to her. "I hope so. Don't you?"
Ruby smiled, took his hand, and climbed to her feet. She brushed her skirt off and nodded. "Sure, it'd be cool to meet 'em."
Jaune shook his head and chuckled to himself. "Are you always this positive about everything?" He asked as he walked away.
Ruby frowned and placed her hands on her hips. "Yes I am..."
She didn't follow him immediately, instead she turned and looked back up at the sky. She sighed as she noticed one more, much larger, meteor shoot across the sky, and smiled to herself before turning and following Jaune back to Beacon.
-Aft Section of UNSC FFG-201 Forward Unto Dawn-
The AI Holotank that held Cortana's storage chip flickered to life as Cortana's avatar appeared on top of it. She frowned in concern as the ship shuddered and she immediately pulled up a holographic display that showed several different pieces of information, including the date, the ship's power levels, weapon's status, hull breaches, and the hull's temperature. Cortana's concern was increased when she saw that the ship was entering a planet's atmosphere and was falling apart due to the re-entry process. She then pulled up a cryostasis control page that showed the status of the 16th cryo-pod in the room. She sighed before activating the thawing procedure for the pod and turned to watch as the occupant woke up.
"Wake up, Chief. I need you."
A few seconds went by before a groaning could be heard from the pod, followed by the sound of the glass being pushed on.
"Chief! Easy... You've been out for a while." Cortana warned.
"Where are we?" the Chief replied.
Before Cortana could react, the entirety of the Dawn shook violently, causing what few lights were on to flicker.
"We're still on the Dawn, though I don't think it'll stay that way for long."
The Chief frowned under his helmet and looked around the cryo-bay from within the pod. "What's going on?"
"Hang on, I'm bringing your systems online now," Cortana said as the firmware and power to the Chief's MJOLNIR armor came to life. "I rewrote your suit's firmware while you were out..."
"You been busy."
"Alright, now due to the situation at hand, I can only partially restore the ship's gravity generators."
A moment later and the Chief could feel himself grow heavier as the gravity was restored.
"Partial system restoration. Initializing system diagnostics." An automated voice announced. "Warning: hull integrity At 30%."
"Chief, look up. You need to pull the manual release." Cortana said quickly.
The Chief reached above him and yanked on the release lever for the cryo-pod, and the hatch's air seal was broken, allowing the Chief to push it open. He made his way to the AI holotank and looked at Cortana a moment before pulling her storage chip out and inserting it into his neural interface at the base of his helmet. As Cortana's face appeared in the corner of his HUD he reached towards the MA5C he had stored before going to sleep and readied it for use.
"What's going on, Cortana?" He asked as he cycled the bolt on the rifle.
"I don't know how I missed it, but apparently we're entering the atmosphere of a planet. The re-entry process is tearing the Dawn apart, I figured you'd like to be woken up before we crash and burn on the surface..." Cortana said sarcastically.
"We'll be fine. Any chance it's a planet that we know?"
Cortana shook her head. "No, there's no planet in any of our databanks that match; we're going in blind."
The ship shook again, only this time a loud metallic screech could be heard from somewhere else in the ship, followed by the lights going out. Cortana pulled up a schematic of the ship and highlighted an escape pod bay.
"We need to get off the ship, now... The closest escape pod is 3 floors up."
The Chief nodded and turned on the flashlight attached to his helmet before he began running through the halls of the ship. It was a long run, mainly because he had to resort to climbing up the sides of an elevator shaft that had been collapsing, but eventually he had managed to get to the escape pod and climb inside.
"Wow, I wasn't sure the pod would still be here..." Cortana mused as the Chief buckled himself into the seat and shut the door.
"I told you we'd be fine. Now how do I start this thing?" He asked as he looked at the control panel for the small pod.
Cortana highlighted a series of buttons and switches on the panel, which the Chief activated in quick succession, only for the pod to remain dark and quiet.
The Dawn shook again and several explosions could be heard throughout the ship, which caused the Chief to frown in annoyance.
"Hull integrity at 5%. Personnel are advised to evacuate immediately."
"Cortana? Why isn't it working?"
"The pod must be out of power!" Cortana guessed.
"Damn it!" The Chief climbed out of the pod and ran to a nearby armory. He worked quickly as he rigged up an explosive that would allow the pod to blast free of the ship and then returned to the pod.
"Chief, are you sure about this?" Cortana asked softly.
Cortana didn't get an answer to her question; instead the Master Chief climbed back into the pod, strapped himself in and closed the door once more. "Hang on!" he yelled as he raised a detonator and thumbed the activator.
As soon as the Master Chief's thumb released the button, several explosions rocked the escape pod and forced it forward, blowing the small craft free of the disintegrating remains of the Dawn. By this point, the ship had already entered the planet's lower atmosphere and was falling apart, which allowed the escape pod to sail through the sky without much re-entry effects.
Cortana sighed in relief as they flew and used the escape pod's external camera to see the outside, though she was immediately alarmed when she saw that the pod was on a collision course with a large castle-like building.
"Chief... I don't think this is going to end well!"
It was at that moment that the pod collided with a large tower with green lights on the top. The collision caused the Chief to smack his head on the front of the control panel and knocked him unconscious. The pod slammed into the tower, sat within the side of the structure for a few moments, then fell to the beautiful white courtyard below, creating a large crater as well as a loud crashing noise that certainly wasn't going to go unnoticed.
-Remnant, Beacon Academy-
"Well, Glynda, it seems there was more than rocks in the midst of last night's meteor shower..."
Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy, rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he and Glynda Goodwitch stared at the large metallic object that had crashed into the courtyard of the school the night before. It was a large metal pod, with several burns on its sides, as well as a single hatch in the middle. There was white letters towards the top of the pod that were easy to read, and the hatch had a small circular window in the center that was obscured by a dark green object from within.
"It would seem so, Professor." Glynda replied as she used her riding crop to repair the damage that had been caused when the pod collided with Beacon Tower. Several pieces of white marble floated up into the air and connected together before returning to the place they came from. Very little was left as she made the repairs, then she, too, turned to examine the pod.
"UNSC FFG-201 77... UNSC? What is that, do you think?" Ozpin mused as he pointed his cane at the lettering.
"Your guess is as good as mine, Ozpin. Probably something that General Ironwood cooked up." The blonde guessed.
They both looked at each other for a moment, then shrugged in confusion. Glynda was about to pull her scroll from her pocket when Ozpin placed his hand on hers and shook his head.
"Let's not call the General just yet... Do you think you could open that hatch?"
Glynda frowned and simply scoffed before flicking her riding crop to the right a few degrees. Both it and the hatch were enveloped by a purple glow, then the hatch ripped itself from the rest of the metal and went flying behind them. Ozpin smiled at Glynda, then turned back to see what looked like a very large, dark green robotic figure sitting in a chair within the pod. The figure was covered from head to toe in dark green metal plates with patches of black seen in between them, as well as a green helmet that had a burnt orange-colored visor in the middle of it.
They both frowned at the sight and Ozpin felt a chill run down his spine. He had a terrible feeling that whatever was in that pod was extremely dangerous. He let out a shaky breath then looked at Glynda.
"Have Peter come down and carry it to one of the strongest holding cells he has..." Ozpin said before turning and heading towards his office at the top of Beacon Tower.
"Sir, are you sure?" Glynda asked hesitantly.
-Near Salem's Fortress, Crashsite of Forward Unto Dawn-
Mayday, -day, ma-. - is UNSC G-21 Fo-ard Unto Da-da-da Dawn requesting (static) evac. Survivors aboard. Prioritization code Vic- zero five (static) three dash Sierra one one one one one... seven.
Mayday, -day, ma-. - is UNSC G-21 Fo-ard Unto Da-da-da Dawn requesting (static) evac. Survivors aboard. Prioritization code Vic- zero five (static) three dash Sierra one one one one one... seven.
Several lights flickered in no real pattern as the SOS beacon's message continued to play through the smashed halls of the Dawn. When the bulk of the ship had impacted, it was as if the backbone of the ship was ripped clean out while the rest of the metal continued. The result was a tangled mess of metal, with thousands of pounds of debris being scattered for miles. Doors were blown open and entire rooms were smashed into oblivion, creating openings for all kinds of things to enter and investigate the wreck.
One of those things was a creature of Grimm, a Beringel to be exact. As the lone creature explored the mess, looking for food, it was completely unaware of the small pale green form that skittered behind it, stalking it as if the Grimm were a prize. The Beringel reached the remains of a vending machine and began pushing on it trying to make the machine spit out a product, and as it lifted its hand in anger at the snack machine, the critter jumped. It used the tendrils on the underside of its body to latch itself to the Grimm's arm and then began burrowing itself under the dark smoky flesh causing the Grimm to howl in pain. The Beringel started to beat its arm against the vending machine, hoping to crush the small creature, but it was too late. The pale green creature continued to dig until it managed to worm its way completely inside the Grimm, then made its way to where it would begin its work.
The entire time, the howls of the Beringel could be heard coming from within the wreck of the Dawn, and soon those howls turned into screeches that were not from any Grimm...
The Flood had returned...
Author's Note:
Hey there everyone! It's me again... of course.
Anyways this is just the start of a new crossover fanfic that I got the idea for from reading another story by Shadow of Omega called RWBY: Necrophobia. It's a RWBY and Dead Space crossover fic that only has a few chapters, but I liked it a lot. It gave me the inspiration for this fanfic, so hopefully you enjoy it.
So, I don't know how long this story will go for, but I hope it does well enough that people want more, so if you do like it, please let me know by favoriting this or leaving me a review, or heck go ahead and do both if you want.
So with that being said, I'll see you later!
As Always,
I'll See You Starside,
Soul's Release
I did a quick edit of chapter 1 and what was going to be chapter 2 and merged them together, seeing as they were both short. Hope you enjoy the new result.