"So, tell me again when you're going to ask her out." Nathanaël caught up to Alix in the hallway, looked at her sideways and hand his hand up.
She took his hand in her own, rolling her eyes. "I don't know. I didn't create the criteria because someone told me not to."
"Good." He said. "Use your gut."
Alix squeezed his hand tightly. "My gut tells me I'm terrified. I don't have a plan, or a backup plan, I don't have guidelines. How do people even do this? I have no idea what's going on!"
"I'll tell you a secret, okay?" He leaned close to her ear. "Neither does anyone else. Just trust me."
"I do trust you. It's myself that I don't trust."
"I know how hard it can be to believe sometimes, but you're more capable than you think. I really do think you can do this."
"I know." Alix sighed. "That's why I'm trying."
"It'll be fine." Nathanaël squeezed her hand that time. "You don't need a plan to sweep her off her feet. You do that just by being awesome."
"Oh, shush." Alix laughed, hitting him lightly on the shoulder.
Nathanaël chuckled and then cut himself off with a cough. "Heads up. Crush at three o' clock."
"Mine or yours?"
Nathanaël ruffled her hair vigorously. "Yours."
"Hey guys!" Marinette came up to them as Alix attempted to fix her hair.
"Morning, Marinette." Nathanaël said, letting go of Alix's hand to redo her sort-of-ponytail for her.
"Hey, Marinette. Thanks Nath."
"My fault, anyway."
"How's your morning?" Marinette asked.
"Always better with my buds."
Marinette sighed. "Yeah. I'm glad you're here. Alya and the boys are all busy this morning."
Nathanaël's hands stilled. Alix looked back at his pensive gaze, then his mischievous smirk. "Nath…"
She said it as a warning, but he ignored her. "Yeah," he said, "actually, I need to get to the art room. I wanted to work on my project a little before school started."
Alix smiled, knowing he could see the second warning in her eyes. "Do you need me there to model?"
Nathanaël bit his lip. "I'm far enough that I don't need you modelling anymore. Don't worry. Just hang with Marinette." Traitor.
Marinette was a bit wide-eyed at Nathanaël's sudden behavior, but said goodbye to him regardless before he took off. Okay, then. Wing it. Improv. Marinette sighed, watching Nathanaël's back. "You two really are close, huh? I'm kind of jealous."
Alix rubbed her palms on her shorts. "Jealous? Why?"
"Nothing." Marinette shook her head.
Alix frowned, examining her. Well, it's obviously not nothing. "Hey." She said, putting a hand on Marinette's shoulder. "You can tell me."
Marinette worried her lip. "Do you have any secrets from him?"
Alix opened her mouth to answer but cut herself short. Do I? I don't think I do. Not from him. Marinette either, actually. "Not that I can think of."
She sighed. "I didn't think so. I have a secret. I can't tell you. Or Alya."
"I think I understand." If you're keeping a secret, you'll never have that kind of relationship. Or she doesn't think so, anyway. "Secrets aren't a bad thing, though."
"They can be."
"Can be, sure. But they're not always bad. There are good secrets. Is yours bad?"
Marinette furrowed her brow. "I wouldn't say that."
"Then I wouldn't worry." Alix started walking, Marinette at her side. "Try to imagine that your secret is Alya's. Would you understand why she kept it a secret?"
"Then she will too, most likely. And everyone else." Alix shrugged. "You guys know each other well enough that even if they didn't understand, they'd understand why you thought it was necessary. But that's off topic, isn't it? That's in the case of them finding out. In the meanwhile, a secret shouldn't make you feel off from your friends. I don't have any secrets from Nath, but that doesn't mean I haven't had any."
"Well, I couldn't get away with it anymore, honestly. We're basically telepathic at this point. But yeah. You know why it didn't stop us from getting closer?"
"Because I didn't worry about it. Sure, I kept my mouth shut, avoided the topic when I could, but I knew even then that even though I didn't want him to know, if he did find out, we'd still be good."
Marinette was quiet for a while. "He eventually found out?"
Alix chuckled. "I told him."
"Really? He took it well?"
"You bet. As I said, he understood why I didn't tell him until then."
"If you don't mind my asking, what was the secret?"
Alix bit back a laugh, looking up at the lights. "You know? I honestly don't remember. It seemed like a big deal at the time, but now…" She shrugged. "Might've been being gay. Not sure."
"You know, I think it's impressive how casually you tell people that."
"What? That I'm gay?"
"Yeah. I've only told Alya that I'm bi."
Alix smiled. Nice. "I don't know, that was a pretty casual coming out yourself." Marinette flushed a deep red. Alix chuckled. "And I don't know how casual I am. You and Nath are the only ones who know."
"Wait, really?"
Alix hummed an affirmative, and then shrugged. "Not that I'm hiding it or anything. It just never seemed important to mention."
"The class did think you had a crush on Kim before."
Alix snorted. "Of course they did. Well, I never paid much attention to that. It doesn't bother me. Nath and you were the only people it seemed important to tell."
She smirked, shrugging. "Yeah. I like you." Wait. Shit. Thank god that'll be interpreted as platonic. She bit her lip. But what if it isn't? If she guesses? She probably wouldn't say anything now, but that's kind of a huge hint. And you have been flirting with her on the down-low. She could put two and two together and realize that that wasn't just playing around. I'm surprised she didn't start doubting after I told her I'm gay, honestly.
Then again, I forget sometimes that while I may be glaringly obvious to Nath, not everyone will see it. I may be better about it than I think. Doubt it, though.
"Aw, I like you too!" Am I allowed to read into that? Marinette grabbed onto her arm as they walked. That's… definitely a step past where we were. I'll mark that as "progress" and hope it's in the right direction. Hard to tell. Her cheeks are red, but that's not indicative. Posture is kind of tense, I can feel it in her grip and in her stride. That could be nervousness, but it'd be irresponsible of me to assume such, or why she would be nervous in the first place. There's also the fact that I'm pretty sure neither of us is actually walking anywhere. We're just wandering around the school. But, again, she could just be following me, probably is, even, especially since I started walking first.
Maybe I should just… try not to think about it.
I can't stop thinking about it.
I mean sure, nothing necessarily indicates reciprocal emotions, but nothing disproves the possibility either. It's just… there's behaviors that could be attributed to her feeling what I am, but those same behaviors could be caused by different stimuli, so how many behaviors need to be exhibited before I can assume that she likes me?
Why can't there be t-tests for emotions?
Stupid, unquantifiable, troub-
"Oh, look at the time!" Marinette exclaimed. "We should start heading to class!"
"Right. Of course." Alix bit her lip, smiling. "Class."
When they got to the classroom, Alix immediately turned her gaze to Nathanaël. She shot him her best "Oh my god, please literally kill me" look. He snickered and gave her a thumbs-up. You are the actual worst.
Marinette split from her to take her seat and chat animatedly with her group while Alix rolled her eyes at Nathanaël and silently made her way to her own seat. She sat down roughly. This is why we need plans. I can't believe that entire conversation was actually a thing that happened.
AA – alix what did you say to marinette?
AK – Only dumb things.
AA – :/
AA – I don't believe that.
AK – What makes you think I said something to her?
AA – well…
AA – I know she went to your place over the weekend
AA – and you were hanging with her this morning
AA – you came into class together (with her on your arm!) so I know.
AK – Granted. But what makes you think I said anything?
AK – As in, what did she do that you're blaming me for?
AA – oh.
AA – mostly she talked to me.
AA – but like, without the weirdness.
AA – yeah she's been doing that less but it's almost like I'm nino.
AA – it's great but also weird and I wanna know how you made her so comfortable with me.
AA – and why.
AK – I have only selfish intentions, I assure you.
AA – well thanks anyway, then.
AK – But seriously dude idk.
AK – We had a few heart to heart conversations but I don't know off the top of my head what could cause that.
AK – Are you sure this isn't just, like, natural?
AA – relatively.
AA – she WAS getting better but this is like a jump for no real reason.
AA – she hugged me today.
AA – like just as a goodbye not because I did something stupid or got unlucky or anything.
AK – In that case, I understand your skepticism.
AA – she's also been talking about you.
AK – What, really?
AA – yeah.
AK – Like what?
AA – I'm a little surprised you care.
AK – Wow /3
AA – sorry! only meant I got the impression you don't really care what people think about you.
AK – I don't.
AK – But I happen to care in this instance for reasons.
AA – fair enough. it was only positive stuff I swear.
AA – I am curious though about one thing.
AK – One?
AA – okay more than one but one major thing for the moment.
AK – What is it?
AA – is the reason nath looked so proud of himself the same reason you gave him that death glare
AK – Yes.
AA – follow up question.
AK – Shoot.
AA – did that exchange have something to do with him suddenly needing to work on his project before school?
AK – You're way more observant than I give you credit for.
AA – thank.
AA – I think.
AA – is that a yes?
AK – Sure.
AA – last follow up question.
AK – *rolling my eyes*
AA – okay I know this is a long shot
AA – but I have to ask
AA – because I don't know what else to do with basically anything that happened this morning
AA – and I know it's none of my business
AA – and stuff
AA – but was all that with nath because you have a crush on marinette?
AK – I don't feel it's necessary to answer that question.
AA – okay.
AA – but just so you know
AA – that'd be so awesome if you did.
AA – because you know, you're cool and stuff.
AA – and also I'd be happy for marinette if she got a girlfriend
AA – and you of course
AA – but mari especially because I'm pretty sure she had a crush on me
AA – and that's like
AK – Adrien.
AA – ?
AK – Shut up.
AA – sorry.
AK – Just saying.
AK – That would be a very awkward monologue if I didn't actually have a crush on her, buddy.
AA – wait so you do like her?
AK – Did I stutter?
AA – omg this is great!
AK – How?
AA – because you two will be girlfriends and cute and
AA – sorry I'm just really excited.
AA – you guys will be my first friends to bet romantic.
AK – "bet romantic"
AA – GET sorry
AK – "get romantic"
AA – you know what I mean!
AK – Why are you so excited?
AA – because you two will be happy together and you'll hang with us all more and be cute and just
AA – I am, okay?
AK – You don't even know if she likes me.
AK – Or girls.
AA – okay yeah.
AA – but I think it's a definite possibility!
AK – "there's definitely a probability of that"
AA – well when you say it that way :c
AA – I'm just saying that hope is not lost!
AA – I'll help!
AK – No offence but like
AK – Rabid fangirls aside do you have any experience with crushes or relationships?
AA – no…
AA – well I did have a crush once but that didn't go anywhere.
AK – You did?
AA – not gonna say who it is
AA – confidential.
AK – Fair enough.
AK – I am curious though about one thing.
AA – one?
AK – That's enough of reiterating that part of the conversation.
AK – Was your crush a guy or girl? ;)
AA – you're asking if I'm gay?
AK – Lol yep.
AA – well the crush was a girl.
AK – That "well" implies more to that statement.
AK – You don't have to say if you don't want to obviously.
AA – no it's fine!
AA – I do like boys too.
AA – I just don't want to make a deal out of it
AA – in case my dad has something to say about it.
AK – While I doubt an aristocratic fashion designer is going to have significant issues with you liking boys,
AK – That is an entirely fair and sensible position.
AA – well when you say it like that!
AK – Lol seriously though I understand where you're coming from.
AK – Thanks for telling me. 33333333
AA – aw, of course! 333
AK – I'm pretty sure with you makes like
AK – Over half of our class queer in some capacity.
AA – no way.
AK – Well, you, me, Nath, Rose, and Jules.
AK – That's five. Only need two more to make half.
AA – nino's ace.
AK – One more.
AA – hopefully mari? ;3
AA – nath is queer?
AK – Yeah he likes boys, too.
AA – I didn't know that.
AK – He's kinda like me he doesn't hide it or really care but he's not telling everyone.
AK – He won't mind that I told you.
AK – But I wouldn't let it spread to his folks.
AA – oh no are they not okay with it?
AK – I mean they know. But his dad and bro aren't fans.
AK – His mom is the actual coolest though so there's that.
AA – oh okay, at least he has her. and you. :P
AK – Naturally.
AA – do you think mylène and ivan are our class' token straight couple?
AK – Adrien omg.
AK – Yes, but also dude.
AA – it was just a thought!
AK – does that mean you plan to date a boy?
AA – atm I have no plans.
AA – none at all.
AA – though a boyfriend does sound GREAT.
AK – How many boys do you know who like boys?
AA – nath apparently.
AA – me.
AA – pretty sure jean and sebastian but I'm also pretty sure they're dating so not exactly options.
AA – tbh though I've seen nath with his hair up I hardly need other options.
AK – 100% telling him you said that.
AA – wait no please.
AA – I'm literally blushing right now and you haven't even told him. I would actually die.
AA – …
AA – did you already tell him?
AK – No, I didn't tell him.
AA – thank god.
AK – Yet.
AA – alix please.
AK – I'll let you off.
AK – This time.
AK – But know that that is screenshotted.
AA – oh dear.
AK – What kind of best friend would I be
AK – If I didn't tell him when the second most attractive boy in class says something like that?
AA – second?
AK – Nath, duh.
AA – I accept that.
AK – Lol, screenshotted.
AA – shit.
AK – *gasp*
AA – please, I am a teenager too I can curse.
AK – Can you, though?
AA – … not in front of dad.
AK – Neither can anyone else dude you're right.
AA – maybe we should just continue this conversation in person
AA – where my words cannot be used as blACKMAIL.
AK – Idk I'm good.
AA – but like
AA – scrolling up
AA – a lot
AA – I'll help with mari!
AK – How?
AA – to be honest I can totally believe that she already likes you.
AA – but at the very least I'll subtly give her some nudges.
AK – "subtly"
AA – do you doubt me?
AK – Pretty much.
AA – /3
AA – trust me it'll be good if you have a wingman.
AK – Okay.
AA – really?!
AK – Only because I don't have a plan.
AA – I'm going to ignore that and pretend that you just really trust me.
AK – Lol that too. 3
AA – 33333333333333333333333333
AK – Great now chill out to like 4 hearts and do your homework.
AK – You can be the Ultimate Wingman tomorrow.
AA – okay!
AA – bye alix! 3333
AK – Later, bud. 3
"Wait, wait, Adrien wants to be your wingman?" Nathanaël held back his laughter as he cleaned up his workstation.
"Yep." Alix said. She sat on one of the empty tables, swinging her feet in the air. "He's weirdly excited about it."
"And you said he could?"
"You're the one who told me not to plan. This way, the planning is out of my control. And if he makes it too obvious… at least he's expediting matters."
"Oh my god."
"Listen, if you have a better idea…"
"Nope." Nathanaël snickered. "Nope. This is better than I could have hoped for."
The door opened before Alix could respond, and Adrien himself walked in. "Hey Alix! Nath!"
Alix exchanged a glance with Nathanaël, noticing him put down his paints and pick up his brush instead. "Morning, Adrien." He said, before walking off to the sink to clean the brush.
"How are you this morning, buddy?" Alix asked.
"Very good, thank you." Adrien grinned. "I've been talking to Marinette."
Alix raised an eyebrow. "Have you, now?"
"Mhmm. I think you should ask her out."
"Is this the expert opinion of Adrien, the ultimate wingman, or Adrien, the overexcited puppy?"
She received a full blast of Adrien's best puppy eyes. "It can't be both?"
He rolled his eyes. "Wingman, then."
"Ooh, you're confident."
Nathanaël came back, putting his brush away and picking up his paints again. "Confident in what?"
"He thinks I should ask Marinette out."
Nathanaël turned again, finding the right cabinet. "I agree, actually."
"Why not? Is there any reason to wait?"
Alix's gaze fell to the tile. Is there? I could say that I don't know with enough certainty that it'll end well, but am I likely to get much more evidence than I have? Adrien thinks I should, and he's part of that group more than I am so he has the insider scoop. Nath is better with feelings than I am, and he thinks I should. The only problem is this whole "no plan" thing freaking me out. "I guess not."
Adrien let out a little cheer. "Yes! I can't wait. I'm sure she'll say yes!"
Alix looked up to see his hands gripping the table by his side as he sat next to her. "If you're so excited, you can help me come up with a date to invite her to."
"I would be honored." Alix wanted to laugh because the awe in his voice told her he actually was.
"Ideas? Nath, feel free to pitch in."
Adrien moved his hands, crossing them in front of himself. "Hmm," he said, "maybe a traditional movie and dinner?" Alix made a face, at which both boys laughed. "Okay, you're obviously not basic enough for that." He rolled his eyes. "Do something touristy, then."
Nathanaël chuckled. "Or do something personal."
"That." Adrien said. "That's a great idea. What would work?"
Alix saw Adrien shift towards her, but she turned her gaze to Nathanaël. He hummed. "Ice skating might be worth trying."
"Ice skating?" Adrien frowned. "Like when we all first started hanging out?"
Alix snickered. "I've only told Marinette, out of you guys, but it's a bit more important than that."
She nodded. "Yeah. It was one of the things I used to help recover from the akumatization thing."
"Oh. That is…"
"Very personal." Nathanaël offered.
"And she knows. It just might be a good idea."
"Plus, unlike a movie, you'd have lots of time to talk." Adrien concluded with a snap of his fingers. "It's perfect."
Alix chuckled. "Yeah, I hope so."
"I know so. When are you going to ask her?"
Alix watched Nathanaël finish putting away all his supplies and take his seat in the chair. "No clue." She said. "Whenever I can get her alone, I guess."
"We can help with that!" Adrien immediately said. "I mean, we can make up something, but if you don't mind them knowing we could just tell Nino and Alya and you can get her at lunch."
"I don't mind. They'll find out soon enough, anyway."
"Well, then," Nathanaël said. "Now that that's settled, shall we get to class?"
Adrien enthusiastically agreed and hopped off the table to lead the way to the door.
Alix was slower to stand, and when she had, Nathanaël stopped next to her instead of following Adrien. "Hey." She felt the edge of his finger touch her chin, too gentle to lift her head, but with that clear intent. It vanished before she looked up to meet his gaze. "Eyes up."
Alix smiled, following him and Adrien to their classroom, attempting to prepare herself for what was going to happen in just a few hours.
Unfortunately, as the time passed, she felt no more prepared. In fact, she felt less so, with the ever-present knowledge that her "plan" is essentially to just wing it. It hasn't served me wrong thus far. Still.
Just channel you before the akumatization. Would you have gotten this nervous about it back then? Probably not, but I was a lot different back then. Nath's influence, no doubt. For instance, I would have a detailed plan for this entire day.
And it's not as bad as you're imagining it. Yeah, you don't have the kind of plan you're used to, but that didn't stop planning entirely. Nath and Adrien are going to get rid of Nino and Alya, and you'll swoop in to ask Marinette ice skating. All the basics are covered. Alix took a deep breath, comforted by that plan, however weak. It'll go off without a hitch. I just need to be brave enough to ask her.
Funny how for another Alix, this wouldn't even almost be an issue. But I think I can do it. I've been getting closer to that place. It shouldn't be impossible.
The day seemed to drag on, something Alix wasn't going to complain about. But inevitably, they were released for their lunch break.
Adrien said something to the three next to him, rubbing the back of his neck, before exiting the classroom alone. Alya and Nino told Marinette something as well, but looked up straight at Alix and winked at her before leaving the room. Nathanaël just glanced her way as he made his way towards the door, shaking his head at the other three's behavior.
The rest of the classroom filed out. Alix waited for Marinette and walked with her to the courtyard. "So," Marinette said. "Looks like everyone ditched us."
Alix chuckled. Pretty much the exact opposite. "Looks like it."
"Where did you want to eat?"
Alix wrung one of her backpack straps. "To be honest, you should probably get Alya's input on that."
Marinette furrowed her brow. "Alya said she was busy."
"She lied." Alix took a deep breath. "They were giving me an opportunity to talk to you alone."
"Really?" Marinette's eyes went wide. "Why?"
"Because…" Alix stared at Marinette's blue irises and froze.
"Alix?" Shit. "It's okay. What did you want to talk about?"
She shook her head roughly. "Sorry." Rather than repeat that again, Alix trained her eyes on Marinette's little pink purse. How does she fit everything in there? "I wanted to ask, uh, if you wanted to come ice skating with me?"
Marinette was quiet for a while. "Sure! I'd love to."
Alix bit her lip. "But, uh… Like… as a date."
"As a… really? You want…"
Alix refused to back down, so she just nodded and kept her eyes fixated on the purse.
Marinette made a few more surprised, incomprehensible noises, through which Alix waited patiently. She had made herself clear, there was no misunderstanding, so, since she couldn't change what had already been said, there was no sense worrying about it.
Not that that philosophy stopped her from worrying about it. It did keep her calm, though.
"Yeah. I'll go on a date with you."
Alix's eyes snapped up to meet Marinette's earnest gaze. She recoiled a little, subconsciously. "Really?"
"Yes, really." Marinette giggled. "Of course I will."
"That's… that's great! Thank you!"
Alix stepped closer, and Marinette opened her arms. Alix wrapped her own arms around Marinette's torso and squeezed. "You won't regret it."
"I'm… regretting this… hug!" Marinette wheezed.
"Sorry!" Alix let her go, jumping back as if electrified.
Marinette's lilting laugh leached all of the guilt and doubt from Alix's chest, replacing it with the same light, amused, happiness that Marinette was showing.
"You said the others are still coming to lunch with us?"
"Oh! Right. Let me text them."
Marinette continued giggling as Alix took out her phone. She opened up a conversation with both Nathanaël and Adrien, and tore her eyes away from Marinette only long enough to send a short message, the meaning of which would be obvious to both boys.
AK – 3