Chapter Eleven
Birth on the Run

Xuan was doing her best to keep a straight face.
It was a hard feat.
She had heard that Taylor Carmichael had a mouth but she hadn't been prepared for just how bad.
Though Pregnant, the detective still fought back the moment the clocktower was invaded, a pizza having caught Jason in the face before a fist had. It was only when the Arkham Knight reminded her that a wrong move could result in the loss of her child that she halted; and had to watch as Barbara was knocked out.
She may have stopped her physical assault but verbal was still on the table.
And going strong.
For the last hour she had been taking shots and talking shit to both Xuan and Jason, though the man that had made the off-handed comment about Bruce Wayne was the one that was getting the brunt of it.
Xuan was quite entertained, despite Jason's anger growing worse. She would admit that she was nervous about abducting a pregnant woman but after all the events that had transpired around the Detective in the last two years, she was confident that she could handle a little stress.
And she was being proved right.
She could see the tight grip that Jason held on the gear shift and she reached over, patting the top of his hand with a grin that made her almost lose her composure and laugh in his face.
If she had done that there was no doubt in her mind that he would lose his own cool and return to arguing with the woman in the back like he had been earlier before he decided to go silent and just let her run her mouth.
The van they were in had been moving since they took the two women. Batman had been trying to track them down but they had eluded him for the moment and so they had returned to the hideout.
Jason had grabbed Barbara, leaving Xuan to deal with Taylor. She opened the door, waiting for the Detective to get out but frowned when she refused to move.
"Please don't think that I won't drag you out." Xuan commented.
The other woman shook her head. "Just…" A pain sound came out of her and she clutched at her stomach. "Oh God."
Xuan didn't have to think to know what her groans meant. "Has your water broken?"
Taylor nodded, her breaths getting faster. "Yeah...In the tower…" She went to say more but more groans erupted instead.
Xuan found herself frozen. This woman was about to give birth; in HER van. She had never witnessed a birth before, save for a movie that she would watch here of there, but they had always been in hospitals. Even if she took her to one now, there would be no one there to help her.
She was going to have to help her. There was nothing else to be done. She couldn't just leave her on her own; not for this.
"What's taking so long?" Jason popped his head out in the garage.
"Fuck off, you imitation." Taylor called back before more noises of pain escaped her.
"She's in labor, Jason." Xuan didn't even bother to use his code name, moving towards the other woman. She took the seat belt off and placed a hand on her back. "Can you make it inside?"
"I don't," She went to turn but froze. "Nope. Oh my God. I can feel it."
Xuan began to panic the more that Taylor talked about feeling the feet, her cries loud. She began to mumble incoherently, her grip on the seat in front of her tight.
"You can't be serious. Here? Now? Of all times?" Jason growled.
"You're the douchebag who kidnapped a pregnant woman, asshole," Taylor panted. "I hope I stain your fucking car."
Xuan couldn't spare a moment to laughter right now. This woman was about to give birth. She had to do something.
"We, we need to get you inside," She began to pull her from the car.
Taylor was able to turn in her seat before halting. "If I stand, this baby is coming out."
"Can't...can't you shove it back in?"
The detective turned her head and glared at the man. "Are you really that fucking stupid? Shut your ass up before I make you unable to reproduce period."
Jason pulled a face. "Didn't think Bruce would go after such a mouthy woman."
"Piss off, you cheap knock off. When I'm done with...this, I'll beat your ass myself and make you beg for forgiveness."

"Stop arguing with her!" Xuan growled. "Get behind her and brace her."
Jason stomped over to do as he was told. He wore a scowl but in all honesty he was nervous. A woman was about to give birth in front of him, and what more it was Bruce's child. It had nothing to do with that was going on between him and the Billionaire so it didn't deserve to be involved and yet here he was. He felt...ashamed, though that single word didn't cover it at all.
He tuned everything out, trying to fight with his own guilt as Xuan gave orders to both him and the woman between them, his internal thoughts getting to him more and more as he felt Taylor press back into his chest. He winced as she clutched at his hands when he offered them to her. Her grip was quite something, but considering that she was a detective and for her background history of her being a master in Shotokan, he was impressed. At first he had thought that it had all been a ruse, her going through the Asylum and the City with Batman, but he was beginning to think it was true. This woman was strong; and Batman knew that.
It didn't explain why Bruce had picked her, though. Most of the women that Jason had seen the older man date and interact with were all rich, beautiful women that would look good on his arm and almost nothing else. Reporters, for one, and though he knew about his relationship that he had with Talia, the assassin blew this detective out of the water in the looks department.
He once said that the detective was blackmailing Bruce with finding out that he was really Batman, but then she wouldn't be pregnant with Bruce's child in the first place.

It was a puzzle that Jason was determined to figure out, it seemed. What made Detective Carmichael so much different than the other women in his life? What made both Bruce Wayne AND the Batman choose her? There had to be something that she did. A reason that is unknown to the rest of the world.
Surely it couldn't be just sexual attraction. Bruce could control himself.
Perhaps Carmichael was a witch.
He snorted at that thought before grinding his teeth as her grip tightened again. He knew that childbirth could hurt but this...he silently thanked whatever gods there were that he had not been born a woman.
Taylor's back pressed into his chest again, and he found his mouth moving before he could stop himself, telling her that everything was going to be okay and that it was almost over and anything else that he could think of to say. Captive or not, despite the anger that she felt at him, he was praying for a successful birth, and not just so they could continue on with their plans.
He genuinely wanted everything to turn out okay. He could just imagine the smile on the woman's face; on Bruce's face-
His eyes narrowed at that thought, though his mouth continued to talk to the woman in his arms. It was his desire to tear Batman/Bruce to shreds. Imagining him happy with his child was not the way to do so.
Cries filled the garage, and this time not from the woman. the baby was fully making itself known and he felt the woman in his arms relax. He could still feel her heaving against him and her hands were still gripping to his, but he knew that she was thankful for it all to be over with. He didn't even want to imagine going through something like that.
"It's a girl," Xuan's voice called out, the baby being wrapped up in the jacket that Taylor had been wearing beforehand.

"I already knew that," The detective panted. "Catherine. That's what we named her."
"It's a lovely name." Jason found himself telling her before he inwardly scolded himself. He was expecting her to make a sharp remark at him again but she just seemed to hum in amusement as her hands finally fell from his and she tried to sit up on her own.
He had to catch her again as she fell backwards.
"We should get you inside," Xuan stated, standing up. She gave a motion with her head and Jason watched as men he hadn't noticed before came forward. "You're going to be very tired for a while now, Detective Carmichael, you've lost blood and put yourself through extreme strain."
"Let me have her," Taylor reached out for the child but Xuan turned her back.
"You can have her after you rest. Until then, we'll take care of her."
Jason felt her body tense against him again and he was sure that her face had just drained of any color that was left over.
" . ." She ordered through clenched teeth.
Xuan turned to look at her again, her face void of any emotion as she held the baby in her arms still.
Jason was caught off guard as the woman lunged forward, reaching for Xuan but the two guards grabbed her, holding her back. Jason was suddenly very relieved that the oversized sweatshirt she was wearing was long enough to cover everything on her. He would have to get her more clothes, the maternity pants now, undoubtedly, too big for her frame.
He wore a frown as Taylor ordered for her daughter, trying to pull out of the guards' grip and attack Xuan, wanting to rip her child away, but she was dragged inside the base without another word from the woman as the said baby's cries finally died down.

Taylor's voice, however, did not. She could still be heard from outside as she demanded for her child; demanded to be let go. She was even threatening to kill them all when her voice finally faded away completely.
Things were silence as Xuan just stood there, staring at the baby in her arms. Jason wore a frown as he got out of the car, still barely believing that a woman, Bruce's woman, had just given birth in the back of it.
He was gonna have it scrubbed head to foot now.
"You disapprove."
It was a statement, not a question, and it made Jason's frown grow even more. Something about this...it just felt wrong.
"Was...was it a good idea to take her baby?" He found himself asking in a low voice.
Xuan turned to him. He was staring at the said baby, his face contorted in distress. Staring at his face like that, it almost pained her. Had Taylor still been there, asking for her, she would have, undoubtedly, handed her the baby. But they had a job to do; a plan to finish and see through to the end. Now was not the time to go soft, despite a newborn not being apart of the original plan.
"You wanted to hurt Wayne. What better way than to take his child?"
Jason stared for a moment longer before passing by her, leaving her with the baby. He wanted revenge, yes, and was willing to use Taylor to do just that, but looking at the baby...he just felt it to be...wrong.
He just needed time to think this all through. He needed to be alone.