AN: So this is a collection of one-shots based off of songs and music videos. I do accept suggestions which you can leave in the reviews, but I won't promise that I'll use them all, especially if they're songs from musical soundtracks because I find that those would be too easy to write a story based off of. Also, the three characters that are included in the filters (Beca, Chloe, and Stacie) are the only ones I prefer writing about (So Bechloe and Steca). Sorry for being so exclusive, but that's just me.

For those of you who have read and liked my other story I Have Been Waiting For You, no, I'm not abandoning it. I just have some stuff to figure out about it, which will take some time, so I don't know when the next update will be. Sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy these stories while I work on that one.

Chloe was walking through the streets of Brooklyn, New York alone. It was about 8:30 pm, but she didn't care. She just needed to get out of the empty apartment. So many things reminded her of her and it was starting to feel suffocating. She needed the semi-fresh, outside air.

She aimlessly wandered about, head hanging low, eyes downcast, and spirits far beneath the earth's surface.

She was not having a good day. At all.

It's officially been one full month since that awful night. One month since she and the Bellas had wrapped up the USO tour. One month since Beca's outstanding Freedom! '90 performance. And one month since she made quite possibly the worst mistake ever. It was a sad kind of anniversary to the redhead.

That horrible night was very clearly implanted into her brain. How could it not be? She could never and would never forget the look on Beca's face. The devastated expression that graced her beautiful features. It had been forever burned into her mind.

Adrenaline was coursing through Chloe's entire being as she confidently strode off of the stage after having done one last performance with the Bellas.

It'd been an amazing night. An amazing last performance to finish off an amazing experience with her amazing second family. It was all just…amazing.

There was only one flaw though in the trip and that came in the form of a flirty, British music executive she believed was named Theo.

The redhead wasn't completely blind. She noticed the way he looked at her small best friend. It was more than obvious that he was absolutely smitten with her and she never saw Beca rebuff his advances, which must've meant that she wasn't totally repulsed by him or averse to the idea of exploring a deeper relationship with him.

Well then, if Chloe missed her chance with her, then maybe she could take a chance with him.

That's right. She also noticed that their military escort, Chicago Walp, was quite taken with her as well. Except for the stupid name, he was pretty well perfect. Polite, handsome, athletic, a representative and protector of their country.

They could work. They could become an "item".

This is why the flame-haired singer found herself ignoring Beca's calls after her and walking straight up to the soldier. She grabbed him by his tie and pulled him down for a searing kiss, which he eagerly reciprocated. He even went as far as to dip her like in a cliché movie-ending scene.

It was perfect. But no, it wasn't.

It just didn't feel right. There was no spark. No fire. She didn't think there would be, but she was hoping that it'd distract her from her thoughts about Beca. It didn't work. In fact, it only made it worse because now all she could think about instead of how plump Chicago's lips were was how sweet and soft Beca's would be.

"Chloe?" a soft voice interrupted, forcing the two to break apart.

The redhead turned towards the sound, pulling away from Chicago. The sight that she was met with cracked her heart into two and instantly filled her with regret.

"What the fuck have I just done?"

Looking back now, Chloe couldn't get the image of the soft lips she'd been dreaming of twisted into a deep frown or the navy-blue irises she'd grown to love being blurred by accumulating tears out of her head. It hurt even more knowing that she was the cause of this heart-breaking look of despair mixed with longing.

She quickly realized that she shouldn't have ignored Beca. She shouldn't have kissed Chicago (it hadn't ended up working out anyway. He was always away, being in the army and all. Well, that and the fact that she was in love with her best friend). She shouldn't have made what should've been a perfect night the night of some of her biggest regrets.

Chloe's self-pitying was interrupted by the ironically cheery ringtone coming from her phone. The device started playing a very familiar voice rapping a section of Vodka Cran and the redhead instantly knew who was calling without even having looked at the screen yet.

"Hey, Bree," she sullenly greeted the caller after having accepted the call.

"Hey, Chlo," Aubrey returned in an attempted optimistic tone, not taking any offence to the glum one that she was immediately addressed with.

The blonde knew how difficult this past month had been for her best friend, so she was always very sympathetic towards her. Today especially, since she knew about what the date meant to Chloe.

"Um, so Stace, Jess, and I are going to the bar on Park. Wanna join us?" Aubrey offered kindly.

"Uh, I don't know, Bree. You know today isn't really a partying kind of day for me," the flame-haired woman hesitated.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I know, but, um, maybe hanging out with your friends will help take your mind off of her for at least just a little while. Come on, please. At least one drink," the blonde pressed, not wanting her best friend to be alone on such a sad day for her.

Chloe sighed, running a hand through her fiery locks.

"What do I have to lose anymore?"

"Yeah, sure. I guess. One drink. I'll see you guys there," she conceded.

"Great! Great," Aubrey replied a bit too enthusiastically. She hadn't thought the slightly shorter woman would've actually agreed. "We'll see you in like fifteen, yeah?"

"Yeah. See you, Bree," Chloe confirmed before ending the connection.

Luckily, on her aimless walk, she'd ended up just about two blocks away from the street that she needed.

It took her only ten minutes to reach the corner of 29th and Park. She spotted her friends from across the street through the front window, sitting at a window booth and chatting and assumably waiting for her.

Pushing the pedestrian walk button, she patiently waited for the light to change.

That's when she saw her. Them.

"Chloe," Beca repeated in a tone of shock and disbelief.

"Yeah, Becs?" Chloe responded in an attempted nonchalant fashion.

"'Yeah, Becs?' What? Are you fucking kidding me right now? You just finish sucking faces with Captain America over here right in front of me and that's all you have to say to me right now?" the small brunette says.

"Beca, I—" the redhead started to apologize.

She wanted to tell her that she was so sorry. That she regret kissing Chicago. That she wished it had been her. But then came Theo, jogging over like a freaking knight in shining armour, and she cut herself off before she said anything more.

"Hey, what's going on?" the brown-haired Brit asked before taking in his newest client's heartbroken expression, "Whoa! What—Hey, Beca, what happened?"

Theo's sudden presence made Chloe scoff and laugh bitterly, which caught everyone's attention.

"What? What is it, Chloe? What was that for?" Beca demanded.

The redhead shook her head, looking down, and said, "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

She was mad. More than mad, Chloe was enraged. Not exactly at Beca but at Theo. She didn't really know what for. For cutting into business that wasn't his? For not keeping quiet? For stealing all of Beca's time from her throughout this entire trip? She had no idea, but what she did know was that him being there pissed her off and her anger just ended up being taken out on her undeserving best friend.

"Look, Beca, I don't know why you're upset right now. It's not like we were ever together or ever would be. I'm not cheating on you. I wanna see where things go between Chicago and me. Besides, you've got Theo here. Why don't you just try the same with him?"

"Looks like she took my advice," Chloe bitterly thought as she watched Theo open the door to the bar for Beca and himself and lead her in with an arm around her waist, "The universe just really fucking hates me today, doesn't it?"

The redhead was brought back to reality when people started brushing past her in order to cross the road before the counter ran out and the light changed again.

With a sigh, Chloe started walking and entered the same building as the two brunettes.

The second she stepped through the door, she spotted her friends, who were waving her over from their table. She also found her (former? Yeah, probably) former best friend and what she assumed was her date sitting on the benches at the counter and happily chatting away, two huge smiles on both of their faces.

With another sigh, Chloe made her way over to her friends and slid herself into the booth beside Jessica and opposite Aubrey.

"Chloe, hey! How've you been? No one except for Aubrey's seen you since like the end of the USO Tour," the blonde from her left greeted her.

"Longer for me since I couldn't go, which means I want extra Chloe time," the leggy brunette diagonal to her jokingly pointed out.

"Heh. Uh, yeah, I know. It's been a while. I've just been super busy," the redhead replied, somewhat distantly, which her friends noticed but tried to ignore in order to keep things light.

"Yeah, no. No worries. We get it. The busy and exciting life of vet school and all," Stacie lightly quipped, "So, how've you been?"

Of course they all knew that she wasn't exactly doing amazingly. They were her best friends. Plus, Aubrey was her confidante and the scholarly blonde would never leave them in the dark about Chloe's well-being. However, she still asked to try to get the ball rolling on a conversation.

"Um, well, I…" the flame-haired woman began, but she trailed off when her eyes started to wander behind Aubrey and landed on the girl she'd longed to see for an entire month.

She was laughing along to something that Theo must've said and half-heartedly punching him in the stomach with a light blush in her cheeks, which did not go unnoticed by the redhead.

Chloe couldn't help but admire the way she laughed. Her mouth was open wide with her perfect, pearly white teeth on full display, her cheekbones were lifted, her head was tilted back a little, and her eyes were shining with amusement. She missed when it was with her that Beca wore this expression.

It seemed Chloe'd been watching for too long because the three other heads at her table turned to pinpoint her stare. They all grew awkward and tense at what they found, knowing what had happened between the two.

It wasn't that they were mad at either girl or that they had picked sides, they just were pretty well caught in the middle here. Between understanding that Beca obviously liked Chloe for so long and the redhead was just completely oblivious to the fact and that Chloe was tired of waiting for someone who she never thought would reciprocate her feelings, they could easily figure out why the whole mess had transpired.

The three girls looked back at their ginger friend to see that her eyes were watery and downcast.

"Hey, Chlo," Aubrey sympathetically said, gaining her former college roommate's attention, "You're gonna be okay. I know it's still hard to see her and even harder now that she's been with him for a little while, but we're here for you. Always."

"Yeah," Stacie added, "Either she'll get tired of him and dump him, then you'll work everything out between you two or you'll find someone else who maybe you'll end up liking more than her. Either way, you're gonna be happy again."

"And until then, we just have to be happy that she has someone to make her smile like that and we'll try and do the same for you," Jessica pitched in.

"Right. Sure," Chloe agreed unconvincingly and nodded, "Thanks, guys. So, what have you all been up—"

The redhead tried to take her turn at starting a conversation, but she was cut off by a weird, strangled sound coming from the blonde to her left, which earned her everyone's attention and some strange and confused looks.

Jessica didn't verbally respond, but she subtly pointed with her eyes somewhere behind the two girls on the opposite side of the booth.

They all once again turned and discovered the reason for the slightly shorter blonde's reaction. Theo was leading a somewhat reluctant Beca towards them by the hand and they were only about ten feet away now.

It wasn't that the small brunette didn't want to see her friends. She just wasn't quite ready to face her former crush again after the disappointment backstage at the end of the USO Tour, but the stupid Brit thought it would help with their friendship, so that's how she found herself awkwardly standing in front of the other Bellas' table.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" Theo casually greeted his latest client's best friends.

"Oh, hey, Theo, Beca! Nothing much, just having a little girls' night out. What about you guys?" Jessica responded, playing dumb as if they'd had no idea that they were in the same building until now.

Beca uncomfortably glanced at Chloe before telling her fellow Bellas, "We, um, we're on a…uh, a date. We're celebrating. It's been one month since DJ Khalid signed me."

"So, that means that you two are…" really, "together?" Chloe tried to ask as casually as possible, motioning to their conjoined hands (yes, their fingers were intertwined).

"Yeah, that's right. That's the other thing we're celebrating too. One week with this lovely lady," the Brit answered, pecking his girlfriend on the cheek, who blushed a bit and shyly smiled, biting her bottom lip.

"Congratulations, guys!" the four girls exclaimed, the redhead's involuntarily less enthusiastic and genuine.

"Would you two like to join us or something?" Stacie instinctively offered.

She was raised to be polite. Sue her!

"Yeah, sure. You don't mind, do you, DJ?" Theo asked the shorter brunette.

"Oh, so you have a nickname for her now, don't you? Well, so do I…er, um, did."

"Y-yeah. No, I mean no. I don't mind at all if it's all good with you guys," Beca replied, still eyeing her former crush/best friend to make sure she was okay with the idea. She didn't really look it.

After confirmation, the couple pulled up some chairs for themselves (yes, the Brit pulled one up for his girlfriend) and the group started chatting, except for two.

"Um, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Beca quietly excused herself, needing a little breather from all of the tension.

Of course though, she wasn't that lucky because before she even stood up, Chloe excused herself too and followed the shorter girl towards the bathrooms.

"Beca, can we talk please?" the redhead practically begged once they were away from the table.

"What about?" Of course she knew what Chloe wanted to talk about, but she wasn't exactly looking forward to that conversation.

"Beca, you know," the older woman said, "Look, Becs,"—Beca clenched her jaw a bit at the nickname that she hadn't been called in so long and also at the feeling of déjà vu since last time the redhead spoke these words, she said something that completely broke her—"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said or done what I did after the USO Tour. It was your first solo…ish performance and I ruined it and I can't tell you how sorry I am. It was stupid. It was inconsiderate. It was selfish. It-it was—"

"I forgive you," the small brunette softly interrupted.

Chloe swore her heart stopped for a second there.


"Chlo, I was never mad at you. Yeah, I was hurt by what you said, but you were right. I had no right to be upset over you…kissing him. We were never together and you couldn't have known about the feelings I had for you," Beca said with a shrug, "I should be the one apologizing."


"I guess we both kinda screwed up that night," the ginger stated with a light chuckle, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," the shorter Bella admitted, "Can we just move on from that night? Please?"

"Of course, Becs," Chloe agreed, finally doing what she wanted, which was pull the younger woman into a tight hug.

When they released each other, the redhead was so happy to finally have her best friend/crush back, but then she instantly became deeply disheartened when she remembered something—someone.

"So, you and Theo? One week?" the older Bella asked.

Beca caught the tinge of disappointment in Chloe's tone and tried to make her feel better while still being truthful.

"Chlo, he was there for me when…when you weren't and he really went above and beyond to make sure I was becoming comfortable and getting settled with this whole process of starting to put my name out there. He's been so sweet and I really like him. Besides, what about Chicago?"

"We didn't work," the ginger simply stated.

"I'm sorry that you and he didn't make it," the shorter woman sincerely said, "but as you can see, Theo and I did."

The redhead inhaled deeply. She didn't like that answer. She hated it. She knew she shouldn't have expected Beca to immediately redevelop feelings for her after they made up, however, she was still hoping that there was maybe a small chance. But of course not, that wasn't how emotions worked and Chloe was going to have to accept that.

"As long as you're happy, I'm happy," the flame-haired Bella told Beca with as much sincerity as she could muster.

It was so cliché that it was painful, but it wasn't a lie. She did genuinely want her to be happy, she just wished that it could be with her.

The small brunette knew that Chloe was just saying that for her benefit, but she accepted the statement and the two returned to their friends, feeling ten times better than when they'd left them.

Chloe sighed as she entered her apartment. It was the one that she used to share with Beca and Fat Amy, but obviously the two had moved out, Beca with their fallout and Amy with her new inheritance.

She'd rearranged the room a bit with all of the new space. She took over Amy's section and added a temporary wall. She finally had an actual bed after three years and it was all to herself. Not that she minded sharing with Beca. At all.

God, it was so difficult for her when Beca announced that she was leaving. Even afterwards, with all of the DJ's stuff gone, the place still smelled of her delicious perfume.

"What? Why?" Chloe softly demanded.

"Chloe, come on. You know this is best for us. After what happened in Europe, I think we just need some time…and space," Beca told the older woman as she continued packing her things.

"Becs, I can hardly call that a fight. We just…had a little moment of confusion about who's with who, but that doesn't mean that you have to move out," the redhead said.

"Chloe, honestly I just really don't want to be around you right now. What you said to me in Europe, it broke me more than you think. Nobody's ever hurt me like you hurt me and I just—I can't…"—the small brunette's tone wasn't angry like it should've been. It was more sad and defeated—"I think we just need to be apart for a little while."

She zipped up her last suitcase and heaved it off of the bed. She then took her apartment key out of her pocket and placed it into the bowl on the little table near the door and left.

"Bye, Chloe."

Chloe hurt Beca. She understood that now. She'd never understand how much she hurt her, but she knew that it was a lot. Enough for her to move out. Enough for her to cut ties with her. However, they were trying to get back to being best friends again, so they were on the path of improvement.

Unfortunately, it was just as best friends and nothing more like Chloe had hoped for after making up with Beca. She couldn't help but think that if it weren't for Theo, they'd have maybe made up into something more.

For now though, she would just have to smile and pretend to be happy for them and maybe if things don't work out between them…well, who knows?

Okay, Chloe thought that Beca and Theo would last maybe two more weeks. No, it's been five freaking months now that they've been together and to say that the redhead was down about it was the understatement of her entire year.

She spent four months and three weeks smiling at them, laughing with them, watching them do "couple" things. It reminded her of when Beca was with Jesse for three and a half years except worse. She honestly didn't know how much more she could take. Especially since it seemed like the Brit had grown less interested in his girlfriend.

The first few weeks, they were practically inseparable. Attached at the hip (hands more so since they were constantly conjoined). He would give her little pecks on the cheek almost every five minutes, hold her by the waist, say or do anything to make her laugh or smile, etc. It was annoying as hell, but at least it showed that he really cared about her.

Nowadays, he'd lead her around by the hand as if she was just an accessory for him to show off and Beca deserved better than that. But hey, she still seemed to be really into him, so Chloe couldn't really do shit. Though she still wished so badly that she could. Especially now as she watched him talk with some of his buddies.

It was a party. Sort of. More of a get-together by the looks of it with some more British guys around Theo's age. Probably some of his old buddies from England. She couldn't really tell, but as a faraway observer, that's what seemed to be going on.

Before you get the wrong idea, no, Chloe was not sitting there, torturing herself on purpose. She coincidentally decided she was in the mood for a drink the same night that Theo had planned a reunion with his British buddies and Beca was forced to tag along.

The redhead had seated herself far from them. On the opposite side of the room actually (again not on purpose. She just hadn't noticed them and fortuitously ended up sitting in the opposite corner of the bar.)

Chloe'd only had a single bottle of beer, losing the mood for alcohol when she noticed the drastic dynamic change in the couple, and she was now toying with the empty bottle. She slowly and gently slid it, spun it, and tapped it on the table. Anything to distract her, but nothing seemed to work. Her focus was still trapped on the girl of her dreams as she watched the group for the past twenty minutes.

The ginger seethed as she noticed that not once did anyone, not even Theo, even try to include her into their conversations. It made her heart ache for her best friend/crush. She was just sitting on Theo's lap with his arm lazily wrapped around her like a trophy, being completely ignored, while this group of around six guys who she probably didn't even know and who didn't know her carelessly chatted amongst themselves.

They were so self-absorbed that they hadn't even noticed when Beca had spotted Chloe sitting in the corner and that they had been communicating non-verbally since the flame-haired woman had sat down. Just exchanging little glances or funny faces.

Eventually Chloe had gotten really tired of watching Theo be such a dick to his girlfriend and just tired in general, so she left with an apologetic and sympathetic smile towards Beca.

The redheaded Bella arrived home by 12:15 am, immediately got ready to sleep, and just plopped down onto her bed with a long, tired sigh.

She was deep asleep and caught in a fantasy dream with a certain brunette (no, there was no sex. It was PG-13 and it was very cute and sweet) when she was abruptly awoken by three soft and timid knocks on her apartment door.

Chloe reluctantly picked her head up and groaned, wondering who the hell was interrupting her dream and knocking on her door at…2:45 in the morning. Whoever it was, they'd better have a damn good excuse.

The ginger somehow carried herself out of bed and made her way over to the door, turning a light on in the process. She peered through the peephole and was surprised by what she saw.

It was the very subject of her dream donning watery, red, and puffy eyes, tear tracks running down her cheeks, and her arms wrapped self-consciously around herself.

"What the fuck?"

As quickly as she could, Chloe unlocked and opened her door and ushered the younger woman inside, tenderly cupping her face to softly wipe at the tears.

"Becs, what the hell happened? Are you hurt?"

"Theo just broke up with me," Beca answered simply.

"What? Why?" the redhead practically shouted.

The small brunette only shook her head and looked down in shame, refusing to meet her best friend's eyes, but Chloe wouldn't allow it. She gently pulled her face back up and silently asked again what was wrong.

Beca sighed and finally revealed, "Okay, well, you saw how drunk Theo was getting at the club, right? He pulled me out onto the dance floor and tried to…to do stuff, but I kept pushing him off. His friends started making fun of him and it set him off. He basically blew up on me, calling me a 'fucking tease' and other stuff, and then he dumped me literally right in front of the entire fucking crowd."

The younger Bella had started crying again and she practically collapsed into Chloe's warm embrace.

"Shh, it's okay, Becs. You didn't deserve that. It was a dick move on his part and he doesn't deserve you. He was completely in the wrong. He was being disgusting and then he got mad because he couldn't handle rejection and he unfairly took it out on you. You did nothing wrong," the ginger comforted her friend, "You're amazing and he never should've let you go. I made that mistake before and I regret it to this day."

Chloe had dried all of Beca's tears by now and she was slowly inching towards the younger woman, still holding her beautiful face.

Chloe couldn't help but admire how gorgeous she was even in this state and she couldn't ignore the spark of hope that ignited inside her.

It was finally happening. Theo and Beca were history and the chance to be with Beca had finally arisen. She momentarily acknowledged the fact that they literally just broke up and the shorter Bella was crying right now. She thought that maybe she should wait a little, but ultimately she just couldn't. She decided to be a tiny bit selfish for tonight and take the chance that she'd missed earlier that year. This time, she'll have learnt from her mistake. This time, she wasn't going to let the opportunity pass her by.

"Can I tell you something?"

Beca nodded.

"I'm happy that you and Theo broke up."

The small brunette furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and offence.

"Because now I can do this without feeling guilty."

And with those last few words, Chloe brought the younger woman's face towards her, shifting an arm to wrap around her slight waist, and closed the distance between her crush and herself, their lips meeting in a tentative but loving kiss.

At first, Beca seemed surprised, but she quickly returned it whole-heartedly, wrapping one of her own arms around the taller Bella's waist and her opposite hand around her neck in order to pull her in as closely as she possibly could.

In this moment, wrapped in each other's embrace and displaying how much one loved the other, neither girl could remember ever being happier.

AN: Thanks for reading.