Tsunayoshi thought he was a good kid. He obeyed his mom, was polite to anyone who talked to him, and at least tried in school, even if his grades werent exactly spectacular. Far from it, actually. He thought he was rather down-to-earth as well, with a good grasp on reality, and for a seven year old, probably had the most common sense in his whole school.

So despite having all this so-called common sense, he wasnt qute sure who thought it'd be funny to send that blond ghost trailing after him from the shadows. After all, ghosts dont exist, right?

It's not funny. Good for a prank, but this was a bit too far.

The ghost-man was rather tall from Tsuna's perspective, had wild, untamed blond hair and light orange eyes. He was wearing a nice looking three piece suit, with a black cape draped over his shoulders. Like a fancy superhero, as Tsuna worded it in his head.

Sure, he looked cool, but the fact this man was following him around, watching his every move, was more than a little unnerving.

It didnt help he was a bit see-through as well.

Yeah... A prank, that's what it had to be. Some creepy joke his bullies thought would be amusing. A hologram, or a doll, maybe?

However, nobody noticed the man, to Tsuna's shock. The man waltzed on through doors and walls into his classroom or bedroom, or anywhere really, and everyone pretended he wasnt there. Nobody turned to look at the ghost-man whenever he looked over their shoulders at their papers, reading out loud, or when he sat on a desk, occupied or not, huffing amusedly at the teachers (if they could even be called that, Tsuna wondered how some of them got hired considering they weren't very good at explaining anything.) Nobody would spare him a glance whenever the man would gallavate in the elementary school hallways, hovering over a couple students (Tsuna recognized one as Takeshi Yamamoto, one of the more popular kids, and another as Ryohei Sasagawa, Kyoko's older brother. To his surprise, the man was watching that scary kid, Kyoya Hibari too, with what looked like... like... he had a look of sadness in his eyes, but seemed happy at the same time too. Later on when Tsuna got older, he found out that look was nostalgia.)

Tsuna felt like screaming at their obliviousness.

But if he did, they'd just laugh, going "Useless Tsuna's got some imaginary friend? How lame!". He didnt bother pointing out imaginary friends were normal for kids around their ages. Then again, he could hardly consider the man a 'friend', more like a 'stalker'.

So he didnt say anything about him. He ignored him when the bullies ganged up on him, the man giving the kids a rather murderous look, when Tsuna spotted him following him home, when he got called on in class and the man would look at him expectantly, he ignored him to the best of his ability.

This kept up for years, and Tsuna eventually got used to the blond, no matter how nerve wracking it got at times. He got used to the pointed stares, the admittedly creepy stalker-like tendancies, the way the man would occasionally walk through someone...

He got used to the proud smiles whenever he managed to get a (barely) passing score on a test, the way sunset eyes would flicker away from him to scan their surroundings as if looking for enemies, the way he'd light up like an excited puppy whenever Tsuna got that warm feeling in his gut and everything would suddenly have an orange tint for a couple seconds...

It was as if the guy was some kind of... guardian angel, perhaps? It was a strange feeling, really, but Tsuna would instantly relax when he spotted the blond in the corner of his eye. It was normal now.

They didn't talk to each other directly, Tsuna not even sparing him a glance. He had thought this was fine. That this arrangement would be just perfect for the rest of eternity.

That is, until he was twelve.

Tsuna wasn't sure what made him do it, but after five years of having the man around, it was inevitable he just got curious. So, one day when Mama left to go shopping, leaving him at home with the ghost, he spoke to him.

"Hey, why do you keep following me around?"

Golden-sunset eyes snapped up to meet his chocolate brown. The man blinked in surprise, glancing behind him in confusion. Seeeing nobody else in the living room, he tensed up a bit, looking back at Tsuna in shock. His eyes darted around the room, as if still looking for someone else Tsuna might've been talking to.

Tsuna frowned a bit, sittiing up from his place on the couch, pinning his stare on the man. Their eyes met again, and he stared at the ghost-man expectantly.

After a few moments of a rather awkward silence, the man finally spoke up, disbelief laced into his tone. "Wait, you can see me?"


A/N: I guess this is the result from reading too many time travel fics. Giotto's probably OOC, but I always loved the idea of Papa Giotto, especially goofball-mother-hen Giotto, for some reason. How is the guy haunting Tsuna without the Vongola Rings? I don't know, uh... Let's just say it's in the Sawada blood or something and only a select few can actually see the dude haunting them.

ALSO, before anyone says anything about this, it was revealed in one of the KHR episodes, (the one where Hana, Haru, and Kyoko go over to Tsuna's house for that project) that Tsuna's nickname was "Useless Tsuna" in 2nd grade, but got 'upgraded' to "No-Good Tsuna" afterwards.

Short and pretty bad start, I know, yes, I'm planning on updating, but anyway, I'd like to hear your thoughts in the reviews!

EDIT: BTW, thought y'all may want to know but I have a tendancy to go in and add a crap ton to chapters a bit after they're published so if I end up adding something I'll tell in the next chapter.