Chapter Nine: Aftermaths

Alvis winced slightly hoping to make himself seem smaller as he sat outside the Headmaster's office. He hadn't felt this small since he was a child, sat on the naughty step for causing a ruckus. Beside him sat Dracomon, who's tail wagged back on forth like an excited dog. After the brawl in the arena Coredracomon disappeared as quickly as he showed up, leaving a dazed and confused Dracomon. Bill was full of questions but decided the students safety came first. The DTA security quickly made sure that no further digimon had followed the teens or had been hurt in Tuskmon's rampage.

As for Tuskmon itself, it seemed to have slithered off into one of the caves around the island to lick its wounds. Apparently according to Bill it was whimpering about about the colour blue and seemed to jump even at looking at the sky. That made Dracomon laugh.

After that it seemed Headmaster Dunban wanted to talk to Alvis, while Hanna and the rest that were injured were taken to see the DTA's nurses. As for Bill, the poor cowboy was almost doubled-over by the earful that Professor Jasmine, who was both concerned over Bill's safety and that of the students. After the Professor had finally calmed down after her outburst Bill told Jasmine of Dracomon digievolution and Alvis found himself worried by the look Jasmine gave him.

At first, it seemed the Professor believed he'd tampered with his digivice until Bill assured her of otherwise. Then her expression went from concern to confusion. It seemed that Alvis and Dracomon had somehow broken the limits built into the digivices, something which should be impossible.

Next thing Alvis knew he was outside the Headmaster's office waiting for him.

"Do you think we're getting medals?" Dracomon asked Alvis, the dragon digimon inspecting the ornate corridor as he spoke. "Wow this is a fancy corridor."

Alvis looked at Dracomon. "I don't think we're getting medals, Dracomon. We're outside the Headmaster's office." His head fell into his hands. "We're in so much trouble!"


"Because we broke the rules."

Dracomon scoffed, a low sound coming from the back of his throat. "Because we saved people's lives? Don't be silly, Alvis. It's always like this with you. You help people then worry about some 'rule' you broke after."

Alvis opened his mouth to make a counter-point but Dracomon cut him off with a lidded look. "The way I see it more people would've gotten hurt if I didn't become Coredracomon, however I did that, so it's a simple choice: break the 'rules' or help people. Which would you prefer?"

Alvis knew he had a point. Despite his partner's bluntness and lack of understanding, he could be incredibly introspective when the mood came to him. Alvis' dad said that Dracomon sometimes spoke with the knowledge of someone well-traveled and had seen the world. Maybe he had, despite their lifelong friendship there was a lot that Alvis didn't know about his partner.

All he did know what that he was right. It was no choice. And hey, maybe he was right about Headmaster Dunban not wanting to punish them. But then again, that dude was scary. Who knows what punishment he might in store? He might kick them out or throw them to the Allomons. A billion and one punishments raced through Alvis' mind. Each worse then the las-

"Ah, I apologise for making you wait Alvis." A deep baritone voice intoned. Dracomon and Alvis both jumped at the sight of Headmaster Dunban and Leomon looming over them as they sat.

In the Headmaster's hands were two cups and Alvis watched the steam rise from the. The headmaster offered the cups to the pair of them. "Hot chocolate? It's fresh."

Alvis gaped but gratefully accepted as did Dracomon. He expected a harsh rebuke from the Headmaster or a thundering glare. Not a hot chocolate. But how could he refuse, he ached from the arena and hadn't even had a chance to have something to eat or drink. He took a small sip from the hot chocolate, enjoying the warmth that surged through his body. He need that.

As for Dracomon. Well, Dracomon just ate the cup; hot chocolate and all.

Dunban chuckled at the sight of that while Leomon rolled his eyes. The Headmaster opened the door and gestured for the two the walk in. Leomon waited at the door, arms folded across his broad chest. While his face was neutral Alvis couldn't help but be intimidated by the hulking jungle king.

Dunban laughed. "Do not worry yourself, Mr. Koh. You're not in trouble."

"Told ya'!" Chirped Dracomon.

"I simply want to talk to ascertain the events that led that brutal fight in the arena." Dunban continued as if Dracomon did not interrupt. Which was impressive given the dragon digimon's exuberance.

Alvis nodded and rose from his seat with Dracomon bringing up the rear. Alvis inspected the office and found it to be rather bland. He expected something more ornate and beside the desk and the great glass window behind it where Alvis could make out the view of the island, there was precious little about it. Dunban sat down at his desk and gestured for Alvis and Dracomon to sit opposite him.

"As I said before you entered you are not in trouble for what occured back in the arena, Alvis." Explained Dunban. "You did all that was expected and more," he looked over at Dracomon and Alvis felt like he knew where this was going. "Before we discuss that matter I shall say that thanks to the actions of you and your classmates no one was killed."

Dunban sighed as if the world was weighing down on him and Alvis felt it odd to see such a giant of man suddenly look so small. "I cannot forgive this transaction against the DTA. Forces outside my control conspired to hurt my students and would have if not for you."

Alvis and Dracomon shared at look of concern at the somewhat foreboding statement but decided it would be best not to press that issue. "Thank you sir."

"Not that it wasn't stupid mind you," Dunban said, and Alvis cringed at his tone. "But you were all thrown into a situation that none of you should have been. For a such a dangerous digimon to make its way so close to the school premises."

"He was nothing more than a dumb thug." Dracomon said, his arms crossed around his chest. "If he comes around for a second go I'll give it to him."

"I don't doubt you," responded Dunban with a smile across his face. "And that leads to the other point of this meeting: the digivolution. Please forgive Professor Jasmine if she came across a bit… strong, is the word, but she is overprotective of the students and despises rule-breakers; after all you've seen how her and Professor Kreeley interact. You claim that it worked on its own accord?"

"Yep," answered Dracomon. "One sec' I was me and next I was bigger."

Alvis nodded to confirm the story. "What he said. The device just… worked."

"Hmm," responded Dunban, rubbing his jaw in thought. "I am not as learned as my associates when it comes to the ins and outs of technology but I have a rudimentary understanding of the digivice. They absorb the raw data and channel into your partners. However, as we have stated, the students' digivices are currently locked to avoid that. For a digimon to do such a thing… is astounding."

"I am one of a kind!" Bragged Dracomon with a grin.

Alvis chuckled. "You sure are."

"I hope you don't mind me asking but where did you meet Dracomon?" Asked Dunban.

Alvis looked over at Dracomon the memories replaying in his head. Of the first time him and Dracomon met. Well he wasn't exactly Dracomon just yet.

The playpark was alive with activity, children laughed and played on the various slides and climbing frames that the park provided. Meanwhile, parents watched their kids laugh and play while they chatted with the other parents. The points of discussion were atypical, how they were doing and how their children were doing. Digimon were also present at the park, rookie-levels that likewise played with the children like excited puppies.

Except one child wasn't playing nor happy.

Young Alvis watched the children play and a sense of dread built up in his stomach. This was too much for him, he looked to his father who's smiled back at him; ushering him to go play with the other children. But Alvis wasn't dumb, he could see that his father was as sad as he was. Mother used to take him to the playpark.

But not anymore. Tears began to well up in the child's eyes as he watched all the other kids play. They all had mothers and fathers but not Alvis. She had gone and wasn't coming back. It wasn't fair! Why did she have to go? Why wasn't she here.

Alvis sat down near the bushes at the edge of the playpark. He didn't want to play or have fun. He couldn't. Those sad feelings began to return and overtake the young child. The tears slowly went down the young boy's cheeks as the indignation of being at the overly happy place contrasted with the sadness permeating among the Koh family.

A wail threatened to leave the young boy when a squeaky voice came from the bushes. "Hey, umm, excuse me but you could you tell me where I am?"

Alvis turned to the sight of the weirdest looking digimon he had ever seen. It looked like a cross between a seahorse and a dragon, it's light green skin shone in the sunlight and its purple eyes were bright with concern.

Alvis looked confused. "Where do you mean where are you?"

"Well I can't remember and," the odd-looking digimon trailed off when it noticed how sad Alvis looked. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Alvis said, wiping his nose. "Only wussies cry. And I wasn't crying."

"Yeah," agreed the odd-looking digimon. "But I think it's even braver to cry."

Alvis looked at the odd-looking digimon as if it was insane. "Why?"

"I… don't know," the odd-looking digimon responded, concern on his face. This was quickly taken by the look of worry it gave Alvis. "But you seem a bit sad so how about a joke. Jokes are always the best way to cheer someone up, I think."

"I'm not sad!" Refuted Alvis, his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his face. "Beside I bet your joke sucks."

"Nuh uh."

"Yuh huh."

"What do you call a digimon with a spade on his head?" The odd-looking digimon asked.

Alvis shrugged.


A smile left the boy's mouth, then a giggle before turning into a full-blown laugh. The laugh could stop, it was such a stupid joke and yet it was hilarious. Alvis smiled and laughed in a way he hasn't in such a long time.

Footsteps sounded and Alvis turned to see his father who looked on in confusion at the odd digimon. "Who's your friend, champ?"

Alvis shrugged and look to the strange digimon, who look back and forth between the two. "I'm…. someone. Could you give me a minute? Everything's fuzzy… I think my name is… Babydmon?"

"You think?" Alvis' father asked, his voice concerned. "Are you okay?" He kneeled down to the digimon's level and inspected it for any injuries. Anything that might have caused it harm that lead to this memory loss. He couldn't see anything.

"Can he come with us dad?" Alvis suddenly chirped up. "At least until he's better."

Samuel looked between the pair, and sighed. The loss of his wife had taken a nasty hold of his household. It lacked… an energy to it. One that he couldn't seem to fill, he wanted to be there for Alvis but life had a way of making things difficult. He couldn't deny maybe this odd little digimon could liven the place up. It had been a long time since he heard his son laugh, and like Alvis said it would be better for him to try and remember himself in a far more safer environment then out here.

"Yeah, champ. I think we've got room for one more."

Alvis threw his arms up in victory and quickly wrapped his arms around Babydmon. Babydmon attempted to return the gesture best he could, nuzzling the young boy with a grin.

"And he's been in my life every since though he digievolve when I was around ten," Alvis concluded to Dunban, the Headmaster's hands folded as he raised his head on them. Alvis looked at Dracomon with a smile. "He never got his memories back though. Me and dad tried to find anyone that knew him; we put up posters, check online for anything but we couldn't turn up anything," causing Alvis' smile to curdle.

Dracomon waved a limb. "Pfft, I made better ones to replace them anyhow. Can't have been that important if I can't remember them, eh?"

Alvis smiled again and turned back to the Headmaster. "Does that help anything, uh, sir?"

Dunban shook his great head and rose from his seat. "I'm afraid not, Mr. Koh." He made his way to the door and opened it for him. "I thank you for aid and applaud you for your efforts."

Alvis and Dracomon rose to leave but one quick question came to Alvis' mind before he left. "Umm, sir? Before I got can I ask what can I do about my digivice?"

"In truth, Mr. Koh I'm not entirely sure. This is something that is rather new I must say. In truth, I think it's best to continue your learning. I believe you and your class have a lesson with Professor Jasmine soon. Perfect place to practice your technique." The burly Headmaster, explained. "And please be assured that I will be taking every measure to insure you and your class's safety. This incident is one that should not have happened under my eye but I faltered, I hope you can pass on my apologies to you classmates, Mr. Koh."

Alvis nodded and him and Dracomon made to leave the office. Made being the appropriate word as Dracomon was too busy looking at a photo on the wall to notice that he was walking into Leomon instead. Dracomon thumped his head on the larger digimon's abs.

"Wow dude you're shredded!" Exclaimed Dracomon, causing Leomon's lip to curl in anger. Dracomon let out a whimper and quickly scampered out of the room. Alvis sent a nervous, apologetic smile to Leomon before nodding his thanks to Dunban and closing the door behind.

Leomon pointed towards the closed door. "That is our next generation of Digital Officers. Sovereigns help us all."

Dunban didn't responded, returning to his default brooding face that he was so known for. Leomon rolled his eyes at his dramatic partner. They were both creatures of few words but Dunban took it to another level. He weaponized his brooding silence into a thing a dramatic flourish. Still, Leomon wanted answers so it looked as if he was going to need to pierce that silence.

"You lied to the boy," Leomon said, drawing Dunban's eyes. "Why?"

"Because he is not ready for the truth." Dunban said, sharply. Others might have stopped prying at that tone but not Leomon.

"You think he'll thank you when they both find out?"

A hand came down on the desk, though Leomon simply rolled his eyes again saying nothing. "No I do not think at all he will thank me. But outside forces already conspire if Nullus' little freak is anything to go by. Worse still, I have heard nothing from Riggs. So no, I will not burden the boy not yet. Not until I can be sure that he can defend himself outside these walls."

Leomon sighed and looked at his partner. "I hope you know what you're doing Dunban. Fate might not be as willing as you to go easy on the boy. And Dracomon."


Alvis and Dracomon had walked through the great corridors of the DTA as they made their trip back to their room. It seemed that Dunban had decided to put the semester on a brief pause to allow the students to catch their bearings. Though like he said, they would soon have a class with Professor Jasmine on the nature and technique of digivices. There, at least, Alvis hoped he could gleam some understanding. As Dunban had mentioned digievolution revolved around harnessing the natural energy and data, to it to be channelled into an effective power-up for Digimon. Alvis knew that much.

But like Dunban said, it was near impossible for someone to break the digivice's locked down. So how did he...

A thump from behind his room's door interrupted Alvis' thoughts.

He heard a, "You take that back, you big dumbo!" Castor by the sounds of things.

"Dumbo? We're not in nursery anymore, four-eyes, up the insult game!" Alvis sighed, that would no doubt be their wonderful roommate: Fredrik.

More rumbles came from the dorm, and Alvis winced. Part of him felt like just going for a walk and leaving whatever disagreement the two of them were having and coming back when it was more calmer. Another thump, and now he could hear Crabmon joining in the yells, something about snipping off a certain part of Fredrik's anatomy. Alvis winced at that and decided he couldn't let those too tear each pieces after all. Putting on his best 'serious, don't mess with me' face - which in truth look like a mad puppy - Alvis opened the door with a grim determination.

"WHAT IS GOING HERE?!" He roared in his best 'serious, don't mess with me' voice.

And could only gawped in surprise at the mess that greeted him. It look as if a tornado had hit the place.

As for Fredrik and Castor, well that was a different matter. Both boys were wielding cushions as if the were clubs, Crabmon was currently readying his claw to cut off a limb by the look of things, while Hagurumon hovered above ready to blast said digimon if he did live up to his threat. All present, digimon and human, turned to look at Alvis in shock.

"You!" Fredrik blustered in rage. "How come you're still here? If Headmaster Dunban had any sense then he would've set you packing home!"

Castor went to intervene, stepping in front of Alvis. "Leave off! Let him catch his ball bearings!"

"What have I missed?" Alvis whispered to Castor, as Fredrik spluttered in a rage.

"Monkey-brain here's been raging about you 'breaking the rules' and I tried to set him straight." Castor responded, before looking around the room. "It escalated... somewhat."

"Yeah no kidding," responded Crabmon, who was now climbing up the ceiling with a glowering Hagurumon in tow.

"The fact that this punk kid is still here is ridiculous," Fredrik grumbled to himself as he paced around the room. "Must've cheated, stupid..."

"Stupid!" Flared up Castor. "If it wasn't for him and Dracomon, we would've ended up as snacks!"

"By messing with his digivice, by tinkering with tech." Fredrik bellowed back. "A flagrant disregard for what it means to be a Digital Officer."

Castor trembled in anger "Now you wait -

"You can check my digivice, Fredrik."

" - a minute." Castor and Fredrik both did a double-take, as they turned to Alvis. "Pardon, Alvis?"

"You can check my digivice if you want, Fredrik." Said Alvs, handing out the device towards him. "You seem to know t better than me anyhow so maybe you might have some answers."

The bigger boy eyed him up as if he was suspecting a trick and then grunted. "I might know a thing or two about tech."

"Thought so," Alvis said, as he handed his digivice to him. "You have the look of a mechanic about you."

Fredrik took the digivice from Alvis' hand and grunted as he took it. He began to inspect it but not too deeply. Fredrik was many things but a rule-breaker he was not. Alvis had to say he had found a sense of admiration from the bigger boy. He got a sense that there was more to Fredrik then met the eye. He kept his cool as good as any of them in the arena. Plus he seemed to take rule-breaking seriously. Perhaps this could be a chance for the three of them to break the ice.

Fredrik grunted and handed back the digivice to Alvis. "No tricks," he shrugged as if he was embarrassed. "Seems your fanboy was right."

"Told you," crowed Castor. "My boy's too honest to lie."

"Look Fredrik," Alvis said. "I'll be honest with you not even Headmaster Dunban is sure of why my digivice would work but I'm not a cheat. I'm here for the same reason as you."

"Is there a point to this?" Fredrik asked.

"Only that we got off on the wrong foot," Alvis surveyed the room. "All of us have. I don't want to be your enemy. I can tell you've worked for this."

Fredrik's expression darkened at that and Hagurumon rolled his eyes and muttered. "Oh boy."

"Worked for this?" Fredrik grumbled. "I've worked harder than anyone for this. I've not been handed it on a platter like you or the princess. I'm not here for fun like fanboy and the tribal. I'm here to work: unlike everyone else."

Alvis might have cringed but today had helped him grow a spine. The battle with the Tuskmon had been something off a wake-up call from him. It showed him how far they had to go and how real the threat to them all these was. Fredrik was right. This isn't a game but he wasn't going to let Fredrik throw his weight around because he was 'the only one who cared.'

"If you were the only who did care why are we all here?" Asked Alvis. "If your the only one who takes this seriously then why is it that nobody here take you seriously?"

Fredrik gaped at that and blustered. "Because... becuase..." He snarled. "Hagurumon, we're going for a walk!"

"Fredrik I don't think -"


With a sigh Hagurumon floated down to follow Fredrik as he made his way towards the door. Before exiting the gear digimon gave Alvis a look. One of admiration if Alvis had read that right. Before leaving after he fuming partner. Alvis sighed and hope that Fredrik wouldn't take it too personally. He looked at Castor who could only shrugged.

"Dude's been blowing hot air the entire time he was here," Castor said. "Someone needed to tell him."

"I hoped he wouldn't take it as bad."

Castor laughed. "You did go for the throat there, my dude. Not that I'm complaining but," he looked to the door.

Alvis sighed. "I know. Let's clear this place up at least."

With that the two boys and there digimon - well Dracomon did, Crabmon remained in his corner of the ceiling - began to clear up the mess of their dorm.


Analog City,

"You schemed behind my back," snarled Chrysalismon, as the great champion level digimon languished on its throne of junk. It was a purple skinned armoured giant of a digimon with a fearsome red horn protruding from its forehead. Six lashing tendrils sprouted from its bod which swayed as if they had a mind of their own. "Why should I not destroy you?"

Keramon-783 shuddered as he kept his head bowed to the floor. "Because I was honest?"

Chrysalismon laughed and with that the rest of the hive joined in. Keramon-783 bristled at the indignation as the noise of the laughter threatened to knock him over. After his failure to get the pack of data, Keramon-7383 returned to the Analog hive to find that his absence had been noted. Chrysalismon made sure to let him know how badly too if the marks that now marred his body were an indication.

Around him other Keramon drooled and gibbered. Many of them wanted to tear him to bits and feast on his data. Nullus' hives did not allow for failure. Only the strong could thrive in his hive. Keramon-783 knew that Chryalismon wanted to be Infermon-Alpha. That he resented being stuck in Analog City. Perhaps that could be his way out of trouble. His get out of jail card.

Keramon-783 waited for Chysalismon to finish laughing. "My intention was to aid the hive, oh great one," he proclaimed. "I wished to bring the prize to you to bring to Nullus. For your glory of course."

Chrysalismon's eyes narrowed. "So you set a Tuskmon free to rampage to get this data and failed."

It wasn't a question. It was a reminder of his failure. Keramon-783 knew better then to rise to the bait. "Yes."

The tendrils curled closer and close to Keramon-783 and he tried his best not to shrink away. "I am not mad. You saw your opening and made your move. Pray tell, how did you fail though?"

Again, no point to lie. "I thought the data would be some piece of old day tech," explained Keramon-783. "It wasn't."

Silence fell and Chrysalismon's eye narrowed dangerously. "Explain," his voice a harsh rasp.

"It was digimon we sensed. A powerful one. Such a prize for Nullus we would bring him." Keramon-783 exclaimed, leaving the implications and possibilities to sprout in Chrysalismon's mind. He could see the ambition running off the hive leader. And knew that he had squirmed free yet again.

The tendrils recoiled and the hive let out a quiet sigh of disappointment. It seemed there would be no destruction today. Keramon-783 floated up to his hive leader's eyes and grinned.

Chrysalismon growled. "Tell me more."

A/N: So sorry it took me so long to write the nest chapter. Real-life and other stories waylaid me from writing this and I can only apologise. Furthermore, I thank you all for reading this chapter and hope you leave a review as every little helps.

Thank you for reading and please look after yourselves in these trying times.