oO September 2004 Oo
"Severus, please...Please don't..." Hermione whined softly against the closed bathroom door.
"It must be done." Severus' healed voice was deeper than before, like rich melted chocolate and though he lacked volume, he made up for it with tone.
"There must be another way, please. I'll do anything." Hermione pressed her forehead against the door.
"Why mummy whingy?" Aurora kicked her legs lightly against the bathroom cabinet, her head tilted up towards her father who was looking into the mirror.
"She has a wont for the dramatics." Severus leaned closer to the mirror, the blade of his razor running over his lip.
"I heard that."
"Silence woman." Severus glanced to the side when Aurora giggled to his words.
'You still love Papa don't you?'
'I always love Papa.' Aurora smiled brightly at her father's grin. The love in his heart easily felt by her.
Severus sighed softly and brought the towel up to his face. He'd never really taken any care for his appearance but today was a special day.
"How does Papa look?" Severus pulled the girl from the counter and to his chest letting her fingers run over his newly shaven jaw.
"It's smooth, like Mummy's legs." Aurora was fascinated by the new appearance her large eyes turning this way and that as he carried her towards the door.
"You look like a baby." Hermione pouted playfully when the man revealed himself. The small beard he'd grown and maintained over the time that had passed completely gone.
"Smooth baby." Aurora giggled when her Severus nipped playfully at her fingers before setting her down, "No more scratchy kisses!"
Hermione chuckled lightly at her daughter's delight, there was nothing the man before her wouldn't do for their child. She had found his facial hair to be rather becoming. Tightly trimmed along his jaw and around his lips. He looked like a father to her, a man who had come into his own. While she would miss the look she still loved the man beneath.
"She's got you wrapped around her little fingers." Hermione smiled kissing his cheek, "I'm almost jealous."
"She's scarier than you." He grinned leading the way towards the bedroom door.
"Definitely." Hermione giggled as she followed him out, "We're supposed to be at the church at 4:00 did you want to make something to eat before or eat after?"
"Before." Severus scooped up Aurora on the stairs, the child moving too slow for his liking. He set the girl on his hip before turning towards the kitchen.
"Pancakes!" Aurora bounced on his hip.
"Not a chance, young lady." Severus could be firm when the situation called for it and his look stopped any protests, "It's Mama's big day, she gets to pick."
Severus released her back to the floor after which she ran to the step ladder to stand at the island. She loved helping cook, no matter what it was though mostly she just made a glorious mess.
"How about something light? What was that one thing you made last week, with the chicken?" Hermione leaned on the counter pulling a random piece of candy from her daughter's reach without even looking.
"Tempura chicken over salad?" Severus had already begun to look into their icebox to see what they had.
'Yucky.' Aurora made a face while simultaneously pouting and trying to pull the candy from her mother's closed hand.
'I'll put ketchup on yours.'
Hermione shook her head, while she didn't know what was being said the ever-shifting emotions on her daughter's face gave the silent conversation away. A small smile pushed her up from the counter, "Come on boo bear, let's go try on your dress."
"Yay!" Aurora jumped beside Hermione, her excitement showing clearly on her face. Despite her uncanny resemblance to her father in walk and talk, her face was most expressive and her enthusiasm for learning about the world around her was without bounds.
"Were you able to find it?"
"Yes, Mr. Potter by some miracle we were." Minerva set down a small chest on the coffee table in Harry's modest home. His godfather's place had never looked more bright and alive in all its years. It truly was something to be proud of.
"I can't believe it. I searched and searched." Harry opened the box with reverence taking a deep calming breath.
"Yes, you should thank Hagrid really. One of his creatures nearly swallowed it whole." Minerva leaned back taking her teacup into her palm, concern lining her aging features, "Are you sure this is the gift you want to give?"
"Yeah, I am." Harry had thought about it endlessly but he was sure that it was the right choice.
"In here." Harry closed the box and slipped it into his suit pocket before coming to his feet with Minerva, the both of them turning towards Ginny who had come through the doorway with a small bundle wrapped in her arms.
Harry's face lit up to the sight of her so beautifully dressed and the small yawn of his two-day-old son.
"Severus have you seen the-Ah nevermind!" Hermione grunted as she pulled a file folder from under one of the many stacks of books that had cropped up around the office. A supposed shared space that had slowly become the dumping ground for work that had been brought home.
A soft huff pushed one of her curls from her face and she turned without looking running full face into soft midnight blue, double-breasted frock coat. Warm hands came to her arms to keep her from stumbling backward and her head rose to take in the beautiful man who stood before her.
"Blue really suits you." Hermione smiled and leaned her head up further for a small kiss. Once her request was abided she leaned back to open the folder, "I think everything is here, do you want to double check?"
Even as she spoke her fingers were walking over the papers mentally ticking off everything that should have been inside, it wasn't until a gentle hand covered hers did she realize how anxious she had become.
"Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?" Severus could feel his own anxiety pushing its way over his features. The promise of happiness—true purpose, just out of reach.
Hermione took a slow breath lowering the file to entwine her fingers with his. She kept her eyes lowered as she gathered her heart, "Of course. There is no one else in the world to whom I wish to share a future with." Her head rose to look into his eyes, her words coming from. her heart and into his, "Do you want to do this?"
Severus' brow furrowed softy not with anger—no something more complex than his mind could possibly articulate, "There is nothing more than what we have that I could ask for."
Hermione smiled softly raising his hand to her lips to press a reverent kiss to the top of his knuckles, "I love you."
"And I, you."
Harry wrung his hands for the umpteenth time before looking back out the window in the chapel doors, "They're not here. Do you think they changed their minds?"
"Honestly, Harry calm down. They'll be here." Ginny smiled down at their son who was smiling happily up at the beautiful painting on the ceiling.
"Arthur don't touch that." Molly chided softly light smacking the man's wrist, "Muggles put a lot of importance in these churches." She hissed before turning back to look at Harry who had begun to pace again. Just as she was about to speak the doors to the small countryside church came open.
Hermione gave those gathered an embarrassed smile, while Severus decidedly looked at no one but the child sniffling softly in his arms.
"Sorry, had a little wardrobe malfunction." Hermione grinned softly when Aurora let out a soft whine and hid her face into her father's hair.
"That's all right dear, all right indeed." Molly gave her a bright smile coming to be the first to give her a hug, "Let's get you moving hm?"
Hermione gave an apologetic look to Severus as she was led away and into a side room by the matron. The man himself turned his eyes over the small gathering of people suddenly feeling very out of place. His scowl deepened as Arthur came closer, the gentile man giving him an oblivious smile as he held out his arm for him to follow after him. A snarky remark crawled its way to his tongue but for the sake of Hermione, he kept his jaw closed.
"Why don't we see if we can sort out that malfunction with some of Uncle Arthur's special magic." Arthur held out his arms for Aurora who sniffled softly her body tensing up for a long wail.
Severus pursed his lips as he pulled his daughter's arms from around his neck and towards the ginger-haired man. A silent exchange between them softened the wail that had been building and Aurora took hold of Arthur without a fight.
Severus watched his light be carried off to one of the bathrooms in the main lobby before suddenly finding the nervousness that he had pushed so valiantly down come rising again. A slow breath ran his eyes over the room where he caught sight of Potter digging through his jacket pocket. Not wanting to hear anything from the boy come man, he turned away and made his way after Arthur.
Harry only gave the man a passing glance before he let out a slow breath he'd unknowingly been holding. Another slow breath left his chest before he went over towards the office that Hermione had been ushered to. He pressed his ear to the door briefly before giving it a light knock, "It's just Harry."
There was a bit of a shuffle before the door was pulled open, "Come on then, we've got to get ready." Mrs. Weasley gave him a gentle smile and pulled the door open further for him to come in.
"Thanks, I won't be long." Harry gave Molly a bright smile before turning to look at Hermione who was sat at the desk in front of a portable mirror. Ginny was set up doing her hair their son sleeping peacefully in a portable bassinet. He gave Ginny a nervous smile before looking down at the box he was fiddling with.
"Hey, Harry." Hermione smiled and set down her make-up brush to give him her attention, "Not here to talk me out of this are you?"
"No, no I've learned my lesson." Harry grinned wryly before looking down at the box again, "I know its a special day for you and...I know that despite how special everyone here is to you I thought...there might be someone else you'd like to see today."
Hermione's brows furrowed just a touch and she straightened to give him her full attention. Harry came to the desk sitting down the closed box, "I think you'll want to open this after you get dressed. Maybe alone? I'm not sure." He took a slow breath, "I uh, yeah that's it. I'll be waiting. Ron said he'd be a little late but he promised to be here with Neville and Luna."
"Thanks, Harry." Hermione's curiosity was tickling away but the odd way that Harry presented the gift gave her reason to pause. She came to her feet and wrapped him in a hug before he could run off, the love between them felt on both ends.
Harry gave her a teary-eyed smile and a small kiss on the cheek before turning to excuse himself, "I'll see you in a bit." Harry sniffled and wiped at his nose as he made his way out.
Hermione wiped at her own eyes just a bit, the pressure of the day beginning to come into full effect, "Ginny...do you think we can put this in?" She knew if she let her mind wander from the task at hand she'd find herself in a puddle of tears. A day filled with such love and happiness also carrying a weight of loss.
"Oh that's beautiful, where'd you get it?" Ginny took the small ornate barret turning it gingerly in her hands.
"It was my mum's." Hermione wiped at her eyes as she sat back down leaning forward just a bit to make sure she didn't ruin her make-up. While Severus had told her repeatedly that the minor scar that had been left behind had faded to nearly invisible levels she could still see it. The past forever haunting her present. So many nights filled with recovered or distorted memories.
It had taken nearly a year after she'd made her full recovery before she'd gathered the courage to see her old family home. It had been placed under magical protection once the war had ended, preserving everything as it had been when she'd left. It had been an exceptionally painful day but she'd managed to pack up, go through and relocate anything she'd found value into their new home.
Severus had sold his home at Spinner's end and the money she'd received from selling her parent's home had allowed them to by a small estate in a quiet border town. It was a modest home but it was theirs. It hosted a modest living room and kitchen with an extensive two-floor library space. There were three bedrooms of modest size and decoration and they had a large enough plot to have a rather impressive garden.
It hadn't been the life she'd imagined in her youth but there was nothing about it that she would possibly change. Despite her youth, raising her daughter had been a wonderful experience. While she wasn't home as often as she'd liked due to taking up extended courses to help further her position in the ministry's magical law enforcement and curse research division. She wasn't an Auror but she did help train and prepare those who were. She'd seen enough blood and death to fill plenty of lifetimes but she felt a duty to share her knowledge with others.
"Your dress is absolutely gorgeous."
Hermione blushed softly and raised her head, her hands idly brushing down the soft blue beads that accented the wonderful white fabric, "You really think so?"
"I'm completely jealous." Ginny smiled brightly and reached up to adjust the small tiara that sat on the crown of Hermione's curls, "Blue was an amazing choice."
"It seemed like a neutral color." Hermione smiled just a little and brushed her curls over her partially exposed shoulders. The dress itself was of modest design, exposing her arms under a partial sleeve. It hid all her deeper scars perfectly with a bodice that gave her slim waist a gentle curve. The bottom was full enough to give the dress a Victorian design without being cumbersome. The train was small but enough to give elegance.
"A wonderful choice dear." Molly puffed up just a bit before letting out a small breath, "Right, we've got to get into our own dresses, love. Take your time, relax breathe, we'll come to get you when its time." Molly leaned closer giving her a motherly hug. Hermione held her back tightly before watching them make their way out. A slow breath left her chest before her eyes turned down to the box left on the desk.
Once the door was closed Hermione pulled the box into her hand. When she pulled the lid away she found herself perplexed at first and she picked up the stone without much thought. A soft light began to swirl around the room, the feeling of no longer being alone filling her chest. As she turned to follow the light's arch she felt an immeasurable ambivalence rising up into her thoughts.
"Hey, buttercup."
"D-dad." Hermione's voice cracked with emotions she had held back for years, "Mom."
"Hello, princess."
Hermione's body trembled with emotion, too many for any normal human to process. Tears rolled down her face as she covered the distance between them. Her heart thumped heavily when her hand slipped straight through her mother's outstretched palm. The desire to feel their tight hug making her body run cold.
"Are you... really?"
"Yes, we are. We've been watching over you all this time." Her mother gave her a soft loving smile.
"You have been through so much...But your light has never shined so bright." Her Dad ga e her a teary smile obviously holding himself back.
Hermione took in a shuddering breath her eyes shining with tears, "I love you... I'm so sorry... for everything..."
"Don't you worry about any of that now. It's your wedding day, nothing you have done will ever make us love you less."
Hermione's breath hitched as her wall holding her emotions at bay broke free, tears of joy—of sorrow, rolling down her face.
"Oh now dear, you'll ruin your make up." Her mother smiled even as tears rolled down her ghostly face, "We have to go now, we love you so much."
"I love you, too." Hermione pressed her lips into her teeth as they faded away; her chest heaving as she tried to calm herself down.
"Where's mummy?" Aroura whispered loudly looking up into Mrs. Weasley's patient face.
"Just a moment now, the music will start and then you can go okay?" Her smile calmed the anxious child.
"Then I throw the flowers?" Aurora swished her dress that had been perfectly mended by her Uncle Arthur.
"Yes dear. All the way up to Daddy." Mrs. Weasley pet the back of her dark brown curls. So much like her mother's.
Severus ran his hands down his suit one last time, following the muggle priest through a side door. His eyes ran over all those who had come to attend. None of whom were there for him—he knew—though he did spot a small gathering of teachers from Hogwarts with of course McGonagall among them. She gave him a pressed smile and a sharp look before he turned his head away. He had often forgotten that he had been the youngest teacher at Hogwarts during his tenure.
A slow breath brought him to place and he turned his eyes down the aisle to the deeply shimmering eyes of his daughter. He had never believed his life would have turned out this way. He had been so set on dying for his sins, not as a martyr but as a criminal. How his life had turned so far on its end by a simple act of kindness; a decision that he had no way of knowing the outcome to.
Aurora smiled brightly as the music began to play. A gentle push from behind started her path down the aisle. Her little basket of rose petals swinging lightly as she walked. The path she laid behind her made her feel like a princess from one of her fairy tale books. She was still much too young to fully understand what today meant though it felt special all the same.
When she reached her father she gave him a bright proud smile for having played her role in the ceremony before coming to stand by his side. As the doors opened Aurora had to do her best not to squeal with excitement. Her mother looked so beautiful! An image that surely could have only been created from a storybook.
Severus shared his daughter's observation with a deep warmth filling his heart. The others in the small gathering faded away as his eyes fell on the woman who had taken everything he'd know about himself and completely redefined it; giving him a world that he could never have imagined for himself.
Hermione let out a slow breath as she came to stand before the man who had saved her life. A man whom she had never before considered more than a professor had become so much more. Her time spent with him had been a nearly unsolvable puzzle as she peeled back layer and layer of pain and sorrow. Only time had shown her what had lied beneath a man seen by the world as unredeemable. Their love had been slow growing. Through his distance and her youthful ignorance, they had taken each day step by step.
The pastor's words fluttered softly between them as they each lost the other in their gaze. Each one replaying the memories that had brought them here. The pain, the triumph. The menial squabbles. The life they both wanted not just for themselves but for the life they had created.
How his life had become something completely new. Each day bringing a light to his world that he'd never before experienced. In the time that she would be gone, he found their home startlingly empty. His wont for solitude had given way to quiet nights reading with lithe legs resting over his own.
Heated discussions over theories that only the two of them could even begin to comprehend. Countless days carrying her slumbering form from the office to bed without so much of a thought. Even more numerous days swaddling up the small child who had come into the world.
'I think you're supposed to kiss mummy now.'
Severus blinked slowly, so lost in his thoughts about the glorious woman before him he'd completely missed his cue. He was sure he'd said and done what he had been instructed as he could feel the wedding band on his finger.
Hermione smiled softly as she leaned closer. Her hands threading up into his partially pulled back locks. She knew he hadn't left her for she had relived every memory with him. Her heart swelling with true love inside her chest. When his lips met hers she had to suppress a squeal of happiness and instead let out a happy sigh through her nose.
"Thank you," Hermione smiled coyly letting her body press into the man before her. Her arms linked around his back while she let herself lean off his frame so as to see his face.
"For?" Severus could already begin to sense the playfulness making its way into her tone.
"Not killing Ron for his stupid gift." Hermione pressed herself just a bit closer as they stepped together so that Severus could reach his cup of coffee.
"I considered the source." Severus grinned to her held back a snort and took a small sip from his cup before letting his free hand run through her hair, "Something else on your mind that requires your possession of my person?"
Hermione pressed herself even further making sure to trap him against the counter before letting her fingers walk up his wedding coat, "Well...I saw Harry's baby today-"
"A pity to the world—ouch."
"And, I was thinking..." Hermione lowered her head down just a touch before biting her lower lip, "What if...we made another?"
"Another what?"
"Baby." Hermione felt the tension leaving her shoulders, surely he was not so dense. Her smile returned when his hands came to her lower back rubbing the muscles there that were always just a little too tight. She let her head fall back into his waiting palm before speaking again, "We're both only children and you have to admit... having someone for Aurora after we've gone would surely bring her comfort."
"Where are we going?" Severus knew he was baiting her. Trying to delay her thinking so as to ensure that she really understood what she was asking.
Hermione pouted playfully, "Severus."
"Are you sure now is the time?"
"I can't think of a better time than our wedding night." Hermione leaned up slowly planting the softest of kisses along his jaw before letting her lips lead her to his.
She could understand his reservations on both accounts. It had been years since her torture but still, the dreams would haunt her. The misformed memories threatening her present happiness with the past. Every time they had tried to show their love for each other on a more physical plane their night was filled with her screams of terror. It was as painful for her as it was for him though on different levels.
Additionally, she'd not been there when Aurora had been a baby, not truly. Severus had taken almost exclusively to her care while she fought to remain with the living. She'd missed out on so much of her daughter's life. Even still, she found her work constantly taking her away. Could she really handle another? Could they?
"There is still time for all of this, you're young." Severus placed a reciprocating kiss along her cheek.
"I know." Hermione let her fingers slip through the bottom buttons of his jacket, "Even if not tonight, we can still try. Right?" Her eyes lidded from the deep hum of pleasure her fingers elicited as they trailed along the waist of his pants.
"It's not truly a marriage if we don't." Severus' will was quickly waning. The little witch had taken extensive notes on his person both to his pleasure and his downfall.
"Mm, quite true—ah!" Her hum turned into a squeal when he picked her up from the floor. Her arms immediately wrapping around his neck while her underskirt bunched up around her knees.
Severus chuckled as he apparated them upstairs. Another brought them to their bed to which he laid down his bride over the top, distracting her with a deepening kiss. His hands ran up her legs as he helped her adjust, allowing him to come between.
"Completely, insufferable." Her words came out on a heavy panting sigh. Her eyes shining as his dark head dipped low towards her throat. Her head fell back as she allowed his exploration. Her own fingers worked some wandless magic to remove his jacket from his person. As much as she enjoyed undressing him, his jacket was simply not worth the time.
Her nails dug in slightly when he took hold of the muscle along her throat. An overly sensitive piece of skin masteringly worried in his teeth sending a full body shiver down to curl her toes. Her head turned to take hold of his ear, kissing and nipping at the shell for him to release her. As he abided she captured his lips again and gave a pull so that he would join her on the bed properly.
Severus moaned softly against her throat as he came onto the bed taking center, he ran his hands up her arms as she crawled over him. Her heat was instantly noticed as she settled over his waist. His eyes shone with nothing but appreciation as she reached up to release her hair. As the wild curls came down his hands rose to trace the curves over her chest.
Hermione purred deeply letting her own hands run down his arms. Leaning into his touch she masterfully released the buttons between them and raked her nails gently over his ribbed flesh. Her mind ticked when she felt the ribbon holding her bodice going loose and she rolled her shoulders to let the soft silken fabric fall down to her waist.
"A gift from the gods, you are." Severus took a moment to just appreciate her aged form. Her body had softened in time. No longer filled with rigid stone-like muscle and deep shadows. No, she'd become the woman she had always meant to be. She was not weak by any standard but good food and a less adrenaline filled life had rounded out the hardness that had protected her in the war.
His fingers grazed up the scar steadily fading away over her breast bone. As she leaned into his touch he rose himself up to accept her kiss. She still tasted of their wedding cake, strawberry, and vanilla, not a completely unfavorable taste. Her hands reached into his hair skillfully releasing the tie that had kept his face from being hidden. His hair had grown just a bit longer, now lightly brushing along the back of his shoulders. She called him a Viking warrior, he was nothing of the sort but enjoyed the sophomoric look she got on her face when he let her brush it. Or worse, when his daughter attempted to put it up in pigtails.
Hermione sighed softly as she massaged the back of his scalp pulling him gently closer so as to see the galaxy in his eyes, "I love you beyond this world."
Severus gave her one of his rare smiles, one that was just hidden there in the corner of his eye, "I shall be here for you in this world and the next."
Hermione sealed their promise with a kiss and let her hands push away the layer of cloth between them. As she let her body rest over his, her lips began moving, exploring. His hands worked the rest of their layers free with silent spells. The heat in the room nearly too much to bear as she began to trail lower.
Severus let out a low moan of appreciation when her lips traced one of his deeper scars, the over-sensitive skin sending a tremor through his loins. His mind began to fog when lithe fingers traced over his hip bone and it took all his will to stop her exploration.
Hermione's head rose with question but did not speak aside from a small squeak of surprise when he skillfully rolled them over. Her mirth turned into a moan and her hands rose over her head to desperately hold onto the headboard.
"Don't tease..." Her breath came out slowly, her voice dropping as she raised her knees to allow him to move between. Gentle, always so gentle.
"Never." Severus grinned against her navel. He let his breath warm her skin and took in her growing scent. His fingers trailed lower eliciting another deep moan. His lips aided his mission, tasting her with patient reverence.
A deep guttural moan vibrated alongside the sound of creaking wood. Hermione's world tilted on its axis as she allowed herself to close off all but a two of her senses.
Hands—his hands—calmed the turbulent waters inside her. Leading her higher towards an ethereal plane. Her eyes rolled back as a moan of appreciation slipped from her tongue. Her body responding on her own will pushing away the darkness that was ever-present.
"Ah...Severus..." Her hips rolled and she felt his heat shift as the small wave of pleasure made her body shudder. His hand came to hers and her eyes opened to endless dark seas.
Severus captured her lips in his, his hand holding her tighter as they became one being. His words of adoration wisping along her ear as he released her hand to cradle his lover in his embrace. When her eyes met him again he saw no fear, no pain just heavenly bliss.
Hermione's nails took hold over his shoulders as their bodies moved in time as equals. As her pleasure built the darkness fled. Leaving her to merely enjoy what was happening in the present. A slow smile curled over her lips before they were captured again and she felt the world around them falling away. Spiraling down into something that was all their own.
oO September 2011 Oo
"This way, Xenas." Hermione waited patiently for her son to take hold of her waiting hand. Once done she pulled him gently, "It's very busy darling, are you sure you want to walk?"
"Yes, Mumma." The barely four-year-old tot smiled bright turning his hazed golden eyes up. Blind from birth, nothing had stopped the boy from exploring the world around him. His other senses were more than overdeveloped. Too young to explain the world he saw as he had known nothing different. His father had explained that he had an extraordinary gift of legilimency and had hypothesized that he was able to see the world through others eyes though it was much too early to confirm.
Severus pursed his lips when a hurrying muggle brushed his son's shoulder but for the sake of his mother held his tongue. Aurora was nearly vibrating beside him, her silent rushed ramblings threatening to make his head explode though he didn't have the heart to shield against her.
They hadn't kept the magical world from their children. They had grown up just like any other child of magical birth. Hermione had even gotten them into a rather prestigious primary school usually reserved for full-blooded wizards. While Severus had had his initial concerns, it had appeared that the world had changed. At least somewhat.
"Dad, do you think the Slytherin common room is still under the lake?" Aurora lifted her nose from her mother's copy of Hogwarts: A history just as they passed onto the platform that would take her away on her first year of Hogwarts.
"What makes you think you'll be in Slytherin?" Severus gave her house attention with a curious brow.
Aurora shrugged
nonchanlantly, "I don't know, just a possibility. What if the light is too dim and I get headaches trying to study?" She tucked her book into her bag before taking her brother into her arms at his silent request while their mother went to her trunk to be loaded onto the train.
"I am sure you will find an adequate solution." Severus turned his gaze briefly over the crowd. Mostly he was relieved that at least one of his children would be partially spared of having to attend school with one of Potter's offspring he really didn't have any opinion on which house they should belong to. Though given their mother he was sure to see a lot more crimson around the house.
"Why don't you like Uncle a Harry?" Aurora shifted her hold on Xenas feeling him rolling around in her inner thoughts desperately trying to make sense with why everyone around him felt so anxious.
"Because he didn't like to follow the rules," Severus answered dryly gently closing the connection between them. Though the pain of Lily had been mended his opinion had yet to be completely swayed on the character of her son.
Aurora pursed her thinned lips much in the manner of her father before feeling her mother rejoin them, " Do I really have to go?"
"You'll do great darling." Hermione pressed a small kiss to her daughter's temple running her fingers through her dark curls, "You'll make friends in no time and the library is nothing like the one we have at home."
Aurora gave her a small smile her eyes beginning to shine with tears. The most she'd ever been away from her parents were the two-day summer camp trips she'd taken in elementary school.
"You'll be back home in just a few months." Severus could sense a shifting in the air. Not from his daughter's reservations but from something much darker. A presence he'd not felt in many years. His eyes scanned over the crowd though he was unable to pinpoint its source.
"I love you." Aurora wrapped her arms tightly around his rigid frame. The missed words of encouragement from her mother allowing her to gain some of the infamous Gryffindor courage that ran through her veins.
"And I, you." Severus placed a solemn kiss upon the crown of her head but his eyes were sharply looking over the top, still searching for the source of the feeling that had begun to grow.
"Wove you, Auri."
"I love you, too." Aurora hugged her mother and kissed her brother's cheek before making her way towards the train. Her mother's hand me down bag held tight to her chest.
A small wave from Aurora saw her entering the cabin. The hustle and bustle of the carriage made her natural gift nearly unbearable but thankfully her father had worked hard with her on how to control it. A deep sigh left her chest as her occulmancy walls fell into place and she slipped into an empty cabin.
A sad smile crawled over her face when she waved out the window at her family. Both her parents showed their happiness but she knew inside they missed her already. She was excited to go, to learn she just wished she didn't have to be so far away.
"Anyone sitting here?"
Aurora turned away, the small lurch of the train making the girl in the doorway sway, she was dressed in obviously borrowed clothes but looked nice enough, "No, you're welcome here."
"Thanks." The girl offered a lopsided smile before flopping herself down on the bench, "Name's Delphini, what's yours?"
"Aurora Granger-Snape." Aurora offered out her hand, a puzzled look flickering over her features when the girl seemed confused by the gesture.
"Sorry... don't like being touched." Delphini pulled her knees to her chest glancing out the window.
"That's okay." Aurora smiled softly relaxing back into the bench, "Are you a first year too?"
"I'll be your friend if you want."
The girl seemed surprised by the offer, a deep look of sadness rounding out her eyes, "I'd like that."
"Severus, what's wrong?" Hermione wiped the tears from her eyes before shifting Xenas over her shoulder, the boy silently crying for his sister.
"I don't know..." He took a slow breath, the feeling of whatever had been bothering him seemingly having passed, "It's nothing. Let's go home." He offered a tight look before pulling his son into his own arms, the boy though thin was nearly the size of his poor mother already.
"All right." Hermione pushed her son's hair away from his face before taking the lead towards the magical barrier, "She'll be fine. She's grown so much."
"I'm not so sure I'm worried about her." Severus tilted his head, "I just hope the school can survive."
"I wasn't that bad."
"No? I believe you and I share different opinions on this front."
"You love me anyway." Hermione wrapped her arm around his back.
"As if you gave me a choice." His tone was light and playful and he let out a grunt from the pinch she'd delivered to his side.
"Insufferable." Hermione smiled up at him.