*hands out plate with cookies* DON'T HATE ME GUYS!

I'm so sorry I'm so bad at uploading. Sometimes I'm in the mood to continue my stories, but most days I'm too stressed to even turn on my laptop. I hope these 3,2k words as an apology help you. As always, reviews are appreciated!


(disclaimer: I don't own anyone)

When Clarke got back down a few minutes after eight, Bellamy was indeed still in her apartment. Somehow, he must have found some candles in her kitchen cupboards, which were now lit all around the room. He had also found the open wine bottle from the day before and poured them a glass each. Clarke had to admit; it was pretty romantic. And damn, it did things to her heart… She could feel herself really admiring this man and thinking about things that she hadn't thought about for such a long time!

"Hey. Welcome back." Bellamy murmured and scooted over on the couch. They sat on opposite ends of the couch, smiling at each other.

"Yeah. She really went down well. Thanks for staying."

He nodded and murmured a small "sure." For a few moments, they both sat there in the half-lit room, in silence.

"So… Tell me about the party tomorrow. About your co-workers." Clarke proposed, loosening the ponytail and shaking out her blond hair. She's had an exhausting day at work, she could basically feel the stress pressing into her skull and the ponytail certainly didn't help with that.

"Well, there's Murphy. He writes about politics, in a very satiric way. He actually doesn't really like politics, but he is very determined. Our boss tried to fire him a couple of times because of some very strange articles. But Murphy… well, he is like a cockroach. Nothing can stop him." He grinned. "He's got a fiancée, Emori. I haven't met her yet, but I can imagine her being a great woman if she puts up with Murphy." They shared a grin and Clarke could feel herself become excited to meet Murphy and Emori the next day.

"Then, there are Monty and Jasper. They're basically geeks, nerds, whatever you want to call them."

Clarke interrupted him with small nudge with her foot against his. "You're a nerd yourself!"

He rolled his eyes a bit but could feel himself blush. He was a nerd, but just when it came to mythology, okay?

"Anyways. They write about science fiction and fantasy. Sometimes even spiritual things. Promote new games, inventions and all that stuff. Monty has tried making some kind of robot that brings us coffee to our places whenever we press a button on our desks. It didn't really work out well. The robot spilled most of it and our boss was furious. Jasper is also known to always have a bit of their moonshine in a secret drawer. Him and Monty make their own alcohol."

"Really?" Clarke's eyes widened. "Is there anything they can't do?"

Bellamy grinned. "Yeah. You'll see tomorrow. They're both very very bad when it comes to interacting with women." Clarke raised an eyebrow. "Just wait until tomorrow and you'll probably experience their 'flirting' yourself!"

"Then, there is Miller. He's our sports guy. He is funny but kind of introvert and doesn't say much. He is gay, but his parents never really accepted that. They… well. Let's just say he had a very difficult childhood and it never really was easy for him. We've known each other since junior high, when he moved here with his parents. Ever since then we've been best friends and I have been trying to help him with his parents and boyfriends ever since."

Clarke nodded, feeling for a man that she didn't even know. "I know a bit about difficult childhoods myself. Who doesn't?" she shrugged and motioned for Bellamy to keep going.

"Then there is Harper. She is a great girl, very friendly and everybody loves her. Very ambitious and creative. She is our editor and Octavia claims she is the heart of the newspaper, no doubt having made it as successful as it is. The rest of us literally knows nothing about art and layout and stuff. You'll like her!" He shot Clarke a smile, which she returned. She was always glad to meet other artsy people with whom she could bounce ideas on and off. "And then, there's also Echo." Bellamy spoke back up, tearing Clarke from her thoughts and making her immediately noticed his voice becoming smaller, more caring. His eyes softened as well, although he suddenly looked sad. "She's in charge of economics. She's really into money, finances, stocks and all the stuff no one really understands."

They were silent for a minute, with Bellamy avoiding her gaze, unsure if she noticed his change in behavior. Of course, she did notice it, she's a teacher. Teachers notice a lot of things, they have to.

"Were you… in a relationship with her?" Clarke asked, sending him a supportive smile.

"Yeah," he murmured and cleared his throat. "we were college sweethearts, I guess. It ended about two years ago and she's been trying to avoid me ever since. Of course, that's not entirely possible since we work together."

Clarke nodded. "How did it end?"

"She's… We're very different people and we only noticed that a few years into our relationship. We both grew up and just weren't compatible as adults. I had to be a father figure for Octavia after our mom died. I also expressed the wish to get married someday and have kids. She didn't want all of that and she certainly didn't understand how my priorities changed after mom died."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

He shrugged. "It's okay. I am glad we realized it then, you know. Instead of pretending. It's just sometimes hard, working together. We're kind of friends and we parted ways amicably. But sometimes… I think sometimes she regrets ending things. I don't." He smiled at her and took a sip of his wine. "Now. Enough about me. Tell me more about yourself! Who are the people in the pictures?"

Clarke's face turned into a fond expression and a huge smile lit up her face. "The brunette woman is Raven, the ex-girlfriend Madi's dad cheated on me with. She considers Madi as her niece and also spoils her rotten. I actually asked her if she could take Madi tomorrow, so that we could just say we found a babysitter. But, unfortunately, her boyfriend planned a day at a spa and romantic hotel. They wouldn't want to take a toddler with them. Raven is kind of the sister I never had."

"Do you have any other siblings?"

Clarke shook her head. "No. Just me. The guy in the pictures is Wells. He's been my best friend ever since kindergarten, when he shoved a boy that tried to destroy my sandcastles. His parents and mine quickly became friends then, just like their equally rebellious kids. We all moved to the outskirts together and grew up in each other's houses. He's a good guy, very loyal and extremely sociable. Ever since we were kids, he wanted to be a lawyer, but his father tried to change his mind. His dad owns a firm and does a lot with architecture, real estate and stuff and wanted Wells to take over the firm. Unlike me, Wells has always done what his parent's thought were best for him, so he became an architect."

Bellamy frowned and angled his body more towards her. "What do you mean 'unlike me'?"

"Well… My mom wanted me to become a doctor, just like her. The thought of her daughter doing something different, let alone creative things or reading tragedies instead of anatomy books… it broke her, and it broke our relationship. I have always been rebellious. Dating guys I shouldn't have dated, choosing something just to defy her, getting pregnant and being left by the baby daddy… Becoming a teacher instead of a doctor was the cherry on top." Clarke shrugged and then took a big sip out of her wine glass.

"Isn't she glad that you are employed in a great school and have a wonderful daughter?" Bellamy then asked.

"Apparently that's not enough and I am a failure for her. She actually hasn't seen Madi ever since I gave birth to her. I send her pictures every now and then, hoping maybe she'll come to her senses and want to get to know Madi. It's a long shot, I know. But it makes me feel better about the situation."

Bellamy swallowed. He valued family a lot, which was obvious to everyone who knew him or heard him talk about his sister. "Why? I mean… She's Madi's grandma. Isn't that something she wishes to cherish?"

Clarke sighed. "Well… Two and a half years ago, we didn't exactly get along well. My dad died and I blamed her. I'm still not sure how and why he died, but I'm pretty sure my mom had something to do with it." Bellamy raised his eyes, surprised to hear Clarke say something like that. "Oh no!" Clarke said and grinned a bit. "Nothing like that. She didn't kill him herself. But… it's difficult to explain. Here's the short version, if you want to hear it?"

Bellamy nodded and put his wine glass down on the coffee table.

"So… My dad worked in a science lab. They found something out, I think it was a cure for cancer. My mom has been treating cancer patients for years and always wanted to find a cure for them. That's also how my parents met each other. She started a campaign and collaborated with MedLabs, where my dad worked. Anyways. The bonded, fell in love, had me, looked for a cure, fought, made up – normal marriage stuff. Then, I think he found a cure but somehow my mom wasn't convinced. I've been trying to get her to talk to me for years about why she didn't want to run trials. She's not telling me. Then, two weeks after we celebrated my pregnancy, my dad died of cancer. Turns out he and my mom knew but never told me. I think, whatever he found out, whatever cure he invented, could have helped him. My mom could have helped him, I guess. But she didn't." Clarke swallowed and wiped a stray tear from her cheek. "Sorry I'm so emotional about this."

"It's fine. And I'm so sorry you had to endure that. Have you asked your mother about the cure and why she didn't try it with your dad?"

Clarke nodded. "I tried to, at least. I turned up on her doorstep a few weeks after I gave birth, wanting to ask her about my dad's death. And obviously, I wanted her to meet Madi, maybe even rekindle with her for my daughters' sake. She took one look at Madi, said something about bastards and then she closed the door in my face."

"Wow." Bellamy said. "I don't even know what to say to that. So, it's really just you and Madi?"

Clarke nodded. "And Uncle Wells and Aunt Raven. I'm glad Madi has some kind of father figure, even though Wells and I don't see each other often. It's better than nothing."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, each hanging to their own thoughts. Then Clarke said "But please, don't pity us. We manage and not everybody does well with big families anyways. I don't need a big family to love my daughter."

"I know. And I'm not pitying you, really. Your mother doesn't know what she is missing out. And, I know I haven't known you for such a long time. But I'm pretty sure your father would be proud of you, Clarke." He smiled and gently laid a hand onto her arm. Until that moment, Clarke hadn't even realized how close they sat to each other, having scooted closer every minute.

"Thanks" she whispered and sent him a small smile.

Bellamy nodded and then said, "I noticed a postcard in the kitchen. On the fridge."

"There are a lot of postcards on our fridge. Which one are we talking about here?"

"The one from Greece. A Lexa wrote to you."

Clarke sighed. "This evening is getting kinda depressing for me, buddy! You owe me a happy day after this." They shared a grin and Bellamy nodded.

"I promise we'll do something fun soon. And I promise, I won't ask any questions about people after this conversation. And, you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable!" he added as an afterthought.

Clarke shrugged. "It's okay. I trust you." Their eyes met and Clarke could feel a warmth spreading inside of her, a kind of feeling she hadn't experienced ever since Lexa. "So, Lexa. She was my girlfriend before I met Madi's dad. We were pretty serious, and I loved her a lot."

"What happened?"

"She loved adventures and the adrenalin rush. We've been together for quite some time and I have to admit, being with her brought me out of my shell. She helped be overcome some of my fears and I was way bolder with her than I usually would have been. She always wanted to fly above mountains in a small plane. You know, like these planes for just two people? Anyways. One of her friends was a pilot and he had a plane. They took it to the mountains somewhere and then their plane had some malfunctions. They could have probably made it, but her friend had a heart attack- in the plane. Lexa has had some classes on how to fly small planes, but not enough. They crashed somewhere over the Rocky Mountains, she died immediately." Silence filled the room. Bellamy was speechless, he really did not expect all of this.

"The postcard… She sent it on the day of the crash, right?" he gently asked.

"Yeah. It arrived a day after I contacted the police because I didn't hear from her and they told me she was dead."

"Wow. That's… I' m so sorry. Clarke, I shouldn't have asked about this. I'm really sorry I made you talk about it and relieve it and all." Bellamy raked his fingers though his hair, looking very apologetic.

"It's okay. I'm glad I can talk about it. There has been a time where I couldn't. I miss her a lot, some days more than others. But… our life back then was very different. I am another person now, which also makes me handle things different, including her death." She smiled slightly. "And, Lexa always dreamed of dying after having lived. You know? She was the pure adventure and she did not want to die after a boring life. And her life was way from boring. I don't think she died a sad person. Do you know what I mean?"

Bellamy nodded. "Sounds like she lived life to the fullest."

"Yeah, she– "before Clarke could continue, the doorbell rang. Clarke frowned and shot a look at the clock. It was half past nine, who in the world would ring the doorbell at this time?

"Excuse me for a sec." She said to Bellamy, put a hand to his shoulder in excuse and walked to the door. Bellamy stood as well, taking their empty wine glasses into the kitchen. He quickly rinsed them, all the way straining his ears to listen to Clarke and whoever was at the door. It did not sound like she invited the door ringer in. Quite the opposite, her voice sounded angry, raising in volume, until he caught bits and pieces of the conversation.

"No. You have no right."

A man's voice could be heard, saying, "Oh, but I do! And I will definitely fight you on this, you can be sure of it."

It sounded threatening and, Bellamy worried even more with every passing minute. He quickly walked through the kitchen and through the living room to the front door.

"Everything alright here?" he asked, fixing the man opposite him with a blank stare. Clarke immediately scooted closer to Bellamy, holding the door open with a death grip, her knuckles turning white. He protectively put one arm around her waist and waited for the man to answer him. But instead, whoever he was, fixed Clarke with a cold eye.

"Are you serious? Look at him. Do you really think that's a good idea? I can't believe you. I will get back to you and until then, you better loose this shaggy guy here."

"What the fuck?" Bellamy exclaimed, barely containing his emotions. "Who are you again?"

The guy laughed and both Bellamy and Clarke could smell that he had a bit too much to drink. "I'm the baby's father, not you. So, I guess you better leave or else…!"

Bellamy shot a look to Clarke and gently pushed her behind himself to shield her body. "I think you better leave this property. You are not wanted here. We will call the police if you don't go now."

"Go? Police? As if. It's my baby, I have every right to see him."

Clarke was furious. He didn't even remember his child's gender. Before she could react, say something or punch the guy in the face, Bellamy had already given him a small push to get him out of the doorway.

"Son of a…" The guy mumbled and took a swing at Bellamy. Even though he was pretty intoxicated, he still aimed- and hit Bellamy's nose. Bellamy's hand went to his nose, red blood immediately smearing it.

"I'll call the cops" Clarke mumbled and took out her phone. Before she could dial 911 and hit the green button, the guy turned around on the doorstep and stumbled to his car.

"Son of a bitch", Bellamy mumbled and attempted to walk after him to punch him back. But Clarkes hand on his arm and her quiet "please, don't" held him back. He nodded and watched Clarke close the door as quickly as she could. Then, she took his arm and led him to the bedroom, pushing him to sit on the edge of the bathtub. She opened a drawer, got out a small cloth and wet it with cold water. Then she gently pried his hand away from his still bleeding nose and held the cold cloth to it.

"Clarke. Are you okay?" Bellamy mumbled around the cloth, his non-bloody hand gently grasping her wrist.

"I'm not the one with a bleeding nose!" she exclaimed. "I'm so sorry he punched you. I had no idea he would turn up and I… Oh god. He's going to take Madi away from me!"

Bellamy shook his head and squeezed her wrist in his. "He won't. I'm not going to let him, okay?" Their eyes met and, even though they didn't know each other for such a long time, Clarke trusted him. She nodded and tried to get her emotions back in check. She gently cleaned Bellamy's nose and rinsed the cloth under hot water. Then she carefully examined his nose, stating, "it's not broken. Thankfully." He nodded.

"I should go. Are you fine to stay on your own?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'll be okay."

Bellamy grabbed all his belongings, put on his jacket and took his car's keys in hand. Then, they slowly and silently walked to the door. Clarke opened it and he immediately looked out to check if the guy was still hanging around the street. He wasn't.

"Call me, okay? If there's anything you need or if he turns up again, you call me, okay?" he asked, gently putting a hand on her arm.

Clarke nodded.

"Promise me, Clarke. Or else I don't feel comfortable leaving you and Madi alone."

She shot him a small smile and whispered. "I promise. Thanks Bellamy and I'm sorry about your nose."

He nodded. Then, on impulse, he leaned forward and planted a quick and gentle kiss onto her cheek. "See you tomorrow, princess." He grinned and with a light blush on her face, Clarke closed the door. He waited till he heard the lock turning, then got to his car and drove home, a gleeful grin plastered on his face.

Sorry about Lexa... Please leave reviews (but stay friendly)

Also... Is anyone still as excited as me for Eliza and Bob having married?! I still can't believe it!