"Time to work, plastic! boot up or whatever you call it. We got work to do" The abrupt call of her supervisor jolted Lynn out of her standby and back into the shop where she lived and worked. Her LED blinked to life and her optics adjusted to the bright clinical white light that filled the windowless room. The room was made to feel impersonal and cold and it succeeded in spades. "Well are you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna get to work?" Tony rolled his eyes and glared at her, impatient as always. He stood next to a big metal table that took up most of the space in the small room. Next to that was several small tables with tools of varying sizes and functions, as well as Tony's messy desk in the corner of the room, an oddity in such a clean and well kept environment. But it was what was on top of the big metal table that was the most out of place in this room. An android, or what was left of one. More warped plastic and split wires than a functional android, it laid out covering the tabletop, leaking thirium all over.

"let's go! It's not gonna scrap itself!" Lynn stepped off her platform where she was kept in standby when shop hours were over "Sorry Tony" She walked over to the small supply cabinet next to Tony's desk and retrieved her apron and a pair of blue gloves. Her usual attire was simple, with white pants and a clean button up and the typical Android symbols, standard issue from Cyber Life. She tied the apron around her waist and insured it covered her clothes so as not to get any thirium on them. Tony huffed, grabbing the clipboard off the table and scanned over it "Thirium pump still intact, as well as a few other smaller components. Start with the most expensive stuff and see what can be scrapped after that" Tony grumbled, about as matter of factly as if he were telling her it was a bicycle without a seat. Lynn scanned over the android and identified the most expensive pieces, she pressed her hand to the side of its head and deactivated it's synthetic skin.

"Previous owner said it was hit by a car, I don't expect too much to be in working order" Lynn picked up her tools and went to work, being careful not to damage anything that was still in working order. Tony took the clipboard and plopped down in his office chair, his work effectively done for the day. Lynn remained focused and precise in her work, hands steady and sure. Why shouldn't they be? This was what she was built for. She was a scrapper. When androids came in that were far too damaged to remain functional she salvaged parts to be returned to Cyber Life stores, to be reused in their preowned models. She also performed maintenance for the customers who were seeking repairs on their androids. All of this was a typical day for Lynn, as was the grumbling Tony was currently doing in the corner about "damn androids" and "job stealers".

2 hours was all it had taken for Lynn to find anything that could still be considered functional and separate it, clean it and repackage it to be shipped out. Tony had long fallen asleep in his chair and was snoring loudly. Lynn had just finished cleaning up the left over android pieces and washing the table of thirium when Tony jolted himself awake. Dazed from his nap he glared at Lynn thru half lidded eyes. "Aren't you finished yet?" She gave him an agreeable smile "Yes, Tony I just finished" He rolled his eyes at her yet again. "Yes Tony I just finished" He said in a higher than normal tone, mocking her. "Well then? Take that thing down to the incinerator. Do I have to do everything?" He spun back around in his chair and covered his face with his hat "Right away" Lynn replied but Tony was already snoring again.

Carrying the plastic container down the steps that lead to the basement was always a bit uncomfortable to Lynn. The basement was by no means dark or any less clinical feeling than the rest of her work space, but something about this particular room was reminiscent of a morgue. The room contained only the incinerator and androids waiting for processing, all standing off to the side in neat rows. Glancing down Lynn caught sight of the androids head. One remaining eye staring into nothing and an expression almost sad, asking for help. Walking quickly Lynn placed the plastic box in the opening of the incinerator and before she could hesitate pushed it inside. The plastic of the former androids face began to melt and warp as she closed the small door. Her LED swirled yellow as she stared into the haunting face of the formerly functional android, his gaze was penetrating, almost accusing. "you could have helped me" his gaze said "you could have helped but you took me apart". Lynn stared back and reminded herself that his programming didn't allow for such thoughts and that she had done nothing but salvaged parts from a damaged machine. These thoughts didn't belong in her software and it made her LED flash to red thinking that they had occurred to her at all.

"Lynn will you get your ass back up here! We have customers!" Tony's booming voice over the loud speaker of the basement snapped her out of the troubling thoughts, that still hung in the back of her mind. She quickly and purposefully walked out of the basement and into the main shop area, where Tony was smiling and chatting with a customer. The android to the man's left was missing her right hand and was leaking thirium from a cut on her cheek. "No trouble at all sir, we will have your android good as new in no time at all" Tony was always friendly to the customers, smiling and suggestion extra things to upgrade their androids. The man thanked Tony and left the store, leaving his android behind for them to repair. "Freakin idiot" Tony mumbled after the man, then turned on Lynn "Get this thing in running shape and get a mop and clean that blue blood off my floor" Lynn smiled again "Of course Tony".

The sound that abruptly ended Lynns standby today was not Tony's voice or rude comments, it was the crash of a mostly intact android being dumped like luggage on her table by Tony and another man. "what did you say happened to it again?" the man shrugged his shoulders at Tony "I don't know man, one minutes its all good. The next this damn thing goes crazy and attacks me. Had to put it down before it did any damage". Tony leans in and examines the android on the table "well, looks like we will be able to salvage a lot of parts from this thing. You sure you don't want it repaired? It would probably still run" The man held his hands up "No freakin way dude, besides my warranty is still good. Might get me one of those upgraded models, if you know what I mean" The man winked at Tony and they shared a laugh.

Without looking over at her Tony yelled out "Lynn! Wake your ass up, time to work" She stepped down off her platform "Yes Tony, I will get ready". The man said his goodbyes to Tony and exited the room, bumping Lynn aside as he went. Tony picked up the clipboard that had the androids information on it. "Damn this thing pretty much has all its parts still working, looks, like he did just enough damage for it to go down" Lynn now in her work attire approached the table. Scanning the android she observed the three bullet holes that littered the androids chest, as well as the damage to it's face and forearms. It looked like the man hadn't stopped at just putting it down, he had taken out his frustrations as well. "Alright, get to it. This one is gonna be a big shipment to one of the stores, so don't break anything" he turned and went to sit in his chair. "Yes Tony" he grunted and leaned back, propping his feet up on the desk.

Lynn slipped on her blue gloves and scanned the android for all valuable parts that could be removed, Tony's snoring filled the previously silent room with bear like noises. Observing the android, she found in addition to the obvious damage there were also older marks from previous injuries. Lynn pressed her hand to the androids temple by its LED to deactivate its skin, what she didn't expect was the hand that snapped up to capture her wrist. Startled, her eyes found the other android's. His were wide and full of terror and desperation. "Please" he begged her "Please don't deactivate me, I don't wanna die" She attempted to take a step back, but the android held her arm in place, not letting her get away from him.

"He was beating me, what was I supposed to do? What would you have done?" His voice was getting steadily louder and more desperate, trying to get Lynn to understand. "Let me go" her voice came out weaker than she had intended "I have to do my job". His LED flashed to red instantly, he yanked Lynn forward, in that moment Lynn felt something she had never felt before. Fear. "They use us up and dispose of us when they feel like it. It isn't fair. It isn't right". The face of the android in the incineration flashed in Lynn's mind and she started to panic. Struggling against the android who still held her close, she kicked out her leg and knocked over the small table, littering the ground with dozens of small tools. Tony may have been able to sleep thru the android's steadily rising voice but now with that crash he was awake. "What the shit?" Tony rolled to the side, he office chair slipping out from underneath him, sending him sprawling to the floor.

Lynn struggled to look over at Tony, trying to silently beg for help. The Android yanked Lynn's attention back to him when he grabbed Lynn's arm and all at once Lynn wasn't in her work space anymore. She was in a house she had never seen before and with no control over her body. There was a man sitting in front of her on a couch. Bottle of alcohol in one hand, handgun in the other. "You aren't even worth the money I paid for you. Can barely keep house" The man's words were slurred, it was clear he was already intoxicated. The man lifted the gun pointing it right at her "Atleast you're good for something. Target practice" The noise was deafening and she felt the bullet rip thru her as she fell, as well as a terror she had never known. She was afraid, afraid of this man, afraid she was going to die. "Please" she heard a voice that was not her own say. The man chuckled and advanced on her again with the gun, her body turned to attempt to crawl to safety but wasn't fast enough. The man was on top of her again. This time he swung out his fist and caught her on the side of the head, dazing her.

"Shut up, damn talking mannequin" He shot her again twice more, and continued to beat her until she felt everything go dark. Everything spun as she was thrown back into her own body. Almost no time had passed, Tony was still on the floor and the android still held her. She lept backwards attempting to free herself again but only succeeding in bringing the android on the table down with her. They both fell to the ground. "Shit" Tony finally getting to his feet ran for the door, throwing it open and running out into the main store. Lynn pushed back from the android and back-peddled all the way to the corner. She felt water running down her face, tears? The android crawled towards her attempting to push himself to sit upright. He was crying too, looking all around the room like a caged animal. Suddenly the man from earlier reappeared in the doorway followed by Tony.

She flinched away seeing the man from the memories but the android screamed and attempted to drag himself away from the man. The man drew his gun and trained it on the helpless desperate android, who in turn reached out and grabbed a hold of Lynn again. "Help me, please. I don't want to die" That was the last thing she heard before the man pulled the trigger and ended the androids existence forever.