Do you have what I need? –D3m3nt3d

Do you have the money? – DCB30

What do you take me for? Of course I do! –D3m3nt3d

Meet up soon. You know the place. –DCB30

"I did no such thing," Ron gasped in mock horror.

"Oh yes you did. You cheated!" Kim argued back.

"Uh, are you two gonna order already?"

Kim and Ron looked up to see an impatient Ned looking as if he were getting too old for this job.

"I'll have the 'that's nacho platter' and Ron will have three orders of nacos grande sized," Kim quickly replied. Ned turned on his foot, walking away with a huff.

"As I was saying, I did not cheat," Ron continued. "There were no rules against what I did."

"You used romance—an apparent weakness of mine—and stole my car keys, Ron!" Kim exclaimed.

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it," he smiled smugly.

"Well, I—" Kim stopped a moment to recall last month's festivities.

It was the last weekend of summer break before their sophomore year of college. It was the first annual scavenger hunt that had been Monique's idea. Everyone was assigned a partner by Jim and Tim; Kim with Monique, Ron with Felix, and Zita with Wade.

"Good luck," Ron and smiled at Kim, pulling her in his arms, and dipping her, kissing her with a passion she had not been used to.

"No fraternizing with the enemy!" Monique shouted, half-joking.

"But the enemy is so cute," Kim pointed out, never taking her eyes off of Ron.

It wasn't until Kim needed to unlock her car to start scavenger hunting that she realized her keys were missing…Ron had kissed her like that to steal her keys.

"That cheater!" she had shouted. "Mo, he stole my keys!"

"I told you not to kiss the enemy!" Monique replied, her face clearly screaming 'I told you so.'

"Oh, what the hell," Kim sighed, "that was a damn good kiss."

"Was it?" Ron asked, suddenly unsure of himself.

"Mhmm," Kim assured him. They were leaning in toward each other until…

"Have a muy bueno day," Ned grumbled after slamming their trays down.

"Maybe you two should keep the PDA to a minimum," Monique suggested.

Kim and Ron both felt their cheeks flush having forgotten that Monique was even there, eating her salad quietly.

"Alright, people, listen up!" Barkin ordered. "We have a foreign exchange student in our midst, joining us for a semester."

"Again?" Ron groaned.

"Shh," Kim scolded him.

"Give a warm Middleton welcome to Yori Tanaka," Barkin continued.

"Yori!?" this was spoken simultaneously.

"Stoppable-San, Kim Possible, so good to see you again," she smiled.

"You too, Yori," Kim replied, wondering the real reason the ninja was there.

"Sis, you brought your—Companion? Boyfriend? Lover?" Hego scratched his head in confusion.

"Don't! Ever! Say! Lover! Again!" Shego shouted, blasting her plasma towards her brother.

"Okay, okay, everybody calm down," Mego said. "Now, let's focus on me."

"Just forget it! I can't do this! I'm outta here!" Shego yelled.

"Now, Shego, let's be cordial about this," Drakken told her in an attempt to cool her down. "I know it's a big adjustment for both of us, what with being villains for the past eight years."

"I just don't think I can commit to this," Shego replied. "It's too much. Who said we have to be heroes or villains? Can't we just be normal people who don't get involved?"

"If that's what you want," he assured her. "But you've hardly given this a try."

Shego groaned. "Fine, I'll give it a week…"

"There you go!" Drakken encouraged.

"…But I won't like it," Shego muttered under her breath.

Author's Note: Yori has returned...but what does she know? Drakken is more willing than Shego to adjust to a life of heroism, but how will that work out?