So the Fate/ anime and manga's are a thing and I may have seen a bit but I'm no expert on the nasuverse. That being said, one of the things I always liked was the idea of a fallout character getting introduced would be fun. The ones I have seen however have been less than…ideal. Never though for I have come, though things will be different. First off Nasuverse and Falloutverse are one in the same.

Then we have the Holy grail wars ending after the fourth one due to the corruption of the grail taking a while to purge so it took centuries for the grail to comeback, delaying the fifth war for a few centuries. Also Gilgamesh died like a bitch because screw him, let's say he got a super case of laxative poisoning as a prank from Rider he set up before Gil killed him. Yeah, let's say he literally crapped his guts out and he died. Golden prick.

Shirou grew up normally and still made friends with Sakura and Rin, learned about magic, stabbed shinji after learning how horrible he was, saving Sakura from worm grandpa, befriending Ilya and finding a way to kill the super pedophile and evil priest, and happily ever after. Also he gets a magic harem because you know, reasons.

Point is it doesn't matter what happened back then because now it's the wasteland, magus are in hiding and still useless, oh and now there are monsters roaming around that are just as dangerous as the ones from the age of the gods. Let's see what happens now.

Chapter 1: Tired Soul

It was a familiar smell that that assaulted my nose. Burnt ozone, melted flesh, gun powder, piss and shit all mixing together into an ungodly aroma. It smelled like death.

The entire place was filled with corpses. Old or young, man or woman, it didn't matter in the end as they all met the reaper eventually. The battlefield was littered with weapons from simple metal pipes to the advanced Gatling laser though now they all lay useless without a hand to wield them.


What was this place called again? I couldn't remember. Just another skeleton of civilization now filled with even more skeletons. Why was I here again? They had attacked me right? I wouldn't have slaughtered them all if the hadn-no no that's not right. They had attacked the settlers, the raiders had attacked my subjects and I retaliated. Huh, subjects. What was I some king or emperor of old who ruled over the masses? Funny, that was a pretty accurate statement though the term warlord would probably be a more apt description for me.


I heard a gasp of pain and I looked down to see the body I had just stepped on squirm. It was a blonde haired boy no older than eighteen wearing leather armor. His right hand was a ruined meaty mess that was barely more than a stump and I idly wondered how a kid like him wound up running with a bunch of up jumped raiders. He was clearly suffering and I idly wondered if he would get the hint that a raiders life was an vile one full of suffering and pain. I was about to walk away and spare the young man's life, that was until I saw his necklace.


It was a simple design of old string wrapped around his neck, but the real decoration was the severed ears that lined the thing. Some were old enough to rot and decay while others were much more fresh. Trophies. With all thoughts of mercy gone, I lifted up my pistol, an old and weathered ten millimeter, and pulled the trigger.

"Hey James!"

Jumping in my seat I nearly pulled my gun and shot the disgustingly decayed face that was looking into mine.

"Damn it Raul, don't startle me like that." I said rubbing my eyes. Glancing around I saw that I was no longer surrounded by the dead in the middle of some ruined city, now I was sitting at a table in the Lucky 38's cocktail lounge. Looking down I saw it had finished my drink, the unholy mix of absinthe and Nuka Cola Quantum.

"Well its not too hard to do when you just sit there daydreaming, probably about the senoritas again aye?" The ghoul said sending me a amused smirk. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his suggestion.

"Get your mind out of the gutter you perverted old zombie."

"Ha! Just because I don't use my parts doesn't mean you shouldn't use yours. You're a young man Boss, sure that walking carcass you call a body is worn goods, but I'm sure a chica would be willing to go for a ride. Honestly, learn to enjoy life a little."

I sighed a little at the statement. "I would if something good ever happened."

Raul frowned at my words and shot be a look. "Uh boss, what do you call all this? Six years ago and this place was a tomb. Now?" He said motioning toward the rest of the room.

Looking around I saw all the people conversing, laughing and drinking. Human or ghoul, rich or poor, they were all welcome here since I had done away with House's restrictions against the less wealthy entering the strip. After coming up with several programs to help fix up the areas outside of the strip and improving the people's way of life I had deemed it possible for them to enter the strip so long as they didn't cause trouble. Every one of them was dressed in a beautiful gown or sharp looking suit. I honestly felt out of place in my dirty white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, worn jeans, old combat boots and a piece of priceless technology on my left forearm.

"Yeah this is good and all but it's temporary. I want something good that will last the centuries and in the end will actually help us rebuild and remake the world!" I said glancing out the window at the night sky only to see head of messy brown hair and intense green eyes looking back at me. "No matter what I do, what miracle of technology I create, no matter how big my empire gets or how successful, it will only last so long before we piss it all away with another war. I just want for us to finally learn from our mistakes. And I'm… I'm tired Raul. I hate watching us all tear ourselves apart and squabble over the scraps of the old world. I just want us all to learn that all this hate and killing only brings us ever closer to the edge. We were lucky with the great war, lucky we still had enough people surviving to start rebuilding. I'm just tired of the fighting and I just want us all to stop."

When I finished my rant, feeling far more exhausted than I should have. It felt like I had just poured out my soul and honestly, it felt good to get it off my chest. I had been having these thoughts for a while. It had all started one day when I made the mistake of looking at the stats section on my pipboy. I had always known my body count would be high, but never would I have thought it would have reached six digits. A revelation like that could do a lot to a man's psyche.

Raul just sat there slack jawed momentarily not knowing what to say. "Wow Boss. That was uh…quite the speech. What's got you so worked up lately? It got something to do with your new tattoos or something?"

I grumbled at that and glanced at my right hand. On it was a series of red markings forming two triangles pointing at each other with two lines to either side sweeping upwards. If you squinted at it, it faintly resembled an ornate hourglass with a pair of wings.

It honestly baffled me on how I got the damn thing. A week ago I have the rare chance of sleeping on a real bed rather than some make shift cot and the next morning I wake up with new body ink. I had gone to doctor Usanagi and Julia Farkas and neither one of them could see anything strange about it. My personal medical equipment couldn't find out anything about the markings other than it wasn't a tattoo but more like a strange skin pigmentation. Even the Think Tank were stumped other than discovering a strange but faint energy signature coming from the thing. It had taken promising several favors, threats and pulling a gun on the brains to stop them from attempting to sever the hand and study it 'FOR SCIENCE!' as they put it. What ever the thing was it was pissing me off to no end.

"No, and I still don't know a damn thing about them but no. I've just been thinking about what I'm going to do when all is said and done. I mean I'm not going to be around forever and I'm just hoping that what I'm going to be leaving behind will be worth all this senseless fighting and bloodshed. I guess I just want future generations look back and say 'Yeah That New World Empire really turned things around for the rest of the world and changed the course of history'. You know, nothing to big." I said sardonically.

Raul looked at me before shaking his head and taking off his vaquero hat. Setting it down he picked up a bottle of whiskey nearby and taking a swig before looking me dead in the eyes.

"Look James, I'm an old man. Two hundred years and I've seen a lot, I mean a LOT in my time, most of the weirdest stuff while traveling with you of course. I've seen the worst and best in people yet from the moment I met you I knew that you were different, knew that you were special. Still an idiota but special. Following you around the Mojave I saw you do things I wouldn't believe even if I were as drunk as Cass, yet it happened and after hearing the stories of your time in D.C. I was more than ready to believe you even when you said you were going to start your own nation." Raul said smiling and holding back chuckles. "Now here we are six years later and your little city state has turned into an empire spanning an entire continent. Hell you even took a year off to go wandering around the Commonwealth and singlehandedly established a foothold on the East coast. No matter what happens, history is most certainly going to remember you Boss, because you gave this rotten, broken and screwed-up world something it sorely needed. You gave us hope for a better tomorrow." He finished with a smile. Not a grim or sarcastic one but a genuinely happy smile.

I just sat there listening to the ghoul try to reassure me. Was he right? It had been a living nightmare to get to where I am today but I knew I had bettered my own piece of the world greatly. Would that alone really change the course of history?

Thinking about it some more, a smile spread across my face and I burst out into chuckles. "Hahaha! I guess you're right old man. Thanks for cheering me up I needed that. Now if you'll excuse me I need some air, all the booze is really starting to kick in."

"Yeah yeah have a good night Boss." He said taking another drink of whiskey.

Getting up I stumbled a little before steadying myself and making my way towards the elevator.

Pushing the down button I leaned against the cold metal and letting it reinvigorate my senses before the doors opened to reveal the bustling casino. The Lucky 38 had opened its doors to the public a few months after I took over New Vegas. Of course the security around the restricted sections had been tightened even further and there was now several dozen turrets and securitrons lying in wait.

Walking through the lobby I waved back and gave quick greeting to several customers recognized me before exiting. The Strip had grown as well as instead of the three big casinos and Vault 21, the three casinos had turned into six. Now there was The Palace run by The Kings, the new and improved Atomic Wrangler and finally Powder Keg owned and operated by the Gun Runners. Though the last one was less a casino and more a massive armory and firing range with gambling on the side. Obviously no drinking was allowed on the premises.

Heading to my right past the gates I made my way into Freeside. This place was looking better than ever now. Buildings were refurbished, rebuilt and fixed up. The vast majority of the people living here were still more on the poorer side but at least now there weren't junkies, homeless and cutthroats around every corner. Crime was still somewhat high but nowhere near as bad as it had been. Honestly I was impressed how far the place had come in six years, let alone what had happened in the last ten.

That last thought gave me pause and made me stumble briefly.

God had it really been ten years since I stepped out of the Vault?

Ten years since I stepped out of Vault One-O-One in the DC Wasteland chasing my runaway father. Ten years since I was forced to beat my first enemy to death with my old baseball bat. I had stepped out into the scorched hell hole that was once America's capitol. Following his trail I did everything I could to help the people I met on my journey as well as putting down what ever monstrosity or black hearted bastard got in my way. Eventually finding my dad forced me to delve into a virtual simulation run by a psychopathic scientist who was a god in that fake world. Escaping that nightmare led my father and I to finishing his life's work, Project Purity. A machine capable of purifying the Potomac River, both giving everyone access to vast amounts of free clean drinking water and restarting the ecosystem at the same time. The preparations to start it up would take time so I was free to do what I wanted until it was ready to be activated.

It was just my luck I ran into a group of Brotherhood Outcasts trying to get access to old world tech just after. Deciding to help them along with the promise of good loot, I dove into a virtual training program to unlock the door to the cache. Unfortunately the program was not only able to make me feel actual pain and could kill me, it was set to send me into the middle of the Battle of Anchorage, the most vicious and bloody battle in the war between China and America. Luckily I survived, but exiting the program it seems that half of the Outcasts didn't like depending on an outsider for help and promptly turned on me as well as the least murderous members of the group. They didn't live long enough to regret that decision.

Of course it wasn't to long before I was caught up in another 'adventure'. This time taking me to a place called the Pitt and to free the oppressed people of a growing slave empire. The place deserved the name and looked like it was plucked straight from the depths of hell itself. Disguised as a slave I worked my way up the power chain before stealing the 'cure' to the mutations of the Pitt and leading a slave revolt. Even now the place was still a nightmare even if the people there had managed to scrape out a living.

Heading back to my dad, we were about to get the purifier started when a group called the Enclave showed up. They were armed to the teeth and more armored than a tank with training to put all other threats I had meet to shame. They attacked us and dad…he died because of them. I turned to the local chapter of the Brotherhood Of Steel for help. Together we fought back against the Enclave and eventually retook the purifier, but to save everyone I activated it at the cost of my own life.

Or so I thought.

The radiation didn't kill me like I thought it would and woke up out of a coma two weeks later. Feeling as good as it could be I went back to what I was doing and finally put the Enclave down for good. Exploring on my own I eventually made my way to Point Lookout, a town way down south on what I thought was a well deserved vacation. Of course it turned out the place was an irritated swampland that was just as hellish as the Pitt in its own way. After exploring that hell hole I went back home and surprise surprise, I stumbled into another mess.

I can honestly say I never expected to be abducted by aliens, lead a band of fighters from throughout history against the little green bastards and eventually taking over the ship as my own. That was a hell of a week.

When it all was said and done, there was nothing left for me to do. My friends were either dead, abandoned me or busy trying to live their own life. I didn't blame them, I was tired of that kind of life myself. So I headed west and took up the job as a courier for four years. It was a good job and I enjoyed it, I even continued to help people everywhere I went. It was all going good until the delivery to transport the Platinum chip in the Mojave wasteland. Drugged, dragged into a cemetery, shot twice in the head and buried in a shallow grave. Not my best day.

Again somehow I survived.

I got up, dealt with the local gang and tried to track down my would-be killers. Along the way I ran into the local factions. The NCR, a government based out of California that were trying to rebuild America, even if they were incompetent and politically corrupt but they meant well. Then there was Caesar's Legion, a group of Roman wannabes who raped, murdered and pillaged their way into becoming the biggest military force on the continent, the only thing holding them back was their disdain for technology. Then there was Mr. House, owner of New Vegas and prewar business genius who had his own robot army. There I was caught in the middle.

Along the way I got trapped in a hellish casino filled with ghost people, poisonous red fog and killer holograms while I had a bomb strapped to my neck. God I hated that place. Then I got trapped in Zion park with tribal societies and met the mythical burned man. Then I got trapped again, this time in the Big Mountain Research Facility where I had my spine, heart, and brain stolen by mad scientists and had to fight through scientific monstrosities to get them back. And finally I got a call from a place called the Divide, yet another hell hole filled with deathclaws, tunnelers, mutants with their skin flayed off by the constant sandstorms that covered the area and scattered nuclear warheads all over the place. And the best part? I was the bastard who accidentally created that slice of hell during my time as a courier.

Returning to Vegas I had had enough of the war in the Mojave I took over New Vegas by taking House's place, taking control of his robot army and kicked bother the Legion and NCR out of the region. Yet at the end of the battle I fought against the monster of the east, Legate Lanius himself. At first I had thought it all talk and exaggeration, the big bad Legate who terrified everyone including his own men and could cleave armored Ranger in half with a swing of his sword. I didn't believe when I stood in front of the seven foot tall armored giant since I had killed much bigger and I still didn't believe it when he threatened to nail me to hoover damn so I could watch Vegas burn.

I started believing it when he sent me (fully armored) flying twenty feet away with the back swing of his sword.

The battle went on for a while before it ended with both of us stabbing each other, well more like I stabbing him in the neck while he impaled me on that oversized blade of his. The last I saw of him was him limping away while I was pulling a foot of broken steel out of my abdomen.

Then Oliver showed up to congratulate me, the prick, and I promptly told him I was kicking the NCR out, which he did nor agree with. Then again it would be hard to argue against a robot army so he really didn't put up much of a fight before leaving.

After that my new nation grew, first by spreading Westward and eventually annexing the NCR during their time of instability after the disaster the was the expansion into the Mojave. Then it came to spreading east. The Legion was crumbling and were easy prey, at least at first. Lanius apparently survived the Bowie knife to the neck and while leading a nation was beyond him, leading an army was his bread and butter. He transformed the Legion from an unrelenting horde into a brutal war machine. He had them all using fire arms regularly and did away with the flimsy armor of sports gear and scavenged scrap metal. Now they were all refitted with full body armor, ballistic plating and proper gear for war mongering. Everything Caesar had decreed that held the Legion back like their hatred of technology and slavery of all women, Lanius was tearing down. For him it didn't matter whether Caesar would have agreed, so long as it made for a better war he didn't care. I found it ironic that it was Lanius who made the Legion more like the Romans of old than that old bastard I killed the Fort.

For five years they were a constant thorn in my side, but we all endured. We took the land that belonged to the Legion and made it our own. My little nation had become the New World Empire. Still we continued expanding east though whenever we encountered a tribe or settlement we did not conquer by force. No we convinced them to join us through acts of goodwill and promises of bettering their lives. Many joined, yet others said no. It was their choice so it didn't matter for me in the long run, I needed only to wait for the younger generation to see what we can do and either convince the more stubborn people to join or they would do so without the others consent. It was shrewd, but the older generations were the most stubborn against change even if it did benefit them. The young were not so set in their ways.

My Empire was strong and getting stronger everyday. Five years of constant expansion and war had been grueling for me, so I wished for a…vacation, of a sorts.

I left my most trusted in charge and made way towards the Boston Commonwealth. I went because I wished to find out what happened to my father's most trusted friend, Dr. Madison Li. She had been there for me after my father died and had been a good friend to me as well. After my supposed death at the purifier she was sick of all the senseless violence so she packed up and left. The last I had heard of her was that she was going to join a group known as the Institute in the Commonwealth, supposedly a faction dedicated to expanding the applications of science.

Arriving just north of the Commonwealth I made my way south and like always, curiosity got the best of me. Finding a Vault numbered one-eleven, I had a look inside. But like all things in my life things got complicated.

I found a man near the entrance of the Vault who I later learned his name was Nate. He was dying, a gunshot wound to the chest from what looked like a 44. Magnum. Feeling bad for the man I asked him who had done this to him. Apparently a bald man with a scar across his face had killed his wife and stolen his infant child. When he tried to fight back he was shot before getting shoved back into some pod. When the pod reopened he stumbled out and found his way here. His dying words being to ask me to save his son.

This struck a cord inside me, a father trying to find his lost child, the reverse of what had happened to me. I promised I would find the child and he died in my arms then, though there was still a bit of hope in his eyes as he passed on.

I later discovered the man had been cryogenically frozen for two hundred years as part of a Vault-tec experiment. Meaning he was a survivor of the great war. His son being stolen however seemed have happened more recently.

Setting out I encounter a group lead by someone from the local militia. From there I followed the clues to find out the very same group I had been looking for, the Institute had been the ones to steal the baby. They made these things called synths, synthetic humans, and had been using them as slave labor. Completely ignoring the fact that these synthetic had actually gained the ability to think for themselves and could genuinely feel emotion. Then I met the other factions such as the Railroad who were dedicated to freeing these synths, and the Brotherhood Of Steel Eastern Chapter who saw the Institute and Synths as a blight on the world that needed to be destroyed.

I was shocked to find my friends, my comrades in the chapter who had helped me in the beginning of my story were either dead or missing. Elder Lyons the kind old man was dead and so was his daughter Sarah who had been killed 'in action'. Now the saviors of DC I had known had been replaced by iron fisted zealots.

At the end of it all I lead the Minutemen men militia to victory against the Institute. Though it pained me to kill their leader, as it was the very boy I had sworn to save. It seems the child had been stolen some sixty years ago but to Nate it had been but moments. The militia expanded and took control of the Commonwealth while forcing the Brotherhood and Railroad into an uneasy peace, mostly by threatening to blow both sides to hell if they started attacking each other.

I was planning on preparing the place for the arrival of the Empire only to have to focus my attention on a robot menace lead by someone called the Mechanist. Then I helped create my own Vault while running my own far more moral experiments that would benefit people. Then a friend named Nick got a job to track down a missing girl that lead us all the way to Maine to a place called the Island. Then finally I accidentally stumbled onto a group of extremely vicious raiders in a nearby amusement park called Nuka World. They are all dead now.

When representatives of the Empire finally arrived the people were more than welcoming to them. The only issue was that the Brotherhood didn't like the fact they were no longer the most technologically advanced army anymore. They never did anything about it but they made their displeasure very well known.

Now here I was, ruler of a growing kingdom, the world at my fingertips and anything I could ever want was mine with the snap of my fingers. Yet like I told Raul, I knew it was only temporary. Babylon, Rome, Britain they all fell eventually and I aimed to make sure this new age of reconstruction and prosperity did not come to an end. My people had been through enough, it was time make sure they could live however they wanted without fear of hunger, disease, being eaten by some wasteland horror or murdered for someone's sadistic pleasure.

So engrossed in my thoughts I hadn't realized I had walked myself all the way over to the old H&H tool factory. The area was more or less abandoned by everyone so I took a deep breath of the cool night air before turning around and heading back to the Strip.

At least I was until I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight and my instincts were screaming at me that there was danger nearby. Outwardly however I didn't give a single indication that I had sensed danger. Instead I just calmly started walking away while whistling a little tune from one of the countless songs I had heard on the radio. As I got further away from the factory the sense of danger was still there, now even more intense than before. Straining my senses I couldn't hear anything and I didn't want to give away I had sensed something by glancing back, yet I did make out a very faint smell of something sickly sweet. I brought up my pipboy as well and made it look like I was just fiddling with the device when I was actually looking at the built in motion tracker.

One contact directly behind me.

Whoever this person was they were good. Had I any less experience with stealthy opponents they would have been able to catch me by surprise. Knowing I was going to have a fight on my hands I went through a mental check list of my combat options.

Minimal weapons available. I was relaxing at the Thirty-eight so no big weapons only Chances knife in the left boot and a 45. caliber pistol stored in the pipboy. No wait, I was sparing earlier. What was I- right sword play. But what blade was it? Machete, kukri, katana? Each one had a different style and required skill set to each one. Now let's see-DUCK!

Throwing myself down to the ground, I felt the air be displaced by something being swung not an inch from my head. Recovering quickly I rolled to my feet and activating my pipboy in one fluid motion. With a small flash of green light I felt a weight settle in my right hand and I tighten my grip on the handle. In retaliation I stabbed forward after the swing that left my attacker open. It came as a small surprise that their weapon came back and parried my blade to the side. Undeterred I let the momentum carry my blade until I spun on my heel and delivered a strike to his left side. Again it was stopped but this time our blades locked and I was able to see his weapon appeared to be foot long curved knife with a serrated blade. I also noted that I had atomized a Chinese officer's sword, a weapon I had more than a little experience with.

Whoever my attacker was, they was very strong. Be able to hold back my attack was no easy feet. Turning my sword I forced our blades to the side and apart. However my blade was much longer than his and as the blades disconnected the tip of the Chinese sword cut into my attackers left left bicep. It didn't do any serious damage but it drew blood and forced the enemy to retreat back.

They were unnaturally agile, jumping back a good thirty feet before I could blink. Now that they were a good distance away I could finally make out the details. It was obviously a man and he was very tall, about six and a half feet tall and able to look down at me. Yet for all his height the man was built like a twig and scrawny as can be, which made his strength all the more surprising. He had on an old ratty looking black long coat, black leather gloves, black pants and shoes. Everything worn by man was as black as shadow save fore a dark purple buttoned-up vest underneath his coat. His skin was as pale as a corpse's or at least the skin I could see as there was a purple cloth covering the lower half of his face. The only things showing was his short pitch black hair and insane looking eyes. The left was a milky white no doubt unable to see out of that one while the other was a vibrant shade of indigo that was gazing at me with a mix of excitement and murderous intent.

"Hahahaha! Oh boy oh boy what a feisty one you are!" He cackled in an odd accent I hadn't heard before, his voice going up and down in pitch erratically. "And you knew I was there too. What a perceptive little rat."

"Nightkin, Nightstalker, coursers and chameleon deathclaws. All them just as sneaky as you and I've killed them all. Now who are you working for? I want to know who I need to put in the ground after I'm done with you." I slowly tightened the grip on my sword while preparing to activate my pipboy again.

"Why I work for my dear Master and him alone. The boy is a bastard after my own heart. Now he sent me out looking for people like you cause apparently he doesn't want the competition for tha' bloody grail. Now here I was looking any of those magi still running around searching for other Masters and low and behold I have found you! Not that you were hard to find my friend. The amount of Prana coming off you is just ridiculous."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Just what the hell are you rambling on about you crazy son of a bitch? Magi? Prana? Grail? I think you've read one to many comics you psycho."

He just looked at me as I were the one talking crazy before bursting out in laughter. "Oh that's just rich! You haven't a clue what's going on do you? Oh well, be a good boy and stay-"

Dropping my sword to the ground, I tapped my pipboy and reatomized the pistol. Pulling the trigger the 45. caliber round went screaming towards the man. My eyes widened when his arm moved almost to fast for me to see and the bullet was deflected by his knife.

"Tsk, rude." He rumbled before rushing me.

The man fast, as unnaturally fast as he was agile. Every time I pulled the trigger he was no longer there and all I could make out was a black blur. I pulled my arm back just as his blade made a swipe for my hand but it wasn't fast enough as the blade dug into the flesh an inch below my wrist. Had it been anyone else they would have lost their hand but for me it was another matter. I had years ago discovered an old military project dedicated to making new types of metal for armor and vehicles. The researchers had succeeded spectacularly but the world had ended to soon to go into gulp production. They had dubbed it Adimantium and it was by far the most durable metal I had ever seen, being able to take artillery shells and nuclear blasts without a scratch. Though I couldn't make any armor from it due to limited material I was inspired by an old comic book character (and several shots of vodka) to implement a unique use for the super metal.

The dark clothed man's blade may have cut the flesh easily but it bounced off my adimantium coated bones like a rock bounces off armor plating. His blow however was enough to make me lose my grip on the pistol and it clattered to the ground. Without a weapon in hand I swung my left fist in an uppercut to his face. It hit and he was sent reeling backwards but it felt as if I had just punched a brick wall.

Using my foot I put the edge of my boot under the sword's blade and kicked up to my waiting hand. Without hesitation I delivered a quick but powerful strike at the man, but I knew something was wrong only to realize too late. Just as the sword was about to hit and though it was hard to make out due to his cloth mask, I could see what looked like the corners of her mouth rise which meant that the bastard was smiling. As the steel meat flesh I felt no resistance as the man just seemed to melt into smoke in the blink of eye.

"What the fuck?"

Wide eyed I tried to piece together what had happened, only to feel pain explode from my left lower back.

I grit my teeth at the pain but it was not a new experience for me having been stabbed numerous of times in the past. So without a sound I reversed my grip on the sword and stabbed backwards at the man who had somehow gotten behind me. I felt the metal leave my body and my blade jerked sideways as the bastard once again deflected my attack.

Rolling forwards I put some distance between my attacker and I only to see he was upon me again. He swung his blade so fast I barely registered I had gained a deep cut across my chest before another was aimed at my throat. Bringing the Chinese sword up to repel the attack I felt some resistance before I heard the sound of metal hitting pavement. It had done what I wanted and protected me, but I barely contained my shock as the hardened and tempered steel that made up the lethal blade had been cut in two.

I expected another follow up attack, yet I glanced at my opponent to see he had stopped his advances altogether. He was looking between me and the now ruined blade. Holding out his arms, he then proceeded to slowly clap his hand together in mock applause while still holding his knife.

"My you really are so bloody stubborn aren't you little rat? You couldn't just roll over and die, no you had to go and make me work for my meal. Now I like ta' fight as much as the next man but my patience has its limits!" He yelled angrily.

Without any warning a fist flew into my gut and I could almost feel several of my organs switch places as the world went flying by. It all came to a sudden and painful halt as I hit what must have been an actual brick wall. Pain rippled through my body and my sight went hazy as I pulled my self out of the dent I made. I idly noticed the ruined sword was still clutched in my hand. Looking up I gave a sigh at seeing a now very familiar silhouette not ten feet away.

"Still alive!?"

"Still kicking asshole." I grumbled as I srumbled forward before righting myself. Every thing was sore but there was still a threat to deal with so I would just have to push through the pain for now.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" The man screamed before he was a blur once again.

It was then that I had has enough of this freak. I was the Lone Wanderer. I was the Courier. I was the Sole Survivor of the divide and ruler of the New World Empire. I was NOT going to die on some rundown street at the hands of some edgy B movie villian.

Standing up straight I felt a warmth spread through my body and all the pain was washed away. When the man was about a foot away I raised my left arm. The pipboy devise was a miracle of technology, housing computer processers, GPS, a Geiger counter, automated targeting system and atomization tech. It would make sense for its creators to want to protect the inner workings at all costs so made its casing strong enough to survive nuclear war. And so the device stopped his blade instantly and using my new opportunity I turned the broken sword into a makeshift dagger. The man's other hand shot out and grabbed my wrist in a vise like grip just when the sharp end was coming down towards his neck.

There we stood, one man trying to overpower the other. The price of losing was our life. Again this was nothing new to me.

"I…am not…going…to die...TO YOU!" I screamed in his face.

It was then that warm became overwhelmingly hot as if I had taken a direct blast from a flamer. The world around us was bathed in a bright green light and glancing down I saw a bright green six pointed star inside of a circle appear on the ground. Looking back at the attacker I saw his eyes widened in shock as there was a pressure that seemed to develop between us. It got the point that the light grew so intense it seemed to almost take a solid form and I could feel myself sliding backwards.

All at once the pressure and light condensed and exploded into a small shockwave that knocked me off my feet onto my back. Blinking the stars from my eyes I slowly sat up to see another figure standing where I had just been struggling with my attempted killer and gave a groan of annoyance.

"Oh now what?"

The new person was an odd one. There were looking at me and I could see they were around 5' 8" and of Asian decent. I couldn't quite tell what gender they were but I could hazard a guess that it was a he based on their body language. His clothes consisted of a bright red robe cover their torso while billowy black pants and boots covered his lower half. On top of that was a hardened black leather armor with golden accents that protected all the vital organs with similar looking shoulder pads with golden thread hanging down from what looked like a stylized dragons head. A black and gold helmet surrounded their head only revving the face with a golden spike jutting out the top and a red plume falling down towards his back. He walked over to me and kneeled so that we were on eye level and I could see he had a pair of soft brown eyes and a vertical scar going from his right eyebrow down to just above the corner of his lip. He was oddly handsome looking in a pretty-boy sort of way.

"You there, are you the one to summon me to this plane? Are you the one who would be my master?" He asked in an odd sounding deep voice.

I just sat there dumbstruck for a few seconds and finally realizing he had asked me a question. After another few seconds I forced out an answer.

"What…the ever living fuck… is even going on?"

At the same time we both turned our heads towards the sound of scraping feet. It was the black clad man pulling himself up to face us both, though now he was glaring at the Asian man as well now. "Oh now this is just poor taste. Summoning a Servant in the middle of our fight? Now Little Rat that's just rude. But as much fun as this is I know tha' can't win this one head on. Don't worry my friend well be meeting again real soon. Tata for now!"

He then sheathed his weapon and ran towards the alley he had come from. The new person gave a low growl before pulling out a sword from his waist that I hadn't seen before. It was similar in shape to the officer's sword I had been using but the blade was much cleaner and the handle was a beautiful gold coloring with a soft brown leather grip. "You attack my Master so arrogantly yet flee as soon as you encounter another servant? You cowardly dog I will end you!"

The armed man ran after the retreating killer with a speed to surpass a deathclaw's and his blade at the ready. Shaking my self out of the stupor I lunged for my fallen pistol and had it in hand just as the Asian caught up with black and purple garbed man. With a swing of the blade so fast I hardly saw his arm move his strike cut through the brickwork and if my eyes weren't deceiving me made the entire building shift backwards and almost buckle from the blow. Unfortunately the shadowy man leapt above the strike and avoided the blow.

Too bad he didn't avoid mine.

Not letting the display of absurd strength distract me, I took aim at my target. The man was in mid air and had all his attention focused on the Asian man. He had only just noticed me on the ground with a pistol pointed right at him when I pulled the trigger. He attempted turn his body while in the air to avoid the piece of metal going faster than sound but only succeeded in having the bullet pierce his right shoulder instead of his chest.

With a cry he fell back to earth on his back and rolled away from the closest threat that was the Asian man and into the alleys shadows. While clutching his shoulder in pain, he sent one last hate filled glare with his one good eye my way before giving an ungodly sounding howl of rage. As son as he stopped the shadows seemed to crawl around him until there was nothing but darkness and the feeling of danger that I had felt disappeared entirely. Check my pipboy's motion tracker I could not longer see any sign that he was hiding somewhere in the alley. He had just up and disappeared without a trace.

Getting to my feet, I saw the Asian man look around the alleyway before sheathing his sword and walking back towards me. Now despite the circumstances and how confused I was about this whole incident, I was perceptive enough to notice that despite how relaxed his walk was, there was a slight awkwardness to it like it was an unnatural gait.

"It seems the enemies servant has fled for now…my…Master?" He hesitated. Then again he now had the wrong end of my pistol pointed at his face so it was understandable.

"Alright buddy explanations are currently in order." I narrowed my eyes. "Who are you? Who was that? And what the fuck is going on here?!"

"Uh well that was another Servant of another Master who was no doubt sent to kill you and any other participants of the upcoming Holy Grail War. As for who I am, I am your loyal Servant that you called from the Throne of Heroes." He tilted his head in confusion in a way that kind of reminded me of a dog. "You did summon me to fight for the Grail did you not?"

"No. I most certainly did not. One moment I'm wrestling that scarecrow of a man for my life then the next there's this light, everything goes crazy and poof there you are."

We both stayed silent while I waited for a proper explanation and he seemed to be thinking on what would be the best reponse. It was a solid minute before the Asian man seemed to decide on something.

"If you would lead me back to your home I believe you and I have much to discuss."

I gave a low mirthless chuckle at that. "Please, like I'm just going to just up and trust someone I've only just meet enough to let them into my home. Especially one who's lying to me about who they are."

He seemed taken aback at the accusation I threw his way before his expression turned one into one that was a mix of determination and slight anger. "I swear too you Master that I would never betray or harm you and that you can trust me with your life. Also I have not told you any lies and am frustrated you would think I have."

I shot him a glare that let my own frustration be known. "Your right, you haven't told me anything but the truth so far, despite how confusing that truth is. No, from the moment you appeared you have been lying to me about what you are by simply acting like you had nothing to hide. Now I'm not a prideful man but I do know that I can notice things that just about anyone else would easily miss. It's one of the reasons I'm still alive."

I leaned in closer using my extra four inches of height to look down on this 'Servant'. Now that I was closer I could see the sword wielder in front of me looked like they were a year or two my junior and he had not shown any signs of being intimidated. That in itself was worthy of respect.

"First is the way you talk. A strange baritone that doesn't match your frame along with having a slight high pitch undertone. The way you walk is forced, like you want to move your hips one way but you're making yourself move them another. Despite the loose clothes and concealing armor you can't completely hide your naturally thinner and smaller stature. Those hands of your that are currently tightening on the grip of your sword are both calloused yet strangely delicate, not to mention you're obviously getting nervous about what I'm saying based on that action. Finally your helmet perfectly protects your head while allowing you to see perfectly without compromising your peripheral vision. It also hides everything but yours face which combined with your masculine looking armor and clothing would lead the less observant people into seeing you as nothing more than a slightly feminine looking man. One of these observations would be seen as a coincidence but put them all together and it paints a pretty clear picture. Now the real question is what exactly should I be calling you? Miss…?" I lowered and tucked away my weapon while I flashed her an amused and knowing smile.

'He' just stood there in front of me for a full minute, jaw open in obvious shock and disbelief. It didn't last to long before that jaw shut and those lips curled upward into a smile. Then there was laughter that started out as a chuckle before growing in volume and became less of a deep baritone and more light with a musical quality.

"Over a decade of fighting and living with veteran soldiers, master tacticians and ruthless assassins." The sword wielder said as all traces of the male voice disappeared with a much more pleasant and very feminine sounding one. "Yet not a single one had any clue that I didn't have anything dangling between my legs. Yet my new Master figures out in just a few minutes."

Reaching up the woman grabbed the helmet and lifted it up. Out came shoulder length silky hairy silky black hair that seemed to catch what little light there was on the abandoned street.

"As for what to call me? You can just call me Sabre." She smirked.

Now there I was, just standing there like an idiot. I could feel myself cheeks burning and I just hoped that she couldn't see them in the poor light. This lady, Sabre I mentally reminded myself, was one of the most beautiful women I had ever laid eyes on. She was cute with the helmet on yet somehow just letter her beautiful glossy hairy free she had gone from cute to down right gorgeous. Even the scar that normally retracted from her looks only gave her a more wild beauty. Realizing I had been staring longer than I meant to I raised my fist to mouth and faked a cough.

"W-well Sabre it's nice day to meet you. Obviously I don't want you calling me Master, honestly that's sounds like something that belongs in Gomorrah. You can just call me James, James Cooper. You have a lot of explaining to do."

End of the chapter right here and yes I made our resident protagonist is not just the player character of not one, not two but three fallout games. Really adds some new levels of insanity when you make one man go through all that. Now yes he was able to fend off that one Servant but as it stands he can't go toe to toe with the other more powerful ones, at least not right now. Who knows what James could do to even the odds in his favor? Oh wait, I do.

Now I'll get right out and say that there will be lots of OC servants and masters. There won't be any returning heroes from past wars but that adds a new level of fun for you guys to try and figure them out before their true identities are revealed. And of course there will be plenty of villains to take down and what fic would be complete without a bid bad doomsday threat?

Now please leave a review and if I get any of the Type Moon lore wrong could you guys gone asynchronous on me? Shit is confusing sometimes.

Anyways have a great day!