I don't own anything you recognize as CLAMP's.

Warning: mention, although not really graphic, of suicide. If that triggers you, please skip the italics at the beginning. It's just a small introduction to show how she dies.

This was inspired by Rabbit of the Moon by The Butterfly Defect and Sakura by Darkpetal16 I absolutely adored those stories and they were what led me to have this idea so if you see any similarities, it's because I've read it way too many times.

She's standing on the edge of the bridge, not even holding. Just staring the water below.

I'm tired, she thinks.

She just wants it to end. She doesn't want to continue like this. The wounds on her back are still fresh and still send a wave of pain all over her body. She tries to warp her thin, bony arms around herself but they don't do much against the wind and the cold.

She feels so alone

She doesn't have anything, anyone.

Her own mother doesn't care about her, never did. Because if she did, she'd stop or at least protest against him when uses his hands to mark her own daughter's body and not in the beautiful way. It hurts, hurts so much knowing that you're nothing to your mother, the one person who's supposed to love you unconditionally. Well, she was a mistake so she can see the reason why for the resentment. Her mother had been so young and brillinat, college and her whole life ahead of her until she met him and it all went to shit.

She supposes that doesn't matter anymore. Her mother wanted her gone since she was born and it took her seventeen years to realize that her mother's right.

I'm going, she thinks closing her eyes and spreading her arms to each side of her.

It took her seventeen years but she's finally here.

She'll finally have what she's wanted since the first time he locked in her own room without food and water for days.


And she lets herself fall, smiling at the though of drowning her way to freedom.

I'm so, so tired.

The water is cold and it chills her bones. She remains with her eyes and mouth closed, despite the way her body's survival instincts is trying to make her open it to breathe out the non-existent air into her burning lungs.

But despite the way the cold water was slowly leading her to her death, this was the most safe she felt in years.

Death had been peaceful somehow.

There had been no stress, anger or darkness. It had been warm, wrapping my whole being like an embrace. I don't know how to explain how I was aware but it was like I was there, in the nothingness and wasn't at the same time. But either way, it didn't last long. I was pulled by something that I can't describe what and I didn't have any forces to fight back.

I wanted to remain in the peacefulness that was death.

But then I was pulled and then shoved into this place that I can't describe? It felt oddly familiar? but I quickly understood that it's a small space and that I wasn't alone. There was someone, something? with me and it felt like it was afraid? but then again so was I. I reached out for the other being but the moment I touched it, I felt it struggle against me, against this place and without thinking, I fought back. Call it survival instincts (do I even still have those? Aren't I dead?) or whatever but I just fought back.

With my mind or body or whatever was going on, I fought with whatever I was left.

Suddenly, the small presence, like a young child's maybe? started shrink and shrink and I was growing stronger and stronger, not sure with what, but there was something passing onto me and my head is filled with so much.

The many different characters and words of Japanese began filling my mind, faces and people I've never seen before but slowly grow to understand who they are. A woman with long silver hair and green eyes. She's so still, like she's a photograph? but her smile is so warm like the sun. The word Mother associates with her almost instantly but she's not my mother. A tall man with brown hair and equal brown eyes that is almost never home but I still feel this warm feeling when I saw his face. Father, the unknown feeling seems to tell me but he's not my father. Another man but he's much younger than Father with darker hair and eyes and there's this annoyance and care associated with him, along with the words Older Brother but I don't have any siblings. A young girl with long grayinsh-violet hair and purple eyes that seems to always be with a camera and smiling. Best friend. The words associate with her the best. And there's this other man, a tall man with silver hair and eyes the same color and the feeling of crazy heartbeats and blushes is what I could associate more with him. The person that is hold most dear but he's not that to me. There's tons of other people but those are the ones who stand out the most. The memories were so many, like a life of them.

But they're not my memories.

They're someone else's.

My mind seems to slowly get used to the tons of information but it doesn't process it as immediately as I'd thought. It's like the memories are there, in the back of my mind but I can't easily access them. Not that I want them. They're not mine! Why did I see them? I don't understand. It's not like I was reborn or thrown into someone's- Oh.


And then, it was like it suddenly clicked.

The being that had been with me had been the owner of these memories. The being that I fought against and slowly disappeared. They left behind these memories and I absorbed them because there wasn't anyone else. Anyone else but me. Me, a seventeen year old kid who just couldn't deal with living anymore was brought into someone's mind, absorbed them which is almost the same as killing them and is now in their place.

I just killed someone.

I just took over someone's body.

I killed myself to be free but death- or whoever the fuck was in charge of this crap! - decided that it'd be nice to screw me over and make me take someone's life?

Is this some sort of punishment for taking my life?

I take my life before my time and whoever is in charge decided to place me in someone else's body, essentially killing them instead just for hell of it?

The universe has a sick sense of humor.

I noticed that there's not a SI story in this fandom (if there is, I haven't found it) and even though that many fans are not fond of OCs, I've had this idea in my mind for a while so I just want to get it out.

But my inspiration for this story is big so I'll probably be writing the next chapter fast if everything goes well.