One by one these ruby eyes vampires accepted to witness for us. I was extremely grateful, they were putting their lives on the line. I would never forget what they're sacrificing for our sake. Because of this war, I met a lot of new vampire friends. They were all good people, very funny, good, so full of life. My new best friends are Benjamin and Garrett. Those two are like Jasper and Emmett, serious yet childish.

We were outside greeting the newcomers when I heard a car pull up. I knew it must be Carlisle since he and Esme were the last ones to come. Edward, Bella and I walked over to them as they came out of the car. And they weren't alone either. A dirty blonde hair man was with them. I sigh, another red eye, what up with them having human-eating vampires. Couldn't they have more goldeneye friends like Kate and the rest? Edward playfully bumped my shoulder, shaking his head with a low laugh.

"How many came?" Carlisle asked Edward while the blonde dude stood behind. He was attractive no doubt about that. I'm guessing since he stayed back, he isn't a people person?

"Eighteen, you have really good friends" Edward reply and Carlisle nods. Esme looks over at Bella.

"And Alice?" Bella shakes her head and Esme hugs her. Alice was Bella's favorite but as for me, Rosalie was mine. I had always gotten along with Rose. Maybe it was because we both didn't really like Bella and Edward together, at first. So naturally, when Alice and Jasper disappeared, Bella took it the hardest.

"We'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run, that's why you brought me here for, Carlisle? What friend you are." The blonde man spoke up. Carlisle started to walk up the steps of the house, before taking another step he turns to him.

"Alistair, come and meet everyone." Oh so his name is Alistair, it has a nice ring to it. Shaking his head.

"I already told you, if it comes to a flight. I won't stand against the Volturi. I'll be up in the attic," he said. I watched him jump up to the attic, I turn to Carlisle with a small smile.

"Not a people person?" I asked and Carlisle laughed a bit and nods. We all go inside the living room where the rest of the vampires were. I watched them talking amongst themselves, but I couldn't help but think about that dirty blonde hair man. What was his problem? I understand that this is dangerous but he didn't need to be all rude about it. I wonder if he's still up there. I look up to the ceiling, getting up and started to walk to the attic. Lost in my own actions, I didn't see the smirk Edward and Emmett were giving me. I also didn't realize that at the moment I stood up it got silent.

Walking up to the attic, I wasn't thinking of what I was going to say. I just wanted to see him. Maybe he's alone? I stood by the door for a second, deciding if this was a good thing. But just like that, I made up my mind to try and befriend this lonely vampire. I opened there door, walking inside, I didn't even get the chance to walk halfway when a rough voice stopped me.

"What are you doing here, child?" Well, that was rude.

"I may be young compared to you but I am not a child," I tell him with a pout. At that moment I realize I was acting like a child and tried to act more mature.

He didn't reply nor did he come out to show himself. I couldn't see him even with my vampire eyes, he must be hiding behind something. But that didn't mean I couldn't hear him or smell him. He smelled good, just like the forest. He must spend most of this time in the woods hiding. I started to walk around the attic, trying to find him. I mean how hard is it to hide in this small attic. There wasn't much room, out of nowhere he was behind me. He pushes me to the wall, turned me around so I could face him. Both of my hands were above me, his right hand pinning them on the wall, his left hand holding my waist. He was staring at my eyes, looking for something, I didn't know what it was. His ruby eyes starting at my golden eyes, making me feel something I haven't felt.

"Young and inexperienced," he says. But it sounded somewhat like disappointed and amuse.

"E-excuse me," I said stuttering. What did he mean by inexperienced? He didn't say anything, just stared at me. He took a deep breath, it was like he was taking in my scent. After a while, he let go and took three steps back. I just stood there, trying to understand what was going on.

"You can leave now, I want some peace and quiet," he tells me. He didn't even give me a chance to reply, he already left me there. What the hell just happened?

I walked down the stairs. I was beyond MAD, who the hell does he think he is. First, he hides from me, pushes me to a freakin wall, smells me and then leaves me without another word. I didn't know that I was stomping my foot as I was walking outside. Mumbling how rude and annoying he was being.

"What happened?" Bella asks looking amused. I rolled my eyes

"Nothing happened," I said before looking up to where the attic was. I sigh and looked away. Really what was his problem?

"Come and practice with me," Bella said as she hugged me from behind. Bella is taller than me. Honestly, if you compare Bella and me, you wouldn't believe that we were twins. She's the taller, skinnier twin. She was 5'7 while I stood at 5'3. I was curvier but I liked the way I looked. We look and act different but that's okay. We're twins and that will never change. We discovered that she's a shield, which means she can protect herself from any mental powers. We're trying to see if she can protect someone else besides her. At the moment it's not going good, but I have faith that she can do it.

On the other hand, my gift is that I can stop someone else's gift. The downside is that I have to touch the person in order for it to work. We discovered it when Jasper and I were playing around and I accidentally stop his gift of feeling others emotions. It freaked me out because when my hand touched Jasper he froze. It shocked him because he didn't even feel the thirst for killing someone. So whenever we're out in public, I hold his hands. Alice said that it's okay because I'm helping Jasper but I shouldn't get any ideas. I laughed at her, I mean Jasper is one good looking vampire but he wasn't my type. I am the only one without a mate in my coven. They joke that I'm the new Edward but honestly I never thought of having a boyfriend since I turned. I don't want to turn anyone and I don't want to make someone choose between me and being human, leaving their family. I couldn't and I won't, I didn't want to be a vampire but I didn't have a choice. Victoria got to me before anyone else. Sam didn't want me to die so he asked Carlisle to change me, just this once he'll forget about the treaty if he saves me. Carlisle agreed because he believed I deserved to live to continue on and I am grateful. Not only Carlisle but to Sam as well. He let Carlisle change me, despite being the alpha and knowing about the treaty, he didn't care about that. He let his friend live and that is all I matter.