Disclaimer: I do not own the amazing Gakuen Alice.

A Pocket Full of Dreams

He got nothing but his hopes and dreams. She got everything but her freedom. He teaches her how to break free while she helps him reach his dreams.

Chapter 1: Where dreams are made of

"Prime Minister Yukihara had just arrived from the UN Climate Change Conference which concluded in Germany. He also made a moving speech about global warming and its devastating effects, remembering those who perished in the 2011 tsunami that took place in our nation," the blond newscaster delivered while a video of the prime minister was being showed.

Natsume turned off the television in front of him and stood up. He glanced once again at his watch contemplating if he still has enough time to cook or just buy a piece of bagel and eat it while he is on his way to his interview.

"Let's see," he opened his small fridge and only saw a piece of cucumber, some green leafy vegetable, and four eggs.

He closed the fridge while clicking his tongue at the sad state of his fridge. He grabbed his jacket and house keys and decided that it is better to leave now then be caught in the morning rush.

"Not that there is something to steal here," he muttered to himself as he successfully locked the door of the small room he rented. His room was the smallest out of a hundred in the tenement where he was the living and his was also the cheapest. He was lucky enough that the owner turned the supplies closet to a room. It only has a bed, a gas stove where he cooks his food, a small fridge and a small closet. He did not mind having a small space since he did not have much either.

He's used to this kind of life, the life of having nothing. He came from a poor family who still lives in the small town of Shirakawago. He left the town to find opportunity in Tokyo and hoped to get into a university. He always wanted to be a lawyer but life wasn't on his side. The city life is quite unforgiving even if juggling three jobs, it was only enough to sustain the city life and send a measly amount back to his family.

That is why when he heard that Narumi Anju, the owner of Anju Fashion House, has taken it to himself to offer a scholarship to study in Alice University to one lucky person, not just for a discounted fee, but for an all expense paid schooling, he immediately applied.

Alice University is the most prestigious university in Japan and because of its name and the brand of student it produces; it comes with a high price. Studying and ultimately to graduate there will change his life.

It was still 6 in the morning and his interview was at 8 but he decided that it was better to be early. Maybe he can impress the interviewer with his punctuality. He was smart, he knows that, but so are hundreds of applicants who wanted to get the scholarship.

It wasn't long when he arrived at the Tokyo Plaza Hotel where the interview will be held. He let out a huge breath before entering and went straight to the conference hall.

"And I thought I was early," Natsume said while he raked his fingers in his raven hair while taking the 45th seat. Yes, he was already the 45th person who arrived.

He looked around observing his so called competition. Everyone was busy with something, some are practicing what they' re going to say, others are busy with their phones probably catching up with the latest news, while others keep on fixing their clothes.

"Does anyone have a tissue?" Natsume turned to direction of the voice and saw a blond guy frantically asking everyone for tissue.

He noticed the stain in the blond's shirt and knows it would give a bad impression.

He saw no one bothered to help the guy and realized that everyone here is a man for himself. He even saw a girl hide her box of tissue in her bag. He could only shake his head in disagreement as the atmosphere has become very competitive. He mused, the misfortune of one becomes the stepping stone for others.

"Sorry to bother you but do you have tissue or I don't know, by miracle, a shirt?" the blond asked him.

"I don't have one but—," Natsume paused as he removed his jacket. "-This would cover that," he offered his jacket.

"Thank you," the blond said as he sat beside Natsume.

Natsume just nodded in response.

"Not much of a talker, are you? You know I saw that girl hide her box of tissue as if helping others would destroy her chances of getting that scholarship. Why did you help me? Let us say, what if I was the one given the scholarship? Would you still give me this jacket?" the blond rambled on as he tried to start a conversation.

"I believe in fair chance," Natsume did not even bother looking at his seatmate. He just put both of his hands at the back of head and leaned back.

"You're a good guy. I wouldn't be shocked if you're the recipient of the scholarship and I really would be happy if it is you. You deserve it better than these people. I hate when people treat you differently just because you are a nobody but the moment they know that you are popular or can get something from you, they treat you nicely," the blond guy heaved a sigh after his rant as he ruffled his hair.

Natsume couldn't help but look at the rambling blond. What the blond was saying was definitely true but the way he said it appears to be more personal rather than a general observation.

"You experienced it yourself?"

"Well you saw what happened no one bothered to help but if they know-" the blond paused debating to himself, whether he should continue or not. "I think it's my cue to go," he stood up not bothering to continue what he was about to say.

"You are not an applicant" Natsume said a matter-o-factly.

The blond grinned, "No but see you in Alice University. Word of advice, don't suck up to the interviewer, he will know," he walked but turned to Natume once again. "And oh! Purple is better than violet," he then just walked out leaving a confused Natsume trying to absorb what just happened.

Narumi could have just asked someone else to interview the applicants; he was a very busy man after all, the owner and head designer of House of Anju, the best fashion house in Japan. He always has a knack for fashion but what made his designs the best was that he goes beyond what is normal, eccentric as others might call, but in the world of fashion he is called a visionary.

But Narumi is not just a designer; he is also a professor in Alice University. He loves teaching just as much he loves his clothes.

"Call the next person," Narumi who was clad in a metallic violet suit said.

A girl arrived adjusting her glasses to hide her nervousness.

"So Miyuki, what do you of think of my outfit?"

"Is this a part of the interview?" a nervous girl asked.

"What do you think?" he asked while playing with his swivel chair like child.

"It looks good?"

"Is that a statement or a question?" the swivelling stopped and he just flashed her with one of his killer smiles—as he calls it.

The girl suddenly stood up and cried. She cannot anymore take her nervousness and the metallic suit was making her nauseous.

"Narumi, do you really have to do that?" his secretary asked.

"Yuna, I did nothing wrong. In fact I was being my friendly and fabulous self," Narumi said flicking the pen in his hand. "Oh, call the next person,"

"Hyuuga Natsume, come in," Yuna called Natsume and guided him to the room where Narumi was.

Natsume sat on the chair opposite of Narumi and found the latter in his glorious metallic violet suit.

"So Natsume, what do you think of my suit?"

Natsume clearly did not expect such question. He thought he was going to be asked about his high school education, his family background or at the very least, his favourite subject..

Purple is better than violet.

He remembered the weird advice that a blond guy told him an hour earlier. He almost slapped himself for not recognizing it earlier. He felt dumb.

The man in front of him was blond, the guy earlier was also blond, albeit the former was older. Natsume was now sure that they are related.

Taking a deep breath, he just hoped that what he was going to say would not bite him in the ass.

"Purple is better than violet,"

"I knew it. Purple was much a better choice but I just have to wear violet," Narumi said with much disgust as if he made the worst choice ever.

"You know most of the applicants just told me that the outfit looked good. Their answer was really boring,"

"Sir, the interview," Yuna reminded his boss who was now deep in thought.

"Oh yes, sorry. So I'm not going to ask you something that the papers has already provided," Narumi got the papers and showed it to me put it back in his table as if reading them.

The interview went on and Narumi continued to ask the weirdest of questions that he could come up, ranging from questions like which do you prefer blond or brunette—in which almost all of the applicants answered blond since the one asking was blond except for Natsume who answered that he has a thing for brunettes—to which pizza place is the best.

"I think that is all," Narumi clasped his hand.

Natsume was about to stand up when a knock was heard. He wondered if it is another interviewer and grimaced remembering he skipped breakfast. Yuna opened the door revealing a younger blond male. It was the blond from earlier and Natsume can't help but feel a tiny bit of hope things will go in his favor.

"Ruka, my favourite nephew, you're here," Narumi hugged Ruka and ushered him to sit opposite of Natsume.

"I heard you were here interviewing potential Alice University students. I just dropped by to see how it's going," Ruka looked at Natsume knowingly.

"Oh, I just finished my interview with this fine young lad, Natsume Hyuuga. You want to ask him something, help your uncle out?" Ruka just shook his head in disagreement.

Natsume just remained silent in his seat observing them when Ruka turned to face Natsume and offered his hand. "Nice to meet you again, Natsume. I'm Ruka." Natsume shook Ruka's hand.

"You know each other?" Narumi asked wide-eyed.

"No, i just met him a couple hours ago and I can vouch that Natsume here is the perfect candidate for the scholarship—" Ruka grinned and Natsume smiled at the blond's help. " the choice is still your uncle," Ruka drawled.

"I see,"

" Well, uncle, I must go now. I've got prior business to attend to," Ruka stood up and went out while Narumi was in deep thought absorbing what Ruka had just said.

"So Mr. Hyuuga you will just receive an email if you got the scholarship or not in a week," Yuna immediately said when Narumi was still grinning at Natsume.

Serina ushered Natsume out and called for another applicant.

Natsume reminded himself that if luck really is in his favor and he gets the scholarship, he should really thank Ruka once they meet again. But he also reminded himself that even if Ruka puts a good word for him, the decision is still with Narumi. He just sighed at how close his dreams are but the uncertainty of getting it, gives him another smack of reality. He can do nothing but wait. He glanced at his watch and remembered he hasn't eaten breakfast and was already time for lunch. Damn, he was starving.

Author's note:

The characters might be a bit OOC than the Canon because i feel like without Alices their personalities will be a bit different. Don't worry i'm still, as much as possible, going to stick to their characteristics and personalities in the canon.

Anyways i hope you find time to review. I will really appreciate it.