"Mom?" Dash asked, looking for a private moment all evening during their stay-in family weekend following Elastigirl's return.

"Yes sweetie?" Helen taking note of the piped down reservation she never before recalled hearing from her son.

"What do you do?" he began. "If people at school ask?"

Helen had to pause for a second. They would still need a cover despite Supers being legal. "Your father and I haven't decided yet. We'll come up with something before summer's over though."


Helen found it odd that Dash was being so forward looking.

"How about when we meet somebody beforehand?"

This time it was Helen who replied with "Oh."

"If we do, I mean," Dash regretted asking immediately and was fortunately saved by Bob calling everybody back into living "cave" to resume the movie.

Later that night, Dash found himself unable to really sleep. The movie went on for a while, with Violet and he nodding off before the end, and even Jack-Jack. However, he was fully awake now following a knock on the door from his mom checking in. He felt she wanted to bring up what they were talking about earlier, but he must have looked tired enough that she pushed it to another time.

Now awake, he made his way to the favorite part of his new room. Pillow at hand, he settled into a large, tall nook for a window. He was small enough to comfortably put his feet up and gaze outside at the moon.

A moment from what was now the previous day coming into mind.

They stayed on top that mountain for quite a while, again talking about this and that. Everything of little consequence, it being summer after all.

"We should get going," sighed Mandy as the sun was about a quarter of the way from fully setting. She greatly enjoyed the view that Dash took her to. She commented how they should picnic here one day. There were some large rocks to lay against, though the lack of shade was unfortunate.

As she rose first, Dash looked up at just the right moment to see Mandy being lit from behind, her red and orange hair appearing like soft flames of dying fire.

"What's up?" she having no particular clue as to why there was an awed expression on his face.

"Noting," Dash replied — thinking that he was caught for gazing — as he got up, but ended up standing face-to-face, or rather the head shorter that he was compared to her.

"No seriously?"

"It's kinda dumb."

"Try me," a defiant look on her, but her actual lack of seriousness revealed by the amusement in her voice.

"Your hair looked liked it was on fire for a second."

She smiled a smile that emboldened Dash to add, "It was the most stunning thing I'd ever seen."

"Oh," Mandy replied, awed herself at the reply. Flushed cheeks joining the hair, while Dash awkwardly stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Race you down," Dash interjected, with Mandy eventually following. The actual racing was confined to a minute or two, and afterwards they quickly found themselves side-by-side walking back down.

They stopped at the tree, their tree really, the sun a wisp on the horizon.

"Today was really fun, thanks for taking me up there," said Mandy, leaning against the bark.

"Yeah, never really had a chance to stop and appreciate the view," due to the fact that it was always just a spot for him to run to and come back from.

"I guess I should, oh! Can I get your number?"

"Yeah!" before she transitioned that to "Oh... hasn't been installed yet. Sometime next week, Monday, I think. Hard to get anybody up here."


"Yeah," an awkward pause permeating. "So, I'm busy this weekend, well every. The family thing, but same time Monday!?" Mandy asked, hoping that her loneliness and boredom wasn't too apparent.

"Definitely," he replied, happy that she wanted to hang out with him again.

"Ok, so."

"Have fun with your weekend thing."

"Thanks, same with your mom getting back."

Neither really knew how to say goodbye, each instead continuing the conversation with increasingly minor observations and things they remembered.

After a pause in which they finally ran of things to delay saying bye, Mandy awkwardly patted the side of his arm and quietly said "see you."

"Bye," with more of a smile upon his face.

Thoughts please, is the story moving too quickly?