Master Oogway and Master Shifu were at the Jade Palace in moment of peace in the Valley of Peace. Master Shifu check the palace grounds when there was a knock on the palace door. He opens the door to see a bundle laying there with a note saying 'please take care of my baby Tai Lung and love him like he is your own'. Shifu takes baby Tai Lung in and feeds him. Oogway watched Shifu take care of Tai Lung.

Tai Lung turned 8 years and started training in Kung Fu. Shifu was becoming proud of him learning the arts of Kung Fu. He read him bedtime stories until he fell asleep. Shifu loved him like his own son. Reading the thousands scrolls of Kung Fu. Shifu told him that best warrior of China is called the Dragon Warrior. Tai Lung smiles "I want to grow up and become the Dragon Warrior."

As the years go by Tai Lung was taking on bandits and villains growing more powerful. After he mastered the thousand scrolls of Kung Fu. He told his father "I'm ready to be named the Dragon Warrior. Shifu smile "I think you are ready for the scroll of the Dragon Warrior. Oogway look at him and says "he only sees blackness in his heart and doesn't have a pure heart like the Dragon Warrior needs to remain good."

Tai Lung trash the village in rage and storm the Jade Palace to leave a message vowing to return when the true Dragon Warrior is revealed and destroy him. Tai Lung disappeared after that never to be heard from again. Oogway watched in horror as Tai Lung disappeared leaving the village in fear of one day he would return and destroy the village. Shifu shut down from losing the child, he grow to love and care dearly.

(Gongman City)

Shen was in love with Kung Fu and liked fireworks. His parents began to worry about their son. So they hire a soothsayer to see what his future would be. She did her potion to see Shen's future "if Shen continues on this path of darkness, he would be defeated by warrior of black and white." Shen outrage left to the panda farming village destroy every panda in sight. Lotus came crawling out of his house.

Li Shan fight off Shen's Wolf army. He tells his wife "take our son runaway from here." Lotus watch his mother carry him through the forest running away from wolves. She sets him in a radish basket and kiss his forehead bye and leaves him. A delivery man picked up the baskets of vegetables for the Village of Valley of Peace he look up to see wolves chasing something black and picks another basket to discover a baby panda in it, "you'll be safe in place guarded by Kung Fu masters."

(Valley of Peace)

The delivery man leaves the basket of radishes to the shops but leaves the panda basket in the alley in front of Mr. Ping's Noodles shop with a note for the masters at the Jade Palace. Half hour later Mr. Ping's walks out back to the alley to collect radishes, but there were no radishes only a baby panda. Mr. Ping looks around to see no one around and looks at the basket to see a note: "bandits attack his home. He needs to be kept safe."

Ping leaves a trail of carrots into the shop and gives him a bath, feeds him, cooks food for the restaurant and feeds him again. After a few days of taking care of the baby panda, Mr. Ping decides to keep him as his son and name him Po. When Po turned 5, Mr. Ping started showing him how to cook. One day Master Oogway came into the shop to talk to Mr. Ping, "how are you doing my old friend?"

Ping smiles "me and Po are doing good." Oogway sighs "it's sad that his village was wiped out, but I think it would be best to wait until he is ready to accept his destiny." Mr. Ping ask "how are you going to protect him?" Oogway sighs "he would have to ask for training to learn Kung Fu." Mr. Ping gasped "Po learn Kung Fu?" Po came walking in and sees a turtle and says "good morning Master Oogway, how are you doing?"

Oogway smiles at the panda child, "I'm doing good, Po." Po leaves to go play in his room. Oogway looks at Mr. Ping and ask "does he ask about his real parents?" Mr. Ping sighs "no, I told him that he was born from an egg." Oogway smiles "as long as he doesn't find out that his parents were killed, the better he would be." Mr. Ping sighs "I just wish he could make a friend. He has no friends here, since being the only panda here in the village."

(Bao Gu Orphanage)

Mrs. Zhi open the door to see a baby tiger girl wrapped in a blanket with a note. Mrs. Zhi looks at the note and reads 'take care of her.' Mrs. Zhi brought her inside the orphanage. As days go by the tiger girl was named Tigress. When the other children saw her with claws and teeth, they started fearing her. She was stronger than any of the children her age. Soon the caretakers started getting scared. They named her Tigress the Monster.

Mrs. Zhi put her in a room with a steel door and locked it. When it was playtime she would play alone chasing butterflies. Some of the other children tease her and others would run from her when she tried talking to them. When she was sent to her room just for a child scream in fear of her, she would hug herself and cry. Mrs. Zhi didn't know what to do with Tigress.

Caretaker scared to be around her because she started getting angry when she broke things or they run from her. Most of the time she stayed under her bed hugging herself hoping that someone would want to be her friend. At night she would go to the window and look at the stars in the sky. She hides under her bed believing that she is destined to grow up alone.

(Mr. Ping's Noodles shop)

Mr. Ping smile "Po, come on, we are visiting Bao Gu Orphanage today." Po smiles "coming dad." Mr. Ping and Po push the noodle cart to the orphanage. Hour later they arrive at Bao Gu orphanage. Mr. Ping knocks on the door. Mrs. Zhi opens the door to see a goose and a baby panda and ask "are you Mr. Ping and Mr. Po?" The goose smiles "I'm Mr. Ping and this is my son, Po" pointing at the baby panda.

Mrs. Zhi opens the door and says "come on in then." Mr. Ping pushes the cart inside the orphanage. As Mr. Ping feeds the children bowls of noodle soup, Po was feeling uncomfortable with the kids staring at him. Some started teasing a little so Po left to explore the orphanage. He looks at rooms inside the building until he comes across a room that had a steel door. He check the door to see it locked, so he picked the lock.

Po slowly opened the steel door and ask "is someone in here?" A set of orange amber eyes shine through the darkness under the bed and says "who are you and what are you doing in here?" The panda nervously replies "my name is Po." The eyes stare at him and snarls "you better leave before the monster gets you, Po." Po ask "who are you?" The eyes come out and snarl "I'm a monster. Tigress The Monster!"

Po nervously replies "your a little girl tiger." Tigress nervously ask "your not afraid of me?" Po ask "should I be afraid of you?" Tigress growls "yes, because I have these things" showing him her claws and teeth. Po smiles "no, I'm not afraid of you. Besides your a tiger, your supposed to have claws and teeth. Plus for a girl tiger, your pretty." Tigress blushes at the compliment and before he could say something, she rushes into him giving him a hug whispering "thank you for calling me pretty."

Mrs. Zhi walks down the hallway and stops to notice Tigress's door is open and peeks inside to see Tigress hugging a panda boy. Tigress breaks the hug and says "that's the first time I ever hugged someone who showed me affection." Po ask her "do you want to play with me?" Tigress sighs "I don't think that would be a good idea, because I'm stronger than I look."

Po smiles and taps her with his finger and says "that's how you touch someone to get their attention. Now you try." Tigress lightly touch him with her paw finger and ask "did that hurt?" Po smiles "no, you did good. Do you want to play tag?" Tigress smiles "sure, let's play tag." Po and Tigress spent the rest of the morning playing tag together. Mrs. Zhi left them alone to play together and went back to watch the other children.

Afternoon came and Mrs. Zhi knock on Tigress's steel door to get Po and Tigress's attention. Po and Tigress look at the door to see Mrs. Zhi standing there. Po smiles "hi Mrs. Zhi, me and Tigress were playing." Mrs. Zhi smiles "I saw you two playing together. Po, your dad is ready to leave to go back home." Tigress sighs "bye Po, it was fun playing with you while it lasted."

Po sighs "hey Tigress, what's wrong?" Tigress sighs "your the first person that isn't afraid of me and played with me and now I don't want to lose you" shedding a tear. Po hugs her while rubbing her back to comfort her. Mrs. Zhi smiles "actually Tigress, Po can come back here to play with you tomorrow and everyday when he can." Tigress smiles at Po visiting her when he can and ask "does this make us friends?"

Po smiles "yes that would make us friend." Po and Tigress walk outside to see Po off. Mr. Ping smile "oh Po, there you are, I was wondering what you were doing." Po smiles "hey dad, I was playing with my new friend Tigress." Mr. Ping smile "I'm happy you made a new friend Po and she is pretty for you." Po and Tigress look at each other and blush saying "too early for that right now." Po gives Tigress a hug saying "goodbye Tigress."

Tigress smiles "bye Po, hope I get to see you tomorrow." Mr. Ping and Po leave the orphanage heading back home. Mr. Ping smile "she seems nice, Po." Po smiles "she is a sweet, pretty tiger girl." Ping smirks "Po, do you have a crush on that tiger girl?" Po blushes "maybe, I don't know right now." Ping sighs "give it some time and let it grow." Po smiles "thanks dad for the advice."

Ping sets the cart aside and Po goes upstairs to his room to play. Ping cook some noodles and dumplings. When they were done he calls Po down for lunch. Po walks downstairs to have lunch with his dad. After having lunch Ping helps his son practice cooking dumplings. Po burnt one dumpling and made another too soggy. By night time came, Po was okay with cooking a dumpling.

Po went to bed thinking about his first real friend he made. Ping went to bed thinking about Po and Tigress's friendship. Next morning Ping started cooking while Po waited tables. All morning Po helped his dad in the shop. Afternoon came and Po left to go visit the orphanage to see his friend Tigress. An hour later, walking through bamboo forest, Po reach Bao Gu Orphanage.

(Inside Bao Gu Orphanage)

Tigress was chasing after a butterfly trying to pounce on it. A lion named Tingfeng walked up behind her and smirks "oh, is the little monster acting like an adorable little kitten when everyone here only sees you as a monster?" Tigress turns around to see Tingfeng and says "leave me alone, Tingfeng." Tingfeng smiles "don't think I will, instead I feel like doing this" shoving her to the ground "come on monster, get angry so everyone can hear you threaten me."

Tigress turned around and begin walking away when Tingfeng shoved her into the ground. Tigress turned around unsheathed her claws and started snarling showing her fangs. Po came and shoved Tingfeng to the ground and warned him "leave Tigress alone or I may not be around to save you next time." Tingfeng got up and left to go play with the other kids.

Po turned to see Tigress still snarling and walks up to her and hugs her tightly until she calms down. Mrs. Zhi watched Po shove Tingfeng to the ground and walked up to Tigress who was snarling, just stood there letting Po hug her. Tigress sheath her claws wrapping her paws around Po's back nuzzling into his neck and started purring. After Tigress felt better, she let go of the hug and says "let's go to my room to play tag."

Po and Tigress walk to her room and play together and laugh together. A couple of times when Po was being chased by Tigress. He stop to look behind him to see if Tigress was still chasing him only to be tackled by her. She would then lay on him and listen to his heartbeat for three minutes. When Mrs. Zhi came by to send Po back home before it got too dark, she found Tigress snuggled in Po's chest with his arms wrapped around her waist sleeping together, and left them there.