"I can't wait to get home!" Lucy said. Fairy Tail has completed their task of defeating E.R.6. and have been on the road for a month for the one thing they couldn't wait, heading home.

"I don't know. We technically didn't finish our job." Gray said. "What are we suppose to tell everyone?"

"We'll just tell them the truth and they'll understand." Erza said. "Remember what Princess Rose told us."


Upon Phantaru's defeat, the two guilds had one last meeting with the princess and Ragger so they could be thanked for all that they've done for her kingdom.

"Thank you all so much for all that you've done." Rose said. "Thanks to you, our kingdom is safe from E.R.'s wrath."

"We were glad to help in any way we could." Erza said. "So what's going to become of those we've defeated?"

"We're going to hand them over to the Magic Council and they'll decide what to do with them." Ragger said. "However, there is a slight problem. We only have six of them. The one known as Natalia managed to slip away."

"I don't think we'll have to worry about her for a while." Hitomo said. "Phantaru was the leader of her group. She probably went into hiding."

"You might be right, but now we have something bad to tell all of you." Rose said.

"We're sad to say, but we can only give each of you a fourth of the total payment." Ragger said and no one understood why they would do that. "For starters, there was some heavy damage to our kingdom." All of them glared at Natsu.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Natsu said.

"The main reason is because we asked for ALL of E.R. to be defeated and there are still three more units out there." Rose said. "You all should be proud of yourselves. You defeated one unit, something no one has ever been able to do for a hundred years."

"But won't the others retaliate?" Siena asked.

"I don't think so." Nagare said. "We were told that the separate units don't usually interact with each other. I doubt they really be coming for revenge."

"We can't thank you enough." Rose said. "For now, you all should return to your homes. You must have love ones that must be waiting for you all to return. If we ever hear anything about the other three units, we will let you know."

End of Flashback

"We might not have technically completed the job, but at least we got part of it done and it can't be helped." Erza said.

"I still think we should just go out and find the rest of that E.R. group and beat them all up." Natsu said.

"Aye! They won't know what hit them." Happy said.

"How can we do that when we don't even know where they are?" Gray said with an annoyed tone. "They could be anywhere in the world and we don't have a single clue as to where. How about you use your head for once?" Natsu was about to attack him, but Lucy grabbed his arm and had him stopped.

"Besides, I'm excited to tell Levy and the others about us." Lucy said and that got Natsu to settle down. Ever since they actually got together, Natsu actually seemed more tamed because of her.

"Speaking of Levy, I wonder how she's doing." Wendy said. "Last we heard, she and Gajeel are expecting a baby."

"I'm sure she's still holding on well. It's only been about two months." Carla said.

"I'm a little more curious if we're ever going to see Platinum Angel again. Siena and I became really great friends." Lucy said.


Now that their job was finished, it was time for the two guilds to part ways since they were from two different countries.

"So long, Lucy. I hope we get to meet each other again." Siena said as the two of them shook both hands.

"Yeah. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you, Siena." Lucy said.

"Give my bests to Makarov." Hitomo said.

"While you're at it, do something about that stripping habit of yours, Gray." Laurence said to Gray's annoyance.

"It was an honor to meet all of you. Maybe our paths will cross again one day." Erza said.

"Nagare, what do you think of us now?" Natsu said as he was expecting Nagare to have a change of attitude after the whole thing.

"I still say you and your guild are reckless fools. Let's get going." Nagare said as he and his guild started to leave. Natsu wanted to go after Nagare to fight him again, but Erza and Gray held him back.

"Come back here, jerk. I'll get you to change your mind." Natsu said, but Nagare didn't even respond to him. What they didn't know was that something unexpected at that moment.

'They are reckless fools, but they're unwavering courage and strong dedication to stand against their enemies is something admirable.' Nagare thought and actually smiled about the Fairy Tail guild.

End of Flashback

"We're here!" Happy said as they all could see Magnolia just ahead of them. They've finally arrived home. Not wanting to wait, all of them headed straight for the guild and they all happy to be back at the guild after so long.

"We're back!" Natsu shouted as he burst through the door. Right when he did, confetti and streamers were shot out.

"Welcome back!" Everyone in the guild cheered as everyone was celebrating their return. Lucy contacted Levy and Mirajane ahead of time and alerted them on when they were going to be home and everyone was thrilled to have them back.

"Gray, my love! You're back!" Juvia cried as she practically tackled him. "Gray, I missed you so much. I'm so glad to have you back."

"I missed you too, Juvia, but please stop. Everyone is watching." Gray said with him getting embarrassed.

"Welcome back, all of you! It's so glad to have you all back." Makarov said as Nest pushed him over to them. "I can't believe you were able to complete that job so quickly."

"Well, that's not exactly what happened." Erza said and she began to tell him everything that has happened. Meanwhile, Natsu and Lucy went over to the bar.

"It's so great to have you all back." Mirajane said.

"It's great to be back, Mira." Lucy said.

"So did a lot happen on that job?" Mirajane asked.

"You could say that." Lucy said as she wrapped her arms around Natsu's. When Mira saw that, she squealed in delight.

"About time." Cana said.

"Seriously, what took you crazy kids so long?" Laxus said as everyone else commented about this. While people were happy about this, Wendy found Gajeel and Levy.

"Wendy, welcome home." Levy said.

"Thank you and look at you, Levy!" Wendy said as she noticed Levy's belly a little extended. "Is the baby doing well?"

"Sure is." Gajeel said. "We still have about another seven months ago, but it will be worth it." Wendy was really happy to see them happy. Meanwhile, Erza just finished telling Makarov everything that has happened in Enchants.

"I see. This E.R. does sound like a dangerous affiliation." Makarov said. "So the job is technically not complete."

"I'm afraid not. There are still three more units" Erza said. "Princess Rose of Seven said she will inform us if she hears anything about their location."

"Well, as long as you all made it back, I say it was a job well done." Makarov said. "By the way, a new member has just joined us. You made it back at a great time because she arrived just a couple days ago."

"A new member?" Natsu said.

"Sounds great. Where is she?" Lucy asked.

"Over here." All of them looked down at the other end of the bar, but all of them were quite stunned to see who it was.

"Meet Natalia, our newest member. Isn't she something" Makarov said as he referred to her body. Natalia changed her attire as she now wore brown cowboy boots with jean short-shorts and wore a pink spaghetti strapped topped without her hat.

"She's a real hottie, isn't she?" Macao said.

"Down, Macao." Wakaba said.

"Though, you've got to admit that she would give Mira a run for her money." Bickslow said.

"What are you doing here?!" Natsu shouted.

"There's no way you're really a member of Fairy Tail!" Gray said as they were all furious that she was here.

"Oh I am. See?" Natalia said as she pointed to a green Fairy Tail emblem on her left thigh.

"Is there a problem?" Makarov asked.

"Yes. She's from E.R. She was our enemy." Erza said and that fact was a surprise to all in the guild. "I won't ask again. Why are you here?"

"Obviously she's here for some payback and to steal information about our guild." Happy said.

"You might actually be right this time." Carla said.

"That's not it." Natalia said. "If you really want to know, you have one of your two boys to thank for this."

"Is she talking about Natsu and Gray?" Lucy asked.

"I see!" Juvia said as she marched up to Natalia. "You've come here to win the heart of my beloved Gray, but you can't. He's mine and I won't let you have him!"

"Who the heck is Gray?" Natalia questioned and that damaged Gray's ego and got Juvia to back off.

"I am. We fought!" Gray said.

"Oh! You! I tend to forget men that I'm not interested in." Natalia said.

"That means you're here because of Natsu!" Wendy said.

"Of me?" Natsu said.

"That's right. You know what you did to me and I can't let it just go." Natalia said. All of them had eyes on Natsu and they were all getting the wrong idea.

"Natsu, what did you?" Macao said.

"You lucky dog." Laxus said.

"I think you mean lucky dragon." Gajeel said.

"Hang on. I didn't do anything. She kissed me and slipped her tongue in me." Natsu said and that gasped all of he just said.

"She kissed you!" Makarov said.

"She gave you the tongue!" Lucy said. Everyone was throwing words at Natsu as they were all amazed and couldn't believe that happened with someone that looks like Natalia. Natalia's laughter cut it all off.

"That's not what I meant, but it's funny what you all thought it was." Natalia said.

"Then what are you talking about?" Natsu asked.

"I'm talking about the fact you saved my life." Natalia said. When she said that, Natsu remembered he saved her from being crushed by rocks and was starting to understand. "I was all set to die, but you saved me. Now I owe my life to you and that's a debt that can't go unpaid. So I decided to join your guild."

"Yeah, but you're not staying." Gray said as he readied his magic and when Natalia saw the frost, she looked scared and backed off.

"You use Ice Magic?" Natalia said. "Stay away from me!"

"He does. You look scared." Erza said as she had Gray back down.

"Sorry." Natalia said as she calmed down. "I had a bad run in with someone that uses the same magic. That day scarred me and had me terrified of that magic."

"Then get out. You were our enemy and we don't want you here." Gray said.

"That's pretty bold talk considering a few of your members." Natalia said. "I happen to know that Gajeel and Juvia were once members of Phantom Lord, a guild that attacked Fairy Tail and wanted nothing more than for it to be destroyed. There was also Laxus. He tried to take the guild by force and ended up getting expelled. If it weren't for the short time of Gildarts being master, he might still be expelled." Hearing her brought up those bad memories made those three feel some remorse.

"Someone's done their research." Erza said.

"Did you think I would join a guild without knowing a few things? The way I see it, I fit in with a few others around here." Natalia said.

"She's got a point. She has every right to join our guild and we can't refuse her." Makarov said. "We gave them all another chance and she deserves one as well."

"Fine, but don't think this means we trust you." Gray said.

"I wouldn't expect it." Natalia said.

"Enough talk! Let's celebrate that our strongest team has returned to Magnolia!" Makarov cheered and they all celebrated the only way Fairy Tail knows how.

"This guild certainly is an interesting one. Is it always this lively?" Natalia asked.

"You could say that." Lucy said. Some changes have been made, good and bad, but Fairy Tail pulls through. The job might not technically be finished, but the adventure keeps going and there is more to come.

Book 1….End