In a magical place called Fiore, the mightiest guild known as Fairy Tail was victorious against their greatest enemy known as the Alvarez Empire. Even though they were triumphant against their enemy, the adventures in Fairy Tail are eternal.

"I know I'm sounding like a child, but are we there yet?" Lucy asked.

"Just try to hang in there, Lucy. We're almost there." Wendy said. After the celebration of Lucy having her first book published, Natsu and his friends were able to get permission to take a 100-year quest. A job that's been up for grabs for over a hundred years.

"We've been walking for almost a month. Where are we going anyway?" Lucy asked.

"Apparently, the job has been available by a kingdom known as Enchants." Erza said. "It's located in the country known as Seven."

"What is the job anyway? What did the flyer say again?" Gray said.

"It didn't say much." Carla said. "All the flyer said is that they need help against an affiliation known as E.R. and nothing more."

"That's what has me worried." Lucy said. "From the flyer, it just sounds like any other job. So why would this one be available for a hundred years? What's more is why? Why would they ask help all the way out of their country for our help?"

"Who cares?" Natsu said as he wrapped his arm around Lucy and she got a little nervous. "If it's this kind of job, that's got to mean it will be a real challenge."

"Okay, I get it! Now get off me!" Lucy said as she pushed Natsu off.

"What's your problem? You've been acting distant with me since we left Magnolia." Natsu said.

"It's nothing. Just drop it." Lucy said as she kept walking.

"Lucy, what's going on between you and Natsu?" Wendy asked, but Lucy didn't even respond. All she had was a red face. Like usual, after Lucy's celebration on her book, Natsu and Happy ended up sleeping in her home. She was a drunk mess and Natsu had to take care of her, but apparently there was more during that night that Lucy couldn't stop thinking about once her head got cleared.

"There we go." Natsu said as he finished undressing her like she said while Happy was out like a light. "Let me see if I can find you some clothes to sleep in." Before he could do anything, Lucy grabbed his arm and pulled his face to hers.

"Not yet." Lucy said in her drunk state and just pulled him right down to her as she tossed some of his clothes off.

Lucy considered that the most humiliated she's ever been because in the next morning, Natsu acted like nothing happened. It also didn't help that she told him that she was grateful for everything he's ever done for her, but he just brushed it off. He might have added a nice moment by saying they would be friends forever, but she still considered it rude.

"There it is!" Happy said. All of them made it to the top of a hill and could see the kingdom and it looked amazing.

"Beautiful! I can see why this place is called Enchants!" Lucy said.

"It might look nice, but that could easily change if we get into some fighting." Gray said.

"So where are we going for this job? I want to get started right away." Natsu said.

"The person we should talk to about this is the current prince or princess of this kingdom." Erza said. "He or she should be able to tell us all that we need to knows."

"Let's get going!" Natsu shouted as he ran out ahead of the others.

"Natsu, wait!" Wendy called out, but Natsu wasn't stopping for anything.

"What a fool. He doesn't wait for anything." Carla said.

"What did you expect? He's an idiot." Gray said and all of them followed. As they walked through the kingdom, they were all captivated by the lights and showing of magic. It was like walking through an enchanted forest.

"Wow! If it's this beautiful during the day, I wonder what it would be like at night." Lucy said.

"It might seem nice, but remember that we're not here on vacation." Erza said. "Let's head to the castle." All of them headed to the castle and it looked like it was made of marble and the top had stain glass shaped like petals to make it look like a flower.

"Beautiful!" Lucy said. "Everything in this kingdom is so captivating." All of them walked up to the front entrance where guards were staying. They crossed their spears together to keep them from going any further.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" Natsu said.

"No one is allowed inside without the princess' permission." The guard said.

"It's okay. We came here on behave of a job this kingdom has asked of." Erza said.

"Show us your marks." The guard said and all of them showed them their Fairy Tail emblems.

"They're from the Fairy Tail guild."

"Very well. The princess has been expecting you." The guards cleared the way and opened the doorway for all of them to enter. The inside was just as amazing as the outside like a work of art.

"Wow! I wish I lived here." Wendy said as they all had a look around.

"If I lived here, imagine all the fish I could have." Happy said as he was starting to drool.

"Fish can't be all you think about." Carla said.

"Excuse me." All of them looked up to a higher level and saw someone up there and it looked like a girl. "Are you the people from the Fairy Tail guild?"

"Indeed we are. Are you the princess we heard about?" Erza said.

"Yes. I'll be right down." The princess said and was on her way down. All of them went by the set of stairs for the princess to show up. She came down with an older man. The princess had brown hair tied into a tail with an elegant red and pink dress. She also didn't look that much older than the team. The older man had shaved brown hair with a navy blue cape and a pearl white toga. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Princess Rose."

"I am her trusted adviser: Sir Raggner."

"It's an honor to meet you." Erza said as she bowed to them.

"So what do you need us to do? Who do we get to fight?" Natsu said as he was excited to start right now.

"Shut up, moron." Gray said.

"Natsu, I get you're excited, but do show some respect." Lucy said.

"I see you're as energetic as I heard in your guild." Rose said. "I greatly appreciate you coming all the way from Fiore to help us."

"We were glad to come, but we do have some questions about this job. Starting with the fact as to why it's been up for a century." Erza said.

"I understand you need more information on what needs to be done, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to wait." Ragger said. "We're actually expecting more people to show up."

"More?" Lucy questioned.

"Yes. We did receive the information that members from the Fairy Tail guild would be arriving." Rose said. "However, we also received word that another guild has accepted the job as well and they'll be on their way here."

"Another guild? Who else could you need?" Natsu said. "We're from the Fairy Tail guild, the best guild there is."

"Yes. You are the best guild….in Fiore." Ragger said. "The guild who has accepted the same job is the best from the country, Iceberg. They're known as Platinum Angel."

"Platinum Angel? I've never heard of them." Wendy said.

"I have." Gray said. "They are pretty tough. Rumor is that they held the title of the strongest guild in Iceberg for nearly twenty years."

"Almost twenty years?! That is impressive." Lucy said.

"I understand this information is short notice, but this matter is a very serious situation that we thought it would be best to have two powerful guilds for such a task." Ragger said.

"You need two powerful guilds for something like this?" Lucy said and that information made her nervous. She was aware that most people don't come back alive from jobs like this one. It is comforting that another guild is helping them, but if the client thought two would be needed, she wondered what they would have to do. Just as all this was explained, the doors opened up.

"Here they are!" Rose said as they all turned around to see just who it is that will be joining Fairy Tail in this job.